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Yup, guess I'll do that, thanks :P
+100 lines of xml code!
@CCInc what did Skeet do to you?
@JohanLarsson I outdid him on an answer
A: i had this error : Error 2 Inconsistent accessibility: return type 'johny.Form1.CoOrds' is less accessible than method 'johny.Form1.toto()

CC IncAs your CoOrds class is nested within Form1, it is by default private (ie. for use only within the Form1 class). The easiest solution would be to make your CoOrds class public. public class CoOrds{ public int x, y; // ... Another alternative would be to simply un-nest the CoOrds class, namel...

@Tgys I think you might want something like <GridViewColumn.CellDataTemplate><Image><whatever ..
yeah I upvoted :) But I think the edit might be wrong, I think it is internal but not sure
that was rudi
@TomW Templates have always confused me, researching on it now :P
do you have the viewmodel code to hand? maybe I can reproduce
Now everything suddenly goes to a datagrid
@CCInc he is probably right, I'm too lazy to check it. The question is highly unreadable code btw
@TomW the whole xaml?
and the DTOs you're binding it to, yes
where do you set the datacontext and what to? presumably there's an IList<LItem> somewhere?
I'm trying to get an easy repro without having to guess too much, is all
@TomW (?)
The only thing which is relevant besides that is
`L_Listing.Items.Add(new LItem() { Icon = FolderIcon, Name = "Test", Type = "F" });`
oh...interesting, I've not seen listviews populated like that before
Well, in this case it's the most optimal way :P
and for some reason I can't get L_Listing to be accessible in the form's own constructor
It's for me, that's how I test :)
I need some winform help
Well, close enough :P
random sledge left the chat
OK, I don't understand why this isn't working. I must have screwed something up copy-pasting - none of the main window controls are in scope in the window's code-behind
@TomW Is this WPF or WinForms?
Did you set x:Name in the XAML for all the controls?
aaah. Screwed up x:Class
wut, who even uses "x"
No idea what is really does tho =P
It's the standard way IIRC.
A: In WPF, what are the differences between the x:Name and Name attributes?

chuckjThere really is only one name in XAML, the x:Name. A framework, such as WPF, can optionally map one of its properties to XAML's x:Name by using the RuntimeNamePropertyAttribute on the class that designates one of the classes properties as mapping to the x:Name attribute of XAML. The reason this ...

guess who's at work today?
meh, I see
@zneak NOT ME!
@Tgys Done.
<Image Source="{Binding Path=Icon}"/>
works on my machine!
famous last words...
Cool, it works, thanks -- so basically everything between <DataTemplate> is the content?
Ah like that, awesome :D
I suppose by default, GridViewColumn assumes that it's meant to be displaying text
So it also works with e.g. a progressbar? Value=binding etc.?
there's probably a TextBlock in its visual tree somewhere
I guess so
I see
awesome, thanks <3
no prob
working my way through these problems helps me too, maybe I'll remember it this time
hope I do as well
since I finally understand what you did :P
@TomW the good ol' learn/unlearn loop.
Alright problem #2
how to size a column to the "maximum width"?
This is kinda tight
Why does VS debugger collapse lists when items are added to them? Can it be changed?
what do you mean by maximum width?
In this image: i.imgur.com/BWYoE.png -- the Name column should be that wide so there's no empty space
(two other columns are fixed width)
@Tgys you have size to cell size to header etc. IIRC
Size-to-cell size-to-header?
nvm I misunderstood
you can use * size for columns though
Wish I could ;)
Cannot convert "*".
"Auto" is possible but isn't what I want
    <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Persons}" x:Name="dataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CanUserResizeColumns="False" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True">
            <DataGridTextColumn Width="1*" IsReadOnly="False" Header="FirstName" Binding="{Binding FirstName}" />
            <DataGridTextColumn Width="1*" IsReadOnly="False" Header="FLastName" Binding="{Binding LastName}" />
dunno. I guess 'Auto' is assuming that the amount of space it needs is the amount needed to fit the text
That works (fills the space)
1* or whatever* does not work either
Error 2 Cannot convert "1*".
Notice that @Johann Larsson has changed the columns to DataGridTextColumn
that caught me for a moment as well
anyway, I don't know about this one I'm afraid. I tried * but evidently that doesn't work.
well he uses a DataGrid
guess I gotta try that :P
You might end up needing a valueconverter I think ( to make the name column fill)
but I'm no expert
Well, first I've gotta make sure I somehow get the control "DataGrid"
Oh great
It's .net 4.0 higher only
there MUST be a way
but I'm meant to be outta here
so someone else will have to help
what's the problem?
@Tgys I've had a similar problem a long time ago. As far as I remember, it's not possible to achieve what you want without overriding/handling events of the DataGrid.
@Eve Hm
If I understood correctly you want all columns to resize to content and the last one to take all the space left, right?
All columns a fixed width, one column takes the leftover space
30, *, 100 in my case
Hey Guys
oh, changed my name and gravatar ^^
I'm BeatMe..
has anyone of you tried some heuristics solving a 2d packing problem?
I'm trying to implement a few methods using this article as a guide
works fine till the FillByStripes method on that page
specifically how I should split the area.. he added a picture, but I think the text isn't completely clear
splitting the area horizontally after placing the first object works fine, but now I'm lost
hey beatme
hi ;)
Hi Sven.
Will somebody help me?
I have this code:
  if (
      MessageBox.Show("Would you like to get all history and use that for printing?",
                      "Get History for printing?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) ==
      getHistory_Click(null, null);
      printPreviewToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null);
and I need to let getHistoryClick finish executing BEFORE printPreview is called
It doesn't?
Why not?
Here is the complete:
private void printPreviewToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (dataGridView1.RowCount < 0)
        var printer = CreatePrinter();
        printer.PreviewDialog = printPreviewDialog1;
      if (
          MessageBox.Show("Would you like to get all history and use that for printing?",
                          "Get History for printing?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) ==
Also, that code is horrible.
If you're calling event handers manually, you're doing it wrong.
Evening n00bs
Anyway, the messagebox is shown again and the printPreview is never executed
what printPreview?
      printPreviewToolStripMenuItem_Click(null, null);
Never executed?
Are you sure?
Not that I can tell, let me try again
That's so confusing. Recursively calling event handlers? baaaaaarf
Nope, the messagebox shows again
Weekend coders!
thats me
@KendallFrey is sucking_balls on my UserProfile table you?
I know you're billdr_is_a_twat. Because you're a very creative and special person.
So far on blackjack game has had 14 users, six of which have gained a positive balance.
@Billdr Nope, sucking_balls ain't me.
I'm pretty sure you're sucking_balls.
I'm not.
Alright, FINE
but you do
@Billdr a lil grumpy?
Guess I'll have to make new plans for tonight then.
@JohanLarsson Not at anyone in here. Why?
Pretty powerful entrance imo!
@JohanLarsson Just giving back some of the shit Kendall gave me. :)
Also, I'm curious who 'sucking_balls' is on my site.
Should I go sign up as something more offensive?
What did he do?
Do you have an IP?
He didn't do anything, but I can figure out who most of the people on this table are.
him and 'test123' are unknowns
I made my design!
At a pokersite there was an xpert who managed to sneak in a p*ssy as his avatar, he edited it in as the mouth of homer simpson
@Kian Very clean.
I have a problem though, try zooming in
The way it moves to the side?
@Kian spacer li?
@Tgys Yeah
I can't think of a way to have the two different sections
Just remove it and use float:right; ?
and then the whole border stuff is a bit weird
The spacer has a fixed width, while you probably just want to align them all to the right
Yeah, but then how do I get a line there for the top of the pageContainer
@Kian From what element comes the border?
Now, it comes from the pageContainer
and there's no border-bottom on the nav buttons
Just I want there to be no border between the current nav button and the pageContainer
Ah like that
(on the navbuttons)
so it overlaps the border of 1px, giving that effect
Good idea! Thanks
Don't forget to set z-indices tho ;)
Don't you mean top:1px;
Well, I never remember what direction it has to go, so I try them both and see what gives the correct result :P
looks good :)
So last night I started downloading random casino games on my phone to see how their business model works. There's one from a company that makes actual, used in Vegas, slot machines. You pay for coins. Guess what happens when you win?
Fucking nothing!
It's gambling without the up side!
@Billdr lol
Usually they give more coins in return
usable for more plays :P
You don't play slots for the rich, compelling game mechanics.
@Kian You have a lot of chemistry at school :o
Yeah :/
@CCInc you there?
@DemCodeLines Always.
I waited for you and JAB but then I couldn't find you :(
now 3 days behind schedule :D
JAB was late.
is he here right now?
Companies House are so gay, supposedly NRV Group Limited is "too similar" to NRV Services Ltd and so I can't register it. Wtf is that all about?
@DemCodeLines No, and I have to go now
I will be back in an hour or two
Let me ask this. Is it possible to paint a form onto another form, without disabling its functions?
@DemCodeLines ?
I have to go :(
@RudiVisser let me try asking you too, perhaps you will be able to help while a 100 others couldn't.
First, are you any good at winforms?
if yes, then what about vb?
I was when it was cool 2 years ago
and no, no VB
That was never cool
so you don't know vb?
Can I show form on top of another and dock it to the bottom of that form?
Of course, with your own positioning calculations or that thing with the multiple client windows
Holy crap I have no idea what it's called
I keep thinking MDF or MFC
Holy crap. It worked.
Wow, really?
(what did?)
The little system I've been working on actually compiled the HTML template into a valid JS function.
That sounds interesting
That's sweet, you going to optimise it to create DOM elements?
This actually required for me, as I want to compile templates into something a browser understands so I can do rendering on the client-side, instead of server-side. This allows me to dramatically cut down on bandwidth.
(And CPU)
MDI forms?
@DemCodeLines Damnit thank you yes
I knew it began with M
What do mean with optimise for DOM elements? It can be called and used as it is. :)
I know it can, but then you're generating HTML, using innerHTML (I assume) and letting the browser then parse back that HTML and create the DOM
So what I mean use to use document.createElement yourself, thus reducing the rendering time even more
I'll leave that up to jQuery. :P
It would be a bit too much to create complete understanding of the HTML.
I think jQuery just uses .innerHTML when you use it to create elements
Ah well, that is fine then. :P
The only browser that might suffer slightly is IE7-
Now I just need to build a full dir compiler and a cache to transfer states. :)
I need help. VS10 is building and compiling awfully slow.
And this thing started recently
Have you tried turning it off and on again? :P
What are you compiling?
(besides plain old C#, that is)
How much?
a lot
Does it have the problem when you create a new project, like a console application?
Or only for certain projects?
Well the project is quite large
Also, what is 'awfully slow'?
33 files to be exact, including full forms and classes
How many classes? How many lines of code?
10000? 100000? 1000000? More?
when i build, it says build started, the it says not responding 3 seconds later for approximately 4 seconds, then the "not responding" thing goes away 5 seconds later, it says build succeeded
about 10,000 lines total
probably less
So, it takes about 10-20 seconds?
i am not counting form designer and stuff
That, my friend, is not 'awfully slow'.
'Awfully slow' would be 15 minutes.
Or several hours for large projects.
yes, it says build started, 5 seconds later: "Not responding" then after 5,6 seconds, the not responding goes away and after 10 seconds, it says build completed
but it wasn't taking this long before
before = before i added the last form
Then the last Form is probably what slowed it down.
plus, the project is running off of usb thumb drive, could that be the problem?
That won't help at all.
That could very well be the problem.
does transparency key not work if you embed a form inside another form's panel???
Transparency doesn't work well in WinForms.
Are you wanting to see through to the desktop, or the parent form?
see through to the panel, which contains the form
And what happens? It just shows black or something?
Hi Guys,
@linguini Please don't say anything about radio buttons and data binding in WinForms
:7031161 Today it's different. How can i remove tabs from wpf??  private void RemTab(TabItem tabItemToRemove)
no, it just shows the background color of the form as it is set. But I set the transparency color to that background color too, so it would apply transparency. Except its not
@DemCodeLines You set transparency on what? The panel?
on the form
Which one?
@KendallFrey I two forms. Consider the first one as the parent form, the second one as the child form. The parent form contains a panel. Through code, I add the child form into the panel (Controls.Add()) The background of the child form is set to orange. The transparency key of that child form is also set to orange. Therefore, when the form is added into the parent form's panel, the child form should show transparency and show the background of the panel.
Right now, its showing orange, but the transparency key is not being applied, despite that being set to orange too.
Why are you using a Form? Why not a UserControl?
Forms aren't meant to be added to panels.
Let me try that. I will update you on if I get the same problem.
@KendallFrey but how would I make that transparent?
I think you would use Transparent instead of Orange
true, haha. Silly me
Keep getting The variable 'components' is either undeclared or was never assigned.
Perhaps components is undeclared or was never assigned?
Just a thought
yes, I have no clue how to fix it because the error doesn't give a file name or line
Perhaps it's just undeclared
Or never assigned, which would explain why there's no filename or line
@DemCodeLines Don't you know which line caused it?
> To correct this error: Declare or assign the variable specified in the error message.
Try a Rebuild Solution (or Clean then Build), and if that doesn't fix it, restart VS.
If I am creating a custom form which will be instantiated numerous times with different content but same layout, what is the best way to accomplish it? Create each form with the content?
Or create the Form from scratch at runtime, instead of creating a new class.
I thought of doing that, but I doubt that is efficient. Creating each form at run time? That's like making the form in the designer, copying its designer code, and then executing that code at run time.
Well, you know, the designer code is all executed at runtime too.
Ugh a USB drive is slow. Incredibly slow. Just.. don't do that.
Yeah, use a floppy drive instead. XD
Yes, I know, but instantiating a form by typing all its design code? Is that really efficient. Wouldn't just creating one form layout with code and a panel be better? That way, I can call that form a ton of times and the panel can create different content
@DemCodeLines I don't know what you're trying to do, so I can't help.
I am creating a custom form. That means take out all the default windows maximize, minimize, and close button and all the borders.
The amount of tiny changes in your form isn't going to be do anything at compile time.
With borderless blank form, I will add custom layout to it. Then, there will be content in it. The content depends on the various situations
Is a while loop faster than a for loop?
So I am thinking of creating a custom form object, and instantiating that every time i need the custom form, with different material in it.
Also, I have been programming in java, and as you know, java is a heavy object-oriented language. Creating a lot of objects there was fun, but I am not so sure about that on C#
@DemCodeLines C# is also object oriented, I'm learning java, and it seems VERY similar
@Kian why?
how do you do drop shadows on forms?
@DemCodeLines You mean like form1 casts a shadow on form2, when form1 is over form2?
drop shadow
@DemCodeLines I have no idea
@JABFreeware Because I don't want it anymore
I dont think its possible but I will search real quick, @DemCodeLines
@DemCodeLines I cant help you with the code, but it looks like it can be done, there just isnt a property for it per say
Q: Drop shadow in Winforms Controls?

Luiscenciois there a way to add a drop shadow to controls? are there any controls out there with this feature?

@DemCodeLines Why do you want to? Just curios
add a shadow
@DemCodeLines yeah why do you want to do that?
@Kian Well I dont want it either! :)
What about Command & Conquer - The First Decade (12 different games!)
@Kian Not a fan
@Kian what else you got!
Black & White 2
except that solution doesn't change anything
I have borderless form and that solution isn't changing anything
@JohanLarsson Depends.
A while loop that does the same thing as a for loop is compiled the same, and is the same speed.
@JABFreeware the answer is yes but it depends, take a look at a tutorial for IDA + hexrays and make up your mind
@KendallFrey correct you are!
@JohanLarsson well what do professeion companies use for there sensitive features
@KendallFrey ok, ty I was lazy. That is what i have for some reason I think the for loop reads better. I should really start using ILdasm or what's-it-called
@JABFreeware I'm no expert but I think they can use encrypted binaries. My opinion is not worth much though.
A for loop definitely reads better in simple cases.
@JohanLarsson thanks, but what is an encrypted binary?
All a for loop is is a while loop with 2 extra statements.
@KendallFrey ty, ty!
All a foreach loop is is a for loop that hides the iteration methods.
All a while loop is is an if and some clever gotos.
@JABFreeware I think they use it to prevent static analysis/RE of the sources. But to someone good that is probably not too much of a problem. I guess it is reasonable to say that if something is worth a lot of money it will be reversed
@JABFreeware Themida for .NET is actually quite insane.
@JohanLarsson okay thanks, Ive got to go /o
@JABFreeware :(
"Yo" C# "peeps" I "request" some "assistance".

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