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sounds like you need to show him how to do that in 2 lines of linq
He gets all the matching names from his hashtable and puts them in another hashtable, keyed by the search result number.
and how it's faster...
Then he still has to make a query to the database to get all the info for the record he's looking for, and he only ever uses the first result
It's all prettttty cool
yeah it is. if i saw that i'd be like "WOAH-HO-HO-HA-Ha-ha-ha!"
heh, and what if you had to maintain it? =P
rewrite it in linq. end of story.
I like object graphs for searching because you can recurse through them.
lol that was some poor math
probably just a lull in conversation
It'll come back. be patient (or start a fight)
don't have to be patient, just gonna go back to trying to figure out my UX dilemma
You mean go back to working?
Having an impossible time concentrating...
I am making a view for a user to do data entry of a name and description.
@Oxin LOVE the paint job
anyone have a good WPF/MVVM reference handy? new to it and it's hard to navigate through our big project.
@Grixxly thanks :)
But they cannot enter duplicate names. And I am not sure if I want to redirect them to another view if they submit with a duplicate that shows the duplicate and allows an edit, just throw an error and reload the page, or dynamically generate a list of similar names as they type and then just ignore their submission if it is in the list.
@Oxin Was it with the mouse? I hate painting with the mouse.
And I prefer Paint over Paint.NET
yeah, with the mouse. and i'd say the same too but paint's zoom is crappy. even with the super secret bonus zoom feature.........
bonus zoom = click below 8x zoom in paint. zooms a little more if you do it right
Any of you guys convert to VS 2012 yet?
Does autocomplete suggest usually use .Contains(string)?
Uh, what?
@TravisJ you mean in general, or in winforms/wpf?
@DanLing I have 2012 installed at home, and I'm downloading it as we speak at work.
@DanLing Still rocking vs2008 here. And I'm doing WPF however that works.
VS2008 too, .NET 2.0 and WinForms! /flexcry
@Oxin Cool, i'm testing out our 2010 solutions in 2012 now
@Dan in general, mostly in the context of c# from a ajax post
@walkingTarget you poor thing.
conversion process so far extremely minimal, but code analysis seems to be stronger now so i'm wading through billions of violations
@walkingTarget sorry -hug-
also, EF 5.0 is out
ENUM support!
noooo 2012 just crashed on me
that's one thing I've noticed about 2012
it hangs fairly often giving a message "VS is doing something in the background"
Any CSS guys on? My text is showing up gray and I don't see why...
often when copying something, or switching tabs
@Grixxly I'm a CSS guy
@KyleTrauberman for me it's mostly very smooth, but it just crashed now when i opened a xaml file
as far as CSS guys go
@Grixxly i've done my share here and there
@Grixxly post codez
DIV#categories { float:left; width: 12em; padding: .3em; }

DIV#categories A
     font: bold 1.1em "Arial Narrow", "Franklin Gothic Medium", Arial; display: block;
     text-decoration: none; padding: .6em; color: Black; border-bottom: 1px solid black;
DIV#categories A.selected { background-color: #666; color: White; }
DIV#categories A:hover { background-color: #CCC; }
DIV#categories A.selected:hover { background-color: #666; }
and which text is grey?
jsfiddle plz
the text in the category div
does "a" have a background-color?
anything in #categories?, or the A tag
yeah, post a jsfiddle, that would be easier
What's a jsfiddle?
OMG you're missing out
i don't even really use it much but it's really cool
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
does that look like your code?
@klut oh god kronos
we use that here
whoa jsfiddle is like a javascript enabled pastebin?
its nice and slow. hurts the eyes. you name it
? What is it?
@DanLing yes
@DanLing Sort of.
@KendallFrey timeclock stuff
@KendallFrey time clock.
lol ok.
we use it for PTO
oh... so it's something in the default site.css?
codepen is sexier than jsfiddle
but I use jsfiddle
pointless. when you're under salary all you do is click approve. don't even have to log hours
I post the whole site.css and it goes blue background gray text
@Grixxly if you remove the id from the div, does the text stay grey?
85% of the company is salaries
Q: How is the filter for a suggest dropdown list usually implemented?

Travis JWhen typing in an input box, it can be nice if there is a dropdown or section which shows a list of possible predictions. What type of filter is used to generate these predictions? Is it .Contains(string)(c#)? Is it .StartsWith(string)(c#)? Or should I just roll my own combination of those two ...

Nope still gray
@Grixxly then its outside the #categories rules
inherited from a parent element most likely
@TravisJ i'd roll your own combination if google didn't give an obvious answer. Contains would be my first attempt if it wasn't really slow
as in, start with Contains, check speed, re-evaluate
@TravisJ Travis i'm not a UX expert but contains is usually more usable and "modern" feeling IMO
my guess would be that the find is actually in the sql query though for speed
I would upvote @KendallFrey's answer, but that would just widen the rep gap
I did inspect element and it showed div#categories so crap... going to have to dig through the rest of the css to find it I guess
LOL, just got an e-mail of work memes
Anyone else experience a code analysis beatdown when using VS 2012?
@KyleTrauberman Don't worry, I'll probably hit rep cap anyway. poke poke
it took me 3 years to get 10k
your velocity exceeds mine
and I don't care
as long as I have more badges than you, I'm happy
11k and still no gold! AGH!!!
Will probably take me 3 years to get to 1k :-/
@Grixxly nah, just spend 30 minutes a day answering some questions
I was trying to get 200 a day for a while, but now I just work.
i hit the rep cap once
Jon Skeet has failed to hit the rep cap twice
I think I hit it twice in a row, way back aroung 1200rep.
I tried doing just that last night and most of the questions were very difficult to understand. I don't want to offend but I don't speak broken English very well
Rep cap (200) doesn't include bounty though
Or accepted answers.
@Grixxly Well, you gotta figure that at any given point in time, the most questions are being posted in the timezone where it's mid day.
great... how the hell can I tell what color #fff is?
light grey
fff is all colors :D
and how the hell do you know that? Paint wont let me put in letters
@Oxin sky blue
^ Color Color = Kendall.Brain.Lookup("#DDD");
@KendallFrey you have silver C# badge
I don't have that
I don't get how to get a Famous Question. I don't even have a Popular Question.
so what's #444?
Dark grey
@Oxin pink
I wanted the epic badge :) but I stopped after like 5 (takes 50) because of how ridiculous it was to do that in a day.
seriously how do you know that? You have a program?
that's it. I'm writing a SO chat bot that converts colors to an image
also, MSDN search
and 101 translator
@Grixxly I use my head.
@KendallFrey I'm guessing you're doing shorthand math on paper to figure out what percentage of red blue and green there is and then grabbing the 3 crayons on your desk and just scribbling circles of correct proportions.
I got a gold badge because I answer newbie questions and they accept the answer but never upvote anything.
It's easy. first digit is red, second is green, third is blue.
Was someone checking to make sure I'm right?
I can only give a rough guess.
@KendallFrey we assumed you were a color god. so no.
lol ok then
4 til 5!!!!
are you ready for work :))))
ready to leave it
I want to have the Precognitive badge for StackOverflow
lol nice try
I have no clue why it's there.
because its part of the system
Kendall did you really get muted?
@LewsTherin 'suspended'
later everyone. have a good weekend.
Ha ha xD
I hate it when people flag memes that weren't my idea.
Was it a meme that got flagged?
Stupid Lync won't save conversations, so I'm pasting it all into my code. @.@
Can you post that meme again? I must have missed it.
No more colors? That was fun.
how about the other way
what is a good light grey
i am goin with ccc
I was gonna say that.
nice :)
@LewsTherin If you must know, google.ca/…
HA ha
lightgray is #D3D3D3, FYI.
Which is pretty light.
yeah, I am actually going to use ededed
e4e4e4 is my fav :)
I like very light things :)
btw what is
What is the lightest thing in the world?
not to be answered here
"The procedure entry point _Atomic_fetch_sub_4 could not be located in dynamic link library msvcr110.dll"?
how about a neutrino
That's another dirty joke right there.
@KendallFrey The yellow poo I dump out every morning
I just killed the conversation lmao
@if (TempData.ContainsKey("enterMediumError"))
<div style="background-color: #e0e0e0;"><span style="color:Red">@(TempData["enterMediumError"])</span></div><br />

final^ e0e0e0
this site is cool: colorhexa.com
Especially the CMYK part.
I only found it from searching for your d3d3d3 suggestion :)
lol wtf
What. The. ____.
note that his recent rep is from anonymous downvoting
@KyleTrauberman WHAT? I just looked at that blog of yours. Rascal :P
@KendallFrey took you long enough
I'm still waiting
that is a cool graphic...
stole it from reddit
It's gone!
lol ;) "remove element"
I'm gonna randomly start deleting nodes and see what happens.
sidebars gone
The entire chat is gone. Can anyone see this?
The best ones to delete are the validation scripts.
Aaaaand refresh.
I was just right-clicking on stuff. I don't see any scripts to click on.
inspect element -> expand head -> go to town
lol i deleted the whole head, things look strange
<script>alert("hello wurld");</script>
no dice
egg: "Cthluhu",
No dice
search for that on meta
there's a question about it
It's closed
ia ia. Cthulhu ftaghn.
Ha! So this is what chat looks like without CSS...
what up
now you have me curious
is it KendellFrey puzzle time ???
chat sucks without css
finally hit 30k
just wrote a blogengine extension
to enable markdown in posts
posted on August 17, 2012 by Scott Hanselman

Recently in on a post on the RESTful ASP.NET Web API framework I used curl to post JSON to an HTTP endpoint: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ Name: 'Scott Guthrie', Age: 67}" Curl is lovely and should be in your c:\utils folder and more importantly in your PATH. I have a UTILS folder in my Dropbox and in the PATH on all my machines. Whenever I find a

That annoying moment when you drop your mouse and your weather widget jumps to the middle of the chat window.
btw @KendallFrey
did you come up with a witty tagline? :P
sigh Am I supposed to write your blog articles too?
yes, that would be great
y u no go outside
I can count about half a dozen just in my field of view
OMFG Do NOT go into C++ room!
@TomW Flies, moths, they're all the same really.
what did you expect to happen saying that...
That's why.
lol he posts a picture in the chat itself and then says "nsfw." dafuq!?
((c => c.Name.ToUpper() == model.Container.Name.ToUpper()) && (c => c.Capacity == model.Container.Capacity))
Error: Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'lambda expression' and 'lambda expression'
What else can I do?
What are you trying to achieve?
that is supposed to be a where clause
with two conditions
why have you seperated it into two lambdas?
(c => c.Name.ToUpper() == model.Container.Name.ToUpper() && c.Capacity == model.Container.Capacity)
still gives same error
operator precedence going on the fritz and assuming you're still trying to say the same (wrong) thing maybe - moar brackets
It says I cannot use the &&
Exact same error, or a different message?
exact same
(c => (c.Name.ToUpper() == model.Container.Name.ToUpper() && c.Capacity == model.Container.Capacity))
I got pinged from the JS room lol.
Some Smurf named Kendall.
same error
Are you sure it's that && and not another?
vs fail, compiled when ran
Is it gone now?
lol it was a blue squiggly right?
blue squigglies don't go away until you rebuild
I guess I am not that used to errors in my code :P Thanks for the tip
Lucky guy. :)
Probably because c# is so nice to develop in, all my errors end up in javascript that has to be debugged at runtime
Nothing like picking through callstacks wondering what happened
my best chat friends are online :)
uhm guys, do you know what Elysium is ? :)
the afterlife in the ancient Greek pantheistic religion?
Elysium is an upcoming science fiction film written and directed by Neill Blomkamp
Ooo. Do want.
whar documentation
the documentation has gone fishing
thats the url I got in my tab
Elysium is library that implements Metro style for Windows Presentation Foundation applications.
w/e, I am not building any more apps that aren't ran from a browser. every device with internet has a browser
html6 will probably include the new tile approach win8 takes
actually there is a sample app
with the controls implemented in it
but without source code
@TomW Now I know what it's like when a guy named Tom comes in the room.
ping... ping... ping...
pew pew pew

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