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I had a copy of the necronomicon. It was dumb.
Ooops, still have it
Just wondering, but can Windows Store Developers get Windows 8 RTM Download in any way?
@user1079641 you can get it through MSDN academic alliance, I know. I got it March of last year lol
var size = 250;
$("img").each(function (i) {
    if ($(this).height() > size || $(this).width() > size) {
        if ($(this).height() > $(this).width()) {
            var h = size;
            var w = Math.ceil(($(this).width() / $(this).height()) * size);
        else {
            var w = size;
            var h = Math.ceil(($(this).height() / $(this).width()) * size);
        $(this).css({ "height": h, "width": w });
Why does that never evaluate true?
That first if statement is always false.
@Pheonixblade9 I am not in college yet (still a high school senior!) but I am a registered Windows 8 Developer, I thought maybe I will have access to it, but I don't, or at least none that I know of.
@user1079641 Microsoft doesn't give it away. You can probably still find the release candidate floating around somewhere.
But way to be awesome and coding in high school
I dont speak js but what does $(this) mean?
in jQuery (a plugin for javascript) it's the same as this
Isit current element looped over?
I just ran that function in chrome's console, it did what it was supposed to.
Is there such a thing as unit test for js?
You've got me. I'd settle for line-by-line debugging.
which is possible, but a PITA to configure.
that type of code is almost ideal for tests
a couple of nested ifs
well, the inner if/else works fine
if I strip the outermost out images get resized.
but if I stick an alert in that box (make it show a popup) it never fires.
@Billdr the thing with release candidate is that Visual Studio 2012 for Windows 8 doesn't work with it. So I have to have a Windows 8 RTM copy. I am already a registered Windows Store developer, so I am kinda running out of time with the current subscription and I can't let all the money go to waste. Anyways, thanks for compliment :D
what does function (i) mean is i the index?
@JohanLarsson The i is vestigial. I don't need it anymore. The function just says I want to run a function instead of a single command (which is what it expects).
more stupid questions: $("img").each "img" does not sound like plural
$("img") creates an array with every img element on the page.
It could be an empty array, and then each would not fire. An array of 1 element, and then it fires once. It's a condensed foreach loop.
(I've learned so much in the last six months)
andif you output $("img").count or what it would be you have elements?
well, if I take out the first if statement the rest of the code fires as expected.
so... yea.
It's a simple js question on SO, should get answered in seconds, right?
Q: Why does this always evaluate false?

BilldrI'm working on some jQuery to resize images on a page. This block works fine: var size = 350; $("img").each(function () { if ($(this).height() > $(this).width()) { var h = size; var w = Math.ceil(($(this).width() / $(this).height()) * size); } else { var w ...

what happens if you write this.height() or even this.height
(the last ten minutes are my total js & jquery exp)
well, removing $() takes us out of jQuery.
I have no idea how I'd go about it then
was reading that and it seem like this without $() could work
and is height() really a method, kind of smells property
I think I found it. It's checking the img tag, not the actual image. I'm dumb.
I was firing too early. .each was happening as soon as the script loaded, not when the images were loaded and had fancy things like dimensions
I saw your question , you got it figured out , right?
Yea @ScottSelby, just got it.
is kendall still in hiding?
He was here, I think he went to bed.
at 9:00 ?
he's in PA
I want my stupid machine question answered
I'll give that guy a few minutes to actually answer for rep, but if he's not done by the time I eat my pizza for one, I'm self answering.
did you try to put that code after all the HTML , on the bottom?
the picture just weren't rendering before the script , right?
i've had that happen
@KyleTrauberman When you get up to feed your babies, the change has been checked in.
And obviously this is important enough to put live immediately.
what are you working on?
The leaderboard
I wanna make something
that Works
Yea, me too :p
@ScottSelby Like what exactly?
lol , i don't know
I had an idea for a pregnancy test app , i bet i could get someone to pee on their phone
@ScottSelby COULD get someone to!!??
Any phone with correct sensors would be pretty expensive!
Just jokeing! LOL
Howbout a decent program that can do my Algerbra homework for me?
thats very easy
well maybe not the graph part
@ScottSelby Some parts would be easy. Actually thinking about it, I would find the hardest part allowing users to enter like square roots, exponents without having to type the"^" character. How would create an interface that could do that?
a button with " √ " would do
Yeah but how would how display it with the numbers in it?
Iv'e seen a lot of programs that don't display or let you enter the problem like on paper
same symbol , you could adjust font sizes approiatly
I can not spell that stupid word
@ScottSelby appropiately
@ScottSelby Mines right. Check the dic
time to test my site
@ScottSelby Which one?
an events site im writing
@ScottSelby Events are easy to write.
Delegates are easy too
real events
@ScottSelby Its cool!
its a bitch , you can search by location , tags, txtbox, category, or day tabs , and have to combine it all
@ScottSelby I meant the interface
yea, i'm still playing with it
the tags on the side of the results weren't my idea, but i made them turn out real cool
@ScottSelby Man a lot of its in spanish
what ?
Just joking>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse enim leo, varius a lobortis vitae, consectetur ut neque. Quisque a lectus dui. Donec vel elit dui. Donec et quam vitae magna luctus consequat. Donec et quam vitae magna luctus consequat. THATS SPANISH
I was just going to say that ,
I mean I was hoping you were talking about that
@ScottSelby To go anywhere you got to create an account. Is it really free?
What language are you using. JAVASCRIPT and PHP?
by observation of this room .... i would guess javascript and c#
its free, we're a .org so , its going to be somewhere to donate part of proceeds of all your stuff you do
I said that like a smart ass, but i just remembered , its actually javacript and vb.net
@ScottSelby What language ARE you using for the website
website is vb.net
some code is c# , mainly vb
@ScottSelby Why would you use VB. Its old. :)
your face is old
vb.net is just as new as c#
@ScottSelby I don't think its a powerful, and its not as new as C# 5. Anyway, I got homework
CYA. Good luck with your website. Its cool
later man
hey - are you in linear algebra?
Guys how can I check if a CHAR is a valid ASCII , I mean its byte should be between 0 and 127
hold on a sec , i forgot , ill check
oh, just cast the char to an int and compare to >0 && < 128
yeah thanks :D
you might want to look into regex though if you are testing strings , don't check each char individually
thats right but for now just check if textbox length is 1 doing fine for me :P
@ScottSelby Right now we are doing logarithmic functions, etc. Why?
Wev done inverses, polynomial, all that stuff. Basically an intro to precalculas. Its a community college but I plan to transfer to a four year and get a CS degree. Ive heard it has a lot of math, so I like math programs, play with writing them
You there?
@ScottSelby Ping
@ScottSelby Ping2
@ScottSelby Ping3
@ScottSelby Ping4
@ScottSelby If hes still here, he surely heard that!
my volume is off
@ScottSelby Well you had to have noticed [6] in your tab!
@ScottSelby I've got go soon. Whats with Linear Algerbra?
is after your class , then after trig , then after calc 1 , then after calc 2
@ScottSelby Why trig before Calc?
you don't have to do that , but most do
their different
@ScottSelby Okay Thanks.
2 hours later…
I didn't go to bed, and not in PA.
ECHO... echo... echo...
@Billdr published. I made a couple small changes - 1) I stored $(this) in a var to reduce overhead 2) I applied the user-image class to the selector so the resize only applys to chat images, and not anything else that we may put on the page.
checked those in, of course
any1 here??
ghawd....i hate saturday silence......!!!
1 hour later…
I love Saturday silence
3 hours later…
It's almost like people have better things to do with their weekend
not true for all :(
Me neither. Most of today has been spent tidying
Vacuuming seemed to just dig up all the old smells, which is no help at all
haha, i am stuck in my office
can you beat that :P
On a Saturday?
Are you still working on that problem?
no, no such problem
m just chasing a deadline
hey lew, i wanted to ask you about the vbox,
i wanna run mac on my home pc
can vbox do it??
is there some sort of tutorial to set it up??
VM WorkStation
workstation is licensed, isn't it ??
Yeah, didn't stop me :)
Oh you don't do torrents
i might do at home,
can u link me a nice torrent
Not sure if I can do that here.
On TPB just type Mac Lion Vmware
That will get you a precooked Vmdk
Although you can't edit the settings :(
Then get VM Workstation or VMPlayer (which is free)
can i install mac based softwares in it??
wanted to try mono for iOS
who likes short shorts
@SamyS.Rathore Yeah you can
but only @ home
@E.LDunn I don't
should i download the normal VMware Image or a pre installed one??
If there is a normal one and it works, go for it.
Or what do you mean by preinstalled?
never mind, i'll get the normal one, .vmdk
its quiet too quiet.....
they mostly come out at night... mostly
game over man, game over
we're all gonna dieee...:o
stay frosty people!
we should find high grounds to camp before it gets dark...⊙﹏⊙
we lost lews @E.LDunn :O
they got him!!
why is it so easy to get distracted when you know you have a ton of work to do
:P lol i dunno
@E.LDunn work? on a saturday?
yupp i often do that :(, on account of my boss being a muppet ( but he pays my wages )
I'd be inclined to slack off on weekdays to make amends, tbh
lol, id like to look for a new job, but you cant exactly go into an interview and say first off are you or who ever is going ot be incharge of me a complete idiot.. rather not trade one plum for another
hows you anyways tom
so-so, thanks. Just tidying up, doing my ironing, watching some sport
watching my first rugby of the season, god ive missed this
it's league, so meh
but still, a proper sport after a summer of drivel
arghhhhh brains gone dead
morning kendall
Pity voters: Go jump in a canyon.
who, what, when??
Q: function dynamic list call

Power-MosfetHow to make this function dynamic. I do not want global variable For example: Files(true) instead of Files() which is always true public static List<string> Files = RealFile(true); private static List<string> RealFile(Boolean Reload) { if (!Reload) retu...

That, BTW, is the worst code I've seen in a long time.
i have no idea what his trying to achieve with that code :S, but my brain is dead anyawys so im not really understanding anyitnhg at the moment
does his ammendments make anymore sence to you?
@E.LDunn Yes, but it's only half way there, which isn't much help.
hello guys
gotta love how the chat puts message separators at random places
Have anyone experience with ICQ# library? I've a problem with diacritics. If both contacts are using my client it's ok, but in other way in message with diacritics is just unreadable. I've already ask in forum (stackoverflow.com/questions/13079223/icq-encoding-c-sharp), but no responds. And I don't know what to do.
almost certainly an encoding problem
I know as I read ICQ protocol is uwing CP-1251. I'm using UTF8Encoding class and in library is also LittleEndian Converter.
is there are any good reason you're using UTF8 instead of CP1251 then?
it's not Encoding.CP1251, my bad
In my client I'm working also with Skype and XMPP protocol. And I've everything encoded in UTF8.
I'm afraid you can't do that with ICQ#
I know nothing about your architecture, but I don't think it would be too hard to make it possible to specify an encoding
I'm sorry for being a little rude, I just woke lol.
I don't have so much experience with encoding. So I don't know what exactly to do.
Well when you do Encoding.UTF8, you get an Encoding object that has that Decode method
and it takes bytes that represent an UTF-8 string and turns it into a C# string object
the problem is, your string is not UTF-8
so you can't decode it with UTF-8, it's just gonna do crap (like right now) when you have non-ASCII characters
CP-1251 dictates a different way to encode non-ASCII characters
So I should decode it with CP-1251?
that's exactly what you should do
you should also encode outgoing messages with CP-1251
and to do that, you just need an Encoding object
that you can get with Encoding.GetEncoding(1251)
An Encoding is for one simple purpose: To convert from byte[] to string and back.
Different encodings do it different ways.
My $0.02
you're right that UTF-8 is generally the best way to go, and I totally encourage its use for new development
however, if you're stuck with something old (like ICQ), you need to interoperate correctly with existing software
Ok, thanks I'll try it. And about saving it into file or adding it to RichTextBox should I also use this encoding? Or can I change it somehow?
you only need to use CP-1251 to decode incoming messages or encode outgoing messages
Ok, thanks a lot.
I never used a RichTextBox, but I'd believe that it works with string objects, right?
if so, all strings, no matter their original encoding, are interoperable
it's only while they're in a byte[] form that you need to take extra care
It's like a TextBox. I'm using it cause of Rtf format. I can simply color text, add images into it, change fonts etc.
if it works with strings, the original encoding doesn't matter
This place has gone quiet. Anybody still keeping an eye on the chat?
that's why
everybody bought windows 8, and now it's broken
Also, the juxtaposition of John Lewis and new technology product amuses me
Do you speak F# @TomW
@JohanLarsson regrettably, no. I've been trying, quite hard actually, but I just don't get it
I was thinking if it is worth learning
I dont need it really, would be out of pure geekiness
Depends on your meaning of 'worth'
I would absolutely insist that learning a functional language is a very valuable thing for any developer to do
But you kind of answered that already
But F#...
I learned a bit of Haskell.
@KendallFrey I had heard you hated it. But I don't know why....
saw the highlight
Yeah, it just doesn't match the MSIL paradigms.
You mean, it isn't like the rest of the suite of languages?
but being compiled to MSIL is good
MSIL is procedural, object-oriented, imperative.
...and you have F# to enable you to do something different
Problem is, there are a lot of things you can do in C# but not F#, but not vice-versa.
I guess C# and F# get along well, correct?
Is that to say that if, say, Haskell, came with an extension to allow it to target the CLR, you would have just as many issues with that?
@JohanLarsson After compilation, then yes, MSIL and MSIL get along fine :)
@TomW Yes.
Well, maybe not quite as many. But close.
We should have a github for this chat, a place to fool around
Create a F# project and play with for example
With what? Code?
Visual Studio is free...
...well, I don't get it. I can't see a negative to having a different way to write programs, and if it has clean interop with stuff I already use, so much the better
It is kind of silent about F# though
Yeah, but you can't have completely clean interop, because C# is, might I say, lower level, and can do more, just has to do everything explicitly.
I can't say whether or not F# is a nicer or less nice language to use than something like Haskell or OCaml
I've never used it for anything practical, still stuck at the noob stage
So you might be able to use C# side-effect functions in Haskell, but that would be against functional programming.
Any time you mix two incompatible paradigms, you get funny results.
@KendallFrey they're both Turing-complete. So to say that you 'can' or 'can't' do x or y is false, they can both do anything that any other Turing-complete language can do. Doesn't mean that it's not orders of magnitude more difficult to do certain things in one than in the other though
Yeah, but they do it in different ways.
but then, they're both designed for solving different sorts of problems. F# is probably more specialised, and you probably do have to think in a specific way and solve problems in a specific way if you want to avoid abusing the language
I would say that functional programming is 'compromised' by functions with side effects (IO, etc.)
Now if you built the business logic in a functional language, and program flow in an imperative language, that would be excellent.
So then a 'best practice' for F# is to avoid side-effects, even though it permits them
hey i've been wanting to ask you a question for 2 days now
I thought you were dead
I explicitly said I wasn't.
yesterday, by Kendall Frey
Alright guys, I'm not dead, just on the road tomorrow. See you tomorrow afternoon!
ok, I took a real iq test with a psych grad student on thursday , and there was one question I couldnt figure out , i asked other people in here , but no one knew
If someone explicitly tells you that they're not dead, it's a good bet that they're telling the truth
So, what's the question?
but what if they say that .. then die ... nobody will ever know..
It takes 8 machines to finish the job in 6 days - how many machines to finish in half a day?
oh for crying out loud
the answer is 96
grixxly said 24 and billdr said like 32
This was covered at great length yesterday
8*6 = 48 machine-days work
Why wouldn't it be 96?
that's really it?
@zneak I've tried using CP-1251 but it isn't working. I used this code stackoverflow.com/a/12853721/846232 to determinate in which Encoding string is. And I get that it is BigEndianUnicode. The problem is that, if message contains any diacritics letter it's okay. But if not it's unreadable. In second option is working UTF-8 Encoding.
48 machines working for one day = completed job
Were there more details about parallelizability?
double that to get it done in half a day
@zneak So I should somehow determinate when use BigEndianUnicode and when UTF-8 because this script (stackoverflow.com/a/12853721/846232) gave me all time BigEndianUnicode.
ok.. I'll trust you Tom , but nobody seemed to agree
@KendallFrey it's not even clear that the machines are computers ;)
Amdahl's law, also known as Amdahl's argument, is named after computer architect Gene Amdahl, and is used to find the maximum expected improvement to an overall system when only part of the system is improved. It is often used in parallel computing to predict the theoretical maximum speedup using multiple processors. It was presented at the AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference in 1967. The speedup of a program using multiple processors in parallel computing is limited by the time needed for the sequential fraction of the program. For example, if a program needs 20 hours using a single ...
@ScottSelby I'm not sure they were answering the same question, you asked several
It will be <= 96
in an iq test they give you just enough information to answer the questions , if you look to far into it and ask if each machine is equal and all that crap you're likely to get the wrong answer
I got that one wrong then
And the classic: If 5 hens lay 5 eggs in 5 days, how long does it take 10 hens to lay 10 eggs?
i think the hardest part for some people about the math portion is its not like on a computer , he askes the question once, youre allowed to have him repeat it once, but no paper or anything else you just verbally answer them as fast as you can
i think - even harder then the math , i did pretty well , but he says letters and numbers ni a row like 1 - a - 7 - g - 8 - p - 4 - 1 , then repeat back numbers first in numerical order, then letters in alphabetical order
good greef
first it was just numbers , I did amazing at that one , I just picutre the numbers in my head like a phone number , he starts with 2 numbers , you just repeat back in order , I got all the way up to 12 numbers , like 6 - 1 - 9 - 4 - 7 -2 - 3 - 2 - 8 -1
I would just picture sand diego ( i know its 619 and then remember the rest
@ScottSelby I answered 96 after three seconds yesterday, two seconds was used to translate it to english :)
i know you did , billdr was like " well let me get my paper and calculator"
yeah, and I keept nagging him if he was approaching 96
and he eventually converged
I was surprised at the math , there were like simple division questions , but its not like you would expect without paper , because they weren't always whole numbers
I think you might have misread the pie question
i know i did
looking back
maybe one guy had 33 pies and the other guy 66 for a total of 99 pies?
no, maybe the 99 was the 50% guy , we got to the math at 9:00pm and I had already worked a 9 hour day starting at 8:30 am , and it was 3 hours into the test
but that question was early enough in the math that it wasn't one that makes you stop if you get it wrong
I can understand the frustration
there was a question - who was president during the civil war , that is totally not fair for people outside the us
I'm not in the US. It was Lincoln.
Isay there was no president (trick question)
And... was it Jefferson Davis in the South?
I didn't think lincoln was common knowledge for people from other countried
It's probably not.
Lincoln is fairly well known, dont know for what really
He abolished slavery and got shot. And had a cool beard.
That's about all I know.
being a vampire killer and also a giant statue
More than one statue?

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