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A: jQuery slider navigation issue

TreyA couple things.... you need to be able to pause the slideshow if you want hover effects to work, you also should abstract those mouseover events into a hover handler so you don't have to define individual functions or element attributes.... try something like this (function($){ $(docum...

Thanks, your answer was very helpful, but now when i hover the bullets the slideshow stops all together, is there a way around this?
does it stay stopped even after you move the mouse off the bullets? I'm using chrome on ubuntu and don't have any other browser set up to test right now
I'm using chrome as well, when i move the mouse it just stops hovering, also i'm sorry for bugging you, i'm quite new to jQuery
hmmm not really sure, I can't reproduce that issue... when you load the page try right clicking and clicking inspect element to bring up the developer tools, them you can check the js console to see if there are any errors firing
if you want it to continue to cycle even if you are still hovering over a bullet you can change if(!hover){ next =; }else{ next=$('#pic-'+hover.attr('id').split('_')[1]); } to just next =;
forgot about that one... that tells it to stop cycling while you are hovering over a bullet... the second function in the "hover" call tells it to start again when your mouse moves off the bullet
now when i hover over anything it just ignores me hovering...
hey man
i apreciate your help
it's probably a line or two off now, don't give up on me :p
no problem, been there plenty of times
i'm super grateful man
and would be even more if you could help me fix this one thing
so theoretically this is how the flow goes...
//on hover lets clear any existing timers to we don't end up firing the function a bunch of times and then call the slider function to fade out the current slide and fade the new one in
` window.clearTimeout(slider_delay);
logically speaking your approach has nothing wrong with it
that's why jQuery is annoying
I'm sort of walking through this for my sake too... like I said I can't recreate the issue you are having... the unedited code works nicely for me on here ans js fiddle
I actually just tested it in firefox also and it works as it
tell you what, how about you check it
could you find anything there?
it's asking me to download a file
yeah yeah, it's the element, i uploaded it
it's 2 megs... downloading the javascript will not give me any different results since the browser handles the render. Was the snippet on SO actually failing for you or just when you tried to implement it?
when i tried to implement it it failed, that's why i uploaded the element for you check
also, make sure on your HTML to remove the "onmouseover" from the bullets
that's the only thing I think I changed from your original
as i said just give it a look and see what you could figure out, if nothing pops out i'll try to figure it out myself
other than the JS obviously
just give it a look
if I change
if (hover) slider_delay = window.setTimeout(slider, 1000);

if (!hover) slider_delay = window.setTimeout(slider, 1000);
it works on the demo
your demo I downloaded
if change the if (hover) slider_delay = window.setTimeout(slider, 1000); to if (!hover) slider_delay = window.setTimeout(slider, 1000); it works?
yeah... it pauses the slideshow while I hover over the bullet and starts it again when I leave... if you don't want to pause it, you just want to change to that slide for a second and continue then you can just remove that line all together
er sorry... remove the if check all together
you still need the slider_delay = window.setTimeout(slider, 1000);
That did it man!
Thank you very much

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