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@DavidBrabant dutch or french?
2 hours later…
hi there
You will get 20 rep in a second, I'm busy with that
done you should have 20 rep
refresh page if you can't chat now
doe sit works?
I did give you 25 rep now, I'll hope it works
Oh now its working
oke nice
your still mixing MVVM and MVC
I know i first rtied to only use MVVM but the wiring dosent work there :-/
why don't you work in the grid with a model and make a template for the rows?
wiring can work in MVVM but you shouldn't need it
i have a design to use with a grid
<grid style="border:0px;">
                                      <auxheader style="line-height: 10px; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #d6f9ff 0%, #9ee8fa 100%);" colspan="2" label="Facilitytype"/>
                                    <columns  visible="false">
<grid width="400px" model="@bind(vm.itemList)">
        <column label="index" />
        <column label="name" />
    <template name="model" >
            <label value="@bind(forEachStatus.index)" />
            <label value="@bind(" />
this is a MVVM way to design the grid
you try to fill the second grid in the MVC way
Hey @Harry
because i'am fairly new to webdevelopement it is easier for me to do everything programmatically. I don't know how to use that grid and put 2 columns there if the values are uneven
with the mvvm aproach
columns or rows?
the columns you already defined in the zul
in a single row there are a max. of 2 columns
with each row to contain a maximum of one checkbox
per column
you can do the following :
<checkbox visible="@load(...)" checked="@load(each. ...)"/>
<label value="@load()"/>
listcell is just one column
you can add multiple items in a listcell
if you don't want the checkbox rendered in the DOM you can use if
but then you must put : ${}
if doesn't work with @load because it's rendered in an earlier phase.
@Harry I don't know if you having enough karma, I'll try to give you but internet isn't working so good here atm
So i first create a List of Checkboxes in the @init method and then use that list to fill the listcells?
no you don't have to create checkboxes in the @init
put the checkbox in the template
the checkbox is linked to the object in the row?
the checkbox only needs a string that i can extract to check it against hibernate model objects
thats why i tried accessing the boxes via wiring to check if they are marked and then to extract the string value
try to give me the flow of your screen
you have 2-3 grid's there
I have a ZK Window with a tabpanel the search is in a groupbox that contains a hlayout with 2 vboxs in the first vbox only static fields are needed so no problem in the second vbox there are 1 grid for the facility and a second grid for building propierties
the first grid is like i posted above and the second uses a tree
And the second grid could have more rows, depending on the first grid?
nope its just a listing from database values but those can change the next time the webapp loads because of inserts in the database
oh, so you can work like I said. the object retrieved from de DB, does it contains a boolean value what you can set?
Facilitytype is like: hospital, emergency room, other medicin related types and the other is with building properties like has elevator
no its just a domain value with id displayname and domain code
oke, and you want to select those what you need to search
yeah if someone wants to find a facility that has an emergency room the check that box and hit the search button
I shouldn't work with grid at that point but with listbox
you can set a listbox to have a checkbox in front of each row
and the appearance is almost the same
okay so i should use these listcells with a template?
and how do i access these checkboxes from the listbox in java?
mineListModel = new ListModelList<>(mineService.findAll());
return mineListModel;
this should be your getter for the listbox his model
it's important to set the multiple here.
checkmark="true" you set in the zul
to get all the selected items :
so i can just create that ListModel in the VM and add setter and getter and it should be accesible in the command method?
a setter isn't needed
you only need to do @load
you could already fill the listmodel in the @Init method
thats really neat
MVVM is actually simple but whole different then MVC
once you get it, you never want to go back to MVC
yeah I never liked MVC it was the first concept for GUI that e learned in c++ ^^
never liked it thou
MVVM comes from microsoft, guessing one of the few good things
i hope that this is my last java comission. I always wanted to try c# because it's easier in many aspects
i never want to see hibernate again :D
actually, I'd like Java, when I quit school I wanted also c# but now, I'll stick to java and ZK
spring data repository is a very good framework
@Harry you may ask your things also
@Harry but I'll be going to eat in 10 minutes
Okay i'll try to add the listbox approach thanks alot!
@user3387852 if you need mine help again you can always ask mine connection on linked in, you can send messages there also
okay thank you.
I'm away to eat
hi @chillworld...
do u have some time ? or eating ?
sorry i was not at my system
@Harry I'm back from eating
@chillworld I used the approach u suggested... the first one but... The init function is not called for both th zuls when I use the same VM for them
what's your issue?
no, the Init is called once with the creation of the first zul
when you include page 2 the binder will allow you acces to the viewmodel
but did you try it with the Path?
2 hours later…
@Harry I'm off to home, you can contact me with linked in (see mine profile)

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