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Q: Only White Screen is showing and no Image display in WebView

androidnoobUser should be able to view the image when they have clicked on the image thumbnail, however, all that is displayed is a white screen with a refresh button. The behaviour is consistent for all images selected, the WebView method has been utilised in the following implementation. I have tried to a...

can you Log the URL that is being passed to the WebView. i.e. this: Log.d("URL", String.format(getString(R.string.app_360_domain) +getString(R.string.app_360_property)+(getIntent().getIntExtra("propertyId", 0)) +getString(R.string.app_360_directory)+img_id +getString(R.string.app_360_index)));
@samgak yes, it is possible, the following log is ` 01-22 13:16:47.889: I/PropertyPanoramaActvity:if(panoSize>0)(16564): ******webView.loadUrl******… `
I tested (part of) your code and it works for me. Panorama appears and I can look around.
@samgak As in all images are displaying?? However, the images that I require are not displayed but just a white screen. Do you mind if you can share what considerations you might have taken?
I used an XML layout with a single WebView, and used your code for initializing the webview (up to but not including the if(panosize > 0) statement). Then I copied the code from inside your setOnItemClickListener function and loaded the Url. It opened up the panorama.
@samgak do you mind if you could do the code edit so that I can view it properly? It is a lil bit confusing over here
I don't have enough rep for that sorry, it wouldn't show up until someone else approved it
@samgak How about just provide the answer below pls?
here's the code I used for testing: @Override
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


WebView webView = (WebView) findViewById(;
with this text XML: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

<WebView android:id="@+id/webview01" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"/>

okay, but the load url that I am doing is dynamic, cause what you have done is to hardcode that url with the property id and image_id in, the image will certainly show. however, when I do it via the other way, the original way that I have done, it is only just a blank screen
but if you are logging the url and it's identical, what difference should it make?
anyway good luck with it
I dont get you
each image is loggin the identical property id and img_id, so rightfully in terms of behaviour consistency is that if 1 thumbnail is able to display the pic after being selected, it will be the same for other thumbnails as well. However, in this case, only 1 thumbnail is able to display out of 4
if I hard-code the URL and it works, then why wouldn't it work with the dynamic content, in the case where it generates exactly the same URL?
when you hardcode the URL, does it work for you?
Yes, when I hardcode the url, it only works for certain images, the rest of the images still gives a blank white screen, in fact it only worked for 1 propertylist id
I am very certain that all the images are loaded with the dynamic content, however, the images are just not being displayed!! cause, the refresh icon at the top corner is showing, hence the entire content should be loaded
the url is referenced to the server

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