I am trying to create this image with css and html but m kept failing to get perfect curve and shadow as shown in image.
<div class="mainDiv">
<div class="square"></div>
<div class="square2"></div>
<div class="square3"></div>
position: relative;
width: 2...
@Leothelion accepting which one is your choice but I don't find GCyrillus' answer to be having smooth curves, what I see is some straight lines joined together to produce a curve-ish appearance. the curves are very uneven and to be very honest linear gradients (as the name itself says) is not the correct one to use for curves
Pretty much follow the steps. If/when you provided data you'd write in the data field. If there's an expected result filled, then you'd say the actual result (i.e. Go to homepage may be an expected, you'd say it did bring you to homepage), Hence it would "Pass". Notes are just if you'd want to say ("First time there was an error").
Wanna get ~15/20 written by tonight and hopefully get different people doing a few of them. I'd never expect someone to do more than 2/3 as it's a big ask as it is.
@jbutler483 why is this a word document and not a online question form? And how am i supposed to fill in the form when you already have filled in your own name in the data collection?
Im still in the dark here, so you link me to your page and i try out the functions step by step and then to tell you the results? I have a (almost)bachelor in Human Computer Interaction(HCI) and i can not seem to find out want you want me to do.
I am trying to use gzip in order to compress svg files and other data.
The code that I've used is the following:
<IfModule mod_mime.c>
AddEncoding gzip svgz
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
# Compress HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Text, XML and fonts
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/svg+...