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A: Formatting text from database

Kristian AntonsenFirst of all, editBox.val().replace(/\r?\n/g, "\r\n"); That should not be done on client side (JavaScript), but instead on server side (PHP) if you want to be certain that it happens. It can be circumvented by disabling JavaScript or posting from from another site. Regarding the actual questi...

Why not client side? I read that jquery strips linebreaks when using cal and a replace is needed. It doesn't matter for me whether it's client or server, but i'd like to understand why.

Is htmlspecialchars the same as filter_var($data, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS); ?

Thank you for your answer.
If you want to make sure that your data is stored with "\r\n", you have to do it server-side. You can't trust input data. No, FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS is not exactly the same, see Sanitize filters. It doesn't escape as much. Using FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS will (as the link also states), be the same as using htmlspecialchars.
Thank you @Kristian - Alright, that explains a bit. But if i use the filter, what should i do about line breaks?
In the 4th line of my code example, I'm replacing all the BBcode with HTML tags. You could do the same with linebreaks, instead of replacing [b] with <strong>, you would replace "\r\n" with <br>.
Alright and then not do the nl2br() i take it? I'll do some preliminary tests tomorrow and see what i can stitch together. If it comes out right I'll update the post and mark it as answered. Again, thank you.
I guess you could just use nl2br instead of replacing as well. It makes no difference, just make sure you do it after you have used htmlspecialchars.
Hi, Eirinn. What do you need help with?
Allright, I'm using:
$data = filter_var($data, FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS);
$data = nl2br($data);

Which seem to work. The only problem is that linebreaks are not working. The br tags from nl2br does not show as text and no linebreaks are performed. Also will replacing [b] work after filtering? Shouldn't i have to look for html encoded signs?
First of all, what output do you get with $data? What does it contain both before and after nl2br.
[ and ] are not HTML special characters, so they will not be replaced by their ASCII encodings.
i.e. filter_var("Look at [ me ]", FILTER...) will not alter $data at all.
$data is clean text with a replace(/\r?\n/g, "\r\n"); from javascript (i'll move it to php later) with one mysql_real_escape_string applied to it before DB
I really appreciate this :)
No problem, I love to help
Just a moment, I'll create an example
Ah, I see the problem. The documentation seems to be lying.
Yes, the documentation claims that FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS is equivalent to htmlspecialchars. This is not the case.
Just use htmlspecialchars as I suggested in my answer; that will work.
I tried with both and have the same problem - however if the documentation is problematic then it makes matters hard.
Also, next time you have a problem like this, always confront the generated source code - it will often give you a hint.
Well, I just used this sample code:

$data ="Hello,
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
$data = nl2br($data);
print $data."\n";
The output of that will be:
Hello,<br />
So something else must be wrong in your code, since my example works as it should.
It may be the replacing function, because the code is exactly as i've pasted it
Show me the code you use, just the relevant lines.
bodyText = editBox.val().replace(/\r?\n/g, "\r\n");
function cleanData($data)
$data = mysql_real_escape_string($data);
return $data;
function cleanData($data)
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
$data = nl2br($data);

return $data;
the first cleanData is when uploading, the second is when pulling it
the data is displayed in a div
If I do cleanData() on
The output will be
Hello,<br />
It doesn't matter what the data is displayed in. You're supposed to look at the generated HTML source code. Whatever HTML, CSS, JavaScript or otherwise you're surrounding it with will not matter at all.
Hmm hang on, i seem to have uploaded the wrong file... however now i get an odd error
let me pull the string from the database
Here's the string
This test contains everything needed to test DB compat.
embedded <br> and <br />
special chars: }{][ \/'"; and formatting ´`
that's odd... i do not remember inputting Â
Something is breaking the display, lemme paste the output
I don't see anything wrong with that input when run through cleanData().
This test contains everything needed to test DB compat.
embedded <br> and <br />
special chars: }{][ \/'"; and formatting ´`
that's the output from php
Not if you run it through cleanData().
That's what i'm getting unfortunately
Where do you see that?
It's echoed out from cleandata
You are not looking in the source code as I've told you to - you're looking in the regular browser window.
function cleanData($data)
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
$data = nl2br($data);
echo $data;
//$data = strip_tags($data,"<br><b><p><i><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6>");
return $data;
TestPrimaryThis test contains everything needed to test DB compat.<br />
Newlines<br />

&lt;tags&gt;&lt;b&gt;text&lt;b&gt;&lt;/tags&gt;<br />
embedded &lt;br&gt; and &lt;br /&gt;<br />
special chars: }{][ \/'&quot;; and formatting ´`<script language="javascript">getMail('Test','Primary','This test contains everything needed to test DB compat.<br />
Newlines<br />
&lt;tags&gt;&lt;b&gt;text&lt;b&gt;&lt;/tags&gt;<br />
embedded &lt;br&gt; and &lt;br /&gt;<br />
special chars: }{][ \/'&quot;; and formatting ´`', "1");
there we go
The browser doesn't show PHP's output, it shows its own interpretation of that output.
Yes, exactly.
It is shown with
And other than the javascript thing, it looks as it should. I don't know where that comes from.
Yes, and therefore, that is not PHP's output.
I see what you mean now
Everything shows correctly except the linebreaks, but this must be a jQuery thing then?
The first step towards resolving a problem, is locating it. You're having your data interpreted both by PHP, the browser, JavaScript and the jQuery library. You have no clue where the problem is.
Strip it to the bone, so you can see an example where it works. This means, the direct PHP output.
When that looks at it should, you build on top of that, and see if it still works.
Gradually, you build your code again, a few lines of source code at a time, until you locate your problem.
After which you will know exactly where the problem is.
Allright, thank you for your time. I will mark it as answered and work on fixing the new issue. The original question seems answered now.
Happy to help. Good luck with it.
Got time for a question? :) i think i've located the current error. It is indeed not in php it seems to be a jquery related issue

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