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00:00 - 19:0020:00 - 00:00

Hello everyone! (nagato v2 docker)
test 2
test 3
test 4
Hello everyone! (nagato v2 docker)
so it takes a long time on "joining the room" and very little time afterwards, like "starting user tracker"
wonder if that's connected
@Closey alive
@gunr2171 I feel... happy!
@Closey status
I hit an error while trying to run 'Status':
0: Sequence contains no elements
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Average (IEnumerable`1 source) <0x40a9d870 + 0x000ff> in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Average[TSource] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 selector) <0x40a9d3e0 + 0x0002f> in <filename unknown>:0
at SOCVR.Chatbot.ChatbotActions.Commands.Utilities.Status.RunAction (ChatExchangeDotNet.Message incomingChatMessage, ChatExchangeDotNet.Room chatRoom) <0x40a9cda0 + 0x0013b> in <filename unknown>:0
at SOCVR.Chatbot.ChatRoom.ChatMessageProcessor.RunChatbotAction (SOCVR.Chatbot.ChatbotActions.ChatbotAction action, Chat
@gunr2171 Use .JoinRoom("url", true); for a quicker room joining time.
9 hours ago, by Sam
@AshishAhuja惄 Yes, it is. It happens when the room doesn't have any reviewers. So it's unlikely to get fixed soon.
The mentions won't be properly removed from messages for the first few mins though.
do you think that's the problem, the User Watcher doesn't have any people to watch?
It's highly probable in my books.
@Clo alive
@Sam Still here you guys!
if you run "status" it's going to error out on this line
var avgLat = Math.Round(tracker.WatchedUsers.Values.Average(x => x.DetectionLatency.TotalMilliseconds));
@Closey status
I hit an error while trying to run 'Status':
0: Sequence contains no elements
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Average (IEnumerable`1 source) <0x40a9d870 + 0x000ff> in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Average[TSource] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 selector) <0x40a9d3e0 + 0x0002f> in <filename unknown>:0
at SOCVR.Chatbot.ChatbotActions.Commands.Utilities.Status.RunAction (ChatExchangeDotNet.Message incomingChatMessage, ChatExchangeDotNet.Room chatRoom) <0x40a9cda0 + 0x0013b> in <filename unknown>:0
at SOCVR.Chatbot.ChatRoom.ChatMessageProcessor.RunChatbotAction (SOCVR.Chatbot.ChatbotActions.ChatbotAction action, Chat
so, why are there no entries.... that's the big question
@Clo commands
@Sam Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add review [review id] [user id] - Manually adds a review to a user. Should only be used for testing.
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
commands - Shows this list.
current tag - Get the tag that has the most amount of manageable close queue items from the SEDE query.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
@Clo membership
@Sam Current users in permission groups:
    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Mogsdad (1677912)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
    ProgramFOX (2619912)
    rene (578411)
    Sam (2246344)
    Tiny Giant (4639281)
    Tunaki (1743880)
    Unihedron (3622940)

    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Mogsdad (1677912)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
    ProgramFOX (2619912)
    rene (578411)
    Sam (2246344)
    Tiny Giant (4639281)
    Tunaki (1743880)
    Unihedron (3622940)
@Closey add 2246344 to reviewer
@gunr2171 You need to be in the Reviewer group for at least 1 day before you can process requests.
just pushed a fix for ^^ that
brb in 30 minutes
Fire Alarm started.
Potentially bad question (help, trying, know, problem, want, not, using): How to fix &quot;Byte-Order Mark found in UTF-8 File&quot; validation warning (likelihood 4756)
@FireAlarm f
Potentially bad question (print, trying, way, object): AppConfig::File retrieving values (likelihood 2441)
Potentially bad question (exam, there, way, click, store): Storing 2 numbers in a sequence (likelihood 3114)
Potentially bad question (how to, can, trying, click, not, any, would): How to have a mock controller pass data to a directive with Jasmine (likelihood 4714)
@FireAlarm fp
Potentially bad question (way, case, not, using): solr StandardTokenizer: how is underscore processed with wildcards? (likelihood 2622)
@FireAlarm t
Potentially bad question (there, way, case, only, using, any, would): GPSD - Get GPS information with no fix (likelihood 4963)
Potentially bad question (sorry, sorry, help, how to, can, know, doing, not, would): Creating a fade in effect for text (example included) (likelihood 6834)
Potentially bad question (answer, keyboard, help, want, each, without, any, would): Computer Graphics: Moving in the world (likelihood 6229)
Potentially bad question (will, there, way, not, only, would): UDP client not receiving reply from server with multiple IP addresses (likelihood 3891)
@FireAlarm tp
Potentially bad question (will, object, problem, error, not, using, does): protobuf-net incorrect values when deserializing on android (large list of objects) (likelihood 4326)
@FireAlarm fp
Potentially bad question (will, way, error): Backendless - Ambiguous reference error with Twitter login (likelihood 1725)
@FireAlarm f
Potentially bad question (expla, possible, exam, can, person, want, case, not, only, does, seem): Filtering Lists in Scala&#39;s Monocle (likelihood 7661)
@FireAlarm f
@FireAlarm t
Potentially bad question (help, want, each, any): Target DIV that sits above every image (likelihood 2983)
@Fire stats
@NobodyNada Statistics of last 100 reports: 12 True Positives 12 False Positives 76 Unconfirmed
@Fire stop
@NobodyNada Shutting down...
Fire Alarm started.
@Fire stats
@NobodyNada Out of last 100 reports, 12 were true positives, 12 were false positives, and 76 have not been confirmed.
@Fire stop
Potentially bad question (help, trying, know, problem, want, not, using): How to fix &quot;Byte-Order Mark found in UTF-8 File&quot; validation warning (likelihood 4441)
@NobodyNada Shutting down...
@Closey alive
@gunr2171 I'm alive and kicking!
@Closey stop bot
@gunr2171 I'm shutting down...
Goodbye! (nagato v2 docker)
Hello everyone! (nagato v2 docker)
@Closey status
I hit an error while trying to run 'Status':
0: Sequence contains no elements
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Average (IEnumerable`1 source) <0x41aa5270 + 0x000ff> in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Average[TSource] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 selector) <0x41aa4de0 + 0x0002f> in <filename unknown>:0
at SOCVR.Chatbot.ChatbotActions.Commands.Utilities.Status.RunAction (ChatExchangeDotNet.Message incomingChatMessage, ChatExchangeDotNet.Room chatRoom) <0x41aa47a0 + 0x0013f> in <filename unknown>:0
at SOCVR.Chatbot.ChatRoom.ChatMessageProcessor.RunChatbotAction (SOCVR.Chatbot.ChatbotActions.ChatbotAction action, Chat
@Closey add 12345 to reviewer
@gunr2171 Torne needs at least 3000 rep to join the Reviewer group
@Closey add 3476191 to reviewer
@gunr2171 I've added @NobodyNada to the Reviewer group.
(you can ignore that)
(your contributions to science is appreciated)
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version b326cfd1 on master, running for 1 minute and 16 seconds (tracking latency 1000ms).
ok.....well that gives us some answers
@Sam status update: from a fresh database it looks like there are no people in the system even though part of the update process is adding RO's to both permission groups
HOWEVER, from the command above, adding a new person in the list will add (I guess just that person) to the list, and suddenly the command works again.
so this will need some following up later.
Are you coming closer to a fix for Closey?
@Thaillie yep, working on it
though it's really strange that the UserWatcher is breaking, when we didn't change any of the code
all that "broke" was the platform the code was deployed on
Strange :p
@Closey membership
@gunr2171 Current users in permission groups:
    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Mogsdad (1677912)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
    NobodyNada (3476191)
    ProgramFOX (2619912)
    rene (578411)
    Sam (2246344)
    Tiny Giant (4639281)
    Tunaki (1743880)
    Unihedron (3622940)

    gunr2171 (1043380)
    Mogsdad (1677912)
    NathanOliver (4342498)
    ProgramFOX (2619912)
    rene (578411)
    Sam (2246344)
    Tiny Giant (4639281)
    Tunaki (1743880)
    Unihedron (3622940)
00:00 - 19:0020:00 - 00:00

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