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posted on June 12, 2013

Xcode now offers a seamless way to manage your development assets. With Automatic Configuration in Xcode 5, you can now provision, sign, and enable Apple services such as iCloud and Game Center right inside Xcode. To learn more, see What's New in Xcode.

4 hours later…
show me the crash report
0x111809b: movl 8(%edx), %edi Thread 1:EXE_BAD_ACCESS(code=1,address=0x107123ac).
@iAmbitious can you give me email or skype so i send you a my demoProject
this kind of crash report i expecting from you
EXE_BAD_ACCESS always occur when-ever you trying to access release object
debug your code and find out exact object which is already released
@iAmbitious thanks a lot my problem is solve ...
you most welcome
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Hi All @
posted on June 13, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools I’ve mentioned the free full featured augmented reality SDK from Qualcomm, and I also mentioned the 3DAR library (

hello all, good morning, I want to have a segmentController , which when clicked should chnage VC's and also when I navigate inside VC's the segmentControll should remain on top. Any suggestions on how to achieve this.
@Ranjit in a UIviewController class just added your segment control and on segment click add other views as subview and put y- axis value = segmentcontrol.frame.origin.y + segmentcontrol.frame.size.height
ok, suppose, in one of the subViews I have a tableView which navigates, then how can I retain that segementcontroller on top.
when it navigates to a different View
your segmentControl is in super calss so why you need to retain them that is already in UI
hey you are asking me to add segementController as subView of UIViewController right?
no :)
simple you have one class on its nib file you will put just one segment control on top
and in its .m file you will put your segment switiching logic in that calss
you are talking about adding through xib file and I am talking about adding it through code.
why you need to add every thing thorugh code ?
it will be easy to manage
then also you are able to do the same thing :)
instead on xib just added the same segment control programitically
i want edit doc file in ipad
some on can help me?
ya thats true, I will try it and get back to you @dark
@Ranjit ok sure
4 hours later…
hi, how to hide network activity indicator in status bar?
Hi everyone

A Boolean value that turns an indicator of network activity on or off.
@property(nonatomic, getter=isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible) BOOL networkActivityIndicatorVisible

Specify YES if the application should show network activity and NO if it should not. The default value is NO. A spinning indicator in the status bar shows network activity. The application may explicitly hide or show this indicator.

Available in iOS 2.0 and later.

Related Sample Code
(see full text)
@iAmbitious: Hi.. if i want to delete an entire row from database, is this code enough?
NSString *querySQL = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"DELETE FROM \"tauky\" WHERE id='%@'", string];
so that if it is id 3, it will delete the row 3
it have to work
entire row gets deleted based on id?
if i delete only id, will it delete the entire row?
yes it have to remove entire row
alongwith primary key if it id
if you want to see how it behave then install sqlite plugin in your addons of firefox browser ....
oh..yah..sure dude
HI All
Is there any sdk to make a free voice call through app like Skype?
Hi everyone
hello martin
Hi @iAmbitious, i have a problem about collectionviews
sorry dude i'm not worked on yet UICollectionView class
ok bro, no problem.
Who can help me about Collectionviews?
Drop here your query if somebody know or familier with your problem then definitely help you

I'm using 2 collectionviews on once screen in my project and this collectionwiews are fetching datas from my api and I don't know which collectionviews fetching which data

for example;

first collectionview get data from apis/api1.php
second one get data from apis/api2.php

these collectionviews are on same screen.
@iAmbitious thanks for ur response.
@mertaydin Same problem you had yesterday?
@mertaydin I thought we could fix it
@lukaswelte yes sure it was fixed, this problem is my friend's problem he said me wrong sorry.. the main problem is that,

i have two connection on one screen, i will use connection in collectionview but I am disabled to do it, i couldn't do it.
@lukaswelte i couldn't link the connection to collectionview.
How to get currency conversion datewise. Can anyone help to me?
Actually using google.com/ig/… this link, i got only today conversion not for yesterday like that
@PrasadG, what you have tried?
@mertaydin How did you try to "connect"? Does he keep references for both collection views?
He just say this, how can i fetch data from 2 different url
@lukaswelte He just say this, how can i fetch data from 2 different url and how can i populate two different array with this different datas
@mertaydin Fetch them separate in async calls.. when you received the one for the api1CollectionView just call [api1CollectionView reloadData] and vise versa
the datasource methods should check wether its api1CollectionView or api2CollectionView that reloads and then just return the correct values
same like yesterday it doesn't matter where the data comes from
@lukaswelte my friend sent me this code block.

[17:01:39] Sezgin Demir: headline = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:mostnewsdata options:nil error:nil];
[self.mostnewsCollectionView reloadData];
clear code is here

headline = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:mostnewsdata options:nil error:nil];
[self.mostnewsCollectionView reloadData];
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@lukaswelte code is here : pastebin.com/adv9jZrS :)
Please use pastie.org for big line of code
@mertaydin So one CollectionView for headline data and one for mostnewsdata?
where are the references to the collection view
Don't pass nil as a parameter in NSJSONSerialization class methods
I would recommend posting a clear question in stackoverflow with the code to all the necessary information
@lukaswelte he asked but i think he didn't ask clear : )
here is my friend's references : pastebin.com/gsiQb39C
@mertaydin I can just see one collection view
this is the good practice.
@mertaydin where is the problem.. when the delegate method is called and contains the fetched info just reload the specific collection view.. and yes put errors and prettyprinting into nsjsonserial
Did he check wether the data is formatted the way he expected to? so is mostnews an array containing the elements he expected after mostnews = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:headlinedata options:nil error:nil];
so what's the general problem what can he do? i'm strange to obj C
identify on run time which data type (whether it is an array or dictionary ) return after parsing NSJSONSerialization class method
@mertaydin why is he not asking here or posting a question.. mediation always causes more problems
@iAmbitious. I don't know how to start using that link and which parameters are added to this link
show me that link
http:// www.google.com/ig/calculator?hl=en&q=100 USD =? EUR
@PrasadG you need to keep two dynamic filed in above query string
see bold word which denotes us country currency codes
change those codes according to your functionality
this is the country codes
for trail you can check it, just changing codes
after posting your data alongwith that query string you will get JSON response
parse that response, extract what-ever you need values from it
Yes. You are right.
But i got json string a
and the currency conversion is today's
I know how to parse the data
but my problem is, i want get yesterday conversion not today
How to solve it.
By default that link has todays result
oh!!! then you need to check it in iGoogle docs
It was automatically updated when we use that link
iGoogle and yahoo also providing such API .. search and read about those API may be you catch it what-ever you want
hello everyone
I am using "KVO in uilabel
but it is not working
what you have tried
is it need to set label delegate or something else
A: Detect Change in UILabel Text

H2CO3You can use key-value observing ("KVO"): [label addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"text" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context:NULL]; - (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString*)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary*)change context:(void*)context { ...

I have a custom cell on which I have two labels
and label text is changing frequently
on changing label text I want old value and changed value
here is my cell.m file
log is not comming
[buyRate addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"buy_txt" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context:NULL];
[buyRate addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"sell_txt" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context:NULL];
why you set two observer on same buyRate
yes I have set that in init method
what is the buyRate class type?
one should be on sellrate
If I change line to [sellRate addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"sell_txt" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context:NULL];
then it will work
and how can I get old and previous value in observeValueForKeyPath method
your code is wrong
how should I use it
KVO only observe property behavior
if respective property got change it trigger KVO method
@"buy_txt" this is not a property of your UILabel class
but this question says that textDidchange notification
Q: Detect Change in UILabel Text

user717452Is it possible to set a Notification for when a UILabel's text property is changed? I tried the one used for UITextFields when I couldn't find one for a UILabel, but it didn't work. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(posttosocial) name:UITextFieldTextD...

so it failed to observe it
means I have to put there text only
If I put text on both observers then how can I specify which label's value is changes
in observeValueForKeyPath method
text is an property of UILabel
is it change on run time then immediately your KVO method trigger
object is UILable in observeValueForKeyPath method
If yes then I can check it by tag value
if you want to used your custom property then create your won custom label create you custom property in it and using that property observe what ever changes you want
see documentation you can observe such property on run time
read it for more detail
nothing is working
still log is not displaying
show me your updated code
check sellRate label is in scope
red and green color showing is my labels changing value frequently
i don't thing so you sellRate label is in memory while you overriding - (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewCellStyle)style reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier method
NSLog("buyRate = %@", buyRate);
write this line inside custom cell constructor
you mean to say init with style method is not calling
just check my NSLog which output give in debug window
I put this line in initWithStyle method , printed noting
nothing printed on log
I have used my cell as
now show me your (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewCellStyle)style reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier method then i will tell you actual reason
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now the reason is initWithStyle method did not called while you using custom UITableCell using nib
so that you failed to add observer on your label
log inside initwithstyle is not printing
can we init method instead of initwithstyle
i recommend you add your observer using any custom method
and call that method in cellAtindexpath row method
1 hour later…
Q: Where is my mistake in my code for display on tableview?

Mehmet AkyelI tried load an array from web service and display on table view.This my tableview.But there is a mistake.Branchnames are MEHMET FUDAYLÖZCAN, SELAHATTİN KOÇAK, Mehmet Süner Eken Petrol Hasan Katkıcı Petrol etc etc but table view show me like that How I fix this ? Th Array Codes : -(...

3 hours later…
posted on June 13, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources     Featured iPhone Development Resources With the introduction of iOS 7 there are a number of resources coming out to aid in helping you add that flat look to your own apps, last week I mentioned a set of flat UI templates, and I also mentioned a library allowing you to create a number of flat [...] Be the

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