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posted on May 14, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources     Featured iPhone Development Resources Previously I mentioned an open source project designed to be the starting point for creating a rotary pie menu and a tutorial on how to create one from scratch. Here’s a component  you can use to create a great looking animated sliding circular control complete

2 hours later…
hello fnord
hello everyone...
hey japa
does anyone ever had problems in "insertNewObjectForEntityForName" for two different tableviews?...
@Fnord23 hello
i´m having problems....and it´s confusing my cellForRowAtIndexpath
er.. isn't that method used to insert managed objects into the managed object context?
i explain what is my problem
i have two tableviews
you might need to reload your tableview
and each one has a + button where another tableview appears in a popover
@Fnord23 hummm self.tableview reload data?!?
@Fnord23 is that what you mean?
hang on, looking into it
i´ll just finish explaininig what i have....so, when that popover appears, you can press a cell and it is inserted in the master tableview....the cells that appear in the popover tableview depends if you are in tableview one or two...
but the way i insert is always the same: cellSelected=[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"CellSave" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];
@Fnord23 it makes sense what you said
i just don´t know where to reload...in view did load?
well, I don't know which object you mean by self
tableview one or two...depending in where you are
some of my arraycontrollers have an outlet to the tableview they populate,
but where does normally a tableview is reloaded?
in wich method?
so when I make changes to the content of the arraycontroller that holds the objects which need to be displayed, I finish by reloading the tableview
like so [profielDetailsTable reloadData];
erm, I think the command chain to reload tableviews is black box
black box?
I mean not for beginners to tinker with :)
like me
and me!
anyway, when using bindings instead of manually populating the arraycontrollers, everything should work like a charm
just bind your button to an action in the arraycontroller
then have that IBaction fire the add: method
your arraycontroller should already know which kind of managedobject it is supposed to handle
you can specify that in the inspector window in the interface builder
let me see if i understood....
after inserting in managed object context i refresh the table correct?
the tableview yes
so it makes sense to be in the cellForRowAtIndexPath method?
or it should be anywhere else?
not sure
which kind of objects are displayed in your popover tables?
creating a new managedObject, based on a selection in a table, is not something I have experience with
the popover table works like this: if you are in tableview one A type of cells appears...if you are in tableview two another type of cells appear....what i am doing is: i have tagged the tableviews...
but i think you are right...i should be doing some kind of refresh!!!
but i don´t know when and where
shouldn't your first table (the one where you have a + button) be responsible for creating a new managedObject?
sorry, I meant the arrayController that manages that table
@Japa any progress?
@Fnord23 sorry
i was not in front of my computer...
the popover tableview ( that exists in each of my master tableviews) IS responsible fro creating the new managed object context...
Hi....if thr is a black bar at the bottom of the screen(like in this pic), we have to re-scale the live screen camera overlay to fit the aspect ratio of iPhone. And even if i change the Y value from 1 to 1.234, it will fill up the bottom black area. But i want to keep the bottom black area and want to reduce only the size of the top margin of the live screen camera overlay. How to do this?
If i change the Y value, both the top as well as the bottom margin changes. But i want to change only the top margin.
!dea ...anyone?
@Japa you probably mean responsible for the new managed object
anyway, that is what I meant, you are trying to view the new managedObject in another tableView, namely NOT the one where you selected the cell
have your popover tableView send a message to the correct arrayController, then let that arrayController fire the add: method
yes...that´s exactly that
:( that´s my problem...i don´t know how to do that..
@Japa uh you probably have a method that fires when you click the + button
where you decide to show a popover table
@Fnord23 yes..my + fires a tableview(inside a popover) and the rows that appear in that tableview depends in the master tableview where you are( if you are in tableview one...a kind of rows appear...if you are in tableview two..another kind of rows appear)
in my popover tableview (did select method i have):
cellSelected=[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"CellSave" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];
@Fnord23 ther´s a little detail that i have not given to you yet...and i will try to explain the beat i can:
imagine that you are in tableview one...and you have pressed the + button...so the popover tableview appears and the rows are kind of fruits...
now you have pressed "orange"....so now a costum cell appears in the master tableview one...and the title on that costum cell is "orange"
yes I understand, this master tableView should show the new managed object, named orange in this case
Let´s just say that in tableview two...when you press the + button...the kind of rows that appear are NOT fruits...they are types of animals....and here is where the problem starts...my tableview two is looking for "orange"....
erm.. do both tableViews have their own arrayController?
i´m sorry if my explanation is not the best...but i think you understand what my problem is...
one arrayController for fruit, second arrayController for animals
you are not working with a datamodel I think...
i´m working with core data....
doesn't matter though, you can tell an arrayController what type of class it should manage
oh, great!
so...i need to distinguish the cells inserted(in cell for row of each master tableview) and i´m doing that!!! this way:
and in your datamodel, you have 2 seperate entities? one for fruit and one for animals?
this is my did select row of my popover tableview: cellSelected=[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"CellSave" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];
cellSelected.nameCellData = @"Orange";
now...in my master tableview (one) in cell for row i have this:
if ([cellSelected.nameCellData isEqualToString:@"Orange"])
CellOrange *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:@"orange"];
if (cell == nil)
cell = [[CellOrange alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:@"orange"];
this is missing (sorry) cellSelected = [self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath:indexPath];
now i have the same thing in my tableview two...but instead of orange...i have cat ...
the system is not distinguishing!!.
i have only one entity
but with properties that can serve both situations...for example "nameCellData"
@Fnord23 did you understood my explanation?
yes, I think so
I also think that you are making things needlessly complicated
how can i make it simpler?
i understand the problem...but i don't know how to fix it :(
I think that it would make sense to let your datamodel reflect the difference between objects of different types
then you would automatically get rid of the need to tell your new managedObjects which property they need
also, if I understand you correctly, you should not create managedObjects in your tableView
i also made a test...by putting "orange" in the cell for row of tableview two..and this way it works...the system is not distinguishing both tableviews...
which one the popover?
if you respect the Model-View-Controller design pattern, your controllers should tell the model what to do, not the view
but when i instatiate the popover tableview..i´m able to distinguish both tableviews...and that is reflected because the rows are different...so i should be able to to "tell" that type of rows A is in tableview one and types of rows B are in tableview two...
how are the rows from both tables different?
also...imagine that besides fruits and animals i have other types of data...should i be making different types of entities?...why not have a entity that groups everything?...
the rows that appear in the popover tableview are different...
if i´m in tableview one....the popover tableview is loading an array of fruits...and so on to the other master tableview...
in popover tableview:
self.fruitsArray = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:@"Orange",@"aple",
if instatiating in tableview two:
you could use one entity. if this entity has a property that defines the kind of object you are using, no problem. this is a consideration you need to make, if this is a object-oriented approach.
self.animalsArray = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:@"Cow",@"Dog",
hello guys
hi anjaneyulu
@Japa you are not using arrayControllers to populate tableViews?
i´m using fechresults controller
am create two button dynamically in tableview cell ...i want hide that button dynamically based my flag values but it's hide last cell two button only not all tableview cell button @Fnord23
any idea
@Anjaneyulu no, sorry
any idea
pls help me
@Fnord23 what do you think about this: have a property "row" in my popover tableview..and also in each of my master tableview....then in the popover tableview i say:row = indexPath.row;.....then i go to my master tableview and do all the work there instead of in the popover...
@Fnord23 do you think it could work?
@Japa how about this: you make a controller that holds all managedObjects (of this entity type), then let this controller select fruit from the managedObjectContext and put it in an array, then tell arrayController1 (fruit) to populate it's arrangedObjects with this array. same thing for arrayController2 (animals). then tie your 2 arrayControllers to your 2 tableViews
the 2 arrayControllers can be tied to the 2 tables with bindings, everything will update immediately
have arrayController1 do a fetchRequest to fetch fruit, arrayController2 fetchRequest animals
if your entity has no property to distinguish between fruit or animals, you can tell fetchRequest1 to compare the name (or description or whatever) to an array of fruitnames
for your popover table, do the same thing: have a separate arrayController for popover1. put the array of fruitnames in arrangedObjects, or instead of fruitnames (which are strings), put fruitObjects in the array, where fruitObjects can have multiple properties like a name, a picture, a price, a description, country of origin, nutritional value, ...
then tell the tableColumn to use fruitName property
@Anjaneyulu you can set tag value for button by indexpath.row value and at cell for row at indexpath method, you can check the row number and hide that button
pls check my code
@Japa I have to go, good luck
Hi Everyone
Hi Stuart
How are you?
good .. n very much busy
toujours occupe
I have an item of discussion I would like to start with the group...
I am making an application which is a form of word guessing. It will be available in multiple locations/languages so I would like to discuss how best to handle this
For example, a user could create an account in Japanese. I can register the users locale upon signup/login etc. and record this. However, if a user starts a game with another user they of course have the option of changing language via the keyboard... the opponent could then receive the turn in another language and be unaware.
hey i m very busy right now... we discusse it in late night
2 hours later…
@StuartM you mean a Japanese person could ask a Japanese word (for instance neko), then the opponent who speaks English should automatically see the word cat?
ok, let me explain a little further
So the game for example might be, one player enters a word, another player guesses the word
So player 1 might open the app and login/signup with their language on the device as English... player 2 is also registered in English
however, player 1 takes a turn and changes their keyboard to the Japanese keyboard and enters their word
then player 2 would never be able to guess the word
(assuming they do not know the person and happen to guess in japanese too ;) )
so you need to keep a central multilanguage dictionary?
or you could prevent people from changing their keyboard in mid-game
when they choose an opponent, they could enter language preference
change your language from English to Japanese, get moved from the ENglish players' pool to the Japanese players' pool
I did not think it was possible to stop the user changing the keyboard language
in real life when two people communicate in different languages.
they can't understand each other
you should follow that
@Omi hence the discussion
add filtering to your game. rather than thinking of translation multi-languages to other
oh, you mean they could change their language outside of the game, e.g. in system preferences
@Omi what do you mean by filtering could you elaborate please?
like in a normal PS3 game.
you have filter by connection strength/match-type
@Fnord23 Sorry no I mean with the mutliple keyboard... when entering a word they could change their keyboard
same way you should add language filtering
yes, that is the aim I guess, but I am trying to understand how to handle this. So I can get the system language of the user... which would determine the strings shown to the user with NSLocalizedString...
the system language can be assigned to the user record I keep (on the server). and I can match users in games based on this
ok time for me to shut up :P
but they can still change their keyboard right?
you are not understanding the gravity
@Fnord23 noooooo
@Omi correct
if you add filter by languages.. everyone would be fine. there is this option that also is available in other games.
everyone happy.
i dont understand this language.. i will filter it sessions out so they don't come
but if you are thinking like you are thinking correctly
uhm, when starting a game, could you not assign a dictionary in one language, which the player can use
you will end up with translating language to the other user.
now all users think this is cool. we can play with that user.
but if your translating engine fails a word..
that's it. bad ratings start coming in
then when they start typing weird characters (or foreign words using our alphabet), the dictionary just fails to locate the word
correct I can add some form of language select for the user... but is the issue not when they go to type into the field for the word, they can then change to a different keyboard (i,e, another language)...??
ahh using a dictionary... good thought i guess
how far do oyu think your responsibility would go
if they can't understand each other, the game will end. If they want a good game, they won't do that very often
right, i suppose the issue is not with finding 'real' friends but a quick match/random player style
pissing other person off is the daily routine on internet
I understand it might not happen, but users are users
if trolls enjoying changing their language mid-game, who are you to spoil their fun? :)
your game could be a fantastic troll game!
whats FU in japanese ;)
I think most Japanese would understand FU
probably as a person
ok, so i think i will just look at the system set language for the user and match users up on this
if they change, their user changes i.e. into the other language pool... if they change mid game/change keyboard language so beit
even though I was not technical at all, I hope I helped
@Fnord23 Definately helped, thank you sir
now the technical question, that ok :)
next time maybe?
I am trying to update a table view with the results of a query returned in a seperate method, what would be the best way to do this
should i use a pastie?
@StuartM populate the arrayController with the query results
what do you mean by this?
in fact, let the AC run the query
its a view controller, with a tableview within it, the Vc is a uitableviewdelegate
and uitableviewdatasource
I think your table should have an arrayController
an arrayController has an array
then tell your tableColumn use the arrayControlelr
any examples of this sort of implementation, never used an arrayController before
uhm, ok, in the interface builder, you drag an arrayController into the objects
is there not a way to store the query results into its own array, then in the tableView creation of cells check if this array has a value if it does populate the cell
then with the inspector, you select the tableColumn
as there is only one cell required
then tell it to use the arrayController.propertyName
then, in code, you create a class of type NSArrayController. for instance StuartsAC.
then set the class of the arrayController in the interfaceBuilder to be of class StuartAC
then you have an arrayController class, that automatically shows the content of its array (which is called arrangedObjects) in the table
so you let StuartAC do the query (or fetchRequest or whatever)
I am not entirely sure if this is exactly the same for iOS, since I have only programmed for OSX, but the principle should be the same
to try this, you could populate the arrangedObjects of the StuartAC in the awakeFromNib
are you using the managedObjectContext?
no need to take control of the table cells
ok, so in this example I have a tableView defaulted to hidden within a VC which has one cell. The user enters a user to search for in a textfield, click search/return. The search is run which would only return one result as email address is unique and this is what they are searching for...
so within the search button pressed method I run the logic to return the searched user. Once returned i need to pass the information returned into either an object/or into the method for cellForRowAtIndexPath, so i can re-create the cell and set the tableView to show
and this code is in a tableView class?
its a View controller subclass which is a uitableviewdatasource
so the VC handles the data for the table
add an arrayController
there is no array controller object in IB for IOS
seriously?? (starting up a new Xcode project)
should I use core data?
I am using an online MBSAAS
ok sorry about that
ref pastie, the top part finds my user and returns as 'object' I then need to pass this information into the cellForRowAtIndex part
and in essence the username.text would be [object objectForKey@"username];
damn I know nothing about iOS programming
I would need to read about this before I can make sense
i can help
what's the issue ?
per the pastie above, I am trying to pass in the returned 'object' into the tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath
so i can update the label etc with the returned information
however, at load the tableview is hidden, the user then enters a value and searches, if a result is returned i then want to pass the result into the cellForRow.. and re-create the row and show tableview
NSLog(@"%@",[object objectForKey:@"displayName"]);
this is what returned
the users displayname
relevant to the search lets say it returns Bob
I just need to pass that info from 'object' into the cell for row
so create a property NSString *retrievedDisplay;
change this
usernameLabel.text = @"username"; to usernameLabel.text = self.retrievedDisplay;
and your query update add one line before tableview reloaddata
self.retrievedDisplay = [object objectForKey:@"displayName"];
yeah that'll work
thanks a lot
I can play around with the logic a bit more
6 hours later…
posted on May 14, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources     Featured iPhone Development Resources A couple of years ago I mentioned an open source flipping view reader example inspire by FlipBoard. Here’s a new control inspired by FlipBoard for view navigation from Michael Henry Pantaleon called FlipboardNavigationController. You simply need to push/pop  you

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