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I'm here. You're not here, though.
1 hour later…
is there anyone??
is there anyone what?
sorry... I am new for that chat room
I have a problem in IOS development can u help me@ Michael
I am doing registtration of user in my app in using webservice..... I am getting the response in console window....... How can I extract user id from response and use it in my app...
I wonder what the response looks like?
or can you show me
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"><soap:Body><RegisterUserResponse xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
2013-04-27 07:14:01.979 CabServiceProvider[374:c07] (
"<Service1Svc_RegisterUserResponse: 0x13177b30>"
Looks like you need to parse the XML response.
I am getting user id that are "60"..... Now I want to extract this id from service response and want to store on Device and then read it form device and send with user request
its not complicated.... its just returning the user id........
How I parse the XML response in order to extract user id.....
there are probably useful questions that people have asked before on Stack Overflow
for example, this one:
Q: Parsing XML response from a website

diggaCurrently I am writing an online login for my iOS app, I did some research about what library I should use for handeling the HTTP-Request and the XML-Parsing. I ended up with AFNetworking and KissXML. I also use the KissXML addition for AFNetworking. The request to the website is successfully, bu...

did that help you?
or did you fall asleep too?
geez, not even a "thanks for pointing me at something useful"
hi all. I need some help with nsstring comparing =)
@MichaelDautermann can you help? =)
@iWheelBuy depends on how complicated the question is
and don't ping me @iWheelBuy, you already have my attention
it's not that complicated but I have no idea how to solve it.
I have two strings. They are equal when I nslog them
the look equal
but they are not =(
what do they look like?
(Poets Of The Fall) 17 (Poets Of The Fall) 17
they are in brackets. 17 is their length
and how are you comparing them?
isEqual the A contains B the B contains A
show me that code
and it's failing on line 11 of that paste ?
I've never done what you are doing
that crazy "[artistA rangeOfString:artistB].location" thing
what is the way you've done?
why not see what the true NSRange really is?
i have never used nsrange class
hi all :D
hi Donny
                                NSRange * rangeOfArtistB = [artistA rangeOfString: artistB];
                                NSRange * rangeOfArtistA = [artistB rangeOfString: artistA];
                                if (rangeOfArtistB.location != NSNotFound || rangeOfArtistA.location != NSNotFound)
okay I'll check this one
do you happen to know if there is a easy way to get the in-app purchase price from appstore to display in my app?
nope sorry
the price of something is a member of the SKProduct object... check out Apple's documentation
2 hours later…
"april 2012"=[1,2 ,3 ,4],
"march 2013"=[3,4,6,7],
"may 2013"=[6,7,8,3],
"june 2013"=[6,6,7,8,3],

how to sort it form latest date
if "april 2012" is NSDate: you can get all your keys from dict [dict allKeys], sort this array and then get values from dict
if "april 2012" is NSString: you can get all keys from dict, make NSDate's from them and sort this array of NSDate's
3 hours later…
Any one active here?
i have a question
any one willing to answer?

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