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posted on April 20, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools I’ve mentioned a few libraries to aid in implementing complex gestures such as the $P multistr

4 hours later…
Good Morning :)
good morning
hows it going
Have u worked on facebook sdk
"it" means ??
i am not working much with facebook sdk. but share your prob. may i help you.
it = day :)
i have integrated fb sdk in my proj .. when i login for the first time it asks me authorization ..but when i open the app again .it says u have already authorized this app ...i dont want to get this page everytime user open the app
ah day is start good and live for me :)
yes it`s due to SSO, Please check for that
1 hour later…
posted on April 20, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C The previous Facebook was responsible for inspiring many different open source sliding view controls. Here’s a new open source control from Matthias called ChatHeads that is inspired

1 hour later…
Q: UILabel rotationGesture programmatically

VikrI have a UILabel which is created programmatically. I'm able to rotate it after going through a few tutorials using UIRotationGestureRecognizer, but the problem is, When I re-size the font size using a slider, the label moves out of the screen. Any help? Please, check my sample code below, Probl...

2 hours later…
hi there
is here anyone who has worked with, ALAssetsLibrary ? please help me stackoverflow.com/q/16118559/1030951
2 hours later…
did u got your answer?
good evening
i want to add button in uitableview
i try to code bt its didn't work help me
nw it working
Hi everyone
I have a question
is someone here who got some time to answer it?
It's regarding textview and a vertical scrollbar
I have a textview where I add lbls dynamicly but now the content is having more height then the screen and no scrollbar is appearing
what's wrong with it?
Q: Xamarin (C#) IOS How to add a scrollbar to a textview?

Pascal H.ios for a school project and I fill my textview dynamically with labels (with x and y positions). but since it has a lot of items the total length of the items is bigger then the iphone screen height. Now I expected an automatic vertical scroll bar to appear but it doesn't add a scrollbar for the...

hi anyone there?
I dunno... maybe.
@MichaelDautermann: thanks for replying i was just about to ask from you :)
michael i ahve a tabbarcontroller but when i push any uiview controller on any view , the viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear does't get called..what can i do in this situation?
show me how you are pushing a new uiviewcontroller onto a parent / previous view?
like this:
UsersDefinedExerciseViewController *userDefinedVC = [[UsersDefinedExerciseViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"UsersDefinedExerciseViewController" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:userDefinedVC animated:YES];
and does the view get pushed and appear?
now i want to call the viewWillAppear of UsersDefinedExerciseViewController...but it is not getting called
yes it appears...
show me how viewWillAppear is defined
everything is working fine exepth that these two methods are not being called
is that all the code there is?
if (![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:@"profileFilled"]) {
UIAlertView *alert=[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Complete Your Profile" message:@"Before you can begin tracking session and measurement data, you will need to complete your profile to establish a baseline. \n Click OK to get started!" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"Cancel" otherButtonTitles:@"OK", nil];
[alert show];
you also need to call "` [super viewWillAppear:animated];" from somewhere within your "viewWillAppear:`" implementation,
but I don't think that's the problem.
did you set a breakpoint there in the Xcode debugger?
yes cuz even the break points are showing that the method is not getting called
is "viewDidLoad" getting called?
yes it is getting called when i m allocating the view
Aye Michael morning
Aye Aye @rohan-patel good evening
seen after a long time
can it be because of the fact that the view is directly not added on the window? it is under the hierarchy of uitabbarcontroller?
@iPhoneDeveloper let's try a couple things here
replace your viewWillAppear with this:
and let me know what the console says
k in a minute..
thanks @MichaelDautermann.. i dont know how but suddenly it started to work :)
u have always been so helping..thanks take care..
I just knew you would solve your problem, @iPhoneDeveloper !
Lol Mike. Get patent for that dialogue. :P
How you doing?
Back from family visit?
yessssss, I did a family visit and it was pretty quick
but now back and finishing up an iPhone app that has to be ready to be shown off at some big trade show in a few days
Ok. Great.
is it late there?
Nops. 8.47
ohhh, that's not too bad
and you'll be coding all night, like I do??
Yeah. Started swimming so going to bed early.
Also I got admission to one university.
Waiting for other university replies,.
the one you wanted?
Nops. Southern california decisions not out yet.
Its Rochester Institute of Technology. New York state.
Heard of it?
yessss, famous school
one of the best
Ohh thanks for your comment.
People say best on east coast.
1 hour later…
Hello, all
Does anybody have experience to share about continuous integration in iOS applications (Jenkins, etc.)? What's your workflow?
4 hours later…
Hello does someone know a way to add a scrollbar / proper contentsize height to this?: stackoverflow.com/questions/16121162/…

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