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03:00 - 16:0016:00 - 19:00

hi can anyone help me on this ..stackoverflow.com/questions/15344445/…
2 hours later…
hi hows it going
I think it needs to propogate...
congrats leena
micheal i have a query ..are u free
no, I cost a lot of $$$$
but maybe you can pay me with a pizza
@Leena Congrats! Free! I'm installing. :)
thanks @Sang
@Leena Thanks so much! Oh, I can know where I take picture. Great!
this isn't your question
is it?
and there's an answer there
well it is my question ..i am not able to ask question from my profile
where is "searching" declared?
where is it set or unset?
@rockrocky So long code. What's your main problem?
searching is a BOOL value
Q: ABAddressBookGetGroupCount does not give proper count

SagrianI need to return all the contacts of particular groups. So have been trying to do some sample code which extracts all contacts. To start with needed to find all the groups in phonebook. When I opened phonebook, I observed that there are already 2 groups created because I had set up 2 accounts in ...

Still haven't got any answer to this. any suggestions?
so show me how "searching" gets set.
@Sang UIImage is appearing in the first cell of each and every section and UIImage is appearing only for first section.
@MichaelDautermann Hello Sir! How are you?
searching is used to search within the app ..
hello Praveen I am doing fine over here.
Have you ever worked with Push Notification?
not in a while...
@rockrocky I still don't see how "searching" is set or un-set...
I faced an issue that push notification not receiving for iPod only..
@rockrocky Each cell have switch ? And only firstCell of firstSection can switch on?
hi, how can we change the views to landscape and portrait in storyboard on orientation. I have taken 2 viewcontoller and in that have added landscape and portrait view.
What's your target? Every cell can switch on and each UIImage display? @rockrocky
dear @rockrocky you're not answering my questions.... I am about to give up.
@Sang no which ever switch is switched ON in first section its getting repeated in all the section ..and if i switch ON in second section image is not displaying
@Leena, congratulations
cool graphics
thanks @iHungry
download it
Where's your switch? how many switch? @rockrocky Your question still not clear.
@Leena, i have no any iOS device otherwise i will download it
@Sang ..when i tap on cell it goes into another tableview where it contains a uiswitch
ok @iHungry :)
@rockrocky Please modify your question. It make other confuse. Show main code about implement switch and when.... Don't need to post all code.
@Sang @Leena have u done orientation in storyboard
no post everything... it helps to confuse people.
yes @Dhara
@Leena i want to add views instead of setting frames
@Dhara ??
not getting
@Leena i want have made 2 views landview and portrait and i want to change the views on orientation rather than changing frames
@Dhara I've test select orientation with storyBoard but not work. Maybe you need code.
@Sang i have shown switch code when i switch ON for a particular remedy .
@rockrocky if([[activeNotificationDictionary objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:symptomIDSelected]]intValue] != 0)
Is this line?
activeNotificationDictionary contains for which tableviewcell ..uiswitch is switched ON
Just check your section before it : if(indexPath.row = 0) {} else....
Sorry. indexPath.section = 0;
should i add that
in if(indexPath.section = 0) {
if([[activeNotificationDictionary objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:symptomIDSelected]]intValue] != 0)
Try @rockrocky
@Sang not getting you
@Sang ..now the image is not showing in other sections :) ...when i want to display image if a switch in turned ON in cell of a second section the image is not displaying
In the else statement, check your row and do the same. Think another way. @rockrocky
@Dhara So many solution in the link, choose suitable one for yours. Good luck!
by doing this way if(indexPath.section == 1) {
if([[activeNotificationDictionary objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:symptomIDSelected]]intValue] != 0)
its not going into if statement
thanks @Sang
@rockrocky Have you return numberOfSection?
Hey. return 2 not 1.
@Sang pastebin.com/ByXf9YYV ..allkeysArray contains the section
2 ? shouldnt be 0,1,2,3
section number is 0,1,2,3 right
Yes. numberOfSections must start: 1,2... @rockrocky
hmm even if i put 1,2 its not entering the loop only when indexpath.section == 0 its entering the loop if first section is selected
got a question
typedef float (^MyBlockType)(float, float);
MyBlockType myFirstBlock = // ... ;
MyBlockType mySecondBlock = // ... ;

Does that mean that I could make myFirstBlock add two floats and make mySecondBlock subtract two floats?
@rockrocky Sorry. can't figure out.
hmm ..i can send u my project ..
If not relate to confidential. upload to github and send link here. @rockrocky
typedef float (^MyBlockType)(float firstNumber, float secondNumber);
MyBlockType myAddBlock = // ... ;
MyBlockType mySubtractBlock = // ... ;

Does that mean that I could make myFirstBlock add two floats and make mySecondBlock subtract two floats?

like this eg.

myAddBlock = ^{
return firstNumber + secondNumber;

mySubtractBlock = ^{
return firstNumber - secondNumber;
@Sang - (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
if (searching == NO && tableView == symptomsTableView)

return [allKeysArray count];
return 1;
allKeysArray contains the number of sections
I know @rockrocky
What's this line for: int symptomIDSelected = [[[mainsymptArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectForKey:@"SymptID"]intValue];
that line is used to know which cell is selected
i can send u my proj via email ..since its related to confidential
ooooh, if it's confidential I want to know all about it.
But I don't want to know:)
then i will be in big fix :P
Hi All
Try with new control @rockrocky
posted on March 12, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Last month I mentioned an excellent open source tool for working with NSLocalizedString that makes it easy to edit different

the "secret" stuff I've known in my life has never been a big deal
I m in big problem
Please help me
ive got a problem too lol
could someone pls help me
Ben m not joking
neither am I
switch on in section0(turn all control BOOL on) - > then check it. @rockrocky
I've got 99 problems, but busted code ain't one.
So first tell me what ur prob
typedef float (^MyBlockType)(float firstNumber, float secondNumber);
MyBlockType myAddBlock = // ... ;
MyBlockType mySubtractBlock = // ... ;

Does that mean that I could make myFirstBlock add two floats and make mySecondBlock subtract two floats?

like this eg.

myAddBlock = ^{
return firstNumber + secondNumber;

mySubtractBlock = ^{
return firstNumber - secondNumber;
that's my suggestion. indexPath.row don't tell about section0 or 1. @rockrocky
sorry im kinda new to blocks
Boss Barfi absent today. No luck for all of you. :)
Actually I have detect distance between two iPhone and u know GPS is not so much relaible
@Ben Try to ask on programmer stack. Maybe better. Or start bounty. I never use block function.
then how to find out
ok thanks sang
should i put if(indexpath.row)
if([[activeNotificationDictionary objectForKey:[NSNumber numberWithInt:symptomIDSelected]]intValue] != 0)
indexPath.row = integer not BOOL @rockrocky
You control setting wrong. can not control cell. Must use Array of Array control. @rockrocky
is any body there
I dunno... maybe
@riyaz What's do you want to use? GPS simple and exactly then other. I think.
Distance: point to point -> GPS
Can calculate from my house to your house. :)
@sang no actually I have to calculate between two iPhones
Have any body experiece in producing sound waves and sending to other iPhones and get back that waves returnes
and calculate distance on the basis of time
that waves takes
:)Advance concept.
no not advance concept many of app on apstore are using this '
but i dont have any exp
seeking help here
or just provide me any solution
@Sang even after doing if(indexPath.row == 10) ..still its not entering the loop
NSLog after if @rockrocky Any log?
Haii, can you solve my issue which is here stackoverflow.com/questions/15353732/…
@riyaz, show me the links of Apps which include your relevant functionality
accoustic ruler , sonic ruler
these apps using such type functionaly
actually your functionality seems to sound echo of wavelength ....
Hi All. How to fill color for UIBezierPath after [bezierPath closePath];
@MichaelDautermann @iHungry
you need to detect exact sound using iOS senors from two devices
A: Draw a polygon and fill it with a background image

DarkDustNot tested, but it should work like this: - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { UIColor *color = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:myPatternImage]; [color set]; UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath]; [path moveToPoint:p1]; [path addLineToPoint:p2]; [path addLineToPoint:p...

Q: How to draw multiple UIBezierPath with differents colors in a UIView

iMacXI would like to draw multiple UIBezierPath in a uiview with different stroke and fill color. Here is the code - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); [[UIColor grayColor] setFill]; [[UIColor greenColor] setStroke]; UIBezierPath *aPath = [...

its very interesting concept and required knowledge on sound wave physics
@MichaelDautermann Thanks so much!
have you any knowledge @ihu
@riyaz, you have to first search about sensors of iOS which capable of doing such functionality
hi all
can anyone help me
i have no knowledge but i telling you based on theory which i learn in collage time education
ok then guide me what I have to do
and how they done in that app @iHungry
@Sang are u here?!
1st thing i tell you what to do... read my 2nd last line ... and 2nd thing you not provide me yet links of app in which include such functioanlity
No @Azar
thank u
@Azar So many thanks! What's that?
@iHungry all the apps name which I have written is on app store
i have no time to search it on app store ... BTW i m very busy in my work
@Sang nslog is retuning 0 ..i'll show u the code
really so many thank u
i am in problem
in create developer certificate
in conntection with really devices
is true in case distribution
but in error
iphone developer
in distrbution with praivate key
@rockrocky Don't see any change in your code.
but in iphone developer without private
possible from
@iHungry this is the itunes link of all the app
oh sorry one sec
does any body work on amazon buyer seller messages?
@rockrocky Your symptomIDSelected must set by section + row. Try to change data struct and just check it.
        int symptomIDSelected = [[[mainsymptArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectForKey:@"SymptID"]intValue];
        int symptomIDSelected = [[[mainsymptArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.section]objectForKey:@"SymptID"]intValue];
how do i set section and row in one variable ?
Change to Aray of Array @rockrocky [[mainArray objectAtIndex:section] objectAtIndex:row];
Q: Determining the relative position of 2 mobile devices using ultrasound

REACHUSI am considering using ultrasound (inaudible) as an option for determining the relative position of 2 mobile devices (which can be either on Android or iOS devices). There will be my app installed on both of these devices. Its users will face each other (with their max. distance being 1,5 m), hol...

@Sang int symptomIDSelected = [[[[mainsymptArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.section] objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] objectForKey:@"SymptID"]intValue];
@iHungry If need any help then how to contact u
@iHungry @riyaz @MichaelDautermann @MoorthyTheBoss hi
@rockrocky something like that. I don't know your model.
its not working ...i dont think we can put two objectAtIndex for one array
@iHungry Sorry i could not seen what u write can u write again
@rockrocky You must change your data. hmmm
Check and try another way in your case.
In springBoard, they control active DELETE button. Good luck!
Hello @all
Can any one plz help me how to handel excel sheet in iOS
1 message moved to recycle bin
hey. What can make a uiimagepickercontroller not dismiss on the for run but works on second run of the app?
The same controller instance and the same picker instance is used to dismiss it as the controller and picker that got presented.
@Sang u there
No @rockrocky
dude i am getting stuck
i'll mail u the proj ..as soon as u click the link i'll delete the message
i didnt understand
Try to understand like debug your project.
@BobApple Where are you?
@Sang i am here:)
trying to implement collection view in Emoji :)
@Sang..will u help me out .:(
How can I help? @rockrocky
Your problem?
I've help. Try!
Has anyone tried to display the badge icon like below -
@Praveen Check my above link about SpringBoard.
I've developed an app with push notification. Its working fine. But, not displaying the count of notification i'd received.
@Sang Where's it?
Yes got it
Oh @Praveen Sorry!
Badge for App not custom in Icon?
@Sang Yes for push notification count
Q: Implement badge notification on my app

SivanathanI am new to iphone Notification. In my app, I am displaying RSS Feed contents and whenever changes happening in server side of RSS Feeds, then I want to show the notification on top of application icon with number badge and also this number should be based on number of feeds changed ( This is cha...

@Praveen : just notification man
He's an Android Expert. :)
@Sang Once upon a time.. Now don't have time to concentrate with Android
@PraviJay How to do that?
@rockrocky I've finish switch on/off in section as your spec. Do you want to buy my code?
@PraviJay Will see it now bro
Hi @Barfi I try to do your Job but can't. Not enough skill.
my job :O
@Barfi Sorry! Mistake. Your love not Your Job!
i have a button and its connected with contacts..such that when i clicked it..it opens contacts..i want that while selecting contact..it will appear in the place of button..how i can do this some one help???
not a clear question..how do you open contacts first?
@Barfi i have a button with an image (+).
when i click it contacts gets open...
i want when i select a contact ..that person image will come over the button in place of (+).
do u got my question or i will explain more??
I asked how you open contacts
@Barfi Hi. How are you?
good..thanks..how about you
Yes fine.
Have you ever worked with MKMapview?
very less
I also get answer and copy path before stroke, fill. But always get a line.
Any help?
@Barfi @iHungry
@Barfi I've a latitudes & longtitudes in one NSMutableArray I plotted those in mapview perfectly. And, i've plotted my current location also. Now, i just want to show the mapview in center of point from above coordinates.. How to do that? My Code
@Sang you should probably go through as many core graphics tutorial you can find and understand so that you become better in it.
core graphic expert are few only
@Praveen A ton of Maps, you can choose: cocoacontrols.com/search?utf8=✓&q=MKMapView
@Praveen you can set MapView location/region through MKRegion object
@Barfi Thanks! I'll try new thing.
hello to all
anybody have idea of how to show daily moon phase in iphone application
help me
anybody have idea
Does anybody know how to post data through MKNetworkOperation?
when defining a 'static' class method in objective c do i have to call init first at the beginning?
nope .. because i dont want to instantiate the class ..
static function or class? Can you give first sample line?
hi friends
i am new to iphone development
can any one help me for one of my question
@Sang i was talking about a static method + (...)foobar {} .. but i already solved it ;)
@VickyRaj just ask your question, if anybody knows the answer he/she will answer you
Q: How can i implemented delete and rename button in AQGridViewCell

VickyRaji want to add two button in my Customized AQGridViewCell with ImageView. when i Click Edit button its showing Two button on the ImageGridViewCell like below image.i added image view and two button in ImageGridViewCell class using IB.but its showing with button when its set hidden . here my code ...

these link is my Queastion
please can any one help me for the above Question please
as for the programatically button:

[myButton addTarget:self action:@selector(buttonDown:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];

- (void)buttonDown:(id)sender {
NSLog(@"Button pushed down");
Remark: There are two kinds of methods in Objective-C: instance methods and class methods.
@Sang yep .. i compared it do the classical static property of other languages where you can call a method without an instance - which would be a class method
static CGPoint midPoint(CGPoint p1, CGPoint p2)
return CGPointMake((p1.x + p2.x) * 0.5, (p1.y + p2.y) * 0.5);
:) just some informations @skripted
@skripted if i click edit button its showing the delete button but when click done _edit button the delete button showing again
i put [deletebutton setHidden:YES]
1 hour later…
@Sang i want to developed one game have you experience in Game developement :D
there is so many UIBezerpath
NSString *str = @"http://www.google.com/search?q=basic%20game%20tutorial%20for%20iOS"; [self.webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:str]]];
Try this @BobApple
i think you Don't want to help me:P
very bad SAng
barfi bahi sang ko samjha na :P
That's very useful code. @BobApple
oky but can you play once game for me @Sang
dost dost na raha : haha
i am send you link @Sang
i think you love games:P
I love game over! :)
oky sending you link:)
but on fb beacuse you know if barfi see that link he will develope it in one day..:P
please play it once :(
I'm so old to play @Chinese Baby.
it means i have no luck to develope this game? @Sang
Hai all how to convert my string which is url into URL to run in webView
@sreecharan I am
Share your link to @Barfi . An Cocos2D expert.
@BobApple Please help sudheer.
03:00 - 16:0016:00 - 19:00

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