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01:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

posted on March 04, 2013 by admin

Description: Objective-C video tutorials — In these programming video series I’ll go through the basics of objective-c object oriented programming …Continue reading »

2 hours later…
anybody have experience with HTML5 canvas on mobile
Good Morning :)
@SunTzu @josh hi very good morning
@MoorthyTheBoss hi good morning
@MoorthyTheBoss @josh @SunTzu hi one help
Good morning! Hi @kannan
hi folks
i need a small help in detecting whether a UIActionsheet or UIAlert is opened in any view
can any one help me with this?
keep an ivar and keep it to yes when you launch action sheet/alertview
-(BOOL) doesAlertViewExist {
for (UIWindow* window in [UIApplication sharedApplication].windows) {
NSArray* subviews = window.subviews;
if ([subviews count] > 0) {

BOOL alert = [[subviews objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[UIAlertView class]];
BOOL action = [[subviews objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[UIActionSheet class]];

if (alert || action)
return YES;
return NO;
set this in delegate
@SunTzu: i already have tried this
not working
and use it anywhere you want
it should :(
fyip: i am trying this on ipad
@Sang one help. could u help me?
OK if I can. About what?
@Sang ios map issue
@Tarun ... check your code ... it is working for me
Mapkit ? I not try it yet. But ask, the other will help you. I also try and find.
@kannan ... Please write your question
okay.. actually i need to detect any actionsheet or alertview when app moves to the background.
@Sang in this link please draw one view after u created please drag any one pin point it will move parallel with the line. how can i do this in ios map.
let me try in delegate.. till now i was using it inside a viewcontroller
@kannan check some of them, maybe useful: cocoacontrols.com/search?utf8=✓&q=mapkit
not working san
@Sang i can move annotation. but when i move the annotation point parallel i want to move the line.
@Sang i have did draw line and pin point moving. but i want when i move the annotation point i want to draw a line from both points.
@PraviJay yo yo :D ki haal ne
@SunTzu @Sang any idea
@kannan Sorry! So difficult. I think you try with pin first. Some example on github. And try with line. You App like Google Earth?
@Sang ya
Try @kannan . I try to find some line example but no luck. No one can try it for you.
@kannan ... no bro ... have to think about that :) will get such time only after evening ..
@SunTzu when u free, please help me. NP. :)
@Sang :) ok
Good morning all
good morning
Has anyone worked with core bluetooth? stackoverflow.com/questions/15195322/…
@Barfi facing strange problem? app working on ios6 but crash on lower version
@blake305 i haven't..did you try apple's bluetooth sample code ?
Yeah. I don't have a blood pressure device to test it on
try this one ?
@BobApple any error ?
App is already ready for sale
no error
only crash
ARe you using apprater
or appirater or some kind of api that asks users to rate your app
cant you test on iOS 5.0 simulator ?
Are you using any external api's
or imports
Q: Dissmissing the keyboard when UITextField and UITextview displayed inside of UIWindow

PraveenI've added my UITextField and UITextView inside a UIWindow I can able to type inside in both of them. But, can't able to dismiss it when return pressed in keyboard. -(void)showAlert { alertWindow = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; alertView = [[UIView alloc] init...

yes i test on ios 5.0 working fine there
test on many devices... who told you it crashes ?
I had this happen once
@blake305 using json for app data
yes @Barfi
    for (int pair = 1; pair <= numTiles / 2; pair++) {

        int type = [Helper getRandomFloatBetweenLow:1 high:man.level_tileTypeMax];

        int x1;
        int y1;
        do {
            x1 = [Helper getRandomFloatBetweenLow:1 high:man.layout_boardWidth];
            y1 = [Helper getRandomFloatBetweenLow:1 high:man.layout_boardHeight];
        } while (_map[x1][y1] != no_tile);
        _map[x1][y1] = type;

        int x2;
        int y2;
        do {
            x2 = [Helper getRandomFloatBetweenLow:1 high:man.layout_boardWidth];
@Praveen using arc right ?
_map[][] is a small 2d array
I accidentally overridded en.lproj
i need to put different pairs of tiles onto it
It got passed apple
And to the app store
must be random
Then it went public and all hell broke loose
@Barfi You mean -fno-objc-arc to that ViewController?
but this function is very very slow
3-4 seconds on my ipod touch
Try to generate an ad hoc copy
Then test with that
it should be fast, since array is small with just integers
@Barfi not working
The github link
help guys
do {
x2 = [Helper getRandomFloatBetweenLow:1 high:man.layout_boardWidth];
y2 = [Helper getRandomFloatBetweenLow:1 high:man.layout_boardHeight];
} while (_map[x2][y2] != no_tile);
yes i know this one is slow
you are looping till you find a empty tile
@Barfi but it is a small map
better to store empty tile in beginning and then set the objects.
@blake305 so its only way to solve it
x2 = [Helper getRandomFloatBetweenLow:1 high:man.layout_boardWidth];
probably random float method also takes much time..
try to make it inline only
Just generate an ad hoc. If that crashes, then your code/project is the problem
oky thank you
you could use logging to find which method takes more time .. random generation or searching till no tile
@Barfi oh i was stupid, should use random it
i used random float
@Barfi there?
fast now, haha
Any idea what CoreBluetooth[WARNING] <CBConcretePeripheralManager: 0x1f553f00> is not powered on means
@Praveen yes.
[alertWindow setHidden:NO];
after this line.. you should check again.. if the textfield delegate is set
NSLog(@"txt.delegate == %@",txt.delegate);
check if it outputs any thing
@blake305 on OSX or iOS ?
I ran the client on OSX and the server on iOS. I'm developing for ios
where is the error showing ?
and also the github link provides many sources to communicate. and background info
No error. Nothing happens when I press "Make Request"
have you made your devices discoverable ?
@Barfi Yes, its simply printing txt.delegate == <SearchRestaurantViewController: 0xc1242a0>
i don't know what is the issue.
some suggestion
1) try to add it to app delegate window only
Yes. My ipad can discover my imac, but not vice-versa
@Barfi And, its not inserted any characters
Oh wait, just kidding. Why do I have to go to settings to make my ipad discoverable?
don't ask me.
@Barfi me?
@Praveen try to use existing modal libraries like this
Should the test work? From ipad 3 to imac?
you might be able to edit these and see if they pass the delegate properly
Okay fine!
@blake305 i have less experience in bluetooth than you..so cant really say.try and post your issue on the github repo only
@Barfi This is my scenario to open that my UIWindow which is contains the UITextField and UITextView
you do know as of iOS 5 alert view API includes AlerViewTextField style ?
but i believe you making a new window might be a issue..most third party library makes a UIVIew..add their controls..and show it on app delegate window
So, what's the alternative method?
Any idea?
But, it doesn't provide my required design format.
i think you just take any third part modal library..check if it works...add a textfield to it..set its delegate to self.if delegate methods are called..change its ui to your preference
That is what i'm also thinking to do :) Will try it
@Barfi Hey dude! I found one thing now.
posted on March 04, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,News,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,News,Objective-C Welcome back to the weekly feature of the most popular new resources mentioned on the site in the past week. This weeks most popular resource is alibrary providing helper methods for creating complex queries of Objective-C collections

I've changed this line. [self.view addSubviewWithZoomInAnimation:reserveView duration:1.0 option:curveValues[0]]; Just removed the reservWindow word there and inserted self.view Now, its allow me to insert and dismiss the keyboard too.
So the problem is with UIWindow right?
i am still not sure why you allocate new window.
Hello World
@Barfi So, should i have to use existing window?
better to use it.
Hmmm sure
@jenny Hello
UIWindow *appWindow = [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window];
Let me try this
@Barfi Its simply removed my whole view with animation effect dude :(
removed ?
Yes. Including self.view also
what code did you add/removed ?
For removing - [myreserveWindow removeWithZoomOutAnimation:1.0 option:curveValues[0]];
For adding - [myreserveWindow addSubviewWithZoomInAnimation:reserveView duration:1.0 option:curveValues[0]];
[myreserveWindow removeWithZoomOutAnimation:1.0 option:curveValues[0]];
this will remove whole window.
replace it with reserView
Okay. But, its not letting insert the character what i've typed :(
then revert back to when it was working.
:) Okay. It was worked only without using any window
So, i'll change it as UIView and will get the result
@Barfi i have one doubt in enterprise deployment if u free pl help me
how to deploy Via a web server?
this is my first deployment using enterprise
i need help for deploying enterprise what are the steps need to follow
free i pad?
you have a enterprise account ?
free iPad ?
remove the ask starred message..whoever did.
@vignesh4303 what happened ?
@Barfi i have one doubt in ios map. can u help me?
i saw your doubt..i thinkit could be done through core graphics
@Barfi core graphics?
@Barfi any clue
@Barfi another doubt how can i draw a straight line without user touch movement. any idea?
we are going to buy an enterprise account
this is a project that uses core graphics.
for that i need detail from you @Barfi after getting this account how to deploy using web server
although it is much different from your requirement..
you can see how you can create line..edit lines..draw line without touch
@vignesh4303 in your project..
when you archive the build.
click distribute - share via adhoc.
i have little confuse with that
after you sign it with your provisioning you will see option to save for enterprise distribution
now we are deploying with developer ad-hoc
and tested with our mobiloe
but what our client asking is
@Barfi thanks for your help. i need to drag the pin point with the lines. but without user touching on map.
they need three setup with different logo
for this i go with enterprise
@kannan i helped as much i can..for further help..you need to find core graphics expert
we upload the deployed app into our server and then client can install in his device itself
@Barfi ok thanks
@Barfi for that how can i deploy the app what are the steps i need to follow?
you need to lookup info on enterprise development.
steps are the same.
enterprise just removes device restriction
my friend gave this link techrepublic.com/blog/smartphones/… but i have little doubt in configure via webserver
isse zyada detail me kuch nhi milega
and also check this
Q: Apple enterprise program distribution questions

RayfleckThis question relates to the Apple iOS Developer Enterprise Program I am trying to determine the limits and relationships between the following 4 entities: Apple Enterprise Program distribution licenses, DUNS numbers, distribution certificates, and apps. Here's the scenario: a client wants to d...

i will go through the link and then if i hav any doubt i wil ping u
@vignesh4303, please go through this link stackoverflow.com/questions/15195357/…
@user1980105 ok
@vignesh4303 ,please help me..
@all, hai....Please go through link ..stackoverflow.com/questions/15195357/…
@user1980105 open terminal
@Barfi, okay..
@Barfi, then..
drag the lib speech source folder into the terminal
@Barfi,I got the path...
now put that path in header path of projects
@Barfi, path enclosed in Quotes in or not???
in Quotes
single or double ??
@Barfi , .h file not found error..
what is the path that you added?
add a / at the end and try again
same error as before...
what is the contents in SpeechText Folder ?
you added the whole speech text project folder in your project ?
including Xcode project of it ?
@Barfi , No i added 'SpeechToText.xcodeproj' only to my project...
3) In your project's settings, update the target's build phases by adding SpeechToText to the "Target Dependencies" section and libSpeechToText.a under the "Link Binary with Libraries" section.
done that ?
Yes I already did that....
Under the target's Build Settings tab, add the iPhone-Speech-to-Text directory (i.e. the path on your hard drive to wherever it exists) to the "Header Search Paths" field, and click the box marked "Recursive"
made it recursive ?
recursive is okay...But i confused in where to set iPhone-Speech-to-Text directory?? I confused in that area only...
back in 15 min
Hello, good morning/afternoon/evening/night !!!
Ya good afternoon...
@user1980105 solved yet ?
@Barfi , I can't...
@Barfi, Please help me!!!!1
in it there is examples folder.
those example use the same approach..add Xcode project..dependency..user search path..
that way you can compare and work it out
The wifi of iPhone5 sucks
correction : iPhone 5 sucks
@all some days before I had parsed response coming from server to NSData and then serialized that through JSONSerialization to get a string....now I only have that string..can I hard code that string to convert it back to NSData dn use it where required..??
you can convert NSString to NSData
you have any idea about apk expansion file @Barfi
mera hi question mujhpe ?
nhi yr ap ny kab kia ye question?
@Barfi ya that is all right...but than the string is having lot many special characters..putting it in @"" throws error..!!
android k bat kr raha hu
in Android Discussion, Feb 25 at 5:38, by Barfi
any one created expansion file for their app ?
oh i see
@keepsmiling you have to escape code those characters
Hey guys ...!!
but i am facing same problem now ?
any one familiar with uploading files to FTP server .. ?
i am also facing..but i have not gone on to try creating myself yet..i will do a day before i will submit it to play store
@Barfi no other way..??..well I also have tha string which is in json format..can that be of any use to get NSData..??
@keepsmiling easy way..
make a new txt file with that string.
add to project
load it into string.
then uson json serialization
oky if i find any solution then i will share
@Barfi will try that..!!
@Barfi koi response hi nhi dy raha android room ma?
@Barfi: hello ..! :)
hello..not done ftp.sorry
@BobApple tried private android room ?
didn't allow ?
response a gy
gofy na kam kia huva hy
so contact with gofy
hn..he asked the same day i did.
ab tak shayad kr lia hoga usne
@Barfi link dy do solution mil gy hy
i know that link..
pr mere paas abhi time nhi hai.
hahaha pr q nhi dia phely
i don't know if it will work for sure or not..
oky let me try
kal koi problem aayegi to ab tum goofy se poochoge..main deta to mujhse poochte
oky ab goofy ko tang kr gy wasy bhi us ny kh dia hy let me know if you have some doubts
@Barfi, Thank you so much...
hahaha three times
solved ?
@Barfi, I have one doubt . what is difference b/w "Header search paths" && "User header search paths"...
what was the issue ?
I set path into User header search paths...
don't know difference
@Barfi, You are from??
Barfi! is a 2012 Indian romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Anurag Basu. It revolves around Murphy "Barfi" Johnson, a mute and deaf boy from Darjeeling, West Bengal and his relation with two girls, one of whom is autistic. The film stars Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Ileana D'Cruz in lead roles. Made on a budget of between 30-35 crore (US$5.46-6.37 million), The film was praised for showing positive portrayal of the differently abled in films. The film was sent as India's official entry for the Best Foreign Language Film nomination for the 85th Academy Awards in ...
can you send your mail id.
mera BIODATA : P
@Hi all can anyone tell me how to add watermarks end of the video in ios?
where do you get the video ?
@Barfi tery city ma kahi hospital tu nhi hy na? atleast city k name to bata dy ?
@Barfi- i want to create video from app when video stop at that time i want to add watermark so when user play video end of the video he can see watermarks right corner
@SmritiYadav hi how are you?
@bob hi :) i m fyn :)
create video from app means ?
@Praveen i have few doubts in APNS? can you clarify few queries about APNS ?
can anybody help me download video from youtube to iphone
just want to know process or approach if any body has done before
Q: How to handle alignment of UI on phone call?

Ankit JainI am developing iPhone app for iOS 5 or above version, and making use of storyboard for UI design. My problem is when i am on phone call my UI gets misaligned because my upper status bar is taking 20 to 30 pixel of screen space. Sorry unable to upload image here so please click here to see imag...

help me pls
@SmritiYadav APNS?
apple push notification service
Sorry never worked with that.
@Barfi Hi, have you worked with SQLite in objective c?
ask leena..
madam ji master hai usme
@Praveen have u worked On send Push Notifcation
@AnkitJain @SmritiYadav @Barfi
@Joan Nope dude
ask the question
I just want to retrieve one record from sqlite. How to do that?
where attribute specifies the condition for the query .. you should be able to get that from it
01:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

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