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posted on March 02, 2013 by admin

Description: Objective-C video tutorials — In these programming video series I’ll go through the basics of objective-c object oriented programming …Continue reading »

4 hours later…
gud mrng @iHungry
very good morning
Good Morning @iHungry
@iHungry am Developing bird shooting game in COCOS 2D
am added frame like Bird flying
the problem was in shooting
birds don't shoot :P
its shooting only One monster = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"bird__03.png"];
how do you check collision between bullet and bird while you shoot bird?
CCMoveTo * actionMove = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:actualDuration position:ccp(-monster.contentSize.width/2, actualY)];
CCCallBlockN * actionMoveDone = [CCCallBlockN actionWithBlock:^(CCNode *node) {
[_monsters removeObject:node];

[node removeFromParentAndCleanup:YES];
yes its taking only spritewithfile
the problem is am adding Frame like CCSpriteFrameCache *cache=[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache];
[cache addSpriteFramesWithFile:@"birdAtlas.plist"];

// frame array
NSMutableArray *framesArray=[NSMutableArray array];
for (int i=1; i<10; i++) {
NSString *frameName=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"bird%d.png", i];
id frameObject=[cache spriteFrameByName:frameName];
[framesArray addObject:frameObject];
its not taken frame
Sorry am paste coding Directly
yes CCSpriteFrameCache method create problem for me as well, but cocos2d gives alternative of that method
do you actually have frame named bird1,bird2 in your atlas ?
Barfi " NSString *frameName=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"bird%d.png", i]; " this line create atlas
alias ?
alise ?
yes i have bird1,bird2
in my frame
did you log your framesArray to check if the frames were there or not ?
CCSpriteFrameCache create problem as per my guessing
see my Coding in pastebin
CCSpriteFrameCache only
see that line - (void)update:(ccTime)dt {
and -(void) addmonster
your issue is that after every one sec previous monster is removed and new one is there ?
that is because you are keeping monster and ivar
monster = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"bird__03.png"];
every time you reset the current monster
change above to
yes this is the actual reson
CCsprite *monster = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"bird__03.png"];
keep it class variable
and set tag to sprite sheet
monster = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"bird__03.png"]; that monster only taken spritefile
after collision check tag value you will exact sprite sheet
So that bird_03.png is not animating
you don't understand .. your game logic calls addMonster method in which you reset current moister and add new one
no animation code in addMonster method.. why will it animate ?
am tried using animation coding like frame
which method /
see that
am using this animation coding in birds flying
last one is add monster
it is not animating ?
monster = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"bird__03.png"];
am changing that animating code
i will be back later
did you solve ?
Good Morning to all
good afternoon
posted on March 02, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C Previously I mentioned a great control for creating customized bar indicators and the popular MBProgressHud for creating custom progress indicators. Here’s a control called DPMeterVi

1 hour later…
@kirtiavaiya Nice going, moron. With excellent research skills like yours - where you put an Android / Eclipse question into an iOS room, I'm not surprised you have difficulty
oops sory...its By mistake
Yeah, right. Which is why you posted the same question in 2 iOS rooms.
actually this ID is using by someone else
thats why
Good Afternoon!
@BobApple Hi. You here?
yes @Sang how are you?
Find! And you? What's problem with your JSON?
let me explain
@Barfi kasa hy?
@Sang you complete the keyboard?
Not yet! Maybe 1month later.
oh so lazy work
why so late?
Complex keyboard.
Include Spelling correction.
how it wil correct the spelling?
using any algorithm?
Look up!
@all hi stackoverflow.com/questions/15173551/… can anybody help me
Keyboard is common standard. So need time to test carefully Sir.
@Leena hi
have you implement color picker there? @Sang
Not yet! @BobApple
So many task.
the when you implement it ? i want to see it there?
I don't know. I'm a lazy coder. @BobApple
send me code i will help you but after 15 days
You don't know about my language. How can you help? @BobApple
@Barfi your imagination is so wrong?
@Sang i will used it with urdu language..
@BobApple You will buy my Keyboard. I think so. :)
yes sure but with code..)
@hacker I'm checking. using ARC?
@Sang ??
@Leena there?
@hacker Only use: namestring = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"avatar%d.png",i];
@Sang not solved my issue
@Sang thanks for the attention
@hacker before assigning it check the array
@Leena nil or not?
keep breakpoint n check the array
not nil
then how come it is causing a crash
analyser shows the leak in the adding code as i pointed out
you shud make use of NSMutableString
in the creation?
yup namestring shud be nsmutablestring
also tested
Hi Friends
Good Evening @Leena @hacker @Sang @SachinPrasad
Hi @NSExpression
any one from here used ASIHTTPRequest Library ? @Leena @Sang @hacker @hacker
@hacker No problem with NSString *namestring = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"avatar%d.png",i];
@NSExpression make use NSURLRequest
I think your problem come from your array.
@property(retain, nonomatic) avtararray; alloc, init and autorelease.
[self.avatararrau addObject:name string];
it was working when loading
the problem is if i press the cancel button and come again
i have to uploade user id, password and captcha image to server "Captcha Server" and the server will return me Text of captcha
NSLog your array when press cancel. Your Array had release. @hacker
@Leena here in this pastebin
you can see the Step-1 And Step-2
those steps are saying we need to send 3 parameters to solve captcha image on specified url @Leena
see i too have posted image with parameters using NSURLrequest instead of ASIHTTPrequest
for that i am using ASIHTTPRequest api @Leena
can you give me sample code for that
i just did google and i got a stackoverflow link for posting image and parameters
For MAC ?
not getting helpful link
@Sang yes it is released
Dinner Time! Bye all.
but i dnt released it anywhere
@hacker Sorry. I don't try so much with non ARC. Why don't use assign your array to array in ViewController and use it?
Appdelegate release after finish loading: self.viewController.avatararray = self.avatararray.
[self.avataarray release];
@Sang NSLog(@"%d",[appDelegate.avtararray count]);
count shows 52 and the next line crashed -[CFString isNSString__]: message sent to deallocated instance
@hacker you need to figure out on your own
what is getting released in your project
@Leena when printing count of the array it is showing 52 but when printing the array it is showing the error
make use of breakpoint
NSLog(@"%d",[appDelegate.avtararray count]);
@Leena okay, thanks
the first one is ok the second one is crashing ,,,do u have any guess becoz i feel that the array is there
hello friends . do any one have experience with continues recording audio from device and get its audio data at same time. ?
@BobApple agli baar se alternate saturday ka bhi hissab rakhna padega :P
pr aj sy bahi apni security k bandobast kr ly....P
hello everyone
i want to add mutilple pins on mapview, by passing city pin , how can i do this?
anyone have idea....
i already show single city on mapview
Hi Friends this my First msg in Chat room.......
Can any one worked on iCloud implementation in Your Project
@Barfi i want to share my Photo to iCloud like FaceBook, twitter Sharing Option So how can I implement it in My Project
photo are not shared..files are synced in icloud
Oh how can i sync my photo to iCloud
try raywenderlich tutorial on iCloud.
i sync Particular Photo to iCloud
and look into more of them.
iCloud is a big topic..i cant explain it all
i tried that toutorial i Can't Display it from iCloud
where did you get stuck
its working Fne in Loocal Path
i am not getting CloudURL while iCloud Enabled
iCloud is enabled on device ?
using correct provisioning profile ?
correct bundle identifier ?
iCloud enabled for app id ?
All the things Just Fine
I am able to add Photo to iCloud
But not able to Display Photo from iCloud
That means not able to get iCloudURL
you need to subclass UIDocument and then when data will sync to other device you will get the data of the image on other device
ray wenderlich iCloud tutorial part 2 covers this
Hey all
ya i Covered Part 2 also
So my concept is i sync My photos to iCloud and show Photo from iCloud n same Device
IS this Possible to Develop in my App
you cant check what data is backed up in icloud
i added My photo in the Form of Photo.Data and saw in my iCloud Backup
that was added in my iCloud Back Up
hi donny
how are you
iCloud does show data to be backed up.
but i dot think it is possible to find out which data is backed up in iCloud programatically.
Good thanks you?
Hmm i checked in way of settings > iCloud>Documents and Data > My Photo.data
i am beginner for iPhone development so i cant able to under stand the Concept of iCloud implementation
help me
i am good too.
you cant check data backed up in the cloud..
millions of other apps on the app store.
they don't have such functionality which also points to this only
ok Thank you for Help
@Barfi calling a method from another class can be done with notification or something right? I remember i did something like that but I cant find it anymore
hi guys
i need ur help
a 2d array
notification or delegate
how can i find the path from one point to another
2d array
yes but does it matter
just algorithm
cocos2d have method to find distance between 2 cgpoints
2d array
find a path from map[x1][y1] map [x2][y2]
but 2d array will have individual objects only
int[][] map
and there are some special rules
i have write the code to check whether there is a path
but i didnt use recurssion
so no way to use data structures to back track
looks like it is more complicated then i am thinking
try to ask in NSCHat room
i was talking about this function
ccpDistance(const CGPoint v1, const CGPoint v2)
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"board.png"];
self.imageView = [[Scroller alloc] init];

self.imageView.frame = (CGRect){.origin=CGPointMake(0.0f, 0.0f), .size=image.size};

self.scrollView.bounces = NO;

[self.scrollView addSubview:self.imageView];

self.scrollView.contentSize = self.imageView.frame.size;

How Can I change the ScrollEnabled of self.scrollview from Scroller.m ?
This all is in my viewcontroller.m
do you know delegates pattern ?
notification would be easier though as a beginner
I can send a notification from scroller.m to call a function in viewcontroller.m right?
I've been looking on the web but can't find anything about it anymore. I did use it before but can't find the code :L
[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self..
in viewcontroller.m
and then in scroller.m call it like [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification..
I'll have a look
Awh I can't get it to work
IM GETTING THERE! thanks barfi
good to know
@BobApple Where are you? Finish JSON checking?
back in 30 minute
@Barfi Could you check? gist.github.com/lequysang/5071564
I add animation for UILabel. But It not work correctly.
Q: iPad: Animate UILabels color changing

Oh Danny BoyI have a label which pops up displaying points in my application. I am using the following code to make the label get larger in scale, then smaller. I would also like to animate the color changing from purple to green. Can someone point me to a resource in achieving this? mLabel.textColor = [UIC...

@Barfi Can we programmatically set select state for UIButton?
I mean disable touch and control select by code.
Good Evening @iHungry! Can you help?
yes can.
set tag property to your UIButton when-ever you create programmatically
and at run time you can check your UIButton using tag property from Array of views
array of views you will get from [yourView subviews] method
Yes, I know.
once your button get then change its state
enable disable
yeah selected YES or NO
Sorry! I don't understand so much!
I want to set Button state like select by touch.
But not by touch. By code.
[yourButton setSelected:YES] on run time if you write this line during run time it will set selected state of your button
without touch
OK. Thanks!
       if ([aView isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]) {
            UIButton *aBut = (UIButton *)aView;
            [aBut setSelected:YES];
@iHungry Nothing change on Button. NSLog is OK. What's my misstate?
@BobApple JSon OK?
json ok but my code not ok
now array show data in nslog
Sang, how do you create your button on run show me that code?
@iHungry Just drag to XIB.
No code
are you sure you set Selected image on selected state of button?
@iHungry I use RounRec UIButton
Mean default hight light is Blue color.
No you have to set image in selected state in xib as well
OK. Let's me try. Thanks!
see this screenshot
Very Thanks! I can select 2 Button at the same time now.
same code ,same loop, same checking tag property
It's so late. I go to bed now. Thanks so much for your help! My App may finish soon. Good Night!
good night
good night
@BobApple there
ap ko chor k j sakty y
drop in to nschat..
free info being distributed :)
yr its not fair
fair to kuch bhi nhi hota...
log and json
and my code
it crash
at line
NSMutableArray *tempArr=(NSMutableArray *)[(NSDictionary *) [results objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"p"];
Kalaty[3317:19d03] -[__NSDictionaryM objectAtIndex:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
results is a dictionary not an array
yr kaha pr galti kr raha hu
results is my nsmutablearray
dictionary kr do is ko
you can check at runtime the class of an object ;
NSLog("class of the object = %@",[yourObject class]);
where i check it
results nslog karo
NSLog("class of the object = %@",[results class]);
Kalaty[3472:19d03] class of the object = __NSDictionaryM
yr bata na kia karoo
rethink it now as a dictionary and make function again
yr itna expert huta tu khud na kr leta phely?
agar nhi kroge to kabhi expert banoge hi nhi
100% right
horrible line - NSMutableArray *tempArr=(NSMutableArray *)[(NSDictionary *) [results objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:@"p"];
yes sir bara tang kr rakha hy is line ny
concatination is horrible or making it nsmutablearray ?

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