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07:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

Good afternoon all
afternoon afternoon
@Barfi sir hi
any one here have some experience with html?
[htmlString appendFormat:@"<p align=\"center\"><a href=%@ class=\"pin-it-button\" count-layout=\"horizontal\"><img border=\"0\" src=\"http://assets.pinterest.com/images/PinExt.png\" title=\"Pin It\" /></a></p>", buttonUrl];
i need this right side
right side ?
@Barfi: Hi
@BobApple @Barfi @John i want to make scroll indicator always show in scroll view. how can i do ?
@MichaelDautermann hii you there..??..won't you tell me about that picker view coming as null..!!..how can I set it..??
how can it possible to make scroll indicator always show in scroll view ?
@Dips you can go for this : scrollview.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = YES;
@Barfi yes right side of my page
@keepsmiling...u r wrong [email protected] not possible as provided by default by Apple, thou' u can make a custom scroll indicator that counts the text dynamically and always appears there...
posted on February 19, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a calendar component that provides a basic calendar UI control for all the different calendars supported by NSCalendar. Here’s another calendar component for those times wh

@DeepakBhati, hi
@John ok maybe you got the question more precisely i.e. Dips wants the scrollindicator to appear even when scroll is not scrolling..!!..I just told how to make it visible..!! :)
anyways...one small thing @iHungry @John @BobApple i have a picker view in xib...how can i reload that picker in a different class..??..The text changes only when I scroll the pickerview..!!
reloadAllComponents reloads the picker
@MonishKumar hi
@BobApple i didn't understood your requirement
@Barfi all right i try to find any alternative way...
what do you want to do with html ?
trying to set button on right side which is now in Center of page
align=\"center\" change it to align=\"right\"
@barfi: Hi...u know how to popup a subview as soon as the view is loaded?
I've written my subview codes inside didfinishpicking mediaWith info method
what do you think ViewDidLoad means ?
I dont want the subview in viewDidload and that is my point
i want it to load in didfinishpickingmediawithinfo
then do in ViewDiDAppear
@Barfi working but here is anthor issue <img border=\"0\" src=\"http://assets.pinterest.com/images/PinExt.png\" title=\"Pin It\" /></a></p>
now this button geting image from site
i want to use my local image
any idea ?
download and encode it into base64 ..substiture image src with tat
oky thank you
hi to all!
does anyone have worked with opencv and surf?
Hello evryone
have someone worked on adjusting size of cells in as per data length uitableview?
you can google..a lot of people have already done the resizing part
@Barfi i did it but not working well .
did you understood the process of how resizing is done ?
@LalitKant what you tried so for?
i tried to set cell.frame=CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 20);
@LalitKant get the size of you string your cell text and give it to your row in delegate of tableview i.e heightforrowatindexpath
@Aman bhai ye hi kiya hai
but i have taken tableviewcell class
good afternoon all
hows it going
hi rocky
sir rocky?
yesterday, by rock rocky
@Barfi @Leena how to fire multiple local notification at the same time ....http://pastebin.com/Bd9senva
^^ origami
he switched profiles today
oh i see
1 hour later…
hi, good morning/evening/afternoon/night =)
UIDayView = [[NSMorning] initAt: 9:56am];
[UIDayView destroyWorld];
NSLog("destroy rokimoki first");
@BobApple Hello
wait back in 5 minute
Who would flag beautiful flowers. :(
Flags are not toys.
They're nothing but annoying.
Stop abusing the flags. They're not mean to convey opinion. And they're visible in all rooms.
@BobApple in 1st Screen Pinit image is blurry so Is this possible to change width and height and 2nd Screen I need exactly fit into screen 320x480????
1st Screen Pinit image is blurry depend on you image size if your image size is less then set webview according to image
and second screen i think not possible
let me check on device ipad
NSString *buttonUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=%@&media=%@&des‌​cription=%@\"",myurl, protectedUrl, description];
you can clearly see that we only use link there thats why it show only built in page
in ipad this built page looks good
ya thanks a lot dude for helping me
@NikunjR.Jadav about first screen if you face any problem then tell me
@BobApple My webview 320X480 and i already upload a 1st screen and run in iPhone Retina 3.5 inch display
oky means works fine for you ?
how to control the power button programmatically
power button?
donot give me that...lol
when i want to power off the iphone.one alert will come it will ask the password
no is possibleeeee
@BobApple yes its working fine but Is it possible to video sharing in Pinterest Integration??
you seen any video on pinterest?
please see this link
Q: How to control the iphone power button programmatically?

srinadhI want to control the iphone device programmatically. I mean,when user want to switch off the phone one alert message will come.it will ask the password then only the operation will work. when user delete the app from the his/her device one alert will come and ask the password for the secu...

i think pinterest is only for image sharing
yes i have seen video sharing on pinterest...
then i think it possible
and very easy
NSString *buttonUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\"http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=%@&media=%@&des‌​‌​cription=%@\"",myurl, protectedUrl, description];
just focus on this line
so any idea how can i do it? i already do that but its not working for me..
media = video link
have you tried that
let me check dude
plz see this image for put video url
its display with ?marl
@BobApple so any idea dude?
if it so? then check how to show video in webview
k dude thanks a lot for helping me...
i think it should be in thumbnail
yes u right
once your webview get the video then it will post on pinterest
k dude...
Is it possible with custom login from for pinterest integration like OAuth?
I have seen sharekit and its used custom login from so is there any way we can use it like sharekit?
check Pininterest Docs..
they might have an API (web based)..
@Barfi hi
@BobApple @NikunjR.Jadav @MohamedEmadHegab heloo friends.
@BobApple is their possible to send file one device to another running on same wifi network throw xcode
@Dips sorry no idea
@NikunjR.Jadav still i think pinterest not release API so custom login not possible...
@Barfi, @BobApple: Hi...i want to make the textfield (placed inside a subview) go above the keyboard, when the textfield is clicked on(so that the keyboard doesn't hide the textfield). The code below works well for the main view, but it doesn't for the subview. Any ideas to make it work for the subview?
activefield is my textfield there
@MohamedEmadHegab is their possible to send file one device to another running on same wifi network throw xcode
@BobApple thanks a lot
@NikunjR.Jadav is their possible to send file one device to another running on same wifi network throw xcode
@BobApple when i post message in fb wall the error create HTTP status code: 403
i will look video sharing in pinterest late night if you not get any solution then i will let you know
@BobApple u help me abt thet issue
@Dips you using graph api?
@BobApple ya. ios sdk 3.0
why you not used easy one ?
@BobApple i dnt have easy one
oky what you want sharing on fb?
@BobApple message.
means only text?
look this one
if it not good for you

NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
@"http://google.com/pit.png", @"picture",@"http://google.com", @"link",@"\n ", @"caption",[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",textview.text],@"description",@"PIT Fitness",@"name",nil];
then i have source code for graph api
@BobApple its not work in ios 6 ?
what not works?
is it work ?
ok give plz
i checked it 10 minute before
with iamge and text both
@BobApple ok give me pleas
i give you link download there
and if you want graph api then give me Email address
ok got it
Is there any nice iPhone speech recognition API available ???
@Ajitthala why u not using simple method ?
@BobApple do u send email ?
wait sending
@BobApple: Can u tel me that simple method?
@Dips check inbox
@Ajitthala you have only one textfield in subview?
@BobApple: Yep
@Ajitthala let me checked in code i don it before
ok..thanks dude
@Ajitthala you have text field in Scrollview right?
not in a scrollview. I just simply placed the textfield inside the subview
i have text field in scrollview you can use your subview there
Oh..kk..i'll look in to it...thanks a lot
So, only these two methods i have to write, is it?
but first register it
Then what about the register and unregister methods?
use both of them in viewdidload or in viewwillappear
Also, in place of UIView, i need to write my subview name, is it?
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
no no man
in place of scrollerView,you need to write your subview name,
oh..ok...but to create a scrollview inside the subview, u've not mentioned any codes
[UIView setAnimationBeginsFromCurrentState:YES]; don that work
Kkk..thanks again
hi all
hey @BobApple hows it going
It shows an error on reciever type UIView for instance message doesnt declare a method with a selector "scrollRectToVisible:Animated"
@Dips is it working?
@Ajitthala let me check
@BobApple dude i am trying to remove a uiview on click of a button ... i have added uibutton programmatically
ok..and use of undeclared identifier "keyboardIsShowing"
it supposed to work .. idk where i am going wrong
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
add this frame work there
Its already thr
@BobApple ..any idea where i am going wrong
oky use scrollview as a subview for testing
@Yashesh welcome
Thank you
but i am waiting for your reply i post a comment on your blog
@orgami let me check
@BobApple let me check my blog
ok thanks
@BobApple: If i use that also, shows the same error
then where you are going wrong it works for me here
I think u missed some codes, was the keyboard height, keyboard is showing declared anywhre before?
oky let me check in detail
BOOL keyboardIsShowing=NO;
@BobApple there is no any comment on my blog !!!
with the name of jamil
Can i write this
BOOL keyboardIsShowing=NO;
inside the keyboardwillshow method itself?
@BobApple "Simple and easy method for posting…..works great for me.Thanks" !!!!
man declare it in uperparts of your .h file
@Yashesh oh i forget to post my query there
thats was my quick response
query is why it not goes to setting in device
@Dips i will see
@BobApple: Yah....worked..now shows error with keyboard height and error on reciever type UIView for instance message doesnt declare a method with a selector "scrollRectToVisible:Animated"
@Ajitthala have you test it with scrollview
If i write scrollerview, it shows an error
I think some measurements for the keyboard height might be given
[scrollerView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 900)];
in viewdidload
@BobApple were u able to see it?
oh i forget
let me check
instead removing the view why you not hiding the view?
@BobApple: Still showing error on keyboard height
hmm .. no i want to remove the view cause there is tableview under that view
anything is fine .. the problem is the button isnt getting clicked when i tap on that
oky let me think different logic
extern int keyboardHeight;
i think now it works
int keyboardHeight=0;
in .h file used first one
and .m file used second one
@Yashesh bro you there?
It shows type name does not allow storage class to be specified. in .h
for this extern int keyboardHeight;
used only with int
Yah...no error now....but how is this linked with my subview?
i wrote scrollerview itself
haven't mentioned my subview name anywere
have you set outlet for it
for my subview ryt...yah i've set it....and now am replacing the scrollerview with my subview
@BobApple yes
so it means your subview is linked now
@Yashesh my queery?
@Ajitthala test it
@BobApple please tell me here
query is why it not goes to setting in device
not show any alertview for it in device?
@BobApple may be this issue is from iOS side. So don't worry
but bro i want this one
beacuse you code is perfect if this feature will be there
@orgami how much your code work for you?
it remove view?
or not?
i am not able to call this method -(IBAction)backbuttonDisclaimer:(id)sender . .when i click disclaimerBackButton
oh use void there
i am calling the above method to remove the uiview
and set breakpoint
and tell me
nope still its not going backbuttonDisclaimer method
did u check the code which i have showed
and please used simple name in coding
i am allocating it in viewdidload
explain it?
and what is disclaimerBackButtonImage
i think disclaimerBackButtonImage your image view
oh sorry
its the button image
@BobApple: It's not working dude and this is my modified code
still i think you are using your own code
Only the two methods u gave me, i have replaced them with my old ones.
@orgami use only button and image
no need to use imageview there
hmm ok
@Ajitthala you need wait here
i will give some other methods
back in 10 minute
oh..k...i think the scroll is created and am able to scroll it now....but its not automatically animating
also set delegate for it
- (void)keyboardDidShow:(NSNotification *)notification

[self.view setFrame:CGRectMake(0,-100,320, 540.0)]; //here taken -20 for
} have you tried this method?
@orgami now working?
any iCloud expert available here?
what issue?
I have an application, which has ability to remotely wipe all the contacts. Now if user has iCloud account set up, as soon as my application wipes contacts - contact application sends notification to iCloud which in terms results into deleting all the contacts from iCloud. This is not expected. Remote wipe should remove only device contacts.
that is what will happen
yes i know ... it is happening. is there any workaround to restrict this side effect?
posted on February 19, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Spotlight effects look great, and provide a nice way to highlight an a spot within a user interface, but can be a pain to create using an image editor if you’ve got d

@Barfi any suggestion?
don't think so..icloud syncs data..
and if user has iCloud enabled..data will sync
anyways putting the question on site

upvoted..that is all i can do
thanks :)
do share with me if a solution is to that.
yes sure .. will definitely do :)
2 hours later…
Good night everyone
aala aala matwala @Barfi
i need to call a same function from multiple class?
what is a best way to do that
make it a singleton
@NareshSharma :)
have you experience with xml @Barfi
oky i need some suggestion
can i ask?
it will be my first experience with xml
now i have five tabs in my app
for each app i need seperate xml file
sorry for each tab i need seperate xml file
no i confused in two points
that for each xml whether i need seperate XMLParser class
and second one if user have no internet access then how i show data there
you should just make a separate class.
one class
which parses xml and returns data through delegate methods
you can then call with each xml url from each class ..and do parsing only in the separate class..
later store the contents as a file and retrieve in subsequent session..that way only one time internet access required
thanks i think this is right way for what i looking for
Tommorow i will start work
tell me one thing
if i used this approach then it will fine?
try and succeed :P
kya shortcut doondh rhe ho
kia matlab?
is there any tool in xcode
for checking the battery consumption
there is performance test in instruments
good nit all barfi bro.......
07:00 - 18:0018:00 - 22:00

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