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@GabrielMolter I think they update reports at the end of the day (Pacific time)
I'm in Brazil, so it must be like 3:00 AM, am I right?
@GabrielMolter Yes, but they sometimes take additional time until they propagate to every server.
Tomorrow morning they should be in your iTunes account
I Hope so!
Thank you
I'll have a sleep cause it's kind of late here! hahahaha bye
posted on February 18, 2013 by admin

Test video for my series on programming the iPhone and IPad using the IOS SDK

4 hours later…
gud mrng @iHungry
gud mrng
can u plz help me
i m not able to get youtube video uploading status
that is it is rejected,success
@Leena, good morning
goooodd mooorrnniinngg all
@ihungry plz help me
@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry‌​@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry@iHungry plssssssss help me
@Leena: Hi
hi @MonishKumar
@Leena: wts u prb?
@MonishKumar no just teasing @iHungry
@Leena: hmm k fine.
@iHungry Hi, GM :)
Im take a screenshot following this instruction, but why the status bar is not included? developer.apple.com/library/ios/#qa/qa1703/_index.html#//…
screenshot is taken of UIWindow...which does not include status bar
The screenshot is all white
the size is correct
@luyuan : what is ur starting points
status bar won't come with screenshot.
i think only apple has the method i.e. private API to take screenshot of whole screen
for us developers..we are allowed to take screenshot of anything in our application UIWindow..
which does not have status bar
@Barfi oh no
oh yes :P
client requirement ?
@Barfi Well, I have a view controller A to modal view controller B, B is used to display a photo with full screen. I wanna use the screenshot of A as the background of B.
well how will status bar matter in it ?
and also user won't require a photo to have status bar in it...kind of annoying
@Barfi Just like the effect in Path.app, when you click on a photo.
didn't used it.
anyway if it is possible..you will get an answer on your question
hi all...anybody idea how to make custom notification in iphone....like simple pop ups such as a picture of gift?
app in foreground or background ?
then no custom notification
@Barfi I wish:)
same for all apps
r u sure???
no..you keep on asking from other people too !
ok...cheers anyways
p.s.. i am sure :P
its just for clients in house personel usage...so i guess custom notifications is possible....he does ot want it on iTunes....so instead of Alert View we need just custom pop-up
what do u say Barfi
no public method to make a custom notification.
private method if possible i don't know
Hi. I am using below method to compress the video . After compression I am getting very low sound. pastie.org/6209606. how can i get original volume
@Barfi @Leena how to fire multiple local notification at the same time ....pastebin.com/Bd9senva
just do multiple notifications and set scheduled date of each of same time
@Barfi i have done that NSArray *notificationFireDates = [self fireDatesForFrequency:frequency];
for (NSDate *fireDate in notificationFireDates)
.. but it only shows the last notification
if see the code which i have posted in pastebin . i create multiple notification but the app is firing only one notification which was set last in order
yes...iOS won't show 10 alerts at same time
you need to increment each notification time with 30 second
@Barfi have you seen my question
how can i increment notification by 30 seconds ?
@Suresh checked now.. don't know.
@Barfi ok
@rockrocky you need to increment notification scheduled time by 30 seconds
since i am using notif.fireDate = fireDate; ... how can i add increment to say 30 seconds by using dateByAddingTimeInterval method
and how to increment...you can look up questions on how to increment nsdate time on stackoverflow
i assume notif.fireDate =[fireDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:30]; this should solve it
30*i (i is loop position)
*i ?
@Barfi why should i multiply number of seconds * i ?
posted on February 18, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,News     Featured iPhone Development Resources,News Welcome back to the weekly feature of the most popular new resources mentioned on the site in the past week. This weeks most popular resource is a new full featured dependency injection container. Here are the top 3 resources for the last week: Typhoon - A l

I wanted to be able to see several friends of my friends profile pictures and message them from an application....is it possible ?
Q: Tableview update 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid update: invalid number of rows?

iHungryYes there are so many question ask on stack overflow on similar title of question. I read those all but i never see my problem equivalent to them. Now my problem is if when i update table section 0 having 3 rows on click of headerview on section 0 and then again i click on same header for delete...

anyone have the facebook app?
I wanted to be able to see several friends of my friends profile pictures and message them from an application....is it possible ?
i have a older version
please explain furher
@Barfi even after adding notif.fireDate =[fireDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:30]; ...it still fires last notification which was set.
what is the first starred message on the right ?
@MaxHasADHD @Abizern @Barfi Have anyone used JABBER
@barfi when messaging someone there is a + icon, when you tap it, it will animate to a X. Ive been trying for about an hour now trying lots of ways and i can't get it:[
and @pravijay nope
you should make a small video..that will explain it clearly to all
@barfi if you watch this, when he clicks the bar button you can kind of see it animate to a X youtube.com/watch?v=S8JW7euuNMo
this is another app with the effect
@Barfi ..any idea where i am going wrong?
I can get the same effect on a image view, but if i do it to a image view in a bar button, doesnt work, custom image view, doesnt work, image in a uibutton as a bar button item custom view, doesnt work:[
@MaxHasADHD setBarButtonItem animated ?
let me check
will it make it look rotated though?
i want it to rotate from a + to a X
le me check..
i don't think animated option is there
self.navigationItem setLeftBarButtonItem:<#(UIBarButtonItem *)#> animated:<#(BOOL)#>
there it is..you should try
i dont think that will make it look rotated though:
it will just fade it
you should import Quartz..and try to transform the button layer..
that might do the trick
i already tried the transform, it will work on a uiimageivew if i set all the autoresizing off, then rotate it with a transform. but ive tried 3 different ways with a bar button and it will ether disappear, flicker, or give a wierd effect. never a smooth rotation
can it be possible they are not using standard navigation bar ?
i dont know:[
hello @all
i want to to show content of a website to my app
currently by html parsing it is giving only text
i also want the images and video to be played on the same
the text will have images link..you need to download image from there..and then later encode and place itself in html
not it is only returning the plain text
can i render flash elements also on the app
epic :)
comeon....do not give me that
can there be any thing to do so
some apps in app store do render flash in their own browser..but i don't know how
how can i show it
well if u want to view flash u need to have run time environment supported by adobe
ios do not suppport dat
n if u want to do it u need to use adobe air for it
ya thats the thing
i hope it helps
well i am making a iphone app does it support air i dont think so
yes sensor is there for air
like canle app on itunes
candle app
hi rokimoki good afternoon/morning/evening/night :P
hi, good morning/evening/afternoon/night
haha.. yeah :D
I thought anyone read me
how to render flash on iphone app
Hi All
hi @Barfi
problem solve nahin ho rahi hai
I have a problem in push notifications . I have posted this question on stack overflow . Please answer me
your server certificate might have expired..
have you checked that ?
r saying about .pem file
how to check that it expired
log in to dev center..and check app id push distribution certificate
or check in keychain.
No its expiry date is oct 19 2013 for dist cert
how many devices you checked to see if push notification is coming
3 iPhone 4, iPhone 4s and iPhone 5
which backend you use to push ?
Problem is that app is live we have to solve it by today without submitting new version, coz there is conference in which we have to demonstrate this app
DB is mySequel and server code is in ruby on rails
problems can be in many places..
where we have to look out
server push issue./certificate issue.
try to switch to parse for a day and check using adhoc..
means we have to make new pem file and upload them
yes..see if it works..then switch that pem to your db..
if it works..certificate issue....otherwise your backend issue
ok Thanks Barfi , thanks a alot
@MichaelDautermann, hi
hello Mr. Hungry!
how are you
just sitting here trying to decide what to work on tonight.
what's happening over there?
i solving error from yesterday evening.....
its strange problem
but you solved it?
i try many ways to crack it.... but no success
hmmm... don't give up. there must be a solution!
yeah i know ... i will never surrender on any problem ....
yeah, I've seen problems like this before.
pain in the butt to solve.
@MichaelDautermann @iHungry hii, well I want to divide a UIView in 24 hour format horizontally so that I can have labels placed according to time, how can I divide it..!!
yeah there is a small mistake ... i paid a lot of time on it
any body has worked on flood fill in iphone?
I guess not!
what is flood fill ?
that means "fill everything in the view except don't pass any boundaries".
that looks pretty easy..if i am getting it correct.
well i got it wrong then...:) tough code
hi every body
hello @MichaelDautermann , @Gill-TheIronMan
have you remember one day you have edited my question.
Q: subsequent instances of a UIView subclass causing display error?

HerculesI made a Stock Tiker to display continuous stock objects. And Working fine for first Instance. The implementation of the ticket code is as follows: - (void)viewDidLoad { tickerView=[[StockTiker alloc] init]; [tickerView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 20)]; tickerView.delegate=self; ...

I have not found any solution of it.
would you please see this question why it is happening
I might take a look at it...
@MichaelDautermann I want a ticker view exactly smooth like stocks displaying in iphone. A continuous ticker view. with live data
is there any free API for voice recognition on iphone....i know openEars but there are certain limitations to this???
hi every one
is any one face Daylight saving time issue
in ios
hello @Aman
can we upload our zip files from where every one can access like github
how to make an application like We should able to get the card no. after scraching by device in iphone
there are so many websites, like desktop4shared where you can upload your zip file and share downloadable link with other @Hercules
@MonishKumar : hey whats up sir
@PraviJay: XMPPFramework-master -> Xcode -> iPhoneXMPP
@PraviJay: tats iOS sample for XMPP
@MonishKumar : got that thanks
@PraviJay: WC
Ya...use XMPP ...its best shot
jabberclient, openfire server
1 hour later…
@MichaelDautermann hii, I ave just one UIPickerView in xib and after a button click I am trying to reload it's components, but the reload only happens when I scroll it..!!..can you tell any solution..??
show me the code of how you're attempting to reload
put it into a pastie or pastebin
simply : [pickerview reloadAllComponents];
add this line right before it
if(pickerview == NULL) NSLog( @"why is my pickerview null??");
@MichaelDautermann ya michael its null
now how would i solve this issue
there's your problem.
there's your homework.
@MichaelDautermann......I know its silly mistake ,but if you cna telll
I don't see any of your code besides that one line... I could say the answer is "pickyour = nose;" and it might be the right or wrong answer.
ok..thanks anyways..will try to solve it myself.
please Mike change the scheduled timings . I want to see it live.
I'm not the dictator there.
@MichaelDautermann: Hi mike. When i take a picture in the device, and if i apply the filter effects to the picture, the resultant images get rotated. It works fine on the simulator, but there is an orientation problem on the device as the images get rotated by 180deg
and you want rotation of 90 degrees?
I want the images to be in the normal potrait mode
This is my code
I see a "orientation" parameter on line 40...
you may want to check to insure it is always set to portrait.
Yah ok...i'll look in to it
I tried setting it to potraitUp . Throws out an error
see if you can figure it out.
errors can usually be solved.
the error is not due to orientation:(filteredImage.imageOrientation), thats y if u hard code it portraitUp....sure it will give error
what kind of error?
the orientation issue u r getting...
so it's not a compiler error?
it has to be run time error
Is there any other way to fix this. Dunno y it works fine in the simulator but not on the device
uhhh, are you two working on the same thing?
@MichaelDautermann: I think john is helping me out
okay... let's see if you two can figure this out.
@MichaelDautermann: So, u know the answer already?
ok...so u only want the image in portrait...righ...even in landscape mode of device
of course not. I haven't done that code yet.
@John: yep..only in potrait
@MichaelDautermann: Oh..ok
@MichaelDautermann: Got it at last mike.. :) Just changed orientationUp to right in the following code. Worked like a gem
filteredImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:filteredImage.CGImage scale:1.0 orientation:UIImageOrientationRight];
I just knew you would solve your problem, @Ajitthala
2 hours later…
@Barfi hi
[imgView setImage:[fn getImage:[[dataArr objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:9] type:2]];
the above one working but why the below one is not working
myImage=[fn getImage:[[dataArr objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:9] type:2];
UIImage *myImage;
what are you doing in second one ?
fetching image
code for the second part..
my image is declared afterwards ?
no no i declare it uperparts
give proper code
back in 10 min
thank you
i am back..
where is the code ?
please check
same code working with imageview
so an app i made in 2 weeks made the top 25 list in united arab emirates
but i want to fetch image in myImage
but an app i worked on for 6 months has less than 20 downloads in 2 weeks........
what NSLog outputs ?
NSLog(@"image :%@",[fn getImage:[[dataArr objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:9] type:2]);
2013-02-18 22:39:28.921 CustomApp[4358:1ca03] image :<UIImage: 0x9c44400>
2013-02-18 22:39:28.936 CustomApp[4358:1ca03] image :<UIImage: 0x9c45cf0>
2013-02-18 22:39:28.948 CustomApp[4358:1ca03] image :<UIImage: 0x9c472e0>
2013-02-18 22:39:28.953 CustomApp[4358:1ca03] image :<UIImage: 0xa94d7f0>
2013-02-18 22:39:28.958 CustomApp[4358:1ca03] image :<UIImage: 0xa949560>
2013-02-18 22:39:28.961 CustomApp[4358:1ca03] image :<UIImage: 0x9c402f0>
@bobapple what are you trying to get?
fetching image
then your image is there
myImage = (UIImage *)[fn getImage:[[dataArr objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:9] type:2]; --> this gives you proper UIImage
let me check i used it before
have you seen SDWebImage?
fetch a image from a url?
oh:[ i don tknow then
@Barfi what you think whats the problem ? beacuse when i used myImage=imgView.image; its work fine
you there lol?
he probably fell asleep
yeah Michael i think so..... beacuse he work every day nearly 16 hours
well that's crazy.
i think programmer must me crazy ...not like us lazy...
i forgot
back in 2min
you forgot or we think that you probably fell asleep
congrate don it
only small change
you did ?
myImage = (UIImage *)[fn getImage:[[dataArr objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:9] type:2]; instead of it i used myImage = (UIImage *)[fn getImage:[[dataArr objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:9] type:3];
and it don the trick
Good nit all
good night
Hey, does anyone here know how iOS handles local notifications which are scheduled to a date in the past, but set with a repeat interval?
will they be handled in the future or will they be ignored?

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