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GM all
@iHungry hi
hello @BobApple
Can you guide me for creating stylish home screen menu
I am using a story board
Hello @iHungry
sorry i have no experience with that.....
ok Thanks!
@Barfi GM
Good morning friends :)
@all any one have a experience with graph api i need a help about this issue paste.ubuntu.com/1655606
@BobApple morning :)
guys i have a strange problem,my iphone app doesnt run on the simulator,the project builds and stops..i can run on it on the device though
what could be the problem?
restart your mac
close all programes
nope restart xcode then try once
even remove your app from BG
hi @dark how are you ??
@AJPatel am fine what about you
me too :)
thats cool
Q: How to Store zip file in evermote from my app

ganesh manojI am storing my entire data in zip file. Now I want to store that zip file in Evernote through my app. I have some samples (by google search) using those samples I can able to store an image only but I cant able to store that zip file in Evernote through my app. Please help is there any way to ...

why don't you contact evernote support ?
ya i asked them
@ganeshmanoj @Barfi @AJPatel hi gm
@Barfi i have one query. in my web view i have one url link and when i click that link the url open in safari web browser and when i close it redirct to my app. how can i do it ?
you cant come back to your app from another app..
you don't have control over it programatically
Dips why don't you open new link in webview as well ?
@Barfi, @dark: Hi...am working on a camera app in which if i apply any filter effect to the image i took, there is no orientation problem in the simulator. But there is a orientation problem in the real device as the image gets rotated by 180 deg. U know how to solve this issue?
you are using autoresizingmask properties for that ?
you could programtacillay rotate the image
or check GPUImage sample projects to see if there is any difference/solution to rotation issue in them
But it works fine in the simulator
hi guys
I have a settingsbutton in tableviewcell .when i tap on the button a UIView pops up...in that view i have multiple buttons when i click one of the buttons some method is called ..when i click another tableviewcell ..the same button inside uiview remains touched i want to reset UIView ..like when i click another cell the buttons shouldnt be used
pastebin.com/CU0KU3ef @Ajitthala @Barfi @dark
you need to have the reference of each UIView..in an array or something..and reset them first when another view is clicked
hmm .how do i do that ? .. i am adding settingsButton from custom tableviewcell
well..then keep reference of settings button in custom tableview cell.. then add the cells to an array...later just traverse through it..and reset all settings button one by one
i have added cells to an array
i just need to know how to reset settings button
@Barfi: Instead of potraitUpsidedown used in this code, i've written just potrait in my code. Would that be the change i want to do to make the orientation work well ?

- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
// Return YES for supported orientations
return (interfaceOrientation != UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown);
and also in spite of (!=) used in this code, i've used (==)in my code
posted on February 15, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C Getting the search bar to operate desired with atop a scrolling table view can be tricky and Fabian Kreisser has created an example demonstrating how to implement the thr

the view is rotated .. or image is rotated ?
image alone
then why are you messing with view controller rotation ?
Hello Guys !! .. can any one please tell me why my pagecontrol is not working pastie.org/6172254
@Ajitthala @ankitkumar Hello buddy
do you know how can we draw a tiled images using uiviews?
@Barfi: ok...my bad....now inside each and every filter effect applying buttons, i've pasted this line of code. Is this fyn?
filteredImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:filteredImage.CGImage scale:1.0 orientation:UIImageOrientationUp];
whereas, the 'filtered image' is the output 'filter effect applied image'
@LalitKant: Nope
Hi i have two tableview called symptomTable and remedyTable . When i tap on symptomTableView cell it navigates to remedyTableView .I have UISwitch in remedyTableView cell so when i switch ON ,corresponding its symptomTable cell should have an UIImage so that it highlights that UISwitch is on for that symptomTable cell.
This method i am able to find in which cell of remedyTableView UISwitch is ON. activeNotificationDictionary has the details......I wanted to know how to extract details of which UISwitch is on in remedyTableView and its symptomTableView cell . The UIImage should get displayed when UISwitch is on and should disappear when UISwitch is turned OFF
Handle Xml API keys securely in iPhone ???
hi @Aman
anybody knows how to do it?
Hi all.
Handle Xml API keys securely in iPhone ???
Upgraded hard drive now can't get any app to download from URL. Revoke and reissue Development Certificate?
cant get any app to download ?
a file from url
@Barfi None of my apps are able to download from URL; after hard drive upgrade.
what type of url ?
@Barfi Sorry, I mean none of my apps can download a file from the internet and display in scene.
@Barfi Newsstand apps were working before hard drive upgrade.
that is definitely not related to certificates
ok..so you should have told newsstand apps
my apps work great.
after hard drive upgrade. no files will download.
yesterdaty i was watching movie barfi
yes,,,revoke and create new certificates
brafi naam ki koi movie nhi hai jhooti
@Barfi Thank you for helping.
Barfi! is a 2012 Indian romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Anurag Basu. It revolves around Murphy "Barfi" Johnson, a mute and deaf boy from Darjeeling, West Bengal and his relation with two girls, one of whom is autistic. The film stars Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Ileana D'Cruz in lead roles. Made on a budget of , the film was released on 14 September 2012 across 1300 screens in India. Basu later announced that he planned an English language version of the film. The film was praised for showing positive portrayal of the differently abled in films. The film was...
Apple provisioning still under maintenance.
barfi is very bad movie
john is very johnny gaddar
very boring
gaddar should be beaten up :)
true...watch it if ya do not beleive it!
i have watched it..
@Leena ...how did ya like the movie?
i know ..
i love the movie
most probably just :D
every time my response is not :D
90% chalega ?
for faceup mode in AVCaptureSession....the video is not recoded to the photo gallery ...but for all other modes code is working fine....WHY???
anybody who has same issue....do plz response...........
hi, good morning/evening/afternoon/night
good afternoon
@rokimoki... i have query to ask you
Hi i have two tableview called symptomTable and remedyTable . When i tap on symptomTableView cell it navigates to remedyTableView .I have UISwitch in remedyTableView cell so when i switch ON ,corresponding its symptomTable cell should have an UIImage so that it highlights that UISwitch is on for that symptomTable cell.
This method i am able to find in which cell of remedyTableView UISwitch is ON. activeNotificationDictionary has the details......I wanted to know how to extract details of which UISwitch is on in remedyTableView and its symptomTableView cell . The UIImage should get displayed
@rokimoki were u able to open the link
@John @rockrocky @ALL did anybody worked with UIDocumentInteractionController?
nope @JaiminModi
i have created view for this its all working good but its not opening controller in ios 5.1.1 expect its working with ios 6.0 and later.
it opens documents and show open in more apps ?
@rockrocky nope thanx.
@Barfi yes.
@Barfi its all working good but its not working in ios 5.1.1 in iPad.
@Barfi its working in my other iPads which have iOS of 6.0 and later.
what is not working?
its not opening the documents open in more apps view.
@Barfi this is my code. i have also tried to check with isValid or not.
@Barfi but its always return problem the document can't be open ....
@Barfi..can u help me out
[self.view removeFromSuperview];
can you explain it does ?
@Barfi yeah ..
do you know what that line does ?
@Barfi this is because of i have created progress view its a custom class
so from this line i have removed the progressview.
and you are opening doc view from this progress view ?
no i am just going to show progress bar before doc view opens.
i have created view controller in which i am showing progress bar and document controller.
@Barfi may be i think this line is going to make problem let me check...
@Barfi before that my code for opening document is correct?
you code looks bad to me..
issue might be there or your code/delegate methods etc..
@Barfi can you please give me your code?
@Barfi or any guidance.?
i will point you to apple sample code
this will work on iOS 5.0 and 6.0 both..
@Barfi thanks i am checking this...
why do you keep pinging me !
are you mad ?
@Barfi: So, u are honey-bunny?
lol...aur tu kamina hai!
tujhe kaha tha...mat kr pange
@barfi: Can u convey that in english...i dont follow hindi
*lol...you are a stupid/moron*
*i asked specifically..not overdo the stuff*
damn italics :)
@barfi: I didn't know this sort of things will be thr...i joined stack only a few months ago
7 mins ago, by Barfi
why do you keep pinging me !
if you talk to someone in a place..
do you talk like
Hi abc..
abc how are you.
abc what are you doing
abc are you free to discuss
abc talk soon..
abc bye
or like
Hi abc
how are you
what are you doing
are you free to discuss
talk soon..bye ?
hi @BobApple
i need your help
Hi i have two tableview called symptomTable and remedyTable . When i tap on symptomTableView cell it navigates to remedyTableView .I have UISwitch in remedyTableView cell so when i switch ON ,corresponding its symptomTable cell should have an UIImage so that it highlights that UISwitch is on for that symptomTable cell.
This method i am able to find in which cell of remedyTableView UISwitch is ON. activeNotificationDictionary has the details......I wanted to know how to extract details of which UISwitch is on in remedyTableView and its symptomTableView cell . The UIImage should get displayed
i'll post the code
your paste link not working for me
hmm one sec
now ?
yes now working let me check
@BobApple so basically when i click on UISwitch ..a image should appear on symptom tableview cell .... ok
@rockrocky Listen just pass the value to nsuserdefaults whenever you use switch and get the same value in last class
@zing...what problem you are facing ?
@LalitKant activeNotificationDictionary contains for value of remedyID of symptomID for which UISwitch is turned ON
hi guys
how to access .dbf file in ios programing
converting it to SQLite or CSV is better option...
How to convert it to SQLite or CVS, could you explain
@Barfi Hi,
Any one here has used GIThub ?
everyone uses github
Can you tell me that is it possible that the Repo branch got corrupt
i am getting crashes in my branch
anybody doesnt...just raise ur hand
but the branch was working fine 2 days ago
but when today i checked it crashes
is my branch got corrupted
not a pro in it..so cant help in crash/corrupt issue
Any one else ?
not sure bro...
Slight hint ?
what could be the issue
is it from my side or from github
t must be from ur side...because github is very gud site ...works on cloud
but half of the branches are working and half of them are not working while was working 2 days ago
i have not made any commit also
i did not come across this error before
and i had the back up in my mac of the same branch that is crashing, back up is running fine
while from git it crashes
@All Is it possible to create custom delegate for UIViewController?
give me the link...let me check ...
what do you mean by custom delegate ?
Like, Say I have a controller to show prompts that can be used on other classes (by adding it as subview).. In that case I may need a delegate class to control the actions?? Am I clear?
delegate made custom....by a developer
hello friends
@Nina you can do
@John Ya..
when I am adding one subview to superView and add anotherview over superView cause first view to remove from subview
@Barfi Can you explain how?
you will present view controller as modal or just add it as a view
just add it @Barfi
you have made any delegates for your own class before ?
Nopes.. Trying for the first time
@Hercules I guess the first view is suppressed by the second?
this looks good tutorial for delegates
anyone can parse this KML file? zsoft.es/PistadelBarrancodeFataga.kml
lol..how to open the file i don't know even that
@Barfi I’ll check that
Sorry, can’t use youtube.. banned..
google then..delegates tutorial
@Nina then what can we do for that
I made it working.. But having an issue.. anyways thanks..
@Hercules Check the frame..
it also dismissed when I add firstView and add second view on first view
@Hercules Sure about that? Did you try setting background color and check the issue?
@Nina banned from youtube?
I set background color to red that is visible color over black
clear background first
Hi guys, could anyone help with a question about xib size
hi can any body answer to this question
Q: How to set text at one page and image at another page in UIPageViewController

GouthamIn my iPad app. I'm working on UIPageViewController I want to set text at one page and image at another page. I have tried a lot and googled,but I did not find any solution. It's killing my time so if any one have worked on it please guide me and post sample code. I have used the code which is ...

Someone with an idea about this issue ?
Q: An editable UIwebview in an UIScrollView. Issue with scrolling

ArkanI have an editable UIWebView into an UIScrollView. I disabled the scrollview and the bounces on the UIWebView to only rely on the UIScrollView' scrollview. Each 0.1 second, I have a Timer which detects if the UIWebView content has changed since last check. If so, and if the caret is greater th...

cant you make a video to show the issue ?
barfi ? Are you talking to me ?
If so I can provide you a video.
yes..talking to you
Ok :-)
I'm going to record a video of the issue. Thanks
I've updated my question with a link to a video showing the bug.
@Arkan adding text to web view increases its frame heights ?
yes, I have a periodic timer which looks for changes in the Webview. When a change is detected, it will update the webview's frame with the height of the scrollview (Value is evaluated with a javascript snippet: stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString @"document.body.offsetHeight;").
then it might be possible the script is resizing it to low height
Q: Localise iOS app inside application dynamically?

user1394965Currently, I have three separate .strings files - for English, French and German respectively. I have a segmented control in the preferences section, where I would like to change the default .strings file used depending on which segment is selected. Localisation is already working outside the...

That's a very peculiar problem @Arkan. So basically, when the user clicks the web view (where you are typing 1-10), you want the container (your scroll view) rather than the internal web view content?
*(your scroll view) to scroll rather...
@Patrick Yes
The UIWebview is in a ScrollView, and basically the scrollView of the UIwebview is disabled.
I see, do you have a method to run when the user clicks on the web view? That way you could set the content offset of your scroll view and the scroll view of the web view to correct values
can anyone answer to this question
Q: How to handle UIPageViewController with text at one page and image at another page

VidhyanandI want to display one array of images coming from webservice at right side even nos pages and another array with no of texts coming from webservice at left side odd nos pages. I used below sample to make my task but it is using one view.But i want to handle with two view controllers displaying t...

@Patrick, I guess it could be a solution. But I don't haven't find a way to call a method when the user clicks on the web view. Any idea ?
@Arkan perhaps you could listen for the keyboard using UIKeyboardWillShowNotification or UIKeyboardDidShowNotification and then if (webView.isFirstResponder) {
Inside that if, you could try and set content like: [self.scrollView setContentOffset:scrollPoint animated:YES]; and [self.webView.scrollView setContentOffset:scrollPoint animated:YES]; where scrollPoint is CGPoint scrollPoint = CGPointMake(0.0, y); - but replace y with the height of the first three fields for the self.scrollView and 0.0 for self.webView.scrollView.
You would probably need to do a similar thing when the keyboard is dismissed.
I am off for lunch now, hopefully that might help, if not I will look again when back :)
@Patrick. Thank you very much for the idea. I will let you know if I can make it work :-)
Q: Localizing an iOS app inside application dynamically?

user1394965Currently, I have three separate .strings files - for English, French and German respectively. I have a UISegmentedControl in the preferences section, where I would like to change the default .strings file used depending on which segment is selected. Localisation is already working outside th...

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