I have an old account from the university that I studied and they didn't removed me as student, so I can get all microsoft software for free (for educational purpouse only)
in the company I work there is a project made in ruby on rails and the guy has develop in ruby quit the job (he went to UK to work in ruby) and me and a college had to modify 1 thing and was a fckng hell
@BobApple if i add this line selectedButton = afternoonButton.tag ... the second case gets executed cause afternbutton.tag = 2 ... i want morning,afternnoon,eveningand nightbutton to execute based upon when that tag is called
I'm developing an iOS application and I want to do something like this:
I want to select one or more rows and then tap on a UIButton to delete it.
I have done this:
But I want to use button Eliminar instead of Delete button.
yes...in that method when i click morning ..datepicker will show only time b/w 6-10 am , for afternoon datepicker will show 12 - 2 pm and so on for the other two
and when the user selects a time in b.w 6-10 am .. that time should get stored in nsuserdefaults in usertimepickervaluechanged method
i was using segmentedcontrol where i in usertimepickervaluechanged i was using NSInteger index = [notificationSessionTab selectedSegmentIndex];
i am not able to fetch the selectedbutton tag in usertimepickerchanged method . if u look both the code which i have pasted it is very similar excepted segmented control is removied and button is added
has anyone an idea how to convert a UIImage to cocos2d-x CCSprite.
My latest attempt was was:
1. Store the UIImage as png on the phone
2. Load the png as a CCSprite
[UIImagePNGRepresentation(photo) writeToFile:imagePath atomically:true];
CCSprite *sprite = CCSprite::spriteWithFile(imagePath);