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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

Which is why some classes have more specific equality tests - eg isEqualToString: for NSString.
In your case you should just be using pointer equality to select between pickers.
I understand but actually that's for custom objects, I was wondering about UIDatePicker as I am a UIDatePickerDelegate and UIDatePickerDataSource
for pointers I suppose like this if (pickerView == disponibles)
1 hour ago, by Abizern
And once you've read that try this
Yes i'll do hereafter.
all my confusions comes because I know that java is not cocoa, and I think as java dev. that always is easy to do anything, even an FTP connection, using controllers like textbox, etc... then when I try to do in cocoa by intuition and reading, it's so confusing
happens the other way around with me
but Objective-C is not so popular as java
I mean!
yes..i know
Before iOS/Android
How do you decide to be an expert of objective-C? if you know c++, you know java and philosophy of java
your apps in the market decide your expertise
i know java..objective - C has very lesser number of API/possibilites than Android
and that is where all the confusiion lies for me
I learnt java before knowing that android exist
the Adapter class is still a mess to understand for me
but you seems to be pretty smart guy
Adapter class create confusion for new droid developer especially newbie developer has iOS background
iOS background probably helps more than it creates issue
understanding cell reusing part is such an ease in iOS
i can understand same in Adapter..
if i didn't knew..i would have been what is this ViewGroup check happening !
I don't know why I had choose to be a "programmer" xD
I see the secretary of my work with the same salary of me doing easy jobs..
i meant job/work
programming has scope though!
amazing one
Then things like this make me burn inside, my UIPickerView loads the array properly but then if I moves it crashes
didSelectRow is called after scrolling
programming is awesome that's the only reason why i do this, because the scope in canary island,.. xD
ah yeah, fixed, needed an extra if
@rokimoki Before iOS/Android - there was OS X
And I never understood Java - tried to learn it a couple of times but it never stuck.
Went from C++ to Objective-C and never looked back after that.
True @Abizern but I said that because I think Objective-C was more popular because of iOS
It is because of iOS that it is more popular - but it is used in more than iOS.
I know
Probably why iOS doesn't seem so difficult for me - the API for Desktop apps is bigger and crustier, iOS is simpler
And once you understand the Cocoa Design patterns, it's all quite simple - although you have to spend a lot of time looking up the details in the documentation.
@jayendra - Sorry - I can't speak in the Dysfunctional Family Room
apple is well documented for iOS , Mac Os X and for safary development.
even though C# also well documented by Microsoft in MSDN library.
It's well documented, but for example if a Java controller, like a table, to add a new element is,
TableView table = new TableView();
table.addRow(new Row("assdas","sdad"));
(it's similar, not that)
in iOS you have to.. loool XD
and java API is not too visual but it's quite good
what lol in iOS ?
UITableView in iOS is more difficult to set up
both have advantages and disadvantages !
lets end there
I actually like iOS because I have to sqeeze all from my mind and i like it, but sometimes are too extressive
i like iOS because i start my professional career with iOS development ;)
time to leave now bye guys
see you
Hi All!
@rokimoki That's not that different from iOS, except that rather than setting the details on the table view directly, the table view asks it's datasource for the information to put into a row.
So the table view - which displays information - is decoupled from the data.
That's why MVC is so important to understand.
@rokimoki UITableView so simple, I think. UICollectionView more complex, now I try to understand how to apply Layout like Apple WWDC guide.
Hi All! Any recommend how to layout collectionView section like that:img201.imageshack.us/img201/3455/collectionviewlayout.png ?Thanks!
Hi friends I am using UIImagePicker to capture the image..My requirement is to hide the shutter sound and shutter animation..is it possible?
@Sang please go through my question dude
@iHungry please go through my question dude
posted on February 07, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Recently I mentioned a tool that goes through your Xcode projects and li

@honey-bunny I realized one thing about dropdownlist, I'ven surfing on the internet and I said, hey there is no websites with <select></select> etc..., then I found one in purpose and I thought, let me see what's doing the safari... and I want that instead of a UIPickerview...
didn't understand
If you open Safari.app it's an iOS App, so use the same code as we are developing, so if I open a website that has a <select><option>...</option></select> (HTML dropDownList), the Safari has to perform it in the App, right? well, I want what Safari perform as a dropDownList in my app
it uses PickerView only ?
send screenshot
I will take a picture with my camera, the ipad it's not mine so I can't send via email to me because... i wont >.< xD but wait a minute
that is UITableView inside a UIPopOverController
@honey-bunny: Dude....thae DLC project is working in ur device ryt? DId u make any changes from what u sent to me for testing on the device?
what is that control? [documento]
where is typed: Modo de identificación: [Documento ]
NVM I will use UIPickerView, sorry to bother
sometimes i'm too chaty
you don't need pickerview
the image you sent had better control
but I realized that I will have probabbly 5-6 things to pick, and if iPhone app will be so awfull or you will cannot do it well
but It's to difficult for me now, If I do what it's in the picture I want to show 2-3 items and scrollable for more than 2-3 items, but even I don't know what is UIPopOverController and I have to study it, and I have some pression here
on iPhone.bettter to use PickerView
You can't use a pop over in an iPhone or iPod. It's only on iPad.
I see
@Ajitthala no..didnt changed anything
R u using ios5?
me too...then i dunno why it crashes
i forwarded the code to one of my friend also, he too says its crashing
both on simulator, as well as on device
hi guys :)
anyone used cgcontextClearRect
what's wrong?
hi guys
@rokimoki used ?
@rokimoki u used cgcontextClearRect
I used CGContext in general to draw things
@rokimoki ok i am using CGContextClearRect to clear the the of uiview and it is working fine
but the problem is that i want to cut the rect in round shape
and it is cutting the rect in square shape
@Abizern Hello Sir,
CGRect cirleRect = CGRectMake(point.x, point.y, 100, 100);
CGContextAddArc(context, 50, 50, 50, 0.0, 2*M_PI, 0);
CGContextClipToRect(context, cirleRect);
img.image =UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
@Abizern, @rokimoki u there ?
Abizern is always there...:)
if he is in the room
Unlike you
me only 9 hours per day
@Abizern can u please help me
Post your question on the main site - many more people are available to help you there.
And apart from that - walk through your code and explain to yourself what each line is doing.
And have a look at the ref for CGContextAddArc()
Q: CGContextClearRect with circle

iOS-DevI am creating an app in which i am trying to clear the rect of UIImageView. I have achieved this with CGContextClearRect, but the problem is that it is clearing rect in square shape and i want to achieve this effect in round shape. What i have tried so far: UITouch *touch2 = [touches anyObject]...

@Abizern bad idea, still no responce
Were you expecting an instant answer? That's not the way SO works.
bad idea :)
what would you have done if no one here would have been able to help you ?
my head is about to explode!!!
you came here as to announce this :P
yup lolo
i dont think my 2yo understands :)
what is 2yo ?
2 year old. Child
An assumption, yes. But valid.
nice assumption
right on target
@iOS-Dev Are you copy pasting code - or have you looked at the relevant section of the Quartz 2D Programming Guide?
i have tried many times to learn the in and out of CoreGraphics..but failed to do every time !
@Abizern i've read it carefully but cant find a solutions
anybody here have any idea what to do here? stackoverflow.com/questions/14755676/sql-json-and-xcode
boo lol
hi guys ..can anyone help with this query ....stackoverflow.com/questions/14755787/…
@user1922242 why do you use intValue ?
@orgami that question is not a question..it is an essay on how to not write a question
@honey-bunny i use the int value to do the following
That's why he's not asking the question from the same account.
NSMutableString *mAImageString = [[NSMutableString alloc]initWithFormat:@"Image%i",self.IDIdentify];

self.showListImageArray = [anArray valueForKey:mAImageString];
self.filteredShowlistImageArray = [self.showListImageArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:
[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"length > 0"]];
[addImage setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[self.filteredShowlistImageArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]] placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"LogoCTV1024.png"]];
or simply to pull a different set of images from a different sql column
self.IDIdentify is intValue ?
i changed names to try and simplify it.. sorry
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
hi , i wan to use implement undo feature in this code raywenderlich.com/18840/…
i tried to use UIBezierPath
and it decrements the counter but the lines remains the same
anybody ?
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

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