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@ganeshmanoj: Hi...i want to go to the 1st view(navigation controller) from my 2nd view(Custom overlay camera-view controller) by clicking on a home button in my 2nd view. How to do this?
So, is it possible to push a view controller to a navigation controller?
Coz am using a custom camera(view controller) while my project is navigation controller
How to set background of multiple UIbuttons from the gallery in iphone without picking? The reason of this question is that when I set image from the gallery and move back in prevoius view then again go in this view all backgrounds are hidden. Please tell me parmanent method to get image in Uibutton as a background. Many thanx
i have sample code releted to your issue .how can i send you sample code @AliRaza
Hi All
Has any one worked on face recognition application
on ios
using coreImage framework
Hello I was wondering if someone can helps me 2013-01-24 15:29:57.354 whales[4274:c07] Array
2 hours later…
hi every here is free app please download and commit it i need some good rating itunes.apple.com/us/app/engineer-converter/id582267834?mt=8
1 hour later…
any one there
@kishore hi
3 hours later…
posted on January 24, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a great open source iOS UI control that allows you to create a UISwitch with a totally customized look by using images. If a switch doesn’t suit you

Hi guys, How do I segue from a button thats part of my superclass?
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