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posted on January 21, 2013 by admin

iXtentia has all the iPad and iPhone Application Expertise You Need •Highly experienced and skilled development team specific to Apple …Continue reading »

1 hour later…
where can i find split view based application in XCode 4.3.2
2 hours later…
Morning guys :)
@honey-bunny..have a pumpkin day ahead ;)
@PKCoder i have make an app and it is reject and i want to solution
can you please short out my issuues
@PKCoder hi
@PKCoder 2.23 Apps must follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines or they will be rejected
when apple rejects it,they will send you the reasons which caused the app to rejected
what are the contents you are using?
@PKCoder 2.23 Apps must follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines or they will be rejected
@PKCoder how to short out this i cant understand what to do
what are the contents u r using?
@PKCoder html
according to apple,u should not store any contents in the documents folder...other than database/plist...
@PKCoder application develop in mosync
u mean u r downloading the html files and storing it into documents foldeR?
dont do that...
download the html files and store it into cache folder
but it is a web app
not in the documents folder
@PKCoder it is local html file
which is stored in document folder
1 message moved to recycle bin
1 message moved to recycle bin
1 message moved to recycle bin
@PKCoder all file is local html file and data comes from the server
check this out
Data that can be downloaded again or regenerated should be stored in the <Application_Home>/Library/Caches directory. Examples of files you should put in the Caches directory include database cache files and downloadable content, such as that used by magazine, newspaper, and map applications.
@PKCoder but all file download in document folder first time
@PKCoder and file is in local directory project
@PKCoder not on server
Hi, All GM :)
hi all
hi @zing
is there anyone who has worked with isAdjustingFocus property of AVCaptureDevice ?
i want to show focus square when camera focuses...
@HarshIT Hi....
kem koi kai boltu j nathi.. ?
its monday !!!
@HarshIT Have you searched on my problem?
no , i am currently searching my problem's solution
@HarshIT hi
Can you please help me
i want to show focus square when camera focuses , unfortunately i couldn't find any delegate method , instead a property isAdjustingFocus....
i just want to toggle between the views just like the tabbar
ie i have three buttons in a view and need to load different views on clicking different buttons
please help me
@suji One easy way, add all the views in one xib, give button tags ie 101,102,103
and according to button tag, show a particular view and hide the rest !!
Gud mrning @all
seems stackoverflow went offline .....
posted on January 21, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,News     Featured iPhone Development Resources,News Welcome back to the weekly feature of the most popular resources mentioned on the site in the past week. This weeks most popular resources include a framework for including a Node.js compatible server within your iOS apps, a library for web communications us

Anyone here?
hi @all
Q: How do you test the Push Notification feedback service?

David BeckHow would you test the APNS feedback service in the sandbox? Or in other words, how do you force a device to be in the feedback?

what is your requirement ?
The answer "I can confirm that you do need a second app on the device that is using the sandbox server in order to get the feedback on the app you are testing. This can simply be a bare-bones app with the line: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert]; in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of the app delegate" maybe is the solution
But I don't know how to creat the second app
My question is: How to create the second app. If use the same certs to creat and just change the app's name, the second will replace the first.Can you give me some advice about it
yes..second app will replace the first..and if bundle identifier changes..app's push certificate changes
i might suggest alternative if you tell your requirement
@honey-bunny hi
My requirement is: read the invalid device token from feedback service of APNS in sandbox
but I can't read any data from feedback service.
that is server side script work .. not client side..wont be able to help
did you read Apple doc on push notification ?
yes, I read it in detail
My server application can connect to feedback service. But it read the empty data from it.
I search this case in the Internet, I found that solution, but I don't know how to create the second app, which they said.
well i cant totally grasp your problem .. it might be
1) you want to test and deploy feedback service correctly of APNS .. for that ask in PHP/other web based room
2) if it is more technically based on iOS.. then you should go to NSChat room and ask..someone might be able to help
OK, thank you for your advice.
hi @honey-bunny
@honey-bunny hi
i am having one doubt in integrating fb in iPhone app @honey-bunny
dont ping consecutively and ask
i have to show the image in detail view...what i am doing right now is img=[[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(32.5, 55, 260, 240)];
but i want width should be fix value and height it will automatically adjust...how i can do this???
why height automatically adjust ?
bcoz its client requirement..he wants image of different height will look different...
the height will depend on image actual height..
i tried img.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
but it doesn't gives the actual size..
set ImageView ContentMode to AspectRatioFit
it gives error...i don't have the image view...
i am setting the image programatically not in xib...
if you don't know how to solve this..then you should really take a week off and brush up your ios/programming knowledge
@honey-bunny yaar bol to tu sahi raha hai...
magar a week off milega nahi...
1 hour later…
@honey-bunny: How to enable scroll in tableview only on landscape mode?
how do you know orientation changes ?
ok...or how to resize cells in landscape mode
i want to know how do you know orientation changed ?
Generally i have disabled scroll in my table. So, in potrait view, its fyn. But when i tilt my mobile in landscape view, the orientation changes
and either i have to re-size my cells in landscape or enable the scroll only in landscape
first step to the solution is you know when device rotated to portrait/landscape.
i gave solution of that to you two three days ago..
if you still don't answer if you know device orientation change..i cant help you more
i tried that, but it isn't working. It shows error in interface orientation
what did you try ?
there is a method called -(BOOL)shouldautorotateinterface orientation
thr defaultly, potrait has been set
i changed it to landscape and i have enabled the scroll
code ?
tableView.scrollEnabled = YES;
wait ...i'll send u the full code
don't need full class code..
only appropriate method related to orientation change
then inside the bool method, i set the scroll enabled to yes in landscpae. Thats all
what is enable user interaction...will it work?
did i say that .. ? ask from the one who told it will work..
ok..fyn ...i'll look in to it
@honey-bunny..good noon bro
hi guys
sir...i m creting a libary for my project
but...i works well when used in simulator
but it does not work well when used in device ...
what may be the issue ??
gud eve @all
hi all
anyone worked in yahoo api in ios
@jireh, @CodeJack, @PKCoder, @Ajitthala, @honey-bunny
no idea
i have problem to parse json in ios..can any body help me to solve that??
please tell your problems
i have valid json..i have varified it in jsonllint
but when i request to url using
nsstring * str=[[nsstring alloc]initwithcontentsofurl:url encoding:nsutf8encoding];
sorry no idea.. @iphonedev23
and i tried to log it
sometimes i get it json data.. but sometimes i got
<html><body><script>document.cookie='ddddddd=fcbbd7e8ddddddd_fcbbd7e8; path=/';window.location.href=window.location.href;</script></body></html>
So contact your server developer..it's not json
ok..than please can you tell me if that is not json than why it works properly for some times..
it's server issues sometimes it's returning json sometimes it's returning html...so contact server side developer what the logic he have written....
I have not written the server side code...
ok...heartly thanks for your kind response
but do you know the php??
u heartly welcomed .....
ok...i send you php code for service..
please see that and try to help me if possible
There are no error handling code
there are also no code if no data exists in db I think
I think in your script some script file are there where it's printing <html><body><script>document.cookie='ddddddd=fcbbd7e8ddddddd_fcbbd7e8; path=/';window.location.href=window.location.href;</script></body></html>
What's about if no connection
CGFloat cellHeight;

if ( [UIDevice currentDevice].orientation != UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft
&& [UIDevice currentDevice].orientation != UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight)
cellHeight = tableView.contentSize.height;
cellHeight = cell.contentView.bounds.size.height;
Where to paste this code for resizing the table view cells in landscape mode
hello friends, I am trying to show a table to animate from bottom till half way of the screen, for this I used github.com/homeyer/…. this works properly, but i feel it is little complex. So their any workaround for this. Please let me know
1 hour later…
posted on January 21, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C If you’ve got an app for editing audio or video chances are that you’re going to want a selector control, and Apple has done a great job with the trim controls in their audio a

Hi guys hows it going
Hi there, anyone here got some AFNetworking experience?
If so, care to help me with an issue?
Q: IOS/AFNetworking: enqueue two JSON operations and then compare the returned NSArrays

Vincent VeldkampFor my app, I have to connect to two webservices that return JSON. I first rolled my own networking code using GCD, but seeing how AFNetworking handles things, I decided to implement it. Most things went ok, but at some point I'm retrieving two arrays filled with objects. Those two arrays are th...

can we play the mp4 video in UIWebView?
8 hours later…
posted on January 21, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C There are a number of different web based APIs that you can use to gather information that can be used within music apps. Two of those APIs are provided by Last.FM and 8t

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