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posted on January 05, 2013 by admin

This is a short tutorial on how to add a decimal point onto your generic keypad in Xcode.

I am back
posted on January 05, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools One of the big issues with regular expressions is the slight differences between the various regular

2 hours later…
Good morning friends :)
@AJPatel good morning
majama... @KETAN
@AJPatel hi
@AJPatel gm
@AJPatel majam a bhai
hi @Destructor
@AJPatel wats up
i am fine but why are you crying @Destructor
@AJPatel hv read my profile pic message ..
@AJPatel hows ur new year celebration
no celeb. on new year :@ :/ @Destructor
@AJPatel why
GF ne mana kiya tha troll....
@AJPatel hmm sahi hain ha ha
stop trolling @Destructor n back to work :P
@AJPatel yuppy
@laladala hi
@laladala How was it?
@hey anyone there who knows how to make VOIP based app in iphone?
did you search stack overflow ?
ya i ahve
and you didn't get any info to start on it ?
@shubhan have u any idea regarding this?
@shubhan ya i find some stacks but since i m not able to get my hotspot ip address
don't think anyone here have experience in VOIP
Hello Friendzz
Good Afternoon
@Shubhank have u nay idea to find hotspot ip address?
@Shubhank : I want location updates throughout the application should I put Locationmanger coding in Appdelegate.m?
make a singleton..
although Appdelegate works as a singleton.
it is not considered good practice
@Shubhank ok thanks. Need to look for singletons
look into it right now...
quite a fundamental in programming
Thanks. I also thought the same
Hi All
I have a NSString @"Tue, 24 May 2011 0:05:01" value which i want to convert in NSDate formate like
so please suggest us how we can do this
Q: Convert NSString to NSDate Format in Specific date format

Kapil GhaiI have a NSString @"Tue, 24 May 2011 0:05:01" value which i want to convert in NSDate formate like dd/mm/yyyy so please suggest us how we can do this

posted on January 05, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Source Code Examples,Objective-C Creating video filters using OpenGL ES is something that I’ve mentioned a few times and I’ve mentioned the GPUImage project that simplifies the creation of vi

2 hours later…
@Bala hey
Hey :{)
@Bala Stuck at one point. Got few minutes to assist me?
Let me try buddy ..
@rohan-patel Sure.. if i can..
@Bala Arre you aware of this CLLOcationamnager method ?
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations
Oops .. Im sorry
@Bala Ok.. Ok.. I thnk I sorted out
Q: View Controller Orientation issue in iOS6

NSStackMy Root View Controller is in portrait mode. I have a button on this Root View Controller and the button action code is shown here: -(IBAction)VideosView { VideosDetailViewController *videoview=[[VideosDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"VideosDetailViewController" bundle:[NSBundle...

@Bala @Tauseef @CrazyCreator please help me about this isssue..
Here is my code pastebin.ca/2299533
i am encounting one problem
A: How to change the device orientation programmatically in iOS 6

BalaiOS 6 UI Interface Orientation - shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: Not Working The method shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: is NOT supported in iOS 6. Its deprecated. Just in case if you are a newbie, who just stared working in cocoa, and wondering why is your view controller messed ...

@Bala i used UInavigationControll as rootview so that why i already implement these method but not one works for me..
here is my code pastebin.ca/2299533
Which i tried so for
i am playing the audio using avaudioplayer repeatedly, playing this audio in 0.01 seconds, but unable to play fastly
plzz check why am getting "Unexpected '@' in Program" error here : pastebin.com/gRyAzQpU @Bala
@MadanMohan @NSStack
can you guys look into my issue ?
plzz check it out
why am getting " Unexpected '@' in Program " on the line show in Pastebin code
Sorry Dude
no issue
carry on
hi @all
i am creating an iPhone app, in that, the user can login with their site credential also with their Facebook account, while they log in into fb, it should not load in the separate web view, but on the same VC, after the login, the user's wall post should get display in the UItableview.
@jireh no idea bro...
no prbs..:)
@laladala : Aaeen
How was it?
Bye buddies
Have a happy SUNDAY
Take Care
2 hours later…
hello all
I have a problem with UIWebView run local js file
I tried add this js file to a html page ,but it does not work
why don't you add the javascript to the html file itself
2 hours later…
@Shubhank Hello. Stuck at one point
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations in this method locations array has only one co ordinate that is latest one only.
i tried to print them. [locations objectatindex:0] and [locations lastobjct] are same
what is the question ?
I need to calculate distance
between two points.. I mean while walking I need to calculate distances
every time the method called only one location >
@Shubhank No. In locations array sirf latest location hi milta hai.. In fact it should have all co-ordinates I mean from starting point to end point
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation method is deprecated in iOS 6. In that method we had a chance of getting location of old and new to calculate distance between 2 points
see the method detail here..
it might not have previous updated location in the array
the last object is always newest location.
@Shubhank Ok. Then how do I get previous location cordinates? in old method we could get it using oldlaocation.cooridante
you should probably store it in you own array
and check before adding..
if ! your array.lastObject isEqualTo:location.lastObject
then add
@Shubhank Then I should not take an array just a global CLLocation object holding prev location is also sufficient to compare with [locations.lastonject].
do you recommend writing `- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager
didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations` method in Appdelegate.m?
you can to implement faster development..
but sooner or later change it to a singleton so that you can reuse it in other projects
@Shubhank So it is not a good practice to write there. I am currently reading singletons. I tried to read it 10 days ago. But head started turning around.. :D
singleton is you have only one object of it in lifetime.
like you have only one AppDelegate in the app whole life time.
you might have different array in each view controller..different tableview..but only one app delegate..
@Shubhank Thanks. I am studying it.

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