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posted on January 04, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C I’ve mentioned a number of great controls and libraries for working with images such as the NYXImagesKit image manipulation library. Here’s an open source control from Javier B

4 hours later…
@Shubhank @SAHIL @Gamer @Praveen @CrazyCreator @gaurav @Destructor I am using App development for Xcode 4.4.1, And i am create ad-hoc iPa file. in iOS ios6 and ios5 it's working fine, but ios 4.2.1 it give the following error. "the app "name" was not installed on the iPhone "phone1" because it is not compatible with this iPhone" please help me
@iProgrammer ha
@Nikki hu
@PREMKUMAR dont know much about ur issue, but usually it happens when you device is not added to the provisioning profile
hello everyone
@Prince hi
@prashant i have one query
@Prince yes please
@prashant how r u?
me fine
@Prince fine dude
@iProgrammer uidatepicker ipad me kese use karenge ?
@iProgrammer ok lunch kar ke aata hu
yes correctly judged
@PREMKUMAR xcode 4.4.1 not support armv6 so you need to use xcode 4.3.2 with both architecture armv 6
@prashant Thankyou i will check.
@PREMKUMAR xcode 4.4.1 not support armv6 so you need to use xcode 4.3.2 with architecture armv 6
posted on January 04, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Tutorials,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Tutorials,Objective-C Understanding iOS crash reports can be extremely difficult and even though Apple has written basic documentation it is extremely helpful to see some actual crash reports being analyzed. Here&#

Q: Searching in PDF document (FastPdfkit Project) is not working for my PDF

SureshI used FastPdfkit project for PDF document searching.But in this project Search functionality was not working for MyPDF.

I provided links for FastPdfkit project and my document .
@Suresh hi
plz give your email id, so i can send a sample code for same with my customization.
@sandy hi
hi, is it possible t to submit ipad app without problem in already exist iphone app (in-app purchase) same app for ipad
Anybody have any ideas?
Q: TabBar Image Insets Not Transferring To AdHoc Build

Zachary ChristopoulosSo, the below code is centering all of my tab bar images, and it works correctly when built by hitting run, but when I load an AdHoc build, only the last image is centered correctly. [[[self tabBar].items objectAtIndex:0] setImageInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(2.0, 0, -2.0, 0)]; [[[self tabBar].items o...

@sandy my email: [email protected]
@iProgrammer Hi :-)
Hi @sandy could you send your sample project to me
@Suresh yes sure
give sm tm.
busy with client call
@sandy ok
@Suresh i test your pdf i think there is osme issue with pdf format
bcz it's not able to search text
i give you a sample code u can check both pdf
one will work fine with same
check the class name as pdftextsearchviewcontroller.m file
i just mailed you the sample code
check your mail
@sandy yes. i tested some pdfs in that project. it was working. but given pdf was not working. if i tested in normal desktop pdf reader application it was searching that pdf why our project was not searching. thanks
@Suresh let me debug for once
@sandy hello
@Suresh hello how to make photo slider in iphone
@Nikki I hope this will help to you
Q: iPhone Image slideshow

PtitawI want to create a slideshow on iphone. I don't know if there is already a sample code or a lib that already do that. Thanks for your help

@sandy are you there
@Suresh yes
@sandy have you tested again
i am trying this wait
@sandy ok
@Suresh not able to find
@sandy do you try in desktop pdf reader
@Suresh No i just debug this with code
@sandy ok
thanks for your valuable time
@Suresh how can we download this pdf ?
i want to check this for once after downloading this
@Suresh can u plz provide me a download copy of same?
i got it
@sandy sorry for the late, do you got the pdf
yes i got it and also test this
i think there was some issue with pdf format
because it's also not able to scan after downloading the pdf and direct add to resource
@sandy ok. now i tested with Readers Digest magazine pdf ,this one also not working. i think like magazines those pdf's are image converted pdf's . But mypdf was searching with desktop pdf reader
you already know we can generate pdf with different method but i think this file was not able to scan with scanner class to search the text in page. Because i already develop this project with different file format and same code working very fine with all.
@Suresh desktop application was much better and alot lib added there. so we can not compare with our project :-)
i hope u got my point :-)
@sandy yes you are right
Is anyone ther?
I need some help
Hi all How are you?
ya @Bu
ya @BurhanMughal
Any answers for this?
posted on January 04, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources     Featured iPhone Development Resources Some time ago I mentioned an open source iOS UI control allowing you to make some great looking custom switches by providing round switches, and color customization called DCRoundSwitch. Here’s another control called TTSwitch from Two Toasters for making custom

Any one know how to customize UIWebview (like text co-ordinates, line indents). I guess javascript might help
Mike is back
whoa... yes I am
I finally got the final offer letter
And finally the pizza party is tomorrow or on sunday
are you going to take the job?
yes, the one which asked me for more references
They arent getting any
Do you want to come?
I am seriously considering!
I only consider your iOS answers to be serious
but you can't make any savings
I know... I'll be broke and poor forever.
USA currency point of view
For surviving in India you will get more than enough salary
you will be a rich man
@MichaelDautermann: Hi mike...can u help me out with this?
there's a Facebook SDK that works for iOS 5... could you use that, @Ajitthala ?
But i heard, the facebook sdk can only be used for iOS6..and that too using the FBGraph api, we'll only be able to see the friend list, but we cant send friend request it seems.
Q: How to send add friend request (to facebook user) from iOS application?

rptwsthiI know there are lot of questions on this topic but none of those have satisfactory answers. Again I am not so confident about help as 2 of my last 3 questions are unanswered. Well Still, ma question is, Is there any way we can send friend request to any facebook user from one iOS application? Of...

oh, haaaa
you already saw that question.
Q: Can a facebook friend request be sent from my own app?

patI am creating an app and want to know if my app can send a Facebook friend request (say I know the other users id/name) or does Facebook not allow this?

But that only works for the canvas apps it seems and not for the apps that we develop for iphone...if u look at the comments section of the answer, they've mentioned its not possible.
Q: Can I "add friend" with Facebook's API?

TIMEXDoes their API allow my Facebook-connected user to add a friend?

So, it seems that we cant by the way :(
I've another Interview tomorrow early morning at 9.30 am. Many are going to come as it's a big company. I am scared
Dinner time. Brb
Hello Michael. Back to work? Happy New Year.. :-)
still doing freelance stuff. Nothing serious yet.
and happy new year to you toooo
I am back
Now I'm taking rest. Then I'll study a bit for tomorrow's interview
group interviews are always so much fun
It scares me. It's like 30 people seated in a waiting room. Who's turn comes is being stared by everyone. While waiting everybody looks at each other. And when someone walks out of room after being interviewed everyone again stare at them.
I'm gonna reach there as early as possible, get my name early in the list and fight in the interview.
yeah! fight fight fight!
@laladala lol.. Terminator and afraid of interview?
No. The situation. It's very embarrassing.
When someone goes out of that room for interview and comes back in, everyone keeps staring at him/her as if he/she will sit (indicating that round is cleared) or walk away (indicating rejection)
But why does it matters to them if someone gets selected or rejected. It's embarrassing for that person while getting back in.
it sounds very harsh and inhumane.
I wouldn't want to work for a company that treats their candidates like that.
No not company. The other candidates who are also there for interview. All are waiting in the same room.
Well I was testing my application on device and suddenly call came on it after call got finished the app was just hung.. Any idea? I think it was due to applicationDidEnterBackground call right?
it threw SiGABRT
I am having a feeling they will ask me responder chain in tomorrow's interview.
Gotta study that and fill the application form.
best luck.. but you got selected in one company na?
then why giving more interviews?
There is TCS walk-in on Sunday. Try to go there.
For iOS developers.
My joining day is on Monday. Until monday I will try and choose best possible company.
I am terminator. I fight until end.
I am also going for TCS walk-in on Sunday, in Mumbai.
It's walk-in, will be crowded.
But it's for iOS developers for more than 2 years experience. I don't think there are many in Mumbai. And far lesser who have potential to get selected in TCS.
Today I gave an Interview in this company. CMMI Level 3. They want Senior iOS developer. Asked me only 6 stupid and basic questions. Thats how most iOS developers are here in Mumbai and in India as well.
And this awesome company as well. The interviewer had more than 3 years of experience in iOS. Asked me stupid and basic iOS questions. I cleared technical round and then they knocked me out in Machine held english communication skills round.
@laladala lol.. Please define Stupid Questions
Good companies with stupid iOS interviewers asking me stupid questions: What are delegates? What are Categories? Difference between delegation and notification? What are design patterns? What is Singleton? As if they are interviewing someone fresher or someone who has mug up the answers can even clear the interview.
What are design patterns? btw? I do not know about it :P
Average companies with good iOS interviewers asking me good questions: If there is a readonly property for NSMutableArray, can we add, remove, etc objects using that property? Some frameworks are available in some or particular iOS versions. So while supporting multiple iOS versions how do you take care about the availability of framework, methods, etc? If you make your own custom control, what is the way you'd use for communication with other object?
If there are multiple table views in single controller, how you'd differentiate them?
Clearly, the latter company had much better idea who they want to hire. And I have offer letter from them.
MVC, notification, delegation, blocks, singleton, target-action, KVO, etc are the different design patterns.
Hello every one can some please guide me orientation issue in ios6?
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations {
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscapeLeft;
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation{
return (toInterfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft);
I had given an awesome presentation on the new autorotations in iOS. It was NSChat event on 13th October, 2012
@laladala thanks for quick response i need only landscape orientation for one view
my first view in portriat mode
i want second one in landscape
So you are returning only landscape in supportedInterfaceOrientations but still it's supporting portrait too?
but in ios6 i don't know why it not working..
please check it
Thats 'cos iOS 6.0 screwed up the auto rotations. It's actually made it better but in regards to previous way of supporting autorotations, it has screwed it up.
Read the NSChat event presentation on auto rotations, it will explain you why it's not working. That is what anyways I will tell you if you don't read it. It will also make the new auto rotation concept clear to you.
thanks let me check
but why its so difficult in ios6 beacuse i used in pervious xcode version it was so simple
Read it patiently and you will know. It's a bad idea to type something again that is already available.
@laladala thanks thats look good
Hi everyone
I'm working with uicollectionview and was wondering
[_collectionView scrollToItemAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UICollectionViewScrollPositionTop animated:YES];
can I add additional offset to this?
Doesn't look it. With table view we can specify even rects to scroll to. But that is something doesn't appear to be with collection views.
there is a [_collectionView scrollRectToVisible:<#(CGRect)#> animated:<#(BOOL)#>]
mh :/
It inherits from scroll view. That should be scroll view method. You can try using that.
I have been filling the interview form for last one hour. What a stupid thing to do. These Homo sapiens still stick to paper work.
@laladala how much your experience is as ios developer?
27 months
Hello, a couple days ago I was discussing Core Data inverse relationships. @laladala I tried the code you gave, and neither of them worked. Replacing "ANY" with "ALL" threw an error. Using the method where I access the employees from the department's inverse only returns ONE employee. That's the problem.
It seems that department only has ONE employee as the inverse, not an NSSet. How do I change so the inverse contains all employees? thank you.
thats good @laladala
What is the code you using to retrive the employees?
[departmentObject employee];
@laladala : Worked on MKMapView ever?
And you are getting the correct department you wanted?
And in the xcdatamodel, I set employee to be an inverse relationship with the Employee entity.
@rohan-patel Yes
I know the departmentObject is correct, it's the "employee" that's the problem. It only returns one.
@laladala I want Map Zoomed to current location..
I need all employees in the department.
When you insert employee objects, do you set its department ?
[employeeObject setDepartment: departmentObject];
... I never do [departmentObject setEmployee: employeeObject]; is that the problem?
@rohan-patel Use - (void)setRegion:(MKCoordinateRegion)region animated:(BOOL)animated
Ya a sec please
Somehow, I need Department "rows" to be able to contain more than one employee, did I set the inverse wrong?
  MKCoordinateRegion mapRegion;
  mapRegion.center = map.userLocation.coordinate;
  mapRegion.span = MKCoordinateSpanMake(0.05, 0.05);
  [map setRegion:mapRegion animated: NO];
If you are inserting departments, then you also gotta set it's employees else for all those departments there wouldn't be any employees. But if later on you insert employees for that department, then it's fine.
I use that but no effect. :/
0.05? It's too small
So: [departmentObject setEmployee: employeeObject]; [employeeObject setDepartment: departmentObject]; for each new insert?
@laladala 0.1 , 0.2 I use no effect at all.. How much should I put?
map is not null right ?
The problem I believe it will happen is that:
[departmentObject setEmployee: employeeObject];
That code will overwrite the previous employee in department
Span is CLLocationDegrees , check what is CLLocationDegrees
@Shubhank Null? Mean? It already showing current location
Since the department inverse can apparently only hold ONE employee, not an NSSet as you had mentioned previously
What I need is NSSet or NSArray, etc. So that department can hold more than one employee for its inverse
Sorry for any confusion, I'm new to this
Department will have many employees. You are just setting one employee to the department hence you are getting only one employee.
I want max zoom level to draw route of walker..
How can I set more than one?
Department has many employees. It has to be NSSet property
How come it's allowing you to not set an NSSet type?
i want to know if(map == nil) ?
Well, I'm in the "Relationships" section of xcdatamodel, and there's no NSSet option
You just set it to "Employees" entity
And then select "inverse"
to many relationship from D to E will generate set property in D
What setting can be changed to fix?
@rohan-patel Okay. Use MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance method
It will allow you to specify the region in meters or kilometers, dunno what exactly
@laladala Ok.. Thanks using that code it zooms into North Atlantic Ocean near Africa
MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance for specifying region. It represents width and height in meters and the center coordinate
Specify correct center coordinate
@Hope4You Set the relationship in department to to-many in the inspector
Oh... I never knew about that.
And then you might need to regenerate the managed object class for that
Well without doing that how can you say it's a to-many relationship?
Also without that it won't say 1...n in the MOM either.
I'm new to all this. I've only used MySQL prior.
I'm going to try out this stuff, thanks again!
Set it to to-many and regenerate the managed object subclass for department and it should now show the NSSet property for employees
One more thing: After I do this, can I just use [employeeObject setDepartment: departmentObject]; and then the employee will automatically be in the department NSSet of employees?
OR do I need to code manually add the employee into the department NSSet?
See, one employee will belong to only one department. So department property in Employee class will be department type. But employee type in department class will be NSSet 'cos department has many employees
While adding department, you can either set NSSet of employees to it's employees property or don't set that time, but later on while inserting individual emeployees, set their department
So all I need to do is set the individual employee's dpt. and then it will automatically be in the department's NSSet of employees?
thats the magic of inverse relationship
I found the issue
mapview viewcontroller is called at the time of app launch only
I've been filling the interview form for last 1.5 hours. I am gonna take my frustration out on the interviews tomorrow
It's working now, thanks @laladala
@laladala I have 3 viewControllers. Main one, Left swipe, Right Swipe.
... means?
@laladala No worries.. It making sense now litle bit
what is @MichaelDautermann doing
Maybe having drinks on new year occasion.. Why you need some guidance for tomorrow interview?
oh? right now I was just setting up an Over The Air ADHOC install....
yes from @MichaelDautermann
me? nowadays I go to job interviews expecting anything
and they still turn me down.
So come to India, in my office
I'm going to bed. Gotta wake up 6.30am for tomorrow's interview
oooooh, what kind of ogre boss would you be?
I will be Terminatrix
200% strict
please some one can guide me about this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/14160528/oriention-issue-in-ios6
Q: View Controller Orientation issue in iOS6

NSStackMy Root View Controller is in portrait mode. I have a button on this Root View Controller and the button action code is shown here: -(IBAction)VideosView { VideosDetailViewController *videoview=[[VideosDetailViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"VideosDetailViewController" bundle:[NSBundle...

1 hour later…
Horrible search page UI. I do not like it.. Seems over populated
1 hour later…
posted on January 04, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Recently I mentioned the excellent ColorSense plugin, and just last week mentioned an Xcode plugin f

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