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Good morning friends :)
good morning
i have tried using asihttip but still
i am getting memmory warning
which device you checking?
Q: Received memory warning and app crash while uploading more than 100 images on my server

MeenaI am uploading more than 100 images on server using following code and i Received memory warning after uploading few images. Please help me.. Here is my code for uploading image on sever : -(void)uploadSingleFile { if(!self.objWebServices.bSyncWasOn) { NSLog(@"STOP upload Single ...

this is my question
i am testing it with new 4 inch ipod as well as old devices 4.3
almost i have tried with every devices
plz help me if is there any other way of uploading
hello everyone
2 hours later…
@Shubhank, @Hercules, @Meena: I want to select 3 or 4 images from a private directory, store them in an array and display them in the next view. Is thr any good concept for this? Or is thr any multi gesture recognizer in iphone?
Hello all. need help with Devanagari Sangam MN in UIWebview
I have coded it in css but no luck
posted on December 29, 2012 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Last week I mentioned the excellent Xcode 4 fixins plugin collection that provides some great features for reducing distract

1 hour later…
Hi All, I am saving video in plist and i am playing that file in plist with MPMoviePlayer. when i saved large video means more than 10 seconds if i played that it crashes . can anybody solve my issue.
that sounds like a disaster.
Hi @MichaelDautermann , is your reply is for my issue
I'm guessing you've already solved it?
how to add custom font from interface builder ???
can you pls help me out
Q: Use custom font

user437064How to use custom font?(font that doesn't exist in iphone)

there ya go.
Q: Can I embed a custom font in an iPhone application?

Airsource LtdI would like to have an app include a custom font for rendering text, load it, and then use it with standard UIKit elements like UILabel. Is this possible? I found these links: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=8304744 http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=569311 but ...

@MichaelDautermann no,i didn't solve it
hmmm... keep fighting with it, @Suresh
@MichaelDautermann if i wait for some time its playing sucessfully.
i dont know what's the reason behind that
well, I don't see your code and I know nothing about your app, so I can't currently help you.
NSString *contentstring=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"sample.MOV"];

NSString* path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"sampleData" ofType:@"plist"];
path = NSTemporaryDirectory();
NSString *videoPath = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent:contentstring];
i am saving like this in plist
that's nice. Look at this line: "NSString* path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"sampleData" ofType:@"plist"]; "
it's useless
because you overwrite it in the next line, which is "path = NSTemporaryDirectory(); "
and all you're showing me is how you construct your path. You don't show me how you're saving it. And we don't even know if saving is the problem.
Are you a fresher?
yes, i am a fresher. saving is not a problem. playing the video with mpmovieplayer is a problem with large videos
the reason I asked if you were a fresher is you need to learn how to focus on what the problem is and how to ask questions or provide info. The information you gave me up there is not relevant. The problem is likely to be in how you load and/or display your movie.
@MichaelDautermann i have one issue
@MichaelDautermann Warning: Attempt to present <More: 0xa53bff0> on <UINavigationController: 0x97600f0> which is already presenting <More: 0xa3becd0>
Please give solution
why should I give solution?
the problem appears to be obvious
"Attempt to present <More: 0xa53bff0> on <UINavigationController: 0x97600f0> which is already presenting <More: 0xa3becd0>"
i am playing successfully with Url form Image picker. when i saves like the above . its giving problem. i used the code for playing with mpmovieplayer myPlayer= [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:self.filepath]];
[myPlayer.view setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 208)];
myPlayer.shouldAutoplay = NO;
myPlayer.fullscreen = YES;

myPlayer.scalingMode = MPMovieScalingModeAspectFit;
[self.view addSubview:myPlayer.view];
and what's the problem again? it freezes after ten seconds?
Oh...heh... I just realized something.
where does your MPMoviePlayer live? what function is it?
you should make it an ivar, or instance variable, or member of the class. It's disappearing after that function exits.
that is why your movie is freezing.
@MichaelDautermann: Hi mike...i want to select multiple images and want to display those images in the next view. So, can i use tap gesture recognizer to select the images i want using a single tap on each of them, store them in an array and display them in the next view?
instance variable
you already know about ELCImagePicker, why not base your code on that, @Ajitthala ??
no need to reinvent the wheel
what I mean by "instance variable" @Suresh is that within your .h file, inside your "@implementation", you declare your MPMoviePlayer variable THERE.
in .hfile
@MichaelDautermann: I tried all the possible ways on ELC, but none r working...and by the way am using iOS5. Does iOS6 have any new features to support this?
I don't know of anything new iOS 6 that supports this.
@Ajitthala why not just display all your images within buttons, displayed in a table view? When one touches the buttons, they get selected.
But the problem is, if i use buttons, i can't re-arrange them. Coz after selecting the images i want and when i display those in the next view, those images should be re-arrangeable, each with a number tag on them.
do you want to rearrange them within the table view?
yep..like in a AQgridview
Somebody else already asked that question. Look at this:
Q: Rearranging rows in uitableview

NithinI've an application in which each row contains an uiimageview and an uibutton. I have created them using custom cells, uitableviewcells. The button is to trigger the method, uiimagepickercontroller to pick an image from the library and show it in the imageview. I need that any user who uses the a...

@MichaelDautermann yes in .h file i wrote a property for MPMovieplayer
great! now, assign your newly alloc & init'd movie player to THAT property.
how are you ?
are you there ?
I am using NSURL to load an URL on UIWebview
this is url
which i am passing to NSString --> NSURL --> NSURLRequest --> UIWebView Object
but it is not loading
can you help me in this
why it's not loading this URL
show me the code, dude.
NSString *fullURL = @"http://atomicstudios.com/modules.php?name=Search";
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:fullURL];
NSURLRequest *requestObj = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
[_webView loadRequest:requestObj];
give me a momento.
Sure bro
one thing i want to tell you
When I pass this URL to NSString
NSString *fullURL = @"http://google.co.in";
your web view reference is not null right ?
It is working
it's not null
then probably the site coding is bad..
try this
NSString *fullURL = @"http://atomicstudios.com/modules.php?name=Search";
if(fullURL && ([fullURL length] > 0))
    NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:fullURL];
        NSURLRequest *requestObj = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
            [_webView loadRequest:requestObj];
        } else {
            NSLog( @"_webView is null");
    } else {
        NSLog( @"url is null");
Hey Thanks It's working now
hello every one
but why mine code was not working bro ?
I can't imagine why, @Tauseef... :)
the logic is almost same
hello @MichaelDautermann
Only you put some if & else condition
rest everything is same
I have made a custom scrollView subclass to scrollCells in horizontal direction only like in itune store
thanks bro...
and it is working perfectly
horray! your problem is over with, @Hercules
now you can go home and have a pizza party.
I have tested it with 10 cells , but it should also work for >50000 cells
and I thing it will hang
it's well hung, huh?
so I want to load it like UITableView
as tableView load only cells that is to be appear in tableview
@MichaelDautermann can u give me some idea hw can I do it
what are you displaying in those cells, Mr. @Hercules ?
hold on... lemme see if I can find something
my custom file is displayed here
how about this?
Q: iPhone Tableview Use Cells in Horizontal Scrolling not Vertical

norskbenHi Guys This is not an uiview orientation question, I want to Have the iphone in Portrait or Landscape, and I want a standard tableview(controller?) that will display cells in a vertical strip down the iphone and the tableview scrolls horizontally. -I.e. a 100% normal tableview, that is rotated 9...

I'll try
@MichaelDautermann i have an issue regarding to Video compression without loosing quality, is there any solution for this.
I don't know what your question is, @Suresh
Video compression without loosing quality?
Q: What video format is the smallest without losing quality?

modernzombieWe have a new client that we will be hosting content for. The client is producing a lot of video content. They have asked us what format we would like the files to be in. Now this video content will be uploaded and stored in our web based CRM. The client's customers will have access to this cont...

hai @MichaelDautermann good afternoon...
hello @iOS2Ragavan
i need to learn more about new development features in iOS 6....can you suggest me any links...@MichaelDautermann
what do you mean by "new development features"?
you mean new versions of Xcode?
or the new things delivered in iOS 6 ?
oww sorry about that...i could have asked about new things delivered in iOS 6....well..this..@MichaelDautermann
yes...let me check...dude @MichaelDautermann
I am back
I am front.
i am center..
I got that job
which job
u got placed
I just knew you would get that job, @laladala !
In which there were three technical rounds. Basic, intermediate and expert. CMM Level 3 company
@MichaelDautermann dudethats all about..phone features..i need new controls and delegates and fraeworks
Now I'll give Mike's reference to them.
what's a CMM Level 3 company?
I knew it wasn't the company name... I've just never heard of that term over here before.
Would you like to work in such company
it needs to be level 5!
Can someone help?
Q: One filter is reseting the other. can't apply both of them

ShaI'm using 2 filters on one image. The problem is simple to understand, if I'll move one slider the filter will apply fine but when I'll move the other slider the picture will reset to the original _tempImage. I've tried replacing _justNowImage.image = quickFilteredImage; with _tempImage = quickF...

You can be project manager. Will get salary as per Indian standard
I thought you were going to be in charge?
did something change?
are you hired in as a BOSS?
Now since i will join it will become CMM Level 5
They haven't mentioned any designation in the mail. Only after I get offer letter on Monday I'll know
They wanted 2+ years of experience in ios
your designation should be "chief mobile boss Master of All Things and Benevolent Dictator"
"level 3"
But the fact that I tamed the project manager in the expert round interview, I could be project manager
I want to be dictator of a company. It will be greater than apple and Google
you can get yourself a huge mansion or skyscraper in Delhi
You also join. We will work together on a project. Then I'll hire abizern, Borden, nil, etc
speaking of Delhi, are there riots there today?
or close to where you are?
I hope everyone is safe and it's mostly calm.
Yes. There is some kind of protest people doing against government.
Regarding women security.
But it need not be done if every women is terminatrix like me.
think they'll hang those people who did this?
that was ridiculously over the top brutal, what happened.
I stay in Mumbai
Yes. Murder case is also registered.
Mumbai is 50% more secure than Delhi
why is Delhi so chaotic?
Lol I never been there. Mumbai is lively. May be someone from Delhi can answer you. Probably it's capital of India so they feel cool
Delhi is cheaper than Mumbai
and has equal job opportunities.
more illiterate people move here..
Cheaper in what sense? Surving? I think Mumbai is one of the cheapest place to live in.. probably the most
property rates in mumbai are easily 40-50% more than delhi
But still Surving is possible and is cheaper. Standard if living is lower probably than in Delhi
:) My luck i've never been any north side.
Actually the stats speak for itself. It is less secure for women plus their day to day language is rude and full of abuse. But after all its a shame as we are all Indians
all these Dabangg,Rowdy Rathore etc..telugu movies promote men as larger than life characters
and that is what the generation think of themselves..
sab apne aapko chulbul pandey samajte hai
Telugu movies make me laugh. Their heroes are idiots and have super powers without actually being super humans.
worse is all superstars now copy them..
item numbers are also the new craze..
really? I always thought @laladala looked like aishwarya rai
I like sci fi movies. At least weird acts are based on science so can be acceptable. Thought oriented movies like inception :D
these people don't understand what effect that have on youth
@Shubhank I commented on your answer. I mentioned it in the first post. Your solution doesn't work
i like american tv shows
It's like applying the filter a few times on the same image
india only good for romance based shows/movies
other than that..industry doesn't advance
Mike will soon get to see I am actually more beautiful than her :P
Plus she isn't terminatrix I'll beat her in fight :D
@Sha ..
i have commented
currently if slider value is 10 .. you apply filter and replace original image
next time the image is already filtered with value 10..and slider has changed to 11
so the effect will be much more
I see
I'm trying to understand now how to make it only change when touch is ended on the slider
hello everyone
can anyone tell me if we are making UITableView subclass then how can we set its datasource and delegates
the same way you set datasource & delegate if it were simply a UITableView object.
I set tableView.delegate=self if using view controller
Now I want all work in subclass
then that's what you can do for your subclassed UITableView object
assassin creed avatar in the house
Gotta change train. Brb
lol..its some other ninja
As I m using subclass of UItableView then , statement becomes self.delegate=?
looks like i will change my pic only
Who is he
What are your plans for new year
how can I know if the user finished sliding a slider?
try making IBActions for all its Uicontrol events
and log to see results
I have an IBAction for one of the sliders.
And I have the line [sharpenSlider addTarget:self action:@selector(sliderTouchUpInsideAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
Where do I need to put it?
I want to make something like if user stopped sliding then..
i have helped you quite enough..
if i go and check which method to call..what will you do ?
I've created an IBAction when slider exits but for some reason it's bot being called hmm
should be some other action
yea. it's touchupinside for some reason
now when I try to apply the other filter it's crashing my program. damn
No any idea get friends how to set tableView delegate and datasource in its subclass file.
I do not want tableView delegate and datasource method outside the subclass
in then sub lass.. override initWithStyle
set self.delegate = self;
@MichaelDautermann I have to make viewController instead of UITableView subclass
self.delegate=self; displaying error @Shubhank
@Hercules all that matters is that your view controller follows the UITableViewDataSource & UITableViewDelegate protocols.
that's the point @MichaelDautermann I do not want to make protocols in subclass
well then have some other object that does the protocols.
if you want to populate your table, you need to have a data source
it doesn't have to be the view controller
If I make viewController then I can set tableView.delegate=self
no you can not
and define delegate methods in view controller and all issues solved
since you say you do not want to have it do the UITableViewDataSource & UITableViewDelegate protocols.
if you do set your view controller to answer to the "UITableViewDataSource & UITableViewDelegate protocols", then you can set tableView.delegate = self.
I want to make such a subclass of UITableView that I can just add to view . No need to pass any number of rows or cells from view controller
that's why I needed it
I don't understand your question.
somebody else can figure this out.
ok when I complete it I will describe you via code
thanks for giving your time @MichaelDautermann
did everyone fall asleep?
I m awake
No. Am working with SQLiteDatabase.
@Praveen when you stuck you look into android docs?
@Shubhank Why? Both are same?
SQLiteDatabase is for android ? right .?
android docs are easy to you in understanding?
Yep. But, coding formats are differ :(
yeah..Logging is also quite a whole lot more effort in it..
my point is when you don't know how to do a thing in android..
what do you do ?
go to docs.?
Yep. Otherwise, i'll do some google
you can understand how to make task manager app from docs?
task manager app in android?
point is how to make live wallpaper app,task manager etc..app ..
i don't know what should be my approach if i don't know how to do it
in iOS..github projects are there..
and API is very less for iOS
android has very vast..
what will be your approach
First, i'll take a look at some samples.
play store?
And, will do the coding. If i've any doubts will google it
Play store and sample apps
other sample apps from where?
google only dude
You want to develop any android app?
Live Wallpaer???
others too.
i want to know the approach
First just take a look at some sample apps from google (Play store too if you want to see there). Just see the code. And, do it with your own code :)
NSLog(@"Hello, everyone!");
2 hours later…
hiiiii @Rehat @shubhank @sha @Shoogle anyone have done subscription with Newstand application......
i have not
newsstand easy ?
Some what complicated becoz we have to cross check the subscriptions after it expires..
Any one knows what the action to go back? I have a simple UIButton and I want it to take me back in the navigation.
self.navigationController popViewController
[self.navigationController poptoviewcontroller:YES];
@Sha @Shubhank please pease help me
@all here any body please help me
@Vidhyanand hi
@Shubhank hi.
@Shubhank i want to add the Uiview on the Uinavigationbar. How can i do this?
@Shubhank please help me
@Shubhank YA
@Shubhank Please help me
where you want to add the view?
@Shubhank i want to add the view in uinavigationbar
on the navigationbar
i want to transparent uiview on the uinavigationbar
i want to disable the backbutton (leftbarbutton)
navigation item backbarbutton
you have final image made somewhere ?
in photoshop ?
@Shubhank sorry no
app is fixed in portrait only ?
@Shubhank ya
then you can search on stackoverflow..
the idea that i have is
you just add it to the UIWindow
@Shubhank i want to finish this issue today ni8 it self only. please help me
@Shubhank Please see this: myview1 = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 40)];
myview1.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
button = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc]initWithCustomView:myview1];
// self.navigationItem.titleView = myview1;
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = button;
i have add the uiview like this on the uinavigationbar
@Shubhank there?
2 min
@Shubhank ya thanks
you added
what happens ?
i have the uiview on that navigationbar. But now i want to replace the default backbutton.
please wait i will show you the image
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = button;
doesn't replaces the back button?
it is replacing the default back button
got it?
what do you want then..
you are replacing leftBarbuttonItem
please tell me how can i disable the default leftbarbutton?
got it?
i dont understand
please forget above all things. Now i want to disable the default leftbarbutton item. How can i do that?
no need to hide
now got it? :)
you have any idea
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem setEnabled:NO];
i did this but it is not working
i wrote that above code in viewdidload
show full code
am so sorry. i thing you got it my situation
Hi All, Anyone worked on OpenCV and finding shapes from an image, especially finding rectangle shapes from an image? Please look at my query here stackoverflow.com/questions/13958321/… and help me resolving it. This is very urgent for me. Thank you!
4 hours later…
Does anyone use the convention of e.g. [session setActive:YES error:&error] || NSLog(@"%@", error);? Can anyone think of a reason not to do it?
Ah, in fact the compiler doesn't like it because NSLog is void.

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