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posted on December 06, 2012

As a reminder, iTunes Connect will shut down December 21–28 for the winter holidays. You should not schedule pricing changes that take effect during the shutdown — these changes will not be reflected on the App Store and your apps or In-App Purchase items will become unavailable until after the shutdown. In addition, releases that are scheduled to go live between these dates will be delayed.

posted on December 06, 2012 by admin

Coming soon to the App Store, Lisping is “coding reinvented for the iPad”. Instead of labouring away with a port …Continue reading »

1 hour later…
posted on December 06, 2012 by Johann

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a very useful UIActivity provider for adding file sharing with Dropbox. Octavio Cordeiro has come up with another very useful UIActivity provider NHCalendarActivity for adding events to the iOS calendar. Here’s an image from the readme showing it in action: You’ll need to create a NHCalendarEvent with full [...]

1 hour later…
Good Morning All :)
Good morning all :)
@SJS might have encountered this, so can you tell the type of encoding that can be used..?? stackoverflow.com/questions/13718995/…
@MichaelDautermann how to set a header and footer throughout application likea as a tabbar?
@MichaelDautermann hey any idea about this : stackoverflow.com/questions/13718995/…
@furqi @iHungry @iProgrammer how to create header and footer for a view(it is useful throughout the application like as tabbar)?
Q: [iphone]change UILocalNotification count at the panel

pengwangi have meet the problem: when i send a UILocalNotification as: UILocalNotification *alarm = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init]; if (alarm) { alarm.fireDate = [NSDate date]; alarm.timeZone = [NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone]; alarm.repeatInterval = 0; alarm.soundName = UILocalNotificat...

@all hi Good morning
@MichaelDautermann Hi
hi to all
Hi all..good morning
can help me
Q: [iphone]change UILocalNotification count at the panel

pengwangi have meet the problem: when i send a UILocalNotification as: UILocalNotification *alarm = [[UILocalNotification alloc] init]; if (alarm) { alarm.fireDate = [NSDate date]; alarm.timeZone = [NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone]; alarm.repeatInterval = 0; alarm.soundName = UILocalNotificat...

@furqi navigation has a fefault header .But how can i fix the header without using navigationviewcontroller?
@MedetiNaveenKumar, @pengwang, @Coder, @sam, @KmlHarariyA : Does anyone know how to merge two projects and make it work as a single unit?
I've tried deleting the app delegates of the sub- project that i've merged with the main one and have used the same app delegate for both main and the sub project, but it still isn't working. Any thoughts on this guys?
@AjitKumar are you see the link?
@iProgrammer Hey Good Afternoon :)
@SJS hi
@hello all
How are you ?
@all hi
@all i am not able to name my tab bar 's any idea how ?? used this to make my tabbar stackoverflow.com/questions/5878488/…
@pengwang: That is not what i was looking for dude...there will be some issues while copying one project to the other, since there will be two view controllers. So, there is some way to merge those two view controller windows by making some changes. I am asking for that solution.
@iProgrammer @dark hi
Hello guys, Any one worked with EventKit??
hy all
anyone can help me out?
@Kartik, @iProgrammer, @iHungry: Hi...do u know how to merge two projects and make it work as a single unit?
I've tried deleting the app delegates of the sub- project that i've merged with the main one and have used the same app delegate for both main and the sub project, copied the necessary classes and frameworks, but it still isn't working. Any thoughts on this?
@Kartik hello
@dark i need some guide on apple review can u help me ?
@dark hy
can u help me out with a quick question?
@dark i have recently upload my application on appstore which is paid. its working fine in simulator and also have test it on device before upload on appstore but after upload it on appstore client saying its not working properly after download from app store . so is it prob. from app store side ?
please a really quick question that i am really lost in ::S
@EliasRahme ask your que. if some one know than they will give u ans
okey..its about enabling zoom and paging in the same time in a scrollview
this is my appropriate link stackoverflow.com/questions/13719980/…
i know its a real silly thing but i dunno how to do it at all\
@Kartik, your client give you detail information about error?
@iHungry nope he just call me and told tht application opening but home screen displaying other buttons are not working
first you have know what kind of error faced your client .... without seeing exact reason i can't judge your problem
@iHungry ok but i need to knw one thing that if application is not working like he is saying than apple can allow the app.?? because as much i knw apple will review whole application and if application only displaying home screen than how apple allow the application ?
Which functionality write behind those buttons may be code take much time process of execution than patios of your client
hi iHungry
@iHungry here first screen they can see but there read tome and all buttons are not working as they saying
guys does any one knows how to change textures for imported 3d model?
its depends on time to process execution and other way is your client device may be not supporting those functionality
any ideas guys ?
@SandeepM, sorry no idea on 3d development
its ok
@iHungry can u check out plz this stackoverflow.com/questions/13719980/…
@Kartik, collect information client device version ....and test your app on that version
only one way of solution of this problem
@iHungry hi
because apple review your application and it run successfully on apple company devices .... if this kind of issue they faced then apple give you error report regarding this issue
so better to test your application on same version of client device
sam, hi
@iHungry without apple login i am not able to send message am i right?
no idea about apple login for sending messages
@iHungry they tested in 10 device yar
@iHungry i check with cansendtext property .. if u are not login than it gives negative... response
sorry i have no idea about your issue , sam
may be required login for that
i m not sure
hi all
@iHungry ok thanks .. dude ..
i hv a small problm related uisegmentedcontrol...
is anyone ....who can help me?
@Kartik, download on your application on your device its working or not?
@dark hi
KmlHarariya, ask your direct question without asking question help me
:) thanks budy......i wanna change the tint color of uisegmented control's selected index in view did load method
@iHungry i dident check with download from itunes
what your have tried for this? kml
show me your code
Q: Image is getting corrupted when posting to server from iPhone

iProgrammerHere is my code to upload image to php server but image is uploaded as corrupted image at server.Below is my code please tell me the issue..I have tried with cocoa rest client, image is uploading properly from it. NSString *filename = @"connect-blue.png"; UIImage *image = [UIImage imageN...

i cn change the tint color while selecting any index
but at the time of launch it s coming in gray color
i tried smthing liek this
1 message moved to dev/null
@KmlHarariyA, google.co.in/… go through in result link...
@iHungry you know about this?
@iProgrammer, no
hello everybody good afternoon
hello @iProgrammer I need your help regarding fb
@Khoool yes ask
I have integrated facebook 3.1 successfully for login purpose in to app and it is working fine .
But when I logged In in to settings / facebook in iphone then it shows error like this "the Operation couldn't be completed(com.facebook.sdk errror 2)
I works fine when I m not loggedIn in native facebook login in iphone
and gives error when I loggedIn in iphone/settings/facebook
don't know
I will see
facebook new sdk will not effect iphone settings
you have integrated in separate app ,right ?
Hi @All
Can some one Help me please about this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/13738981/…
you have to need some debugging on server side code @iProgrammer
@iHungry ok
if your image get corrupted on during receiving data on server then its server side problem
other wise check againg your setting of POST message
@iHungry hello
@iHungry du u know about mkmapvie on ios 6
@iProgrammer hy
i have no idea on ios 6 devlopment
@iProgrammer i have a scrollview that loads 3 different pics...whenever i zoom in on any pic it will directly take me back to the first pic
@iHungry @iProgrammer any ideas what to do
posted on December 06, 2012 by Johann

I’ve mentioned a number of controls providing for different ways to alert the user using modal popups. Here’s another excellent control inspired by Android toast notifications component called Toast by Andrew Scalesse. The control allows you to make simple alerts containing images and images, and you can choose the position just like Android toasts. Also [...]

@iHungry : hiii
@iProgrammer @TeAmo @Elias hiii
how can i add 'rate this app' Feature to my Application ????
have any one work on pscollection view in ios5?
Can some one help me please about this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/13738981/…
anyone have worked on ticker ...??
@iHungry How its works ?
just refer the code you will get idea
1 hour later…
Q: Not able to include undo/redo with smooth free hand drawing

RakeshStruggling with issue since many days. Hope i can get an answer here. i have used this link to smoothen my free hand drawing. In this code i was able to set line width and color but i am finding it much difficult when i try to include undo/redo feauture in it using this link which is working fine...

can anyone help me with this
@Coder have you worked with ios 6 apps
@R.A hi
8 hours later…
posted on December 06, 2012 by Johann

Here’s a handy little library by Phillip Converset that you can use to add a nice animation effect when presenting a view (UIView) within your app by shrinking and dimming the background. You can change the background if desired, a nice simple way to draw attention to a specific view. Here’s an animation from the [...]

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