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06:00 - 18:0018:00 - 20:00

@Leena hi Good morning
@MichaelDautermann @sam @R.A hi
@Coder gud mrng
@Coder hi
Hi Buddies
posted on December 01, 2012 by Johann

The amount of code required to lay out a view programmatically can be quite extensive if you’re trying to a number of things.  There’s also some issues that can arise from playing around with a UIView’s size, and alignment. iOS View Frame Builder is a UIView category that simplifies the syntax greatly by providing some [...]

1 hour later…
@R.A Hi ,I am using core location services & calling didUpdateLocation to get my current location,but its not giving any location without internet,can you suggest me ,how can I update user's location without internet?
@Abizern @Shubhank hello can we get user curent location in ofline mode with out any internet connection ??
@Abizern hello
@Abizern memory issue while allocationg new of object of dictionary "contentViews = [NSMutableDictionary new];"
@Nirav It's not the call that's leaking memory, but the object you've created. If you are getting this from Instruments this shows you the line where the leaked object is created. It can't show you the line where it is leaked.
@Abizern solved issue
actually that method calls so many times
so i have given like this
can we use like this?
AVPlayer not rendering to its AVPlayerLayer
get black image,
i want draw shapes overlay avplayerlayer and want save as new video. I got video generation using ScreenCaptureView.h and .m but While i take rendering drawing is available AVPlayerLayer view show black screen. Any alternative way to do this?
hello friends
plzz help me to remove the landscape view when i swtiched my app from ios5 to ios6
@TeAmo show your code that you are using
has anyonw seen scrumptuos example in fb sdk for iOS?
I don't even know what Scrumptous is.
@MichaelDautermann any idea about my question
what URL are you really trying to open ?
okay... you can erase that if you want to keep your app anonymous. I'm just checking to see if that URL opens from mobile safari.
ok sure
sooo, I can open that link using Safari on my desktop
but when I type it in via Mobile Safari, I'm getting a "Not Found" error.
is that what happens for you too?
and while we're on the subject, what are you trying to do anyways? I don't normally see links to apps referred to via "{country_name}/app/app_name/id___"
mobile safari says it cannot open page because the address is invalid
but instead the "http://itunes.apple.com/app/<appId>" scheme
ok i will try this
yep... this other scheme works fine in Mobile Safari
it opens up the App Store app.
presumably what you are trying to do is to allow the user to rate your app, right?
Use that "http://itunes.apple.com/app/<appId>" approach instead.
you are right. I m trying to let the user to rate the app
try it and see what happens.
or have you already tried it?
@MichaelDautermann I did already and i tried once again too
Its working in device with the alert shows to open the appstore
but not in the simulator
so this isn't a super urgent problem, eh?
i hope so
it's more a "simulator doesn't do something that the real device does" problem, right?
But My client said that link is not working
well the first link is definitely not working
the later link, the one I said, should work.
but I'm doing a bit more research for you.
because I am such a nice and generous guy.
sure. thank you . I will try the new link with my client
lets see..
You are generous man... sorry just a generous guy:)
okay, so when I type in the URL into mobile safari in the simulator... I also got the "page not found" error.
yep. So i understand this is not a prob in my simulator only
but we have to get to know what could be the prob
@MichaelDautermann cant we open the app link in mobile safari without appstore???
okay... when I look at the Appirater code,
and in the .m file that has the function that opens up the app store (it's the "rateApp:" method)
I see this bit of code:
+ (void)rateApp {
	NSLog(@"APPIRATER NOTE: iTunes App Store is not supported on the iOS simulator. Unable to open App Store page.");
So no matter what you try, you are not going to be able to open the App Store app within the simulator.
that's why you and me are seeing the "page not found" error when typing in a URL of the form "http://itunes.apple.com/app/id499XXXXX"
@MichaelDautermann you found it
but only in the simulator. If you do this in the device, it should open up the app store app for you to rate.
i am watching that too
I'm going to enter this in as an answer to your question.
yes, please do
@MichaelDautermann ya. You know one thing.. I m going to accept that as answer
whenever an answer actually does help you, don't forget to upvote it (and/or "accept" it, if it's your own question).
@MichaelDautermann I have one more doubt. Without appstore app, cant we open the appstore link in safari in iphone??
@sreecharan sure
yep. When you try to open that link, Mobile Safari attempts to redirect you to the App Store.
and the App Store app does not exist in the Simulator
hence the "Page Not Found" error.
@sreecharan @MichaelDautermann : hi i have 6 url in a loop if one or two images are not found as it has no image. How to handle the 404 error using ASIHTTP request?? i tried it, & am not able to get the solution
pls help me
if you get a 404 error, just display a blank image or something else.
@MichaelDautermann i am asking in the mobile itself.I mean in iphone itself.i mean what if i want to browse apps in safari itself. Not in the appstore app
instead of a boring blank image, I'd recommend something like
(waiting to see who flags me for this :-)
@MichaelDautermann hahahha
@MichaelDautermann hey.... is this u??? wow gr8 :D
hello everybody
good evening
hello @MichaelDautermann can we add cross badge on uibutton on left side like on iphone app while deleting it
you mean like this?
Q: How can I add a badge to a standard UIButton?

ohadprIs it possible to add a standard-looking badge to a standard UIButton? If it's not supported semi-natively, what would be the simplest way to achieve this? Example image:

yes but on left side
wellll.... look at the code they're doing, they're purposely drawing in the top right corner. Aren't you smart enough to figure out how to move the badge to the left side, or the bottom edge, or wherever you want?
hello @MichaelDautermann one thing left in this code
there is no way given by using which i can set image on badge
well... why not use Eiko's response from that question. Add your custom badge as a subview to the button ?
I m trying this
let see what happens
[customBadge1 addSubview:[[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"1.jpg"]]];
Please show me the oooga youtube video again. That day I was on mobile, so didn't see it
Got it !
everytime you say "aeeeee", I am reminded of an old horn -> youtube.com/watch?v=3goo2Ki813o
But my aaeen is not supposed to sound like that :P
It's completely different than what you are imagining.
why did you wake up so early
I crashed out too early... and am just sitting here thinking about doing some coding.
I am also going to start studying Android 'cos my friends are not coming tonight
those flakey friends!
NSString *InsertSQL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"select titleName from titlemenu_tb WHERE subTitle =? AND titleDate=?"];
Is this query correct ?
or any syntax mistake ?
it's not giving me any output :S
Are you binding values?
only one
this is my DB method
Your method name looks awesome
How are you binding the values?
sooo... very... tempted... to nuke these code drops.
Where are you binding the statement for the '?' specified in the query
My app is not going Inside this condition : while(sqlite3_step(compiledStatement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
You have dumped code from somewhere
YES some part
i don't have deep knowledge of SQLite
Study about binding sqlite statements
as per my code given
before binding it ....
it should go inside this if condition : while(sqlite3_step(compiledStatement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
project is not going inside this if condition
The idea behind binding is that we can reuse the query multiple times by binding multiple/different values
If you specify WHERE abc = 123
This can't be reused for abc = 456
Can it?
So Now study about binding sqlite statement
you are correct
It's just a single line of code for every ? used in the query
Overall my query is correct ?
Dunno. I am a machine (like compiler). I stopped at first line of error.
i am writing this code just to avoid DUPLICATE entries in the database
And in case you don't care about binding, don't bother reusing the query using ?. Specify directly WHERE abc = 123, etc
i just want to check if two column values are same in the database then it will return true i:e same value is present in the database and this data should not insert into table
No i am checking each time different values i:e the value is decided at runtime
so i can't use : WHERE abc = 123, etc
one more thing
If project flow is not going inside this satement then what may be issue

"while(sqlite3_step(compiledStatement) == SQLITE_ROW) {"
any idea ?
It means sqlite_step isn't returning SQLITE_ROW value
hmmm that means query problem
It's returning something else, which you should try to know, and see it's corresponding error message.
the problem is that ... it is not showing any error :S
even not a single warning
Impossible. You are writing unclear code. It should be written as int retVal = sqlite3_step(compiledStatement); Then check if(retVal == SQLITE_ROW). This way you can debug the value of retVal in case it isn't SQLITE_ROW
I hate huge method chaining.
This isn't huge, but... it makes debugging difficult, unless debugger is super smart
hmm okay friend
Then once you know what is value of retVal, right click on SQLITE_ROW and jump to it's definition.
There you can see various #defines.
Look for the one that corresponds to the value of retVal
Alternatively, there is also direct error logging in sqlite. Dunno it's function.
@NSQueen yes
getting row
checked by this

/* CHECKING WHILE sqlite3_step(compiledStatement) is returning a ROW or Not
int retVal = sqlite3_step(compiledStatement);

if(retVal == SQLITE_ROW){
NSLog(@"Returned a ROW");
I just need one help from you
NSString *InsertSQL = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"select titleName from titlemenu_tb WHERE subTitle = \"%@\",subtitle"];
here "subtitle" is variable which is holding value which i need to check with table column "subTitle"
what would be correct syntax for the same
i want to pass/assign subtitle value here in the query
it's not correct
showing error
Expected Identifier
show full error
only "Expected Identifier" pointing an small arrow at ";" downword
as you know i am passing "subtitle" in method

-(BOOL)checkExistingTableData : (NSString*) name : (NSString*)subtitle : (NSDate*)date
yeah your stringWithFormat: is wrong
what should come there ?
It's very clear.
Look at the [NSString stringWithFormat:] statement again.
It's like having two opening braces but only one closing.
i checked with one and two braces
it's not working with both
That was an example
How many [ and ] are there in that line?
here in it's 2 opening and one closing
is that allowed?
NSString *InsertSQL = [[NSString stringWithFormat:@"select titleName from titlemenu_tb WHERE subTitle = \"%@\",subtitle"]];
see i tried this too
If yes, why only one extra is allowed? Why not millions extra more?
but showing same error
even with single
NSString *InsertSQL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"select titleName from titlemenu_tb WHERE subTitle = \"%@\",subtitle"];
like this
but same problem
trying with
const char = "select titleName from titlemenu_tb WHERE subTitle = \"%@\",subtitle";
Why would that line show error?
don't know
if i am not passing that subtitle value then it is working
but if i am passing "subtitle" variable there then it is not showing error
i know it's syntax error
There should be no syntax error at the line NSString *InsertSQL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"select titleName from titlemenu_tb WHERE subTitle = \"%@\",subtitle"];
but this is my first SQLite project i am facing problems
Although it's not doing what you are expecting, it's not a syntax error
It's not about sqlite. You dunno Objective C
see at end "subtitle" is NSString Object
it should show in green
show screenshot of the line of the code with error
okay one sec
Thanks A Lot
2 hours later…
I am back
good... there was great discussion speculating about where you went off to.
ya i know everyone miss me
did you brush teeth or still coding
nawww, just transcribing notes from my latest interview flub up. :)
Share the interview questions with me too. I am also finding job.
I have got one, but I keep more than one as back up.
here's one: write a function that comes up with the sum of numbers within a range. So calling the function between 1 & 3 would return a result of 6.
So easy questions?
might be... but write out a function that does this.
What's there to write in this...
here's the function they wrote up on the board. find the bugs:
int sum( int a, int b)
    int i, s;
    for( i = a; i < b; i++)
I'll write In Java.
well... take the above C function and fix it.
First there is nothing returned
then s should be initialized to 0
if s is returned
And i wont go till 3, considering above example of range 1,3
not s+=a
what else?
how would you make it go to 3 ?
if a is 1 and b is 3, then it's iterating for values 1, 2.
should be i <=b
okay... well you did one better than me. I didn't get that one.
which one?
my brain literally freezes when I am in a panic.
the (i <= b) bit.
So i passed interview
now send me offer letter
I'd love to.
but they asked me more about this.
also, what's the algorithmic complexity in big O and little O notation?
Its linear.
no idea
learned in college but never used in programming
and, more fun... rewrite this function without a loop.
Why without a loop?
that's what he asked for.
It's possible without a loop
It's like the old question about swapping two variables without an intermediate variable. It's a test to see if you can remember the trick. Nobody ever uses it.
And you can do it using the formula in which case it's constant time.
The add and subtract method, yeah.
The sum of 1..n is n(n+1)/2
obviously I needed help with that question
Here we could use goto statement, but it's bad to. Also with recursion it's possible !?
so for the sum of a-b you work out the sum 1..b then subtract 1..a
and the guy interviewing me, a math major, was a jerk wad.
Which is constant time.
whooops, you missed one thing about it @Abizern
if we have a range of 3 to 6
Something to do with a +1, but testing would catch that.
what would your answer be, and what should the answer be?
I can write it with recursion.
As I forgot all mathematics.
right.. he didn't want recursion.
subtract the 1..a-1
YEP, that's it.
1 to a-1
Recursion wouldn't work, as it's also linear
so because I basically catastrophically flunked that one guy, I'm definitely not going forward with the company
Do you know how to remember the formula for n(n+1)/2?
take 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6
then again, just from the line of questioning, I could tell it wasn't the kind of company I would be happy working at. I only did the interviews for practice.
now add another sequence but reversed

1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5 4 3 2 1
Which is basically 6 sums of 7. But since this is twice as much as you started with, divide by 2
Alternatively, proove it with induction
here's another technical question I scribbled down
What the heck. He was basically asking mathematical formulas.
uint_8 x = 28;
uint_8 y = 10;
uint_8 z = ( x > y ) ? ( x * y ) | x / y;
uint_8 w = ( x / y );

z = ?
w = ?
IIRC, proving this is one of the first things you learn when covering induction.
what will z be, what will w be?
the last line should be "w = ?"
I just typed it out in a hury
Were you applying for a developer job or a research job?
yep... I haven't done induction since Calculus. The guy told me "I can understand you not knowing this, since you haven't seen it since high school".
developer job.
needless to say, I was thrashing between really really angry and just frustrated.
Did you ask the guy, where in his code he writes shit like this. And then remind him that code you have to think about just to understand is likely to be buggy.
He was an idiot.
I'm not surprised you wouldn't consider them. That's just an interviewer showing off what he knows, rather than trying to find out what you know.
w should be 2. What is uint_8, 8 bit unsigned integer?
wellll... the thing is that this was a classic Silicon Valley interview. Designed to drive the candidate bonkers.
Unisigned 8 bit
then it's something to do with the cyclic overflow for the z value.
the above question I was being asked while at lunch... the guy wrote it on the back of my CV paper.
just calculate the cyclic overflow for z value
But then it doesn't matters what the value would be. It's a waste of time if we know it's gonna overflow, unless it was a multiple choice computerized interview.
I was doing this over Mexican food... so I didn't have a compiler handy.
8 bit for 0 to 127 range. It's coming out to be 280. 127 twice is 254. 280-254 = 26
yes... the answer was really 24 or 26...
either way, you got the important trick to the question
uint_8 is only 8 bits.
for some reason, when I'm being asked these kinds of questions in an interview, my mind just turns to mud.
but it's a lot easier to figure out outside of an interview context.
In iOS Interviews here, it's purely about iOS and and pure programming concepts. Gaming companies get into mathematics. Some companies have separate rounds for logical reasoning.
But then they are general, not related to programming. I had one before.
even though it kills me to do these interviews, I have to keep doing them... otherwise how will I ever pass the interviews for the jobs I really want, like the ones at the fancy fruit company.
I might have to take a refresher algorithms course, though.
Plus this proves I am definitely not the smartest guy in the room, so it helps to keep me very humble.
which hopefully is healthy, since Silicon Valley is so full of puffed up egos and phony people.
They will certainly select super smart people, and for that this is necessary. Population is so high !
people that can answer academic questions don't necessarily make the best employees, tho.
For us it doesn't matters if it's a loop or a single line of formula. At core API level, I guess they do care for unnecessary looping, assignment, multiplication, etc operations !?
I've gone through the Google interview a couple times now and I can't think of any piece of software they've written for iOS or MacOS that I use on a regular basis, aside from the web site search.
so all those hoops a candidate has to jump through, and then who knows where the successful iOS candidate ends up at and those Google products they work on don't get used by many people...
Yeah... its a possibility working for such big companies.
We might end up working on iTunes forever !?
I did an online algorithms course last year one of the free Stanford ones from Coursera.
that might have been the one I've done before and the one I should take again.
Found it really useful as I don't have a CS background and it's useful to be able to know about O and theta and algorithm design at a bit more than hand waving estimation.
I couldn't be bothered to do the coursework, so I didn't "pass" but I enjoyed the lectures.
how much was the course, b.t.w.?
well that works!
It's free
I started with it but then got lazy and don't have time for it :(
As for staying humble; despite appearances here - my regular dev meetups keep me grounded.
Coursera Courses. We can download videos and stop caring about home works :-)
Do they repeat the things every year with few additions or new content every next time?
I see the courses getting repeated in 2013
In one of the interview they asked me this question. There are 8 coins of which one is heavier and rest weigh same. There is a balancing instrument. We can put any number of coins at each side. Gotta get the heavy coin in minimum balancing iterations.
I never study such type of things and gave up easily.
He realized I just gave up easily and told me to take any amount of time lol
So I had to do it. Luckily I got it right in the end :-)
Well, you guys are here and i was searching in NSChat.
iTunes 11 is'nt working well, it is not syncing my apps to my iPhone :(
Have you guys updated your iTunes?
I hardly use iTunes due to lack of any apple device.
I haven't downloaded iTunes 11 yet... it sounds like I might want to wait ?
Don't wait. Use something else. Apple has lost it's vision.
What do you do on weekends
06:00 - 18:0018:00 - 20:00

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