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posted on November 30, 2012 by admin

7cf8d670.filesonthe.net Apple Ipad User S Guide In This Course You Will Learn About Download Ipad User Guide,Ipad User Guide Book,Ipad …Continue reading »

3 hours later…
@KenHui, good morning
hw r u?? lot of days after here ?
@iHungry yo ~~ Recently was busying for bug finding and fixing ~~~~ LOL ~~~~ and minor interface update, going to final stage of an app
oh!!!! good ....
@iHungry getting cold in HK. I just catch cold. What about you ?~ so far so good? it sound quiet here now
yes.... also winner start here..... temperature drastic down.....
no work since 1-2 month in company...
Please help me anyone to solve my problem
I have crated UIWebview and run it. After 10 minutes it has been crashed.
I am trying so many ways after that i found it was Received memory warning.
I have got 10 or 11 Received memory warnings after that it was crashed
How do i solve Received memory warning ? Is there any way
Hi good Morning
Prasad G: You should be using Instruments to find your leak. A UIWebView by itself won't do this. If this happening over time, I would suspect something in the background initiated by an NSTimer that isn't releasing memory.
@Luke i am using custom tableviewcell, after scroll up on btn click i want to place cursor in first tablecell that time i am not getting that cell address?
How to do any idea?
@Luke: Thank you for replay. I am using nstimer for hiding navigation bar after 10 secs. After that i assigned it to nil.
@Raju: What are you trying to do exactly?
I am creating cell like this
strMyIdentifier = FBMakeATransferCellIdentifier;
FBMakeATransferTableCell *cell1 = (FBMakeATransferTableCell*)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:strMyIdentifier];

if (cell1 == nil)
cell1 = [[FBMakeATransferTableCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle reuseIdentifier:strMyIdentifier WithDelegate:self] ;
cell1.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;
Prasad G: And you do this once? Why?
@Raju: iOS 6?
no IOS 5 only
@Raju: What determines "the first cell"? The absolute first one, or the first one in view? And when you say "place cursor in first tablecell" you mean in a UITextField?
@Luke yeah, in tablecell i have textField
@Luke: Not once. When i touch on webview, the navigation bar will be shown. I created nstimer to hide navigation bar after 10 secs. This process is continuously. Is there any mistake?
Raju: (FBMakeATransferTableCell*)[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0]] will get you the first cell in the first section. If you want the first visible you can use [tableView visibleCells] or [[tableView indexPathsForVisibleRows] objectForIndex:0] as your index path for the first one.
Prasad G: I think there's a better way to do that. You can use webview.scrollView.delegate to know when the user scrolled. You could make it appear when the user scrolls up and disappear when the user scrolls down. "Chrome" on iOS does this (uses UIWebView as well).
But as for your problem, your timer is probably leaking memory somewhere. Using ARC?
@Luke: Yes i am using ARC. Then how can i hide and show navigation bar with out using nstimer.
UIScrollViewDelegate from webview.scrollView.
is subscription allowed outside newstand?
i mean is there any rule like we cannot have subcription option outside newstand?
PrasadG: It's hard to say without looking at your code (bit tired anyway). But I would make sure you have a single reference to your NSTimer. I would avoid repeat:YES for your use case, if you were to continue using a timer. You should schedule the timer after the user taps the screen, but check [timer isValid] first and if so call [timer invalidate] before scheduling a new one. Instruments is a good tool for identifying leaks.
Still -- I wouldn't use a timer at all. The UIScrollView delegate is probably better. You can look at how "Chrome" does it.
@Luke: You are right but i would like to disappear navigation bar exactly after 10 secs. Is it possible using UIScrollViewDelegate from webview.scrollView.
Prasad G: It should be. "Chrome" does it. At the very least you can override it. If it messes up stuff in the UIWebView (delegate is already set) you can store it somewhere else and create a proxy for it.
Puneeth: Apple requires subscriptions to go through them so they get the 30%. Not all subscriptions are newspapers/magazines, so I don't think Newsstand is a requirement. But I'm pretty sure Apple will have something to say if you try to collect a subscription outside the app store. The only exception I know is donations - They won't even allow you to use the app store for donations - In fact, you have to open an external link in Safari for donations.
You could always try it though :).
Abstract that part in such a way where if you were forced to go through the App store it would be an easy change.
@Luke: Can you help me about this code? I am confusing little bit.
Prasad G: Have you tried posting a question about it?
@Luke: I am trying to solve.
hi all
anybody distribute ios app using titanium studio
@all hii
I am using stringWithContentsOfURL and have gone through all corrections in stackoverflow.com/questions/9067431/nscocoaerrordomain-issue but my error 256 does not go away at all..!!..any help..??
@MaxHasADHD hii
fine man :)
@MaxHasADHD any idea of that 256 error code..!!??
wheres the error coming from?
NSString *urlContents = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString: @"http://www.google.com"] usedEncoding:NSUTF32StringEncoding error:&err];
NSLog(@"err %@",err);
this error gives : err Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=256 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 256.)" UserInfo=0x683a440 {NSURL=google.com}
dont know... try NSUTF8StringEncoding
I tried with 8StringEncoding too..!!
@keepsmiling @MaxHasADHD @PrasadG any one idea to implement Sketch effect on UIImage ?
@Luke can you tell where could be the error..?
gah i dont know sorry:[
@Coder : decrease alpha..then try changing the hue and saturation..!!
keepsmiling: I think [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:] is local URL's only. I think you have to use NSURLRequest (or maybe it was a different API, can't remember)
@Luke trying that..!!
@Luke thanks :)
@MaxHasADHD thanks :)
HI all , i want get user Facebook likes info in my, is it possble
keepsmiling: Make sure when you're doing an HTTP request to use the asynchronous version. The synchronous version will lock up your UI if you try using it in the main thread. Synchronous is only acceptable on another thread (which is done with dispatch_sync).
keepsmiling: It's actually NSURLConnection. You use NSURLRequest with it though.
Specifically [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:]
@Luke got it..any sample code..??
hi guys hows it going
i need some help
@keepsmiling @Luke
You could try Settings -> General -> Reset Location & Privacy
Be warned this will do it for all apps though.
Not 100% sure it'll do it for notifications. But it will probably do it.
@Luke you can change in settings bt i want to you y its not showing alert when i delte my app and re-install again
i am trying to randomize numbers in an array .i am able to do that using arc4random() % [indexes count] ...my problem is ... if an array consists of 20 items .every time the array shuffles. .in batch 5...different number should appear. .like first 1,4,2,5,6 next time .it should show like 7,12,9,15,3
@ganeshmanoj Because when you delete an app it keeps the system preferences for the app.
@Luke: I remove nstimer and run uiwebview but it was crashed
i am trying to randomize numbers in an array .i am able to do that using arc4random() % [indexes count] ...my problem is ... if an array consists of 20 items .every time the array shuffles. .in batch 5...different number should appear. .like first 1,4,2,5,6 next time .it should show like 7,12,9,15,3
i should get a non repeating random numbers
anyone here ?
orami: I think you're on the right track. "indexes" should be an ivar of your class, not declared in your function.
indexes is an nsmutablearray
That's fine, but you should declare it you class and populate it elsewhere. Otherwise you'll still get the same numbers.
Lines 3 - 8 should be somewhere else (init perhaps?) and lines 9 - 18 should be in that function. "indexes" needs to be declared as an ivar (or property) in your class.
ok let me work on it and get back to u :) thanks
then length also should be an ivar since length parameter is reqd in line 9
@ hi to all
hi sam
@orgami i want to update my group name from Addressbook group list
@Leena hi . i need your help
Q: how to generate non repeating random number objective C

orgamiI am trying to randomize numbers in an array. I am able to do that using arc4random() % [indexes count] My problem is - If an array consists of 20 items, every time the array shuffles, in a batch of 5, different number should appear. Example : first shuffle: 1,4,2,5,6. second shuffle: 7,12,9...

yes @Coder
posted on November 30, 2012 by Johann

Navigating form feilds on the iOS platform can be somewhat tedious for users. Here’s a control by Cedric Luthi that makes it easy to add previous/next buttons so you can easily navigate between form fields. This control does this by calculating the number of available form fields, and uses their vertical position to decide which [...]

Q: How to Post json Array to Php server using webservices

iProgrammerI am sending array to php server with the following code but at php side they are not getting any value.I am sending array as json string. - (void)postArray { //Create the URL request NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://test.c...

below is my code
Please Help
@Leena @Coder i want to update my group name from Addressbook group list. plz help me
@Leena i m getting nil image .. in supportedFilters list m not getting "CILineOverlay" .. so it is not supported in os 5.
@iProgrammer i never posted json to php services
@Leena got it . i think this method is not available in os
* ios . it is only for os x
its available for mac
@Leena ok .. do you have any idea about sketch effect ?
better ask vakul saini
he will help you
@Leena i had used but not produce actuate result . a
I am looking for a way to play SFX when button click while there is background music (with AVAudioPlayer)
in fact, the background music does play, however, the SFX does not
@Hi All....Could u tell me exact , how to open flash light on iphone 4 programatically without opening camera?
A: how to generate non repeating random number objective C

Anoop VaidyaThere are many issues involved in trying to generate a truly random number. Note, for instance, that functions like rand() and random() generate sequences of numbers based on a 'seed value'. That means that if the seed value is the same, the sequence of numbers generated will be the same. There a...

guys can anyone help me on the problem i am facing in my Q
try this pastie.org/5456689 @orgami
@Leena very bad :(
you did't give me split view example ;(
what happened @MoorthyTheBoss
it was there in the link
you haven't checked tht properly
@Leena :) its k
i need example like iPad settings screen ?
@Leena there ?
any idea ?
Q: iPad SplitViewController with menu in portrait mode like settings app

SmalldevilI would like obtain a SplitView on my ipad application with my left menu in a portrait orientation such as iPad settings. For now in portrait orientation I have a content view in full screen and I have a button at NavigationBar which includes a popover with my left menu. Thank you for your respo...

thank you @Leena i found example from here github.com/mattgemmell/MGSplitViewController
ok leena
@Leena hi
hi @sam
@leena will u help me out
@Leena if i want to update group name from Addressbook .. how can do it.. i mean to say i have all groups list from device and i try to edit name of group than how can i do it
@NSQueen hi how are you.
leena i am working on objective C
@NSQueen hmm why.
dunno :(
then convert it into obj- C code @orgami
@NSQueen check my problem.. i am not able to update existing group name in device from conact. any idea how can i do it
Use arc4random and store the results in an NSSet which will take care of the duplicates for you.
@Leena the numbers r repeating every time i shuffle i want different numbers to appear after each time i shuffle
@sam What have you tried?
@NSQueen i get all groups list which created in device. and i select any one of it and i try to update name .. i completed creating new group and deleting existing group.
Show the code how you update the group name?
@NSQueen not finding any solution for it..
Show the code how you get all groups?
@NSQueen ok
@NSQueen ok 1 sec. plz
@NSQueen check this link -: pastebin.com/nddzM4ke
@NSQueen namaste
do have any idea about socket programing ?
@sam That should help you, hopefully.
The group property name has to be set on the group's record reference.
@NSQueen i did it but when i tyr to update existing group name at that time i am not able to change it
@MoorthyTheBoss Nope
ok @NSQueen
@sam If it doesn't change, it should return some error in the error parameter that's passed to that function. Check it what it says.
Also your code has no line for setting the group name property.
@NSQueen ok 1 sec
Hi all
is anyone
worked on kal library iphone calendar
@MoorthyTheBoss wonder if this will help github.com/robseward/iPhone-Socket-Connection-Client
@Rajesh_Bangalore i once did
@BabyPanda Hi
@BabyPanda ya that for split view controller
no socket programing :)
i need to know how to add that into our proj? @BabyPanda
@Rajesh_Bangalore i need to recall my memory
@MoorthyTheBoss O_O oh... once a guy told me that project worked for him... sorry...
@BabyPanda :)
@BabyPanda any way let me check once again thanks
@NSQueen hi i solve my issue.. thanks for your help.
How did you solve
@NSQueen using this code
@NSQueen ABRecordRef U_group = ABAddressBookGetGroupWithRecordID(groupItem,GID);

// CFTypeRef type;

ABRecordRemoveValue(U_group, kABGroupNameProperty, &error);
ABRecordSetValue(U_group, kABGroupNameProperty,(__bridge CFTypeRef)(NewGroupName) , &error);
@NSQueen now my modify process is also over.
Okay. You should also check the return value to determine if it successfully got changed or not.
If not, use the error parameter to show or do something.
Also I guess there is no need to first remove? Directly setting a new value is enough.
I need to get some rest.
@NSQueen i am planning to set notification for it. if it works properly than it good for me. if it will not possible than i will definitely go with your suggestion. its nice one.
@BabyPanda, hi hw r u?
@NSQueen sure . enjoy ur rest time..
@iHungry hi mate i'm good, thx, and you?
i m good
Q: How to Post json Array to Php server using webservices

iProgrammerI am sending array to php server with the following code but at php side they are not getting any value.I am sending array as json string. - (void)postArray { //Create the URL request NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://test.c...

please help
there's some way for posting json with AFNetworking, though
but what is wrong in that
I have posted array to facebook api also
did you try not adding via organizer?
@iProgrammer is there any space or \n at the beginning of your json?
@BabyPanda no
@iProgrammer Look at how you use dictionaries to format JSON and then how you use those dictionaries to submit a request using NSUrlconnection
if try mocking up what's exactly the same json with your comment above and decode it on the server side, what's the result?
<pre><br />This is response getting from the Iphone<br />First<br /><br />end First<br />Second receive json response and decode the json response<br /><br />null<br />Third Breaking from comma<br />Array
[0] =>
<br />unserliaze reponse<br />
@BabyPanda i have problem "profile doesn't match bundle identifier"
what to do ?
@MoorthyTheBoss did you google it ?
@MoorthyTheBoss delete the existing profile, and download a new one, reinstall it by double-click
@BabyPanda ya i deleted from key chain app
but still has problem
@Dev2rights if my memory doesn't fail me, did you once talk about online payment with some Swedish service? how's it going?
There are a million services out there now
im not doing that atm im doing OpenGLES today
@Abizern hi. please help
@BabyPanda can you saw that image ?
er, i mean the profile
@BabyPanda i did't get you
i think it's a dismatch between the profile and your developer/distribution certification
@BabyPanda what to do ?
@iProgrammer Sorry, I don't know about PHP server responses.
which, by the question you posted before, it seemed someone had suggested to reinstall the profile
@BabyPanda from xcode organizer ?
give it a try
@Abizern I am sending array correctly?
@iProgrammer Doesn't look like it.
@BabyPanda its working thanks :)
Anyone tried on PDF file selecting the text ??? Pls HELP ME OUT.... PLS
@Abizern what is wrong in that ?
I'm not sure you should be sending your json as a string in the HTTP Comment field. I usually send mine as http content after converting it it NSData. I also send the length of the the data I am sending.
But I don't know how the web service expects to get the data - because I can't read the PHP code that is expecting the data on the other end.
NSData *jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:dict
[request setHTTPBody: jsonData];
I did it like this also
but same error is there
I appreciate you are trying it different ways - but the problem could be at the far end of the web - service and I don't know anything about PHP, so I can't tell you what it should be doing.
I also don't know about php
but from android they are receiving array
If you put the Java code that is working into your question - maybe someone who knows both languages will be able to see the difference and help you.
ok.. fine
goodbye all
@Abizern may i know why?
Because your chat history shows you talk little sense.
everyone deserve atleast one chance
Not you, Manjot.
now what is sense in saying "Manjot"
1 hour later…
any one can help me please??
@Leena did u know any other Third party api for drawing charts in iOS , except core ploat ,
i have never used third party api for drawing charts
how can i store images in to the database??? please tell me
store your images using blob datatype
@iHungry yes i have done that
but dnt knw its not working..
can you please tell me code??
go through it
Q: Reading and writing images to an SQLite DB for iPhone use

JeffI've set up a SQLite DB that currently reads and writes NSStrings perfectly. I also want to store an image in the database and recall it later. I've read up a bit on using NSData and encoding the image, but I'm not entirely sure what the syntax is for what I want to do. Any code snippets or examp...

Q: Store Images in SQLite database and retrieve in ios5

Khushbu ShahI am using SQLite 3.0 and iOS5. Now I want to store images in vrchar2 datatype in database and retrieve it in my iPhone's view. I have used images stored in BLOB data type and through NSDATA I have retrieved it..Nut now I want to retrieve it in ImageView .. How can I use it?

Q: Save image data to sqlite database in iphone

ViTo BrothersI want to save image data to my sqlite bata base but i can't do it ... - (void) SaveData: (Article*) article :(NSMutableArray*) rssList { sqlite3_stmt *statement; if (sqlite3_open([self.dataBasePath UTF8String], &articlesDB) == SQLITE_OK) { NSString* sqlFormat = @"INSER...

@iHungry thnx :)
@PrakrutiJoshi. mi nehami images che path database madhey store karato... ani images application chya local directory madhey save karato
@iHungry cnt understand your language..sorry..
i m telling you... i m always prefer to save images in my local directory of application and ...store those images path in database
using that path i retrieve appropriate image
@iHungry oh ok..:)
startuplocation ---->stoplocation ,general how much seconds need wait,i can get location
Hello Michael ... good evening
@iHungry hi
yes pengwang
@MichaelDautermann hi
hello Mr. @Coder
currentView.userInteractionEnabled = FALSE; not working when progress indicator show .. any other idea that how to disable user interaction ?
it should work... might it be that your "currentView" is something you weren't expecting it to be? Maybe it's the progress indicator and not the true current view?
@MichaelDautermann when progress indicator show i want to disable userinteraction of the current view .
but its not working. .
@MichaelDautermann can u help me ?
Mr. @Coder did you not read what I wrote up there?
when your progress indicator is showing,
you should make sure the view you are trying to disable is really the one you are seeing "userInteractionEnabled = FALSE" on.
@Priyan lemme help Mr. @Coder first.
ok ill wait
@MichaelDautermann ok ok ..
@MichaelDautermann hi
i have a problem with addressBook
im having a list of addressbook
if i click any of the comtacts , it will navigate to the email adreess of the particular contact
if i click on the email address , then it will pop back to the listing page of the adreess book
Also, i want to show a tick on the name of the contact in the adressbook list page whose email is selected
Since , cellforrowatindex path cannot be reloaded i need to create an image in each cell whose out let should be changed when email is selected
this sounds pretty complicated.
have you already posted a question to Stack Overflow about this?
no, i dont think so
don't think so? You either have or have not. :-)
you should post some of your code into a pastie or pastebin page... it sounds like some general coding errors. Clicking on an e-mail address shouldn't "pop" back to the listing page of the address book.
No, the whole problem came, when came to know that cellforrowatIndexPath cannot be called when table is reloded
it should get called when the table is reloaded.
how are you reloading your table?
[mytable reloadata];
that should call those cellForRowAtIndexPath methods.
does it reload the table? or not?
if we dint allocate the table , it will call
otherwise it wont
@MichaelDautermann i have written in current view for disble & enable but still touch works after progress hide .
i was getting some memory problem , doing that
@PriyanHaridas do this instead:
if (mytable)
    [mytable reloadData];
} else {
    NSLog( @"mytable is null... please figure out why");
dear @Coder, show me the code where you enable & disable your current view... and some lines of code around it.
1 message moved to dev/null
@Coder you should know by now that you should do HUGE code pastes into pastie or pastebin.
@MichaelDautermann hi
@MichaelDautermann how are you?
all good over here.
just trying to do code of my own.
@MichaelDautermann ok
@all good evening. Please help me: see this link: pastie.org/5457628
@MichaelDautermann @Coder hi. Please help me: see this link: pastie.org/5457628
@MichaelDautermann hmm gr8 ..
@MichaelDautermann whats wrong in code ?
I'm not giving you access to /dev/null @Coder...
put your code into a pastie or pastebin drop
@MichaelDautermann how to made application for iPhone 5 ??
the same way you make an application for iPhone 4 or iPhone 3.
whats up???
what's down???
@MichaelDautermann @iHungry i have one question regarding Addressbook.
@MichaelDautermann @iHungry if i add any person contact to any group than there may be duplication record are added.. am i right.
I haven't done this myself so I don't know.
@MichaelDautermann ok thanks
@sam, i don't know about groups record of duplicate person record storing....
i have only know if any record exist in addressbook or not....
@iHungry when you see in your contact there one group already exist AllContact ... ok .. so when you try to add any contact to specific group than that duplicate record copy into group list .. it is general process for all devices.. bcz of one security reason .. if you by mistake remove your group than all your added contact is not removed from addressbook..
Q: Video File From UIImagePicker Has Wrong Orientation On Web Server

NecroWhat i'm trying to do is select a video from UIImagePicker and then upload that video to a server where it is played on a web page. When i view the video it is horizontal. This is incorrect because i recorded the video vertically in Portrait mode. I save the video as NSData: NSURL *videoUR...

Q: iTunes app link cannot open page in safari in simulator and also iDevices

R.AI hope this may be duplicate question. But none of the answers didn't hard help me. I am trying to open a link from my iOS application. When I press the button, It opens the safari app and it always says an alert "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid". Here it is a link look...

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