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Hi @All Good morning
1 hour later…
yeah, good morning right back at you.
is any body worked on the bluetooth , help me out with sample or documentation
Hi all
Hi all: anyone know how to implement disabled application settings ? I have researched alot and read alot of apple docs. But couldn't find a solution. I posted a question in SO, I got the answer that I couldn't implement such functionality. But my client requires it, he saw that functionality in Nike's running application. So he thinks it can be done. Is there any Idea about this ?
@iProgrammer Hi. Good Afternoon Late Latif. :p
@iProgrammer Kya Kar rahi ho ??
@SJS thinking to do something
@iProgrammer hmmmm something in the sense of which meaning ?? :D :p
@SJS work
lol :) Just Kidding. I know work is worship
@SAHIL @iProgrammer @MichaelDautermann HI
hi. in my codes, scrollViewDidEndDecelerating and scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation may both be triggered under certain situation, but i need to do something only for once when the scrollview stops... how can i tell when the scrollview stops only for one time?
@BabyPanda you can write u r code in scrollviewDidEndDragging method
Then don't use scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation, use only scrollViewDidEndDecelerating @BabyPanda
my fault, i'm trying to make it clearer: 1. scrollViewDidEndDecelerating & scrollViewDidEndDecelerating 2 only scrollViewDidEndDecelerating 3 only scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation these three are all possible
scrollviewDidEndDragging will be called on finger up if the user dragged. decelerate is true if it will continue moving afterwards
@sreecharan yet scrollviewDidEndDragging may also comes along with DidEndScrolling, 'cause I use scrollRectToVisible... i think i've messed up...
anyone know how to static map the domain name in ipad
with out jailbreak
hello,how do i retreive dictionary of dictionaries values in json parsing
@BoredToDeath, what do you tried before implement this.... yes you can access dictionary fron dictionaries using Key value of those dictionaries ....
@sreecharan @girish thx, i get it done by locking with a bool
@iHungry afternoon, how are you?
yup i good
whats up ther?
all's well so far. working on a series of project
same back to you good afternoon
nice .... series of projects .... its good
i have no work since 2 months
just coming here for attendance in co LOL
@iHungry i have this api free.worldweatheronline.com/feed/…
how do i get the the temp_C,location,date and place of the location
@BoredToDeath i'm pretty sure parsers like SBJSon can return a good object for that
i am trying to use NSJSONSerialization
i am trying to use the inbuilt method to retrieve those values
what's the significant difference? all you'll get is a dictionary/array
@iHungry cool, i hope i can have more free time
@iHungry here's the code
NSData *data=[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://free.worldweatheronline.com/feed/weather.ashx?q=madapur,hyderabad&format=json&num_of_days=4&key=6ae0dfd2fe085832120208"]];

NSError *error;

NSDictionary *json=[NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:kNilOptions error:&error];
NSDictionary *contents= [json objectForKey:@"data"];
NSDictionary *one=[contents objectForKey:@"current_condition"];
@sandy hi
@iProgrammer Hello ji :-)
@iProgrammer See You After Lunch Break. :)
@SJS ok
@sandy how re u?
rocking like a hurricane, no doubt.
right Michael
hy all
@MichaelDautermann Hi, Is there any good richtext editor that can insert image?
you mean like TextEdit.app ?
@MichaelDautermann I do not have that app. Actually i need a UITextView that can inset image in the text.
everybody has TextEdit.app, actually @luyuan... it's just named different on your Chinese OS
how about using a UIWebView, @luyuan ?
Q: Editable UITextView with Text and image?

palanirajaOne of my project requirement is to save data keyed in by the user. Which is text + image (they can attach image/video from photo album). User should be able to edit the text in place (similar to ios mail.app), images can be inserted between texts and a delegate for taping image to provide image...

Hi everyone, I have a question on table reload...
also this answer mentions something called "EGOTextView", @luyuan
Q: Add image to UiTextView and post it

gaurav.thummarI want to add smily image in UITextview and also some text and then when i press send button all data from Textview i want to post.

Table view has a cell with the Price for item and i need to calculate total price after all the contents are loaded. There are 1000's of items in my table view.
@MichaelDautermann You can try with UIWebview instead of UITextView
@MichaelDautermann I have searched around for several days, and tried many methods. One is the EGOTextView. It is not good for inserting image.
that was my suggestion, @Ganesh
so is there any event/delegate that is called only after all the CellForRowIndex
@MichaelDautermann I was tried and used UIWebview
@MichaelDautermann lol, Yes i have tried UIWebView
welp, I'm out of ideas then @luyuan
Table view has a cell with the Price for item and i need to calculate total price after all the contents are loaded. There are 1000's of items in my table view. So is there any event/delegate that is called only after all the CellForRowIndex
@All Is there any way to convert local file into NSData Asynchronously?
@MichaelDautermann do you have any idea about this?
Hello @MichaelDautermann
sure @Ganesh... detach a thread and convert the local file into NSData on a separate thread.
how's that?
@Ganesh Can you insert a local image with your editor?
@luyuan yes , we can
@MichaelDautermann In my case I tried to convert 38 mB Video file into NSData, which cause crash of my application :(
well that's a bummer
and that's a big file, too!
@Ganesh Is it for Iphone?
sounds messy.
@luyuan Yes
@MichaelDautermann Yes., I have AVCamcaptureManager to capture video, so only this much of weight for my files :(.. Do you have any suggestion for reducing file size?
I don't know what your code looks like, so I don't know how you are converting things.
I'm making a separate class for call the webservices but now problem is that how i will recognize the connectionDidFinishLoading: in my ViewController class i.e i could pass my array.
but 38 Megs would explode any iDevice, I think.
@MichaelDautermann In iPad it's working fine, In iPod, iPhone only crash
hy @VakulSaini
@MichaelDautermann so I'm gonna give them some time control to record a video, we don't have any other choice then!!!
@Ganesh that's great. I have a problem with it. After I pick a local image through UIImageViewPickerController the UIWebView will resign first responder. The picked image will not be insert with JavaScript.
@EliasRahme - Hi
@luyuan why don't you tried with UIImageview? or do you have any other information to show in webview?
can you plz check out @VakulSaini stackoverflow.com/questions/13227616/…
@Ganesh UIImagePickerController, sorry for my typo
@Ganesh Im implementing this richtext editor for iphone ios-blog.co.uk/tutorials/rich-text-editing-sample-project
@BoredToDeath, pastebin.com/XBuYycnM see this
@VakulSaini, create protocol methods for that
@luyuan I can suggest you a couple of samples, CoreTextWrapper and CoreTextExample.
@iHungry - Ok i try.
@sreecharan They seem not editable
I am Back. Lunch is completed.
horray! we were worried about you...
1 message moved to dev/null
for me?
makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Q: How to Update MutableArray

Pravi JayI want to update an mutable array. i have one array "ListArray" with some keys like "desc", "title" on other side (with click of button.) i have one array name newListArray which is coming from web service and has different data but has same keys like "desc" "title". so i want to add that data in...

@MichaelDautermann hi
@MichaelDautermann can i record incoming or oout going call in iphone app
@MichaelDautermann is there any restriction from apple?
yes. it's a security risk.
and you should have done a search before asking here
Q: Is it possible to record a call in iphone?

StarkI want to record calls in iPhone.In android there are listeners for that by using them we can record the call.Is there listeners in iphone to get notification of dialed and incoming call and record those call?I have searched in iTunes store and came to know that some applications are there which ...

@MichaelDautermann but my data recording conversation is on user device...
Q: Is it possible to record iPhone calls with the latest iOS SDK 4.2?

Horatiu ParaschivHi is it possible to record the audio stream during a voice call with any of the tools the latest ios sdk provides: AVFoundation, Core Audio, etc.? If it is possible is there any documented way to do it? Thanks!

@MichaelDautermann i search about it.. but not getting proper documentation ... ok i will check both link ... thanks
Hi @MichaelDautermann I want to make an app which alert low battery when the battery will be less than 10 % in every 2 mins.
yep... have you searched for how to do this on Stack Overflow yet?
yes but I am able to get the battery state when app in foreground ..
how shall I do when it will be in background?
Q: Estimated battery time on iOS

user1425958 Possible Duplicate: iphone: Calculating battery life I have seen many apps in appstore which provides Estimated battery work time for different usage patterns (standby, audio and video playback, Wi-Fi and 3G browser usage, talk time). I have a similar requirement to compute the estimat...

Q: Can I check battery status of iPhone in background state?

regeintI need to check battery status in my applicaiton when it is in background state. I can check batter status in running state. Can NSNotificationCenter be used to check battery status in background? If yes how? Thanks

really... you should have done a search, @IOSCoder
@MichaelDautermann any idea about adt compilation
adt -package -target ipa-debug -keystore Certificates3.p12 -storetype pkcs12 -storepass qwerty12 -provisioning-profile imsrIPad.mobileprovision First.ipa DESCRIPTOR.xml Icons.swf icons Default.png
I don't know what "adt" is
@MichaelDautermann hi
@iHungry hi
Terminal Command, for convert swf file(adobe) to .ipa
@Dips you missed about 20 people, too.
@heloo can any one know how to get user's birthday from facebook using graph api ?
@MichaelDautermann see above pls
I was insulted :(
@sreecharan how to get user's birthday from facebook using graph api ?
@MichaelDautermann does not help me. I don't able to see any solutions there!!!
facebook ? heh heh heh heh heh.
the answer says "If your app doesn't perform one of these, its state is frozen in memory and you won't receive any notification from the OS." @iOSCoder
@sreecharan ya... not hehehee
@IOSCODER how to get user's birthday from facebook using graph api ?
@MichaelDautermann they are talking about gps & audio. I want to get battery status notification in badkground
let me translate that answer for you @iOSCoder
since apparently you can't read English
"it is possible in two modes, which both keep your app alive". --
this means that under one of two possible conditions you might get the battery update notifications in the background.
"The first one is background audio, while you are playing music, your app will receive those notifications." -- does your app play music?
"The second one is background GPS tracking via Core Location." -- does your app do GPS?
"If your app doesn't perform one of these," -- if you answer "no" to the above two questions....
I want one notification to my app when battery will be 10 %
So it's straight it will not be feasible
"its state is frozen in memory and you won't receive any notification from the OS." -- ... then you will not get any battery notifications while your app is in the background state.
so it's straight it will not be feasible.
very bad :(
@Dips I don't have any idea about fb graph, may be mike should have used it
@sreecharan u have idea about any api which use to get user friends birthday ?
you could make a phone call to the friend....
"hey friend! I forgot your birthday..."
@iHungry hi
@iHungry u have idea about any api which use to get user friends birthday ?
no idea... but if facebook given as api to access friends information then yes u can access it
@Dips I think u need graph api, no more idea
@Dips Have you read this
Can you see the first parameter over there called birthday
what? gasp... documentation?
@CrazyCreator i use graph api and also get friend lisst but dnt get birthday
You could use SLComposeViewController of iOS 6 and by using requestForServiceType:requestMethod:URL:parameters:
You can access the birthday of all the users
@MichaelDautermann hi
good day to you...
now I'm about to crash out for the evening.
Have a nice evening Mike.
Sleep tight.
I've been having crazy fun with codesigning tonight.
hopefully it'll be a bit more back to normal tomorrow.
yep... maybe he IS getting notifications just fine.
try it out.
how !!!
buy it?
hmmm I am not able to buy the app but I believe it's feasible and Customer Reviews also saying the same thing. But still I am searching how it will be done ??
@sreecharan welcome back :)
@MichaelDautermann hi
@MichaelDautermann did you remember me ?
I think he can't. coz, he is asleep. May be you need to enter into his dreams.
@sreecharan @Leena @iProgrammer @iHungry Hi, Can you please help me to display multiple columns for table view for iPad application .
e.g. I want to create an app in which i'll need to have a table view with multiple columns say index, title, date etc. So when I tap on index it'll get sorted also ..
how to implement this ??
yes zing u can implement this
Any body worked on Bluetooth ?
search grid view iphone on google
How to create QR Code...?
Does anyone here uses skype?
@Swathi, visit i-nigma website
you get all information of QRCode
can I browse music files from my phone?
yes.. from ipod library
how can u pls explain?
read this also
Q: Application crashed while importing songs from Ipod library in Iphone for iOs 5.0

NeelHello i am using below framworks, #import <MediaPlayer/MediaPlayer.h> #import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h> #import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h> In one of button event i have implemented below code to open Library. MPMediaPickerController *mediaPicker = [[MPMediaPic...

Q: get error code -11843 while exporting mp3 file in ipod library since iOS 5.1

AlbertI use the AVAssetExportSession to export mp3/m4a files in ipod library. This method works well on iOS 5.0 and earlier. However after upgrade iOS to 5.1, this method doesn't work for mp3 anymore, but still works for m4a. Here is the source code. AVURLAsset *songAsset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithUR...

@sandy hi
@iProgrammer hello
@sandy tumhe wo uibutton yad hai?
jo smsbook app me lagye the
link konsi thi
button kiske liye tha wo
back ke liye kya?
he he
wo nai 1 button pe click karte the to 5 button ati thi
animate hoke
oh got it
star jasia
okay let check batata hu
@sandy can we send email from iso app through smtp ?
@iProgrammer, @sandy @MUSTHAFA please help me in
@iphonedev23 Sorry no idea
@iProgrammer can we send email from iso app through smtp ?
@Aadil no idea
Can I share the screen of one iOS device with another iOS device from app ? Is it possible to implement above functionality using iOS SDK ? Does apple allow this type of app ? If anyone know about this , kindly let me know.
@iProgrammer hello isko download kar ke check karo iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/…
@sandy ok
@sandy download ka option nahi aa raha
@iProgrammer yar site me kuch change hua hai
sab kuch diffr lag rha hai
ha diff hai
@sandy ok
I will check from home
kuch nem yad hai kya us application
thik hai
ghar pe hoga code
@iProgrammer: hi
@iProgrammer: Do i need to enable push notification for App-Store updates ?. I just need to display only the app update(or example,a new version of app is available in Appstore) to the users . there is no any other notifications (for example, Mail ,chat and so on). will Apple automaticatilly handle the Application update (Appstore Badge) ?
@Ramshad no
@Ramshad appstore will show updates for updated app
@iProgrammer: is they display any badge on my app icon?
or just display the app update in appstore?
@iProgrammer Bye...Good Night...JSK :)
@iProgrammer: i think, they will not display any badge on my app icon. am i right dude?
@Ramshad ye
no badge
@iProgrammer: ok
but when we connect to appstore it will show updates
thanks for the insightful info.\
1 hour later…
Hi all,I just noticed a strange behavior of NSArray. It allows to sent messages on deallocated instance. Why this happens ?
hai @MidhunMP
ru from MP
Indore ?
@SAHIL: no dude, I'm from kerala :)
@SAHIL: where are you from ?
Q: Possible alternatives to maintain communication after WiFi connection loss in iPhone

RamshadI would like to know about all possible alternatives to maintain communication after WiFi connection loss in iOS. Let me explain the situation, I'm developing an application which will communicate to windows PC through WiFi to update a important live task. So, for high security reasons,If the ...

@MidhunMP i am from visakhapatnam !
posted on November 05, 2012 by Johann

I’ve mentioned some great controls for adding partial slide in views to your apps like those in the Facebook app such as the excellent open source Viewdeck control. Here’s another excellent control for creating gesture controlled slide in views, complete with animations that works with the Xcode storyboard tool. There’s also a number of built [...]

1 hour later…
Hello everyone
Hello @Dev2rights
HEy Sree long time man
Im having some serious issues with response times with NSUrlConnection
the reuqest hits the server but i dont get a speedy response back
no idea why or even if its on my side
May be your server is responding lately
thats what im saying
the server gets and processes the request
or may be the problem is with the internet connection in the device which you are sending the request
nah i can watch interent telly on it
and also have fast latency
Ok, have you specified any time out interval ?
for your connection request
yeah 60 seconds
i use sendAsynchronousRequest
Well, hold on, let the Xcode decide it self, in your didRecieveResponse method, do this
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection*)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse*)response {
NSHTTPURLResponse* httpResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse*)response;
int responseStatusCode = [httpResponse statusCode];
and let me know the responseStatusCode
@Dev2rights are you doing it?
Sorry client phone call
Ah! ok
Sorry about that
aysnc requests use the completion handler not the delegate methods though
No problem, i badly need to use the wash room, brb :P
Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out." UserInfo=0x1e9f17e0 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=, NSErrorFailingURLKey=, NSLocalizedDescription=The request timed out., NSUnderlyingError=0x1e9ae8e0 "The request timed out."}
just so you know i changed the ip for security
Ok, i am back
Ah! asychronous
ok, let me tell you the Roadmap of how to handle asynchronous actions
1. Register for the response of the asynchronous actions. This can be setting the delegate of the requesting object e.g. NSURLConnection to the view controller, which is typically self in this context. The other possibility is that you register for the notification which is fired by the requesting object if things have happend e.g. when a download is finished or an error occurred.
2. Implement the delegate methods or the notifications to update your model and/or your user interface. Be aware that updating the UI has to happen on your main thread.
i hava a manager that deals with a lot of requests
and i get the response in the block
3. Start the asynchronous action. What happens in the background is that a separate thread is spawned or an operation is dispatched using GCD. These are implementation details and do not bother you.
all of that stuff is fine ive handled that
yeah i know all this
all works fine
i use notifications that are part of my requests to fire off VC actions
as i de syncd the server update with the UI
its a big app essentaially with a lot of trffic
a single response takes ages
not sure if anyone had issues with [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:
i belive it to be the server
But you can try multithreading, right?
yeha i could use operation ques but i need to act on the repspnses
But, I think this the problem with cookies and cache.
so im chucking them out one at a time
yeah i reckon yoru right
soem cache issue
Yep, As per your comment Lot of traffic, it smells like cache
@Dev2rights Actually i have faced these issues long time ago about a year ago, then i have started using AFNetworking and ASIHTTPRequest .
Ive turned of wifi and used 3G and it seems to work fine
so coudl be cache on my ISP
Thats what i said :)
trying to mod the request each time phhhh
this programmign stuff is never easy haha
10 years not a single project that jsut worked first time :p
haha, other wise you always have the hacks like AFNetworking and ASIHTTPRequest
they work like a charm.
they do
but my network manager also works liek a charm
havent had this problem before
and really dont want to get into CFNetwork code
Hi, would anyone be able to point me in the right direction of adding a custom flash when using AVCaptureSession? I've got the picture taking and UI to work, it's just the flash that got me stuck
Do you mean making the flash fire? or making a flash effect as an overlay ?
yes, make the flash fire 3 times when I use captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection
3 short bursts
not sure about firing 3 times as its handled by the hardware
but you can turn it on in UIImagePickerController
as a setting
turn it off from auto
My avcapturesession is very fast though
ok your not using UIImage picker
no I hand coded the thing
i only use avcapturesession for video in the past
oh ok, I'll do some more research
Ok Good Luck guys, I'm off to dinner, bye.
1 hour later…
hi any one can tell me about PSCollection View
4 hours later…
posted on November 05, 2012 by Johann

I’ve mentioned some open source libraries and servers for sending push notifications to iOS apps using PHP, Python, and C#. Today I came across an open source module for use with Node.js for sending push notifications known as Node-APN. This is an excellent and easy to use module with feedback service support, error handling and [...]

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