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03:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

Good morning
good evening
@All Good To All:)
@VenkatManohar bro good morning hav a nice day:)
Hey.... Hi.... How are you ? @prem
@VenkatManohar fine bro How about you?
@prem: fine yaar.....
@VenkatManohar Yesterday what happen i never saw u?
@prem: yesterday i was on leave freind..
@VenkatManohar Okay friend :)
@prem: Okay.... :)
@VenkatManohar in my project i find the error bro but i dont know how to solve ?
@VenkatManohar chat with me in free time:)
@prem: What's that issue...... Fresh and free in the early morning dear ..
@VenkatManohar Do u have my project friend?
@prem: yes.. but, i couln't that run that project
no need to run bro just check the code...pls check the the code in Firstviewcontroller viewdidload
in viewdidload i already addObject peripheral to device(NSMutableArray)
and check thhe segue function also
why we again add the object from NSObject Class? @VenkatManohar
Check the peripheral function in FirstViewCOntroller also bro @VenkatManohar
@VenkatManohar @prem @murali hii.. gm
@Shreya Welcome!!!!
@prem: Okay...
@Shreya very good mrng
are you guys from India?
cool :)
@VenkatManohar ::::::::
Arey seeing yaaar .... 2pr
I'm from LA. It's just funny, being in a chat room with a bunch of Indian guys. Not weird or anything, just not usual for me.
Do you work for development companies, or are you independent?
@VenkatManohar ok bro just for fun:)
:) @prem
@MattMc hi
@prem hey
@prem so I guess we use the whole @ thing in here, eh?
@MattMc :)
@MattMc r u free now?
@prem Free in what capacity? As in, available for a question?
Can i ask one question?
@prem Be my guest.
@MattMc Do u have any idea about bluetooth apps?
@prem Nope, sorry :/
@MattMc corebluetooth
@prem Nada. Never done bluetooth.
@MattMc ok ok :)
@prem Sorry :)
@MattMc cool:)
@VenkatManohar friend im going to lunch i will be back soon pls check for me thanks:)
did you check sample code developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/TemperatureSensor/… b4 developing Bluetooth app?
@iHungry yes friend
then what the issue
Jeez...Sometimes people who "answer" questions on SO annoy me, especially when they just mindlessly spew out blocks of code at someone who isn't really tracking yet.
Especially when said people have more rep than me...it's weird.
Good Morning
good mornin
Happy Birthday Kerala....
@Ramshad good one
iPad mini development?
Q: Dealing with iPad Mini screen size

TeenDevThe new iPad Mini has a 7.9 inch screen size. Does it have a retina display? Will it automatically scale existing xibs and storyboards or do we have to create two versions of each? Do we deal with it similar to the way we deal with the iPhone 5? How would I create a definition or a condition to...

@VenkatManohar friend what happend?
@prem: did you change anything
@prem: m nt having the latest code with me yaar .
@VenkatManohar no change anything
peripheralManager=[[PeripheralManager alloc]init];
device=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; this is wat u had written in FirstVieCONTROLLER viewDidLoad funciton @prem
@iHungry: You thr ?
@VenkatManohar check the peripheral function in FirstViewController friend please
@iHungry r u there?
@prem: beta ask iHungry friend... don't mind pls
@VenkatManohar okay friend no problem:)
@prem: m sorry ... :(
@VenkatManohar no problem friend cool:)
Q: Sending Mp4 Video to PHP server via ASIFormDataRequest

Pravi JayHere i am sending the file path or file with some parameters . But the server didn't get the video. So any problem in that code. or anything you want to add something. then please tell me. or Any delegate method you want to tell me where i get error or seething in response . NSString *path = [[...

@prem, show me ur code
ok , let me check...
what do u want in it ?
i want the list of services friend in tableview stackoverflow.com/questions/13135630/…
first check my firstviewcontroller i already addobject to periphal
in simulator no need
i want to pass the data properly to detailviewcontroller
u saw the image?
:( its required device
i have a device bro just change code i will check with my device pls:)
- (void)peripheralManagerDidConnectPeripheral:(PeripheralManager *)peripheral
// NSLog(@"%@",peripheral.rssi);
// [device addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",peripheral.deviceName]];
[device addObject:peripheral];
[self.deviceTable reloadData];
} check this in firstviewcontroller @iHungry
@prem i want to ask you one question?
@Leena tell
the core bluetooth framework that ur using can it connect to non-apple devices
i mean android devices
i guess ur code should have crash in viewDidLoad event of detailViewController
core bluetooth connects to all low energy devices only @Leena
oyee @iHungry is it possible to connect android devices with iphone using core bluetooth framwork
@Leena its connect to all bluetooth 4.0
@Leena, no
@iHungry see this
Q: How to use core bluetooth framework get data?

user1068895_CHUI am working on an iOS core Bluetooth application, i can connect the bluetooth device use iphone4S , but i dont know how to communication with the device. i want to read information form the device. i also see this sources code https://github.com/sergiomtzlosa/CoreBluetooth-Demo/ and this artic...

@iHungry @Leena i got all the data the problem is how to display properly
i guess ur code should have crash in viewDidLoad event of detailViewController
what the values in it?
@iHungry didDiscoverPeriphera.peripheral: <CBConcretePeripheral: 0xce633a0> rssi: -29, UUID:<CFUUID 0xce632a0> 00000000-0000-0000-86DE-DE5991826770 advertisementData:{
CBAdvDataLocalName = "LBT-VRU01";
CBAdvDataServiceUUIDs = (
"Unknown (<1803>)",
"Unknown (<1802>)",
"Unknown (<1804>)",
"Unknown (<180f>)"
New UUId,addin
@iHungry i got this output in simulator
@prem i have no idea about core bluetoth framework
i m just doin research
the problem is only in display
i got all the results in corebluetooth
u got 4 devices
no 4 four devices only one device
name :
i got the name in tableview
in firstviewcontroller
i want rest of the things
my friend on which line u got error? Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil'
this one
most confusing part is on obj.dataArray=self.mutableArray;
[self.mutableArray addObject:peripheral];
printf("New UUId,addin\r\n");
this line
[self.dataArray addObject:peripheralmanager.mutableArray];
in firstviewcontroller everything ok friend
i can't able to debug ur code... so its very hard to trace out ur problem
ok bro i will explain you pls
ok go ahead
- (void)peripheralManagerDidConnectPeripheral:(PeripheralManager *)peripheral
// [device addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@ ",peripheral.deviceName]];
[self.device addObject:peripheral];
[self.deviceTable reloadData];
here i already added peripheral to device in firstviewcontroller
@all anyone please help in the case of checkmark selection in tableview
u mean [self.deviceTable reloadData]; this line will showing all loaded data in tableview of firstviewContrller
[self.device addObject:peripheral];
check this line
on this line ur app crashed?
wait bro:)
that line not in ur code i guess ... i search whole string in project searching ... it given me no result
@iHungry how to resolve the repeating checkmarks in tableview?
Medeti, its better to ask direct question instead of wasting time typing useless lines like "anyone help me"... here all people are ready to give help yeah want help
- (void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central
didDiscoverPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
advertisementData:(NSDictionary *)advertisementData

NSLog(@"didDiscoverPeriphera.peripheral: %@ rssi: %@, UUID:%@ advertisementData:%@", peripheral,RSSI,peripheral.UUID, [advertisementData description]);

targetPeripheral = peripheral;
peripheral.delegate = self;
// [[centralManager retrievePeripherals:NSArray arrayWithObject:(id)peripheral.UUID] ];
// rssilabel.text=[RSSI stringValue];
MeBleFirstViewController - (void)peripheralManagerDidConnectPeripheral:(PeripheralManager *)peripheral
[device addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@ ",peripheral.deviceName]];
// [device addObject:peripheral];
[self.deviceTable reloadData];
@iHungry why the checkmarks repeating in tableview?
repeating means?
friend its difficult to understand without devices ...please dont get angry i will explain u @iHungry
@iHungry in my open please open my firstview controller bro
prem, actually u totally confused
i talking where u faced creash
ok ok
@iHungry in detaiviewcontroller
i want where did u get data and where after not
i guess ur code should have crash in viewDidLoad event of detailViewController
could someone help with a xcode issue (not code)
@iHungry I have 20 rows in my tableview.If i select first 2 rows .it checked but when i scroll the tableview another two rows also checked
i guess this is 3rd time i copy paste line
@iHungry yes correct friend
i get (null): iPhone/iPod Touch: application executable contains unsupported architecture(s): armv7s (-19031)
but u didn't give me answer of it]
@iHungry sorry bro im in confussing
Medeti, how did u managed check mark data???
nevermind, guess apple makes it stupid, if i5 is plugged in, its because of dropbox:/ gah
@iHungry [self.dataArray addObject:peripheralmanager.mutableArray]; this line in detailviewcontroller viewdidload finction bro
@iHungry i managed into an array
[self.dataArray addObject:objcurrentdevice.mutableArray]
Medeti, 1st check mark you 2 rows after scrolling back then u see 4 rows get checkmarks
in this line app crash fried @iHungry
@iHungry yes
prem, i m dammed sure u miss array allocation
Medeti, can u show me ur code
@iHungry so what can i do friend?
prem, check every value, array is in memory.... u miss actually data sending and receiving mechanism.....
u trying to add object in that array which may be not in memory
or may be u trying add nil object in ur array
this is the mistake of ur code
but friend i got a deviceName in tableview'
@iHungry totally confused friend
Prem, i think u need to analyze ur code urself....
@iHungry yes friend correct
i got a deviceName in tableview' line again confuse
this line crate question again if ur code crash in viewDidload then how ur table view reload
@iHungry thanks for your advice i catch u later dont mistake me bro please:)
my code crash in detailviewcontroller bro not in firstviewcontroller bro
in my firstviewcontroller i have a tableview bro
@iHungry did you see the code?
yes i seen ur code wait
@ihungry know how to fix?
(null): iPhone/iPod Touch: application executable contains unsupported architecture(s): armv7s (-19031)
if i click a devicename in tableview then app crashed thats all bro :) @iHungry
Max, its mean ur excutable not supported to armv7s architecture instruction set ... that mean it not support to iOS 5 version device
@MedetiNaveenKumar, u r using ARC?
how do i know what library isn't building for it though? i have about 5 libraries, but all but 1 are import the source files, not any projects or .frameworks or .a files, only dropbox has a .framework, but i found a forum and dropbox says iphone 5 is supported
so i dont know how to fix and this app needs to be submitted within the next 20 minute because i got a huge project and homework to do and its midnightXD
Max, sorry mate i help u that i know the information regarding ur problem
i have dropbox, OAuthConsumer, pocket, papasscode, ssziparchive,asihttprequest, nsobject+blocks, and bblock
@iHungry yes
Hai everybody
Medeti, in method of cellForRowAtIndexPath , where r u manage ur row selection information
@iProgrammer hi
i can't see any line regarding selectedMembers array
@chandrika: hi
@sandy hi
anybody know how to Browse video clip in video library i
@iHungry Friend this is last question dont get angry:)
@MedetiNaveenKumar, format ur code again.... here ur code seen very ugly
@iProgrammer plz have a look on this
Q: Record voice and audio file Mixing issue

sandyHere, I am using the following Click here attached code for mixing the audio files. But when i am using this for mixing recorded voice and audio file, it's not working for me.So how can i resolve this issue. you Can see my code via this link Code Link

Chandrika ask it to @Leena, she knows it very well
Thanks @iHungry
@sandy no idea
@Leena r u there?
@iHungry - (void)scanForPeripheralsAndConnect

NSArray *services = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[CBUUID UUIDWithString:kUUIDServiceImmediateAlert],
[CBUUID UUIDWithString:kUUIDServiceBatteryService],[CBUUID UUIDWithString:kUUIDCharacteristicsTxPowerLevel], nil];

NSDictionary *options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]

[centralManager scanForPeripheralsWithServices:services options:options];
} pls check this line bro can i call from here?
@chandrika no she is busy with client doing a meeting about project :p
hoo okay .
@Sandy how many Months u have experience in iOs
more 2.8 yrs
@iHungry did you see the code?
@iProgrammer :-(
@Sandy R u know how to browse video file in iphone appli
@chandrika yes
@MedetiNaveenKumar , 1st check mark you 2 rows after scrolling back then u see 4 rows get checkmarks
@sandy :(
@Summer hi
usse upvote karo
@iHungry in the first time i got like that
@iHungry but now i get last selected check mark
hi @Leena
how to browse video file in Video library in iphone app
you meant to play
@iHungry without manage check marks can i resolve?
How to browse a video from video library in iphone
hi All
i have one query regarding core graphics
@Leena u know the answer of this Question
i have use this concept in my Application
see that image
please tell me
UIImagePickerController *picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary;
picker.mediaTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: (NSString *) kUTTypeMovie, nil];
picker.delegate = self; // don't forget implement UINavigationControllerDelegate, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate methods
[picker presentModalViewController: cameraUI animated: YES];
am using this coding ,but kUTTypeMovie, is got an Error
@MedetiNaveenKumar, u want to trace the values of selectedMembers array at run time ... u will immediately get an idea where r u wrong
hi @Leena
hi @chandrika
i guess u missing selectedMembers values populating in tableview
actually i want draw libs polygon with 7 control point
so user can access control point and increase or decrease libs shape
@Jones u have crop that image rite,
no no
i want create makeup application
in suppose user select libs with 7 adjust point
after that user can fill color
@Jones ,explain the Concept Clearly
ok wait
you see image ?
i already upload
that is one model face image ok
suppose i want to change her libs color
so first i set that lib shape with adjust point and then after fill color
can u tried OpenCV library???
for image processing
as per my guessing u have to find out first boundary of ur selected region, then u draw color inside that boundary... and render that image again after completion ur work
no other way
OpenCV is widely used library for image processing
and it support many languages as well
ya but that one is for face detection
yeah OpenCV doing every thing .... easly
@iHungry ok u got i concept
@iHungry please check makeup app on itunes
Gd morning everyone
any body can help me out?
yeah i seen it
ok i want that type of functionality
its better to ask direct question instead of wasting time typing useless lines like "anyone help me"... here all people are ready to give help yeah want help
@iHungry hy i want to ask you something
Jones, developer take simple image context and use simple CGGraphics function to make up her face
@iHungry i have a uiwebview that loads each time an htmlstring from an sqlite database...now under this web view...i have an image view...the y coordinate of this image view should be dynamic according to the y coordinate of the webview
but yes developer given so many colors and other controls that required for image drawing
@all Hi.
i tried lots of suggestions...i tried to get the height of the web view but it didn't work out for me
what can i do?
@iHungry ya
@iHungry i am create curve using uibezierpath but it's have 2 control point
yes benzierpath require tow or more controls points
@iHungry any ideas?
Elias, can i see ur code that u trying
@chandrika u got my query
@iHungry yes of course just a second
@iHungry thank you a lot man i really need your help I'm getting crazy
@iHungry note that WebVx and WebVy always return 0 :S I'm really stuck
@EliasRahme, on 1st time ur code value of webview should have to give return 0
@iHungry - (void)scanForPeripheralsAndConnect

NSArray *services = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[CBUUID UUIDWithString:kUUIDServiceImmediateAlert],
[CBUUID UUIDWithString:kUUIDServiceBatteryService],[CBUUID UUIDWithString:kUUIDCharacteristicsTxPowerLevel], nil];

NSDictionary *options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]

[centralManager scanForPeripheralsWithServices:services options:options];
} i want this array in tableview bro
can u guide me
u trying to draw ur data b4 loading HTML data in webview
@iHungry and how can i solve this
1st tell me how did know ur html data is loaded inside the webview Elias?
i load the html data inside my webvieww
i take the data from an sqlite database
do you heard about - (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView method?
and loads them using the htmlstring\
yes my friend its ok u fetch data from sqlite yeah other any sources but webview take some time to write your data on webview
i did try it once but the same thing
it take time to load it
what do you suggest?
after loading ur data try to adjust ur view co-ordinates
u mean i load the data inside the webviewdidfinish \/
@iHungry brother pls check my question
instead of view did load i load it using that function then it would work?
hi all
i have a problem related to splitview controller
can any one help me to solve
@iHungry : i create Alarm clock application and in which i use LocalNotification. if application in open then notification is not show if application is close then notification show why
@iHungry friend r u there?
@prem i create Alarm clock application and in which i use LocalNotification. when i alarm set then if application in open then notification is not show if application is close then notification show why
@all Hiiiii.
ok , this is really strange!!!!
Q: view is different on canvas and on simulator

Mika Stern Look at the titles of the buttons. Also the placing of the 1 at the bottom. Any idea what can cause that? (All I did was to drag and drop and wrote some simple calc code)

someone have a wild clue about what can cause that
@iHungry it didn't work at all :S
@EliasRahme i create Alarm clock application and in which i use LocalNotification. when i alarm set then if application in open then notification is not show if application is close then notification show why
@AliRaza i have no idea bro
@AliRaza sorry i already checked question i dont know friend
HI All
hi~An issue of Sending email with yahoo account has came to me . stackoverflow.com/questions/13173604/…
I need your help~
@iGautam hi
@all How can i find the iphone mute switch button on (or) off through programming.
Big problem, i can really use your help stackoverflow.com/questions/13162260/…
Q: view is different on canvas and on simulator

Mika Stern Look at the titles of the buttons. Also the placing of the 1 at the bottom. Any idea what can cause that? (All I did was to drag and drop and wrote some simple calc code)

@all any one there to solve this above mention problem?.
You are talking about my problem?
Can any one help me solve this?
Q: view is different on canvas and on simulator

Mika Stern Look at the titles of the buttons. Also the placing of the 1 at the bottom. Any idea what can cause that? (All I did was to drag and drop and wrote some simple calc code)

03:00 - 09:0009:00 - 00:00

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