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01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

naah... which tab.... i hav to look for in the project ?
@VenkatManohar MeBleDetailViewController friend
Does it run in simulator... coz in simulator bluetooth is not functioning...
didDiscoverPeriphera.peripheral: <CBConcretePeripheral: 0xce633a0> rssi: -29, UUID:<CFUUID 0xce632a0> 00000000-0000-0000-86DE-DE5991826770 advertisementData:{

kCBAdvDataLocalName = "LBT-VRU01";

kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs = (

"Unknown (<1803>)",

"Unknown (<1802>)",

"Unknown (<1804>)",

"Unknown (<180f>)"

i want like this tableview friend @VenkatManohar
run the project @VenkatManohar
ha yes
after that
sorry small correction i want same like this in tableview friend @VenkatManohar
that is sdk output..@VenkatManohar
@prem: prem, on which tab i can see this MeBleDetailViewController screen...
pls put this in ViewDidLoad in NSLog(@"%@",objCurrentDevice.mutableArray); in this MeBleDetailViewController.m @prem
@prem:and tell me what it is printing ....
@VenkatManohar error friend
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil'

*** First throw call stack:

(0x356c888f 0x37a6f259 0x3561d1d7 0x164db 0x33135c8b 0x331421e9 0x33142059 0x33141f3f 0x331417c1 0x33141503 0x33135aff 0x331357d5 0x331ae903 0x33228627 0x351e2933 0x3569ca33 0x3569c699 0x3569b26f 0x3561e4a5 0x3561e36d 0x372ba439 0x3312acd5 0x1500f 0x14fb4)

terminate called throwing an exception(lldb
@prem: i am unable to run yur project prem...
my project is run only with device friend @VenkatManohar
Hmm this is what m asking you from the starting.... okay..
let me check in device...
that device is low energy one do u have?@VenkatManohar
does it work on ios 6 ? @prem
ios 5.1 bro y asking?
it works only with device bro'
yaah.. i have ios 6 rite now..
wit me..
so gimme some time..
bro i works with bluetooth low energy device bro
@VenkatManohar pls try
gimme time pls
@VenkatManohar No problem Tak a time :)
stackoverflow.com/questions/13062096/… @VenkatManohar check in this i have posted image i want like a second image
How can I add a parameter to my swtichChanged method?
[switchView addTarget:self action:@selector(switchChanged:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
I cant just write this can I
[switchView addTarget:self action:@selector(switchChanged: catID:catID) forControlEvents:UIControlEventValueChanged];
thr ?
@VenkatManohar yes friend
you can't pass along a parameter within a "@selector" call, @will.... you'll have to figure out another way to set the catID
bluetooth low energy device... what do yu mean by ths ?
@MichaelDautermann Thanks
@MichaelDautermann Hi, how to Logout the Foursquare. I tried but can't work
corebluetooth framework only connects to bluetooth 4.0 devices
how are you logging into the foursquare, @PREMKUMAR ?
@VenkatManohar hmm
@VenkatManohar friend
Q: Calculate distance between points drawn on different zoomscale

B.AI'm developing an iPhone app where the user chooses an image and then is allowed to draw on it (dots) that maybe stored on different zoomscales (he's allowed to zoom in and out). I store the location of every point drawn in an array but when I calculate the distance I come to realize the result ...

Q: Select UITable row when clicking on UISwitch

WillI have a table view with UISwitchs on them. When the switch is toggled I want to run a function. The function just logs If the switch is on or off and the row that the switch has been changed on. The problem that im having is that when I click on the switch it does not log the correct row unle...

@MichaelDautermann Yes Michel But I tried many coding. but i cant find the solution
ummm... I asked you how you log into FourSquare @PremKumar
because with that information, I can try to look up how one can log out.
@VenkatManohar friend what happen?
Any one knows about RSA PDF encryption & Decryption ??
@Will UISwitch *switchInCell = (UISwitch *)sender;
UITableViewCell * cell = (UITableViewCell*) swithInCell.superview;
NSIndexPath * indexpath = [myTableView indexPathForCell:cell]
by this way you can find the cell that holds the switch
@Bala Thanks. Do you want to write an answer to the question?
@MichaelDautermann -(void)authorizeWithViewController:(UIViewController*)controller
authorizeCallbackDelegate = [callback copy];
//NSString *url = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://foursquare.com/oauth2/authenticate?display=touch&client_id=%@&response_type=code&redirect_uri=%@",OAUTH_KEY,REDIRECT_URL];


NSString *url=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://foursquare.com/oauth2/authenticate?display=touch&client_id=%@&response_type=code&redirect_uri=%@",OAUTH_KEY,REDIRECT_URL];
then StrCatID = [self.catIDs objectAtIndex:indexpath];
        NSLog( @"The switch for item %@ is %@",StrCatID, switchControl.on ? @"ON" : @"OFF" );
Sure .. if that helps you :) @Will
Thanks man
gives you some votes as well ;)
@premkumar you can't log out, but what you can do is "revoke" the token...
look for instructions on how to revoke.
@MichaelDautermann do u hv knowledge of FAcebook integration?
not really... i try to avoid FB if I can help it.
okay I need help in itgrate FB SDk 3.1
@Will i have posted my ans..
@MichaelDautermann what Instructions Miches
sorry Michel
what are you asking prumkimoo ?
how to revoke the Token?
how about "'oauth2/invalidateToken'" ?
@MichaelDautermann Thankyou i will check
@Bala Thanks man! I marked it as correct! big help :)
@VenkatManohar friend?
@Will setting tag to switch is not a good way in case if you are moving the cell up or down .. thank you too :)
I was thinking about maybe doing that but setting that tag to the catID instead of the row index. Dont think I would matter if it was moved then. But im still using your way :)
@Bala I want to store these settings is the best way to do that using NSUserDefaults?
@VenkatManohar busy?
@all Anyone knows how to solve low memory issue because of SBJSON parser
@iProgrammer Bye....Good Night
Q: SBJSON parser low memory warning

M007I am working on JSON data parsing with lots of images downloading and data parsing.I have following code for parsing (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection { NSString *responseString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:webdata encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; [webdata relea...

@SJS r u gng to hme?/
@murali yeah
@SJS wt is sjs,can i knw?
@SJS ok gud n8 bye
@murali no can't know... its like SRK :)
@murali gud n8 bye
A: NSUserDefault persisance advantages and disadvantages?

Krishnabhadra1) what kind of data can we store in NSUserDefault and cant we store in NSUserDefault? You can save app status, game scores, preference etc. You can't store sensitive information like password. For that use Keychain services. 2) can We achieve RDMS concepts in NSUserDefault like SQlite? I...

@all can any explain me how create static library and how to integrate it into other projects'
you might have good luck if you do a search
I just found this:
Q: Create static library in Xcode 4

Matrosov AlexanderI can't figure out how to create a cocoa touch static library in Xcode 4. I've created static library in Xcode 3 and it worked fine. I used this tutorial. Thanks for the help. First step I create cocoa touch static library Next we can see our static library in product directory. But now thi...

2 hours later…
Q: Indexed list for table view shows dot iOS 5+

iOSAppDevIn my application I am displaying contacts in table view with indexed list. I am displaying indexed list as follow: static NSString *letters = @"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz#"; -(void)getAllUserInfoUsingBlock:(lclResultsArray) block { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_P...

Good Night :).. Take care
Anyone here alive?
or all are sleeping?
not telling
how can I add more that one pin color?pastebin.com/pV4HbvRS
Atm all my pins are red. But i have three categories of pins so want three different colors for them
can anyone help me with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/13126386/…
1 hour later…
posted on October 29, 2012 by Johann

Just over a year ago I mentioned a number of open source libraries for handling Zip, RAR and 7-Zip archives on the iOS platform. A couple of people have e-mailed me about some issues they had when handling zips, and today I came across a new library that offers a very simple interface with zip/unzip [...]

i have a question about working with image files larger than 2mb making my ipad1 crash... Anyone a hint where to find an answer?
yeah, the solution is not to do that.
where to look for an answer?
Here's the answer you are looking for:
A: Received memory warning on setimage

Michael DautermannThis situation (memory warnings and application quitting while attempting to load multiple full resolution UIImages into a view) has attempted to burn me a couple times in my iOS programming career. You need to make a shrinked down copy of your original image before doing the "setImage" call. ...

wow! that's a time saver! Thank you so much!
you're welcome! I'm glad to help you out.
And whenever an answer actually does help you, don't forget to upvote it (and/or "accept" it, if it's your own question).
That's how Stack Overflow works (and motivates people to want to help you out).
this kCGInterpolationLow comes from which library?
-[UIImage resizedImage:interpolationQuality:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1c4860
it's in CGContext.h (and you can find it in Xcode's documentation)
yes I see that. points to cgimage.h
Anybody knows how to show data in a tableview when they are done loading? using fetch controller, core-data & restkit. It seems the data is first shown when the view is displayed second time. But not the first time. I also tried reloadData without luck :/
do you have a "numberOfRowsInSection" and cellForRowAtIndexPath method or are you using something else to populate the table?
I have both and customized subclass of cells
if you set breakpoints in those two methods, you might be able to determine what's different about the first time and subsequent times those methods are called.
Its like every time I make a request to the webservice, my data is first shown second time. So I was thinking about an approach.. to update the table it self. Because I can see data being updated in core-data
I don't know what your program looks like, or the method... but in general those two methods should provide consistent & predictable results. It sounds like you are not populating your table correctly from those two methods.
I can see my numberOfRows: 0 when loaded and data is saved later. Is it because (void)controller:(NSFetchedResultsController *)controller
atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)theIndexPath
newIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)newIndexPath isn't called ?
figure out why it's returning zero unexpectedly...
Well you have a GET request in the background which is slow... it's showing 0 data at the moment because the data isn't loaded yet. That's pretty much my problem
then once you get the data, hold onto it and make sure those methods return the correct number of rows.
how can I hold on to it? :)
how are you holding onto the data (after the GET request completes) now?
I have a (NSFetchedResultsController *), fetching data from core data
fx in my numberOfRowsInSection:
NSFetchedResultsController *fetchController = [self fetchedResultsControllerForTableView:tableView];
NSArray *sections = fetchController.sections;
hmmm... it seems like the right thing to do.
but what comes after that?
NSArray *sections = fetchController.sections;
if(sections.count > 0)
    NSLog(@" sections.count > 0: %i",sections.count);
    id <NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo> sectionInfo = [sections objectAtIndex:section];
    numberOfRows = [sectionInfo numberOfObjects];
NSLog(@" numberOfRows: %i",numberOfRows);
return numberOfRows;
numberOfRows is updated if we come 'inside'. And we dont the first time, only second times. But again.. the core-data hasn't data before the GET request is finished. It's like I need a method to "reload" it, a delegate or something, to recall numberofrowsforsection again
I got reloadData with: dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.tableView reloadData];
}); ... without any luck
01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

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