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anyone know how to detect a download?
posted on October 23, 2012 by admin

“beurl.me – TheiPad is a trusty companion, no matter if you want to read a book, listen to music, watch …Continue reading »

4 hours later…
@bugfinder Good Morning ,. Have a Good Day :)
2 hours later…
Happy Duserra in advance to all Indians :)
Thanks buddy
posted on October 23, 2012 by Johann

View controller leaks caused by UIViewController’s never really being deallocated can be tough to track down – especially if blocks are being used and you can’t see the leak in Xcode’s leak tool. Javier Soto has created a simple library for dealing with this issue called MSVCLeakHunter. What MSVCLeakHunter does is swizzle in a few [...]

@ROBOT thnx
@iProgrammer hello
@MichaelDautermann hi
uh oh.
you're pinging people
@iProgrammer Hi.
that means you have a problem.
@MichaelDautermann he he he
@MichaelDautermann nope... just wake up u all...
@all hii :)
@all can anyone tell me where do I need to write the SSID code in the link :stackoverflow.com/questions/5198716/…
@Kartik hi
@SJS hi
Q: objective C enable UIScrollView scroll while UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged

KillerFishI added a -(void) detectTouch: (UIPanGestureRecognizer *) event for UIScrollView and detecting the angle on which user is moving his finger. My task is to scroll the UIScrollView horizontally only when user is moving the finger between 0 - 30 degrees (just to make sure he is drawing a horizontal ...

@iProgrammer Good Afternoon
@iProgrammer After a long time hmmmmm
@SJS u are busy
@iProgrammer no. I am not. I was on leave from past 4 days.
RIP :: Yash Chopra Ji. :(
@SJS hmm
@iProgrammer How are you ? And Hows work going on ?
@SJS fine
work is also going well
@iProgrammer You are still in the same company ?
@iProgrammer Its Lunch Time here Bye........ See You After 1 hour. BRB :)
Q: How to make iPhone4 and below version app compatible for iPhone5?

Ankit JainI have an application in iphone market which works for iPhone 4s and lower version. So now iPhone 5 has been launched which bigger size screen, my question is what all changes i have to do in my application so that it will be compatible with iPhone 5 also. 1) Do i have to rebuild my app for iPh...

pls help me to answer this question
@AnkitJain I am giving you answer for this
@iProgrammer thanks
@AnkitJain check answer and ask if any doubt
Q: How to apply CIFilter to CALayer

JohanI'm trying to understand how to apply CIFilter on a CALayer using the filter array property. According to the documentation this should be available from iOS5. This is my code so far. - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; CIFilter *gradientFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName:@"CILine...

can someone answer this question ?
1 hour later…
@iProgrammer i have seen ur reply. When i start working if i get doubt will ask
@iProgrammer how i can underline tex for example
label.text = @" SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI";
i want SUN show underline when i run application
@AnkitJain ok
@iProgrammer Aao Beta.
@SJS ji dadaji
@iProgrammer how i can underline tex for example
label.text = @" SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI";
i want SUN show underline when i run application
@AnkitJain how i can underline tex for example
label.text = @" SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI";
i want SUN show underline when i run application
don't know much
look at the post
and don't post your question number of times
r u there?@Bala
@Krish : i use label in which i set text
label.text = @" SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI";
and now i want SUN text show underline when i run application
@AliRaza: Take your label.text in an array which is seperated componets by space and get that array
make changes and just put in the label again
@VenkatManohar sorry i am not getting you please explain more or please right some code for me
hi @all
need help in text chat
using XMPP
@VenkatManohar ?
@Krish yup . i am here
hello bala.. i hav an issue regarding Ekevent
let me try ..
i an setting time zone to an event what i wanna add to ical.. my code follows

event1.startDate =edate;
[event1 setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"America/St. Louis"]];
event is adding but time zone shows "Float"
i have to give a static time zone (in fact time zone name) to every event what i wanna add to ical
give me some time ..
St. Louis OR America/St. Louis ??
ok bala but thaq for Responding....
@bala @keepsmiling @Krish @Kartik
St. Louis, MO
i think the issue is here [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"????????"]
St. Louis, MO@Bala
hi Krish :)
@Bala : i use label in which i set text
label.text = @" SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI";
and now i want SUN text show underline when i run application
what string to put there in iphone search for zone it is displaying "St. Louis, U.S.A." but not working for me @Bala
hello @ROBOT
still working on google maps @kri
1 hour ago, by iProgrammer
@AliRaza http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7565407/underline-uilabel-text
Not Yet bro @Robot
now with ical @robot
Try this [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"GMT"] if that works then the issue is in TIMEZONE String ..@Krish
ohh...go on dude @Krishnakumaralanka
just GMT is enough dude @Bala
Does any one knows how to merge images that are on uiimageviews ?
yup @Krish
@Bala: Can you help me with it .. ?I am kind of stuck on it
i will try..
@AliRaza: thr ? prob solved ?
merge ?? @Shailesh
@ROBOT: Yes.. I have one parent imageview and some child imageviews added on it as subviews, And i want to merge that scene into one single image
Any idea how can it be done ?
@Krish NSLog(@"%@", [NSTimeZone knownTimeZoneNames]);
just check the timezone string from this..
@Shailesh: You can create another image view and use UIGraphicsBeginImageContext these to do the remaing things..
yes, but the problem is I am adding those child ImageViews dynamically, they can be in any number. How can I pass that to this function .. ?
just loop them
child imagesView are imageViews right ?
yes. they are UIImageViews @VenkatManohar
And @Bala: Loop them.. ?Not sure I follow :(
UIImageView *imagView1, *imagView2;
imagView1 = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"image1"]];
imagView2 = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"image2"]];

imagView1.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 50, 50);
imagView2.frame = CGRectMake(50, 50, 100, 100);

[imagesView addSubview:imagView1];
[imagesView addSubview:imagView2];

[imagesView.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage *finalImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
- (UIImage*)addImage:(UIImage *)image secondImage:(UIImage *)image2
[image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0,0,image.size.width,image.size.height)];
[image2 drawInRect:CGRectMake(10,10,image2.size.width,image2.size.height) blendMode:kCGBlendModeNormal alpha:1.0];
UIImage *newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

return newImage;
use this method to merge the dynamically added image with the newImage
@Bala: Thanks !! But this method will only work if there are two images .. ?
What in case if there are more than 2..? Like say, 4,5 or even more..?
The number of child imageviews wont be fixed @Bala. @VenkatManohar
@VenkatManohar yes now i want add set label height auto how
get the array of your child imageviews and loop them..
so let consider you have 3 images to merge , UIImage *temp = [self addImage:image1 secondImage:image2]; and then UIImage *resultImage = [self addImage:temp secondImage:image3];
@AliRaza: once look at this answer... stackoverflow.com/a/12928309/1443976
if you don't get that then let me know @AliRaza
@AliRaza: if it doesn't make you clear then look at this answer stackoverflow.com/a/12794042/1443976....
@Bala @VenkatManohar I am having a feeling that this will be really tedious, how if I capture the screen and crop it to show only the part which has been edited?
Will it be a good practice ?
Like I am working on image processing App, so the user can put any number of overlay imageviews on the parent ImageView, so after he has done editing I will capture that part as it is @Bala @VenkatManohar
@VenkatManohar actually i use custom font and set in label. some font big and some small so i want dynamically set label
Anyone have idea about xmpp frame work?
@AliRaza, @VenkatManohar, @Shailesh, @Shreya, @Bala
Anyone here who was working with Getter/Setter? I'd an issue. Can't able to solve from this morning
@AliRaza: then just put numberOfLines to 0 and set sizeToFilt
@VenkatManohar ok i try
@VenkatManohar look i do this [time setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:[getFontList.fontList objectAtIndex:selectFontList] size:120]];
time.numberOfLines = 0;
[time sizeToFit];
its right
@AliRaza: yes..
not working....
@VenkatManohar yes not working
i fit size 120 and below i tell hime number of line 0 and sizetofit
a sequence is there yaar.. m sorry..after intialising the frame set numberof lines to 0 and after u place the text then set size to fitl @AliRaza
[time setFont:[NSString stringwithFormat:@"%@",[getFontList.fontList objectAtIndex:selectFontList]]]; @AliRaza
@VenkatManohar what is set size
set sizetoFit
[time sizeToFit];
@spk: yes
warning class method +stringwithFormat not bound (return type default to id)
[time setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:[NSString stringwithFormat:@"%@",[getFontList.fontList objectAtIndex:selectFontList]] size:120]]
same warning is again show
okay remove that one keep your's as it is [time setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:[getFontList.fontList objectAtIndex:selectFontList] size:120]];
hi @all
can any one plz help me for making chart for iphone/ipad
i have doubt regarding using prebuilt chart
@AliRaza: NSMutableArray *ary = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:@"Times New Roman",@"Comic Sans MS",nil];
[blabel setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[ary objectAtIndex:0]] size:13]];
this is working for me..
hi @Ven
hi @VenkatManohar
@Subratnayak.: Hii... chart ??
means ?
graphical chart
pie chart/line chart/bar chart
oh.... :(
can u help me plz
hi @LonelyDeveloper
hi @iphonedev23
@VenkatManohar Thanks for replying. I solved. But, had one doubt. Can't we start a new viewController with popViewController
@SpK: you can
@VenkatManohar How to do? With CATransition? or what else?
@SpK: what you need to do ? means any image ?
@VenkatManohar Nope. I just need the effect of popViewController
i am extract my IPA file i am accessing all resources in that app .
how to provide security to them
@SpL:m not getting you...
@VenkatManohar Simply try this code, with your app if you can. I got some shadow effect there. Which is not providing the perfect effect of popViewController
ok.. let me check
i took IPA file from itunes i am make to as zip and extract that zip and right click on the app select show packing contents i am getting all resources of the app
nothing is coming....
@VenkatManohar You tried that transition effect on any view?
what happened? @sreecharan
Nothing, just came here to see if i could give you access or not.
This is public room only.
I'm not talking about this room.
Oh you're watching my activities. And, you just checked me, if i'm eligible to chat in nschat?
Q: MKMap not using defined Lat and Long.

WillI have a TabBar application. The first view is a loading screen that calls all of my web-services and db function. It then pushes to my first tab a MKmap. The problem Im having is that my map is showing the 0 lat and 0 long instead of the ones I have defined. If I change the entry point to ...

Oh ok..
@Shailesh Anyway All the best :)
@sreecharan Hi, How are you??
I'm excellent @Bala
Congrats , Now you are one of the room owners .. :) Great :) @sreecharan
I am an owner of this room since 7 months @Bala
@sreecharan Ooh.. i dint notice that ..
@Will I have seen your question and it looks like you've made the annotation and you are not adding it to the MKMapView
@sreecharan I have been playing around with it for a little while now and I seem t have fixed it by changing which queue the method is called on. I think its to do with performing the segue not on the main queue. What is it that you think looks wrong? Thanks for looking!
Its seems working but I feel I have done a bit of a "hacky fix"
@sreecharan I have a view that calls a load of functions and takes a lot to time. I have it so that an image and activity indicator is displayed while the function are carried out on a different queue. I want when the queue finished the functions to change view.
lol, Nope
let me check your code
Here is my code for the first view. pastebin.com/V5zBcVpp
at the moment the code changes views straight way and load the data in the background
while animating my UIView the position of the UIView is getting changed and i don't know where i am wrong .. do you have any idea ?? i am animating my UIView to Scale big and small..
@Will I can't figure it out
coz' you are using GCD
and it is doing everything in background
@sreecharan no worries thanks for helping
Well, let me figure out this map issue
and then i will come here
@sreecharan I think the map issue is part of the GCD
When i change the GCD it works fine.
doh, really?
Then it seems like you are messing with GCD.
Yeah if I set the entry point of the app to the TabBarViewController it works dine
I think it is to do with when im segueing to the second view
looks like an auto resizing issue @Bala
apply auto resizing mask to that view
and then animate it
ya i will check it
@Will Looks like that, but i can't fix this issue by assuming your scenarios, but i can if i have the code opened in Xcode with me.
even now the position is getting changed when i animate it for the first time @sreecharan
is it?
@sreecharan Can i mail My project to you ??
@sreecharan you sure? That seems like a lot of effort
I don't think so @Will
ok thanks
Its just a theading problem
you are running something in the background thread which should be runned on main thread
for this i can't figure it in air. thats the problem
thats why i am asking for code.
This is my project
At the moment it is working because I forced the map to start on the main thread.
the two files in question are the firstViewController and the MapViewController
@sreecharan thanks
I have told you right, its threading problem
Do you want me to answer your question? @Will
in parent site?
If you can I would be grateful
can give you some rep that way
ok, i will do it in sometime.
Thank you
i have mailed you that project ...
@sreecharan the above link is to my project in Dropbox .. kindly download that from there
yep, i have downloaded it
@sreecharan do you find anything wrong in it??
Nope, i'm lil busy at the moment
will check it in sometime
Thanks ..
@Bala Are you there?
ok, well if you are not there, watch this when you are back @Bala
the problem is with Anchorpoint
it should be animateView.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(.5,.5);
@Bala Not animateView.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(.5,1);
@sreecharan how to set bold label text
label.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15];
@sreecharan look i already used
[lblTue setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:[getFontList.fontList objectAtIndex:selectFontList] size:17]];
I was about to post that
@sreecharan if i used this line label.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15];
then first line is not implement
@Will lol, you need to be fast
@sreecharan :P
oh! i have forgotten to answer your question, what should i answer, by the way? @Will
I dont know
* it was about the threading
but your question is different
yeah :/
Ok, do one thing, edit your question and tell that you have problem with threading
then i will answer it
ok ;)
@Will let me know when your edit completed.
why we should use KVO instead of setter?
yes i read it
Then this question is wooly from you.
well, you have 2 options here
@sreecharan ?
The first one forces you to write your own setter, which is a lot of boilerplate code.
The second option is also quite heavy-weight and your implementation is not enough. What if your superclass also has some KVO in place? You’d have to call super somewhere in the handler.
KVO will work automatically if your accessors are in the standard format (-setFoo: and -foo). Retain and copy, however, you will need to manage yourself in your custom accessors.
@AliRaza Please log the name of the font which you are using and make sure that it is a bold font
ok i got ... yeah last sentence is my answer
Anyway, i'm off guys @iHungry @AliRaza @Will Good luck
@sreecharan I have edited it
@sreecharan wait
ok bye... i m also off for dinner
@sreecharan i implement both line in one label text
[lblTue setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:[getFontList.fontList objectAtIndex:selectFontList] size:17]];
lblTue.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:16];
but how
just say that i was calling it in the wrong queue @sreecharan
one time only one implement
i want bold and set font
I think @Will will help you Ailraza
sectionLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"TrebuchetMS-Bold" size:18];
@Will i am leaving, please make sure he is logging the appropriate font
and i have answered you over there
bye bye
bye :)
@AliRaza just set a bold font like that
There is a list of fonts here
@will i add custom font in array and get and set in label as
[lblTue setFont:[UIFont fontWithName:[getFontList.fontList objectAtIndex:selectFontList] size:17]];
and want bold
I think you might need a bold font then.
dont think you can say i want this font + change it to bold.
how does it know to make it bold
@will i want change font+bold
have you tried
lblTue.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"yourfont" size:18];
lblTue.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15];
or in your case
lblTue.font = [UIFont fontWithName:[getFontList.fontList objectAtIndex:selectFontList] size:18];
lblTue.font = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:15];
@will i try but its just bold text not change font style
@AliRaza did that work?
hey guys..any one have an idea on how to achieve this..
i disabled the interface orientation for horizontal/landscape setting
i only want to enable it when playing a video..any thoughts ?
7 hours later…
posted on October 23, 2012 by Johann

Recently I mentioned the free CodePilot plugin for quickly searching through Xcode projects, and a brilliant plugin for working in Xcode without the massive default toolbar. Here’s another plugin from Shuichiro Suzuki that can simplify working with Xcode by providing you with keybindings from the Vim IDE. This is a very thorough plugin adding hundreds [...]

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