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posted on October 19, 2012 by admin

goo.gl – Amazing iPad – I love finding new and better text editors for the iPad and here with Textastic …Continue reading »

2 hours later…
anybody here?
@ALL Good moring to Everyone
Good Morning :)
@Shreya Any idea about credit card swiper
@Shreya: Good Morning Madam!!! :)
@Shreya it's OK
@All Any one used Credit card Swiper in your Project???
Does anyone tried in sending video file through mfmessagecomposer ?
@VenkatManohar : Hi
integrated Instagram
no .... :(
@Shreya @iYahoo @VenkatManohar @PREMKUMAR good morning
Good Mornig...
@VenkatManohar gm Sirr!! :p
@shreya: ha ha... :) How are you ?
@VenkatManohar m fine.. and you??
@Shreya: fine... had your brkfst ?
whats going on guys
@sahil : gud Morning
does anyone have idea about UIPasteBoard ??
hi all
i have one doubt
can anyone kindly help me
now im using lion.so can i upgrade to mountain lion without paying
@@suji i think you need to pay
How can i get email address when use MGTwitter integation
Hi all
How can i get email address when use MGTwitter integation
@sandy do you want the user email id from twitter
yes i want to know the user email address
so how can i get it
when i m using MGTwitter
email address like [email protected]
like that
use this api
did you integarted the MGTwitter
how can i use it?
yes i integarted MGTwitter
and i got user information by this delagte
-(void)userInfoReceived:(NSArray *)userInfo forRequest:(NSString *)connectionIdentifier
but i dont get user email address
use this delegate method
- (void) OAuthTwitterController: (SA_OAuthTwitterController *) controller authenticatedWithUsername: (NSString *) username
you will get the user name and passthat user name to given twitter url
yes i got user name from this delgate
but i want to get user email address
can i get it?
@sandy hello
how are u?
i use this
but i can get email address
can't get
is it possible
to get email addres
fine and u?
can you understand my prob?
email address
hello harish
i have some prob
How can i get email address when use MGTwitter integation?
u have any way
how to get emailaddress
How can i get email address when use MGTwitter integation?
posted on October 19, 2012 by Johann

I’ve mentioned some resources for creating PDF files on the iOS platform using Quartz, UIKit, and the libHaru library. Today I came across the OCPDFGen library that makes it much easier to create text PDF files. Using CSS styling to change the fonts, and font size you can easily make great looking text. The readme states: [...]

@sandy hi
how r u ?
@sandy fine here ...
@sandy any idea about AMFclient in ios app ... plz tell me ....
Guys , i have issues regarding access token for Linkedin . I am stuck after storing i need the saed access token to be used next time use logs in . Kindly help as how to do it ?
Uploaded 3.0 of hosted IAP content package.. and now iTC is stuck at with: This In-App Purchase is not currently available for testing in the sandbox environment because you have chosen to host your content with Apple, but have not delivered your content. Upload your content to test this In-App Purchase in sandbox.
@sandy hi
@sandy: Hi
@sandy you wil not get the email address of user rom twitter
what ever details given by this url , you can get it only from twitter
@ROBOT take NSString object in .h
and pass that string value to textField in cellatindexpath method
initially it will be nil
and then pass selected value from picker to that string and reloadtableview in pickerviiew didselect method
It will work
thnaks @iprogrammer
@sandy till now i hav not done twitter integration dude...m beginner
@iProgrammer @ROBOT Hi.. :)
hi @Shreya
@all: Hi every one
@Shreya hi
@iProgrammer hi
can u please tell me "how i can sync playlist programmatically"
@Kartik hi
@iProgrammer:can u please ans my question
@AlokSrivastava sync playlist from ipod library ?
check this you can access it with MediaPlayer Framework
Hey Guys any one know, By MFMessage composer how to send audio file.
@Ron MFmessage or MFmailcomposer?
@iProgrammer:thanks :let me check that
@iProgrammer MFmessage
@Ron don't know
@Kartik whats up ?
@iProgrammer Do you have any idea about sending audio and video through chat without
@iProgrammer hows u?? core data going on ...:O
@iProgrammer hi dear .. :-)
anyone here is a champion in picker views?!?!?
i´m very stuck...can anyone help me?
yes @Japa
hello leena...thank you very much for replying...can you see my post please? stackoverflow.com/questions/12942167/…
[self performSelector:@selector(showTheOtherView) withObject:Nil afterDelay:0.5];
[self.presentedViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
what is the purpose of these two lines?
is to dismiss the picker after you select a row and go to another modal view(showtheotherview)....those two lines work perfectly inside the didselectrow method ...but it triggers automatically after you scroll through the row...i don´t want that!
Hello any one...
does anyone know how to send mms ??
@Leena if i debug, he finds my picker through the tag...but he stops here: int row = [picker selectedRowInComponent:1];
@Japa dismiss picker??
it´s like...he can´t get the rows inside the picker...why?!?! do you know this...already happen to you?
dismiss modalview (that has the picker inside) ..
you can either hide picker or remove from superview
but he never reaches those two lines of code....when i use my method pickerselect....he DOES reach if i use the native method didselectrow...in this method everything works great except the fact that the OTHER modal is automatically triggered after you pass through the row
@Leena what do you think?
i want to see the code for .m file in pastie
@Leena i can´t past everything here...maybe i´ll do an edit in my post and then you can see...
@Leena how does this work..i past everything and then what?
then tap on paste
and give me url of the code
ok...let met open my xcode
hi all
i want to filter null value with in string with nspredicate , how can it is posible please suggest me @Leena @lakiniphone
null value within string??
:5852230 leena?
@all hiii
@all i need you help guys :)
@Leena that is the method i use after the user cliks on the plus button and the modalview with the picker appears...
@Japa i use UItableview and set Custom font on cell now i want remove custom font on cell i want set default
i mean use both set Custom font and default font
@AliRaza are you usign storyboard?
@AliRaza why do you want that?
@Japa because i use InAppSettingKit in which create different table and sub table i want sum table show Font size and some show Default font
@Japa because i use InAppSettingKit in which create different table and sub table i want some table show Font style and some show Default font
@AliRaza i dont know this InAppSettingKit
@all HELP !! I've implemented an app in which i put, as Windows's rootViewcontroller, first a NavigationController and then, after 2-3 step, a SplitViewController (tapping a button, a method notify window to remove NavigationController and to add a SplitViewController). Now, I did a button in splitviewcontroller with which i notify window to remove splitviewcontroller and re-add previously NavigationController. Problem occurs if i reload splitviewcontroller. Previous SplitController is loaded!!!
@Japa you just tell me how to set default font on label
I want that SplitViewController is reloaded lie it was NEW !!!
@Leena @Japa @AliRaza ?
@AliRaza i use this to set bold system: [labelVariable setFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:17]];
@Leena have you seen my code?
@AliRaza it´s the system default but bold :)
@Japa ok i check it. thanks
hey...one discrepancy friends : today's date being 19th october and day being friday...but though I get the same date from server, when I take out the day component from it, I get the component as 7 i.e. saturday...!!..can anyone help in this.
@Leena leena are you here?
y alwys "Leena Leena"....y she she is so special to you guys??????
@ROBOT help me man...did you get my question..??
@ROBOT because it´s a nice person who already helped me before...
@ROBOT and when i asked for help a couple of minutes before, it was the only one that offered to help me...
yes just a minute
testing your code
@Leena my code?
nope not your
noone can help me ?
@kinghomer i´m sorry i don´t know how to do that...
@Japa thx however. I need something like remove or dealloc and re-add my splitview controller defined in Xib
@kinghomer and why do you want to do that...is it really needed
because every time i click on a specific item in previous View, data to load change
@Leena should i wait a little longer for you?
no actually i had some work
@Leena but you said you wanted to see my code..
@Leena well?
@lakiniphone, @Japa, @kinghomer hi i want to check null value fromk the array useing NSpredicate can you please suggest me how can we do it
@jaydevsingh sorry but i never used NSpredicate
ok @kinghomer thanks
Please help
Q: Asynchronous download of image in cocos2D

NiKKiI have used the CCSprite and giving image which is present in the project using the function spriteWithFile. Now I want to download the image from the server and load it onto a CCSprite in cocos2D game scene. What are good alternatives. Please suggest. Thanks in advance.

@Leena ok ...i already saw that...but it doesn´t work..
@Leena thanks anyway for your help..
works at my end
Anybody worked with Linked Acess token before ?
any Idea about Push Notifications?
Hi@all @Abizern @PREMKUMAR can some one help me about this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/12973010/…
@all How to connect foursquare in iphone
@PREMKUMAR Have you looked at the Foursquare API documentation?
@abizern : have u ever integrated Instagram into ur app????
@PREMKUMAR : integrated Instagram into ur app????
@iYahoo No.
@iYahoo Have you?
@iYahoo Because I haven't.
okay Thank u for the Nice Reply @Abizern
but struck with the cookeis part
I like cookies. Especially the chocolate chip ones.
but in my case those are the ones that is troubling me
i am able to login and logout , but when i am trying to re-login than its not asking me for the new credentials it is taking the old credentials only
Maybe it doesn't like the cookies and isn't eating them?
It should give the cookies to me. I like them.
Especially the chocolate chip ones.
Oh, but I've already said that.
okay say me ur postal address buddy ?
@iYahoo Sorry, I not integrate it
Silly me.
3 hours later…
hi please verify this problem stackoverflow.com/questions/12977736/…
1 hour later…
Small Help
i am getting the error as "Lexical processor error" map file not found
i integrated openCV project in to my app
Hello Friends
I want help for Sharing Image on pinterest from iPhone
Hi there!
Could someone help me here?
i want to change the interface orientation for my web view only...
@SAHIL hi shankar bhayya unara busy na

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