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posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

In this screencast Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to use the new appearance API in iOS 5 to configure the …Continue reading »

posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

Learn the process involved to make your application’s icon. This video will take you from start to finish and in …Continue reading »

posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

In this screencast Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to drag a UIImageView using UITouch events.

posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

In this screencast Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to use UICollectionView in iOS 6. UICollectionView enables to create grid layouts.

posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

Part 2 shows how to upload text to a server.

posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

In this tutorial, you will learn how to detect where the user releases their finger. You will learn how to …Continue reading »

posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

Advanced iOS Development – 21 – Shaking !!!!

posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

www.iPadInsider.com Apple iPad Steve Jobs Keynote Jan 27 2010 Part 1 I skipped the video right before Steve talks about …Continue reading »

posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

Buy Learning iPad Programming: A Hands-on Guide to Building iPad Apps with iOS 5: www.informit.com Kirby Turner discusses key concepts …Continue reading »

posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

Buy Learning iPad Programming: A Hands-on Guide to Building iPad Apps with iOS 5: www.informit.com Kirby Turner teaches you multiple …Continue reading »

1 hour later…
posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

In this screencast Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to parse the XML response using TouchXML framework and populate the custom …Continue reading »

1 hour later…
posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

In this tutorial I show you how to use the UISwitch component. I also ask my viewers to give feedback …Continue reading »

posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

Learn how to make a slider that will adjust the volume! This is a “continuation” to the other sound tutorial. …Continue reading »

Hello all
Gud mrng To all
hello guys
Morning folks
i'm doing some recording apps.. the problem is when i tried to build it in device it's not working while in the simulator its all good..
That sounds like an interesting problem
So, what are you trying to do in the device?
posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

Let’s prepare a list of advanced topic to cover in this iOS development series ! Leave a comment listing the …Continue reading »

hi all...
did somebody know why backbuttonitem in a navigationcontroller did not showing?
i have this problem in ios 6
Hi all.. I have been following this room since past 2weeks and found very helpful.. Can any one pls suggest me a tool or a framework for voice recognition??
@user1036925 OpenEars would be a good one. Check it.
@thoughtbreaker okay.. thanks for a very fast rep..
@user1036925 Any time.
@sreecharan i dunno what's the problem.. but tried to use to profile and i think the device was not reading the AVFoundation framework
any one integrated tumblr into their iphone app .....need some help
struggled alot to figure out how can i integrate tumblr into iphone app
i asked that question in to SO but without any solution some supriror
people closed that question
anyone from mac os x development???
Hello.. Anyone know how to edit an epub file via iOS application?
@all Hi,
posted on October 01, 2012 by Johann

Earlier this year I mentioned MGBox, a library providing a UITableView replacement with great default styling, a simpler syntax, and easy customization. The developer of MGBox, Matt Greenfeld, has created a new library MGBox2 that adds many new features to the excellent MGBox including the capability of creating UICollectionView like grids. Here’s a listing of [...]

@iDeveloper i want to increment the bedges when push notification received
@Leena Hii .. Can you please let me know how to install fb sdk 3.0.8 , as I am getting linker error .. coz I have used json classes for parsing the json data . and fb sdk already contains json classes. So I renamed my json classes, it worked properly .
@Leena So i installed fb sdk 3.0.8 but it displays linker error.
no idea abt abt Fb
has any one idea about this , plz help me ??
@zing Why not try Sharekit?
@Leena Ok , np
FB has now renamed it Json file to FBJSon So it wont be a problem now
hi @All
anyone knows about mac os x development tutorial without xib
@nikhilgohil11 What do you need in the tutorial.. Just remove the check mark "With Xib for user interface" while adding new file
@SPVarma i want to add NSWindowController, NSViewController in appdelegate without using nib
can u help me...
@nikhilgohil11: you can
@SR-71BlackBird I cant understand How that gif file you have provided is linked with the accelerometer
@SPVarma accelerometer use kiya he ?
@SR-71BlackBird If you just need that effect then why don't you use the array of images and animate them
@SR-71BlackBird, NO but the image you have provided does not need it either
@SPVarma thik he bt.. simuletor ki movement se vo flam bhi move honi chahiye
@VenkatManohar how???
@SR-71BlackBird Gimme two mins
@SPVarma oky.. buddy..
@nikhilgohil11: in appdelegate just intialise the viewcontroller without xib.... and just load the NSViewController which you have created in appDelegate itself instead of loading xib.
@SR-71BlackBird there was an example on appsamuck.com But that site is no more functioning :(
@SR-71BlackBird check out appsamuck.com/day2.html
Hi @SR-71BlackBird
Q: In-App purchase , Cancel the purchase because of long processing time

BigAppleBumpI was implementing In-App purchase to my game and its working fine. No problem with the purchases and other stuffs. But today i was stuck at a weird point. When the user tries to purchase , sometimes it takes more than a minute to get respond from Apple. (Sandbox environment). What i want to ...

@Gill yes
hello guys.. anyone here that could help me in my code about recording?
I need help stackoverflow.com/questions/12633404/…. I have exactly the same question.
1 hour later…
posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

A quick tutorial teaching you how to generate random text and display it with an UILabel. This can be useful …Continue reading »

@feeds @acecapades @jrf @SR-71BlackBird : hi, where can i find sample IOS 6 samples
@iYahoo @iphonedev23 can u help me in acceloremeter ??
posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

In this video I will introduce the first major application that we will be working on through the next couple …Continue reading »

Q: Assertion failure in -[SHKActionSheet _presentSheetFromView:above:]

vini am trying to implement an app which uses sharekit framework,i am getting 2 exceptions when i use the code provided by the sharekit,basically my program just shares an image on facebook i have a button on which performs the following action -(IBAction)share:(id)sender { UIImage *img=[UIImag...

Q: how can i set effect on candle's flam using UIAccelerometer?

SR-71 BlackBirdI am Fresher in as iPhoneDeveloper. I want How can i set effect on Candle's Flam Using UIAccelemeter ??? Effect is:- Reffer this link . I want that type Effects Show this link. I want to Move Candle's Flam right to left in iPhone Simulator. My Code Is:- - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidL...

any one here worked upon tumblr API
hi how to check the Facebook shared successfully or not in iOS 6
@iosDev when i come from view will apper then timer is started but label value not change pls tell me what to do
5 hours later…
posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

A brief tutorial teaching you how to change the background colour or image of an app via interface builder and …Continue reading »

posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

In this tutorial I will show you how to move around xcode effectively .I will walkthrough the Toolbar , Jumpbars …Continue reading »

1 hour later…
posted on October 01, 2012 by admin

This is a commentary about my programming job in which I do an impression of FPS Russia. Don’t be hatin …Continue reading »

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