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How to implement credit card reader in iPhone Application
please give any tutorial available
@Abizern any tutorial available for credit card reader
using External Reader
@CrazyCreator hello
@CrazyCreator Can we generate a simple PDF file having some tables on the mobile device
itself from code?
@Harish yes
we can]
@ios make Creditcard reader Application tutorial there
any idea about this
@ganesh i understood my problem Thank you
@ganesh if i have any doubts i will ask you
@PREMKUMAR no idea
Hi All
Did anybody work for Graph API?
I stuck in database Sqlite
@MohitGupta say
can u help me
in my application some time it insert data but after some iteration it says unable to open database file and show me error code 21
@CrazyCreator how can can expl me please
@MohitGupta are u closing data every now n then?
ur loops might not be proper
@Harish wait
@CrazyCreator ok
I close every time
But I m calling database methods from seprerate database class many times from a single class
n do u open ?
Tell me can I call database methods in single class for updation,insert,and readinfo
@Mohit Gupta
@Ritesh yes
@MohitGupta ,I am new to IOS .I need to understand the basic concepts for IOS?.Is there any good site for this?
@CrazyCreator hello
help me on sqlite database
I got error code 21 and unable to open database
@CrazyCreator are u there?
any body know about nfc in iPhone? please give any tutorial related to this
@MohitGupta I don't use SQLite
@Harish yes
@CrazyCreator how to create pdf
@CrazyCreator Can and how we generate a simple PDF file having some tables on the mobile device
itself from code?
@CrazyCreator : my project is not run on simulated just show build is successed
whei i click on run button
@AliRaza: edit ur scheme settings
@CrazyCreator let me check w8
@CrazyCreator hi
@NiteshMeshram: i don't understand
@CrazyCreator but i want to generate table on the PDF how?
please explain it
A: How to create pdf programmatically in specific format?

CrazyCreatorThere are two ways round to create PDF in ios, If you want text in PDF, u need to use Quartz 2D There is no api that helps you to draw tablular format in it, You need to draw lines, text by calculating x and y positions, all done manually. If you have fixed set of fields then only you can follo...

@AliRaza: when u r clicking on run ur App is succeed but not running on simulator right?
@NiteshMeshram :YES right
@AliRaza what XCode u r using?
@NiteshMeshram:Version 4.4.1 (4F1003)
@NiteshMeshram: you have some idea about ShareKit
okay, go to edit schemes and update ur execitables there
yup @AliRaza
ur Executable must be none there'
@NiteshMeshram: ok i see this problem later first tell me about sharkit i'm in big problem for many day
@AliRaza whats d issue?
@NiteshMeshram :not sharing on facebook
and email not twitter
@AliRaza are you sharing an url?
@NiteshMeshram i use this code NSString *finalPostedString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"Check out this"];
SHKItem *item1= [SHKItem text:finalPostedString];
SHKActionSheet *actionSheet = [SHKActionSheet actionSheetForItem:item1];
[actionSheet showInView:self.view];
Any PPT available for Iphone Basics
Please give link
@AliRaza: so is it not working?
yes @NiteshMeshram
@iHungry hi
@Abizern hi
@sreecharan hi
@NiteshMeshram look when i run application without add any Facebook key and secret key then Facebook login form open and then i login but not sharing on Facebook and when i add facbook API key then login form is not open just show a blank white screen
@NiteshMeshram tell me some right solution
which API are u using for FB?
@NiteshMeshram Yes
which API r u using @AliRaza
Hi all i have a doubt that how to receive a device token to my server or how do i know that users enabled push notification for my app?
@NiteshMeshram #define SHKFacebookKey @"472696956081964"
#define SHKFacebookSecret @"00e0acb9e1313ae2ce4c12a80dd1633a"
@Abizern @sreecharan @Leena @Suchi @UmerShahzad
 @AliRaza : hey, can u say me something, on how can i dynamically create buttons along the circle circumference
@AliRaza I mean to say r u using Graph APi or any other?
@CrazyCreator can we create UItable on the PDF
@NiteshMeshram : no i'm not use Graph APi
@NiteshMeshram: i'm just key
U have to use API for posting on FB
is anyone here
@Harish no,
u need to draw lines
else use webview
@NiteshMeshram : i'm just use SHKFacebookKey
where u draw table
have u seen my answer @Harish ?
hi @all
hi @cr
@CrazyCreator yes i seen i want draw table on the pdf file
@CrazyCreator @jaydevsingh hi
@Harish do it how i wrote in answer, you wont get any api to draw table in pdf
@piya u here ?
@CrazyCreator ok thsnk
hi every one can some one help me about this stackoverflow.com/questions/12518807/…
@NiteshMeshram: where are you going
@CrazyCreator i have one more q?
i want to get direct messages from the twitter APi 1.1 when i am calling this webservice :-api.twitter.com/1.1/direct_messages.json then i am getting error code HTTP response status: 403 is there solution @cr
i want to get direct messages from the twitter APi 1.1 when i am calling this webservice :-api.twitter.com/1.1/… then i am getting error code HTTP response status: 403 is there solution @CrazyCreator @Harish @piya
@CrazyCreator is there any solution then please share with me
@jaydevsingh twitter.. OMG I scare
@CrazyCreator i want know how to increase the cell hight with texview hight also how can i do that?
@CrazyCreator : can u say me something, on how can i dynamically create buttons along the circle circumference
@Srinivas means ?
@Harish in PDF? or in HTML ?
i want to get direct messages from the twitter APi 1.1 when i am calling this webservice :-api.twitter.com/1.1/… then i am getting error code HTTP response status: 403 is there solution @NiteshMeshram
someone here ever worked with RestKit or REST API?
@CrazyCreator on the normal table cell
Invalid signature: oauth_signature 'sig'
Always getting this error.. something isn't right
@CrazyCreator :means, i have a circle image on that i need to add images like another circle , the images i have are already in a curve, all that i need to do is, arrange them dynamically without hardcoding
set centre @Srinivas
@Harish use sizeforfont
@NiteshMeshram @NiteshMeshram is there any solution for that i want to get direct messages from the twitter APi 1.1 when i am calling this webservice :-api.twitter.com/1.1/… then i am getting error code HTTP response status: 403 is there solution
hi @all i want to get direct messages from the twitter APi 1.1 when i am calling this webservice :-api.twitter.com/1.1/… then i am getting error code HTTP response status: 403 is there solution
@srinivas : i have posted the question : stackoverflow.com/questions/12562458/…
@srinivas : you have any idea about sharkit
@Srinivas you have any idea about i want to get direct messages from the twitter APi 1.1 when i am calling this webservice :-api.twitter.com/1.1/… then i am getting error code HTTP response status: 403 is there solution
@jaydevsingh; you have any idea about sharekit
@AliRaza : nope never used
@jaydevsingh : No idea on that buddy
@CrazyCreator : you have any idea about sharekit
ya i know about sharekit
@jaydevsingh : i used sharkit in out project not not share anything on facebook
throught which we can share data on socail netwoking site just as facebook and twitter
@AliRaza yes
but i think apple will not approve your app when you use sharekit in it
application will reject when you will use sharekit in your application
@jaydevsingh : i'm teasing on simulater
when i add #define SHKFacebookKey @"472696956081964"
#define SHKFacebookSecret @"00e0acb9e1313ae2ce4c12a80dd1633a"
then a blank white screen show and nothing happened and not hide
and not show login form
i use only this code NSString *str = @"abc";
SHKItem *item = [SHKItem text:str];
SHKActionSheet *actionSheet = [SHKActionSheet actionSheetForItem:item];

[actionSheet showInView:[self.view window]];
and set delegate
@jaydevsingh tell me now?
hi @AliRaza you can check this link getsharekit.com/tutorial/facebook
Any painting Application is avialable
Please send me link
@PREMKUMAR What do you want to do?
@jaydevsingh : i get this code form your link #import "SHKReadItLater.h" //include the service's header at the top of your class


// Create the item to share (in this example, a url)
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://getsharekit.com"];
SHKItem *item = [SHKItem URL:url title:@"ShareKit is Awesome!"];

// Share the item
[SHKReadItLater shareItem:item];
now i message is pop up that get an API key
when i login
@AliRaza Don't pose code here, use pastebin for else owners move your code to dust bin.
Hey @CrazyCreator How are you?
@Abizern hi
@satish You may find him here but they wont allow you get in.
lol, he appears.
Anyone have idea in Sqlite database it shows unable to open database
Hi Abizern.
@ManjotSingh hi its ok, can you please guide me I have a problem
I read House Rules . How would I write access in room?
@satish Yes sure if I can.
@ManjotSingh thank you, I have integrate Instagram in my application actually I want to share an image through inastagram, but I am unable to do it
I didn't work on Instagram ever.
@ManjotSingh I am able to login in instagram
@ManjotSingh ok no proble, thanks for ur responce
@Abizern hi@all i need about this stackoverflow.com/questions/12518807/… any suggestion or help will highly be appriated.
@satish You may ask it on Stack Overflow site as there are more intelligent developers are there.
@ManjotSingh thank you, I will
@ManjotSingh Craeta paint and image Editing
Does anyone know can we share files between iPhone and windows PC?
@ManjotSingh say
like sharing a file smb
help me its urgent
@NiteshMeshram Dropbox
no I want to share files like smb file sharing within internet or using Intranet
and without jailbreaking the iPhone
i want to do it using my code
@NiteshMeshram Bonjour works with Windows, and GameKit helps you connect to Bonjour.
@Abizern Can u pls guide me how can I implement this
It's not a couple of lines of code that I can give you, it takes a bit of work.
Google Bonjour, Google GameKit, there are some WWDC videos that explain it as well, I think.
@Abizern yup but can u pls refer me some links, where I can find some stuff to
@Abizern @CrazyCreator @NiteshMeshram hiii
@Abizern @CrazyCreator @NiteshMeshram i want to make all UITextField should enter only CAPS but there are around 30 xib files in my whole project which contains more textfields so instead of going evrey where and change each text field property to Capital letters ,can i make something which make me do all this in some piece of code or any xib setting ??
@Abizern have u used tumblr integration?
@piya have u used tumblr integration?
@Rock nope
@CrazyCreator Just ping you to say Hi.
@ManjotSingh ok
Could you please stop pinging me when I'm not in the room? You can see that I'm not here when my avatar doesn't appear in the sidebar. Thank you.
@Hector hi
@Abizern hi
@CrazyCreator : i'm using share kit in our app when i add SKHFacebokkKey and SHKFacebookSecretKey then show i blank white screen and not show login form and not share anything on Facebook
@Hector do you have any idea about tumblr integration using oAuth?
@Rock do you have any idea about sharekit
@AliRaza Yes but the tumblr and twitter API used in sharekit is not working?
@Rock : i'm only want to share on facebook
@AliRaza use FBgraph not FB connect
@Rock you have some example
@Rock this is my code that i'm using pastebin.com/q8Cx4Hn0
@Rock : i want to use share kit
@MichaelDautermann @ManjotSingh : do have any idea about sharkit
now that iOS 6 is out, I don't want to even think about ShareKit.
How to load Local pdf in UIWebview
@ManjotSingh How to load Local pdf in UIWebview
You need to do like this @PREMKUMAR
what? not understand
@MichaelDautermann thats all those this are jailbreak method. my friends are told me is there some way for permanent unlock using IMEI number
did you anything abut that ?
nope... I like being in the Apple Developer program.
If Apple finds out you're doing Jailbreak stuff, they can cancel your Apple Developer membership.
hi all
i got message -> The operation can’t be completed because the item “DTInstrumentsCP” is in use.
while installing xcode 4.5
so i cant install it
how can i solve it ?
When and How can I get write access in this room. I read House Rules.
what happens when you restart your machine @Jack ? Can you install Xcode 4.5 then?
i solve it by deleting old xcode.... :-)
I just knew you would fix your problem, @JackSparrow !
So, you haven't given chance Mike to solve your problem
iPhone rooms count are increasing day-by-day.
how many rooms are there now? 3 or 5 or 10?
There are 7 for iPhone development discussion.
maybe you should make one for yourself?
It seems like it is the new "in" thing to do.
I will one day.
Hi, I am using flurry in my application. But am getting error like
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_Flurry", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in FirstViewAppDelegate.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
is Flurry a framework or a .a file or?
So, what would be the problem? Please help me.
Just I down loaded flurry iphone sdk 4.0 and imported flurry.h file in to my application
@GaneshGuturi read this:
Q: Adding flurry to iOS app

user1467188 In the finder, drag FlurryAnalytics/ into project's file folder. (NOTE: If you are upgrading the Flurry iOS SDK, be sure to remove any existing Flurry library folders from your project's file folder before proceeding.) Now add it to your project: File > Add Files to “Your Project” ... > FlurryAn...

Q: Unable to add Flurry Analytics to my iOS project

user1098873I want to try Flurry analytics, but not any of the ad or video stuff. This is the most recent version, 4.0.1, which I just grabbed from their website. I get this after adding the directory to my project: Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_MPMoviePlayerController", referen...

Hey, there
@AyushChaudhary : do have any idea about sharkit
@AliRaza Sorry, np
Could anyone tell me if there are some changes in the way iAds work in iOS 6? I was working on an app and had implemented ads as done in iAdSuite Sample code. It works on iOS 5 simulator but on on iOS 6. Any suggestions please? (PS : Apple's sample code too doesn't work)
@GaneshGuturi: do you have any idea about sharkit
I don't have any idea about sharkit
Hi, design issue with storyboards, tableview and custom prototype cells. I have it all working but the old thing with dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier and if(cell==nil) isnt working here. What the best way to do it now and get good performance? :)
@NerujaJoseph You don't have to do that with Storyboards. dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier will create a new cell with that identifier if it can't dequeue one, so you don't need to check if the cell is nil before configuring it.
Abizern : Thanks. Where do I set properties for my custom cell ?
I have a - (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewCellStyle)style reuseIdentifier:(NSString *)reuseIdentifier
But dont know how to use it
@NerujaJoseph If it's that custom - create a subclass and do it in the awakeFromNib method
I have the subclass, sorry my misinfo
awakefromnib okay I will try that :)
@NerujaJoseph All of this is explained in the Table View Programming Guide
Good. I will take a look, thanks
I have followed all the steps mentioned in the read me document. But still am getting this error Undefined symbols for architecture i386
@Abizern I cant find the thing with nib and subclassing,
@NerujaJoseph You read that quickly
Documentation is for suckers.
For everyone else, there's RayWenderlich.
I have been onto ray ;)
That explains that, then.
@NerujaJoseph using awakeFromNib is standard Cocoa when an object is initialised from a nib, xib or storyboard (which is just a wrapper around xibs).
well it seems awakefromnib is called each time
Hey, can anyone tell me if there is anything specific we need to do to support the bigger screen?
@Abizern Is my properties for labels, image views and so on. Reused in awakefromnib? better performance?
and the awakefromnib is in my subclass of my tableviewcell
Q: How to deal with iPhone 5 screen size?

Júlio Turolla Ribeiro Possible Duplicate: How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution? I was just wondering with how should we deal with the iPhone 5 bigger screen size. As it has more pixels in height, things like GCRectMake that use coordinates (and just doubled the pixels with the reti...

Q: How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?

LukaszNew iPhone 5 display has a new aspect ratio and a new resolution (1136 x 640 px). What is required to develop new or transition already existing applications to the new screen size? What should we keep in mind to make applications "universal" for both the older displays and the new widescreen a...

@MichaelDautermann are you the new Siri? :) I could use some links to heh
Heh or HEH may refer to: * Heh (or Huh), androgynous Egyptian god or goddess * Heh, interjection indicating weak or wry amusement * He (letter) (ה), the fifth letter of many Semitic alphabets, including Hebrew, Arabic, Phoenician, and Aramaic * His Exalted Highness, the rare style of the Nizams of Hyderabad & Berar * Hong Kong Electric Holdings Limited, an electric power utility company in Hong Kong Island * Helium hydride ion, HeH+ See also * * * He (disambiguation) * EH (disambiguation) * MEH (disambiguation) * Hah (disambiguation) * Huh (disambiguation)
I go with the egyptian god
Q: Poor scrolling performance in UITableView with cell subviews.

CoreCodeI have a UITableView with many rows. Each row has a UIView in it that I edit in the cellForRowAtIndexPath. My problem is that this lags terribly on an iPod touch. I am not sure why this is happening as the iPod should be able to take more than 11 UIViews on the screen at once? Does anyone know wh...

Thanks for the direction, have a nice day :)
@NerujaJoseph: do have any idea about sharkit
hey, dont know if anybody could point me to the best place for getting help with movement of the UIView.. i've got to make a more complex way of moving a UIView so that it follows your finger like i did in this video: youtube.com/watch?v=BWrHA3mUJiM but im rubbish with maths and not sure how to go about doing it :/ (I know my way around touches began/moved/ended and all the basic movement bits.. its just the following im stuck on :/)
actually.. thinking about it.. it could be as simple as getting the location and direction of the touch, then moving the UIView and rotating it to sit behing the touch location?
keep thinking about it, you may figure it out....
i think i am actually thanks :)
this is where i wish maths was my sort of thing ¬¬
Hey, anyone here
Hey, anyone here
I need help with iAds.. can't reduce the height of the tableview once the iad has been loaded
hi to all
online friend
00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 18:00

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