In my Application, Payment method I am Redirect to UIWebview, Apple Reject this Application or Not, Because In My previos application Apple reject the UIWebview Redirect Method.
What is problem please tell me It shows error code 21 and error message unable to open database how it is resolved I searched in google but can't resolve it
@ganeshmanoj that's my problem?I will try so many methods but final step is this
@ganeshmanoj previously i sent this way NSString *post = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"xxxxx/xxxxxn/Registration?firstname=venkat&lastname=nallamill+i&username=una+me&email=em+ail&password=pwd&bio=bio&position=worktitle&image=%@&streetline1=line1&streetline2=line2&city=city&state=naseer&zip=zip&phonenumber1=phone1&phonenumber2=phone2",encodedImage];
I’ve mentioned some great open source projects for working with core animation such as CPAnimationSequence that allows you to use a concise blocks based syntax rather than the standard UIView animation syntax. Here’s another project based on the CAKeyFrameAnimation class that lets you easily create different animations by simply providing start/end values and the number [...]
With the release of iOS 5 we are getting more and more errors when setting the serialized option for the sqlite database (so its save to be used for multithreading). We are getting SQLITE_MISUSE error code on sqlite3_config. Has someone noticed this odd behavior? And does someone know how I can f...
Make the app fetch the data from the web server, BUT, display it with native controls (with UITableViews, UIButtons, UIImages, etc). This would require quite a bit amount of work.
@PREMKUMAR, Yes. This was a common rejection before the “fart category” was approved. In the beginning of the App Store it was not uncommon to see apps that simply opened a web view to a company’s web site.
The goal was to get traffic to the web site, with the idea that competing with a few hundred apps was much easier than competing with millions of other web sites. With 140k apps, being noticed in the App Store is probably as difficult as on the web. In any case, Apple will reject simple
Whatever. But the reviewers obviously thought that it didn't provide much native functionality. You could probably achieve the same thing with a mobile web app.