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Why this room is inactive?
@ManjotSingh welcome back
@jordan Thank you :)
@jordan I need access in this room.
aa ja
kya hua
request access kr wahan room m
@jordan Only users nominated by the room owner may talk here. See the faq for more information. You have requested talk privileges in this room; please be patient while the room owner processes your request.
I'd requested already.
ok @ManjotSingh aaja
hi all, i wanna ask about shortcut keyboard, can we detect if user tap command + Z for undo?
In what context are u asking this @R.Dewi ?
in ipad development
@Gill i need to detect when user tap command + z if they're using external keyboard
@R.Dewi working on it ....
hi every one
any one have idea about install ipa into itunes
@Gill can you give me a clue?
Good Morning All .. :)
good morning all the ios guys
i am new to ios development
and i want one help from you all guys
i want to make one video galary in my application
so which control i sed for that .
in ios
there is no such a component in iOS
okay so i have to put video list in scroll view?
is it possible
and whenver i want to play and pause the video will play over there in scroll view its possible
can we change inAPP purchase price after the app gets approved by apple?
becasue the video link i get from the server so plz sugggest the
way with i doinng this thngs
see actually i have a video list thats from the server and play that video in my apps so what should i do for this thing give me idea that help me for this stuff
you take the table view to show the list and on clicking video name in the list, change over to the another view to play the video..
and then get beck to your list with any back button..
Table view contains the scroll view.
okay thanks
i will do that ..
yours welcome .. :)
@iPhoneDeveloper Hi You there?
@iPhoneDeveloper Are you good with the dispatch_queues?
no i am new to ios so i dont do that thing
what is that even whenver you know then just tell me
i also get to know for what is that
You firstly study how the table View and its delegate works, then starts your work..
@thoughtbreaker no never used that much...
but i can help you if you want
@iPhoneDeveloper let me tell you my problem
guys one more question i want to use algorithm to calculate the heart rate (Male heart rate = 220 - age. Female heart rate = 206 - 88% of age. these thig how can i achieve ?
@iPhoneDeveloper you there?
@iHungry sup!:)
@GeraldStojakovic, what this sir???
@iHungry nothing sir:) just wanna greet you:)
ok sir
@RaviVaghela Thats not a programming logical problem though, thats mathematical!
hi all, can i use NSEvent in ipad / iphone development?
NSEvent is UIEvent in iOS @R.Dewi
thank you for pointing that @sreecharan, can you give another clue?

i build an ipad app, using UITextview, and it support external keyboard, i
I want to detect what user type on external keyboard, i have read this stackoverflow.com/questions/12379961/… , but can i use somethng like that in iOS / cocoa touch? @sreecharan
@sreecharan did you done jailbreak in iphone 4s locked in verizon CDMA ?
Nope @RowdyMoorthy
@R.Dewi Lets split it in steps, if you are connecting an external keyboard, 1. You need to check the bluetooth or WiFi hotspot to check how is it connecting to 2. UIEvent doesn't have Hotkey Intercepting, so i guess it wont work for you, you need to make some other work around.
@thoughtbreaker yes please tell me..i'll read it
And iOS doesn't support Key Masking like OS X do @R.Dewi
I am capturing the images from the screen and i am writing those images to a video writer. The writing of video writer is done on the dispatch_queue. Remember I am having iPad Retina images. so they are like approximate 3 Mb in size each one. Now the problem is that application crashes after 5-6 seconds when using dispatch_queue
@sreecharan the bluetooth keyboard is connected, but i need to detect that user tap, can i do it?
@iPhoneDeveloper I need to draw on the whiteboard and parallely record the screens to a video file.
@thoughtbreaker i guess it is because of the heavy images
capturing large images takes large time
@R.Dewi I don't think so, so it is a Bluetooth interface, right? then check if there are any key recognition or not
can't you save them somewhere..like say in the document directory n make their video later?
@thoughtbreaker Does your application crashes with web_lock thread ??
@iPhoneDeveloper No. I want to make the video file continously. Client wants like that without any delay
@sreecharan Nothing showing up when crashing. Are you familiar with this friend?
I can give you the codes now. @iPhoneDeveloper @sreecharan
No need
Let me be clear, Xcode wont crash with out any reason if and only if it is crashing with SIGKILL , please check the console once again, looks like you got a web-lock
@iPhoneDeveloper @sreecharan
where is your main queue?
posted on September 20, 2012 by Johann

There have been a number of open source grid view components and Apple decided to create their own grid view class UICollectionView. Currently there is no template in Xcode for collection view apps so Ash Furrow decided to create a tutorial demonstrating how to set things up. In the tutorial you’ll learn how to work [...]

@sreecharan main queue? I didnt get you.
@thoughtbreaker First of all, are you clear with dispatch queues, have you understood how they work and all
A: Implement a mechanism for chaining messages in Objective-C?

sree charanYou can use the technique of Thread Migration Then here comes the interesting task called GCD-Grand Central Dispatch Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) is a technology developed by Apple Inc. to optimize application support for systems with multi-core processors and other symmetric multiproces...

Read my answer to this
@sreecharan should I do like this?
@thoughtbreaker yup
1 message moved to dev/null
Use Pastebin
@sreecharan there?
@sreecharan Can you help me in this case? Its like I am edge for this. thats y
@thoughtbreaker I can't, coz you don't know how the dispatch queues work and you are desperate to complete it with a chunk of code
hello every body good morning
@sreecharan this is my latest code. Can you have a look at iit? pastie.org/4758123
hello @sreecharan
Hello! I have created a table view cell. How am I supposed to add this cell to table view's queue to be able to dequeue it later in cellForRowAtIndexPath method?
can we able to play multiple file at one time using AVAudioplayer and stop one by one
@sreecharan there?
@thoughtbreaker Can't you create the BitmapContext Image inside the queue, i guess it is crashing there
@sreecharan let me do that. Hold on.
I have made multiple instance and send files one to each of them
@iWheelBuy How are you adding the custom cell to table, in the same way you need to remove that section or row what ever you've added. whats difficult init?
is it possible to play multiple file with one instance of avaudio player
I have 9 music file
@sreecharan Crashing as it is not getting the context inside the block. Cannot create Bitmap.
and I want to play it together and stop one by one
@sreecharan I'm adding cells in cellForRowAtIndexPath method. Now I have created a cell outside this method. And now I'm going to call this method. I want a new cell to be in a queue but it's not.
@Khoool You need to create an array with all the songs and you need to use Audio Queue
I will try it
@thoughtbreaker Really? oh! well, bitmap, what does the crash report says?
@iWheelBuy But how are you adding it , which delegate method are you using, insertRowsAtIndexpaths or insertSections, thats what i have asked you a while ago?
@sreecharan this is the error
CGImageMaskCreate: invalid image size: 2 x 0.
<Error>: CGImageCreate: invalid integer bits/component: 0.
<Error>: CGImageCreate: invalid image width.
<Error>: CGImageCreate: invalid integer bits/component: 3608128.
<Error>: CGImageCreate: invalid image size: 0 x 0.
<Error>: CGImageCreate: invalid integer bits/component: 3608128.
@sreecharan I'm not using any delegate methods. I have received a notification with object. I have created a method where I create a special cell with info from received object. At the end of the method I call [tableview reloadData] which calls cellForRowAtIndexPath later.
@All how to fetch Addrees detail from the iPhone contacts
guys in my one i want to check heartbeat rate so for that which technique i used for that
@sreecharan there?
u can help me on this
i want to use algorithm for that
whihc one can you just help me on this
hi all please help me to find out the problem facebook.stackoverflow.com/questions/12507783/…
@iPhoneDeveloper Did you get any lead on this dispatch_queue issue which I discussed with Sreecharan?
@iPhoneDeveloper I am like stuck in there. Its obviously some dispatch_management queue problem.
@iPhoneDeveloper hello
@thoughtbreaker: @McMillan : @RaviVaghela: @Nikki i used sharekit in our app for share something on Facebook and i add one button in which button i write code for sending something on Facebook now when i clicked on the button a white blank Facebook screen in pop up but nothing happened not share anything on Facebook and not hide screen now tell me what i do i'm in big problem i used this code
SHKItem *item;
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/...?mt=8"];
item = [SHKItem URL:url title:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"I'm playing someGame on my iPhone! My Highscore is think you can beat it?"]];
item = [SHKItem URL:url title:@"Share Me!"];
[SHKFacebook shareItem:item];
@AliRaza am not good with SHK. Sorry friend
use facebook api
@Ali RAza
@RaviVaghela hi
@RaviVaghela I have a small doubt can you please help me?
@thoughtbreaker hi
@satish hi
@thoughtbreaker I have a small doubt can you please help me?
@satish Sure. tell me.
@thoughtbreaker do you know about instagram?
@thoughtbreaker what is the redirect_Uri I have to give there?
@satish Sorry dude.. Not worked on it.
@thoughtbreaker ok no problem
@RaviVaghela: i used but not work
hi all
clang frontend command failed due to signal 1 (use -v to see invocation)?
unable to execute command: posix_spawn failed: No such file or directory?
Q: Apple LLVM compiler 3.1 error - iOS 5; Xcode 4.3

Jesse ConroyI have been receiving this error for a long time and I don't know what to do. In order to keep the question short, I have written the error into a .rtf file and put it into CloudApp. Here's the link: http://cl.ly/0T3n1Q123u352T372t0m I think it has something to do with "CLAPIDeserializer.m". I...

I found ^above^ questions.
It comes all of sudden, as project is in version control, but no one else is working on it.
@Nikki hi
@thoughtbreaker no i did not look into it cuz i thought that you would have solved it by now..what problem did he tell??
@iPhoneDeveloper He said it would be some web_lock problem or something. But not fixed yet.
Given the codes. can you please check?
@thoughtbreaker ok i'll look into it..
can you send me the pastie link?
@iphone hi
@iphone is ther any sample code for multipleseletion uipicker view in ios
@NiteshMeshram is ther any sample code for multipleseletion uipicker view in ios
Does any 1 know, how can I get logged in user name of FB using Graph API
@Ali raza what problems give by facebook sdk
No @user923370
guys i wanna do one thing
pls help me for FB user name
iwant to set images at my camera view means when user want to take pic from iphone app then some image set to the camera view as default
and when user take the picture then that frame will attach with the pic and saved i iphone galary
I know we can get it from request:didLoad bt this method is not getting clled
@RaviVaghela: do u mean u want to set a camera overlay?
how can set that frame to cameraq view
okay wait i m giving code for this
@abizern is there any sample code for multiple selection in uipicker view
UIView *parentView=[[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320, 480)] autorelease];
[parentView addSubview:overlay];
[parentView addSubview:overlayView];

picker.cameraOverlayView = parentView;
or u can also define a UIView without xib and add it as overlay
u can also refer this link for sample code
@iPhoneDeveloper pastie.org/4758123
@user923370 did you search on google?
@thoughtbreaker ok i'll check and tell you
Yea i got one.but it is not working for landscape
@user923370 ok what problem are you facing in landscape?
@iPhoneDeveloper hi
@NiteshMeshram thanks
how to integate instagram in iphone app
@iosDev First you have to signup in your device
yes @NiteshMeshram and one another thing is in my app
@iosDev then you have to register your app in instagram.com/developer/authentication link
that if i want to setup one frame to my iphone app that will add to cameraview by default frame
then user can take picture and automatically that frame will attach with this photo and that photo will save in iphone library
for that what should i have to do
@iPhoneDeveloper I got SIGKILL exception in my app for a periodic time freequently, can you please guide me
@RaviVaghela: u can get the co-ordinates of that frame and add it on the photo before save it, its little bit tricky but it'll solve ur porb
@satish yes what code are oyu using?
@RaviVaghela can you tell me which way u traied now
@iPhoneDeveloper Its a long project, I used socialnetworking and other webservisses..
@satish ok so after which step are you getting sigkill?
@RaviVaghela I will give you solution, I used that previously,to set defult frame for Image
@iPhoneDeveloper if we run the application and doing our process or didn't do any thing also for a particular period of time it getting this exception
@iPhoneDeveloper can i paste the report, what i got in console while "bt"
@satish are you using some webservice in background?
@iPhoneDeveloper yes for getting FB ffriends list, twitter, and other and instagram
@iPhoneDeveloper #0 0x91df2afa in mach_msg_trap ()
#1 0x91df3267 in mach_msg ()
#2 0x02b7f13a in __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort ()
#3 0x02ae2580 in __CFRunLoopRun ()
#4 0x02ae1db4 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
#5 0x02ae1ccb in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
#6 0x03473879 in GSEventRunModal ()
#7 0x0347393e in GSEventRun ()
#8 0x01b1fa9b in UIApplicationMain ()
#9 0x0000615a in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffed38) at /Users/paradigm/Desktop/AppRagesInstagram/RaceFace/iOS/AppRages/AppRages/main.m:16
#10 0x000022c5 in start ()
@iPhoneDeveloper this what I am getting
@satish ohk is that webservice running contnuosly?or are you stopping it somewhere?
@iPhoneDeveloper webservices are running continuously
@satish i think it is because of that..
@iPhoneDeveloper if i didn't do like that I can't get the imformation, if I run the webservice I faced this problem then how can i overcome this?
@satish can you stop the webservices when user is not interacting with the app?
or at any other point.?
cuz i think this may be due to memory issues
@satish ok
@iPhoneDeveloper Actually user just start the webservice then even he is not interacting also it has to run to collect the data
@iPhoneDeveloper that is the problem
@satish tell me which way
@RaviVaghela UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"FaceMorph.png"]];
[imageView setFrame:self.view.frame];
[imagePicker setCameraOverlayView:imageView];
[self presentModalViewController:imagePicker animated:YES];
[imageView release];
@RaviVaghela you can do like this
@RaviVaghela when camera button is clicked then just check wether camera is available or not then do it.
yes thanks @satish
@RaviVaghela working fine?
@satish oh can't you give some refresh button kind of thing?
@RaviVaghela ok
@iPhoneDeveloper I am trying to implement like that
@iPhoneDeveloper I have another issue with navigationbar,can you please help me?
@satish yes please tell
@iPhoneDeveloper I want to place a view on a viewcontroller.view with navigationbar also
@iPhoneDeveloper but, when I placed the view it will move from down of the navigationbar means navigationbar shows us as a frontview
@iPhoneDeveloper I think I am not clearly explain my problem to you
@iPhoneDeveloper I want the total view which is want to place shown as frontview
@ satish one another question
@RaviVaghela tell me
in one app i have to put video which links i will have to get from the server through JSON sp for that
@RaviVaghela means you want video link?
from server
with json
so is it in ios 5 json framework
@satish u there
@RaviVaghela ya wait a min
okay boss
@RaviVaghela actually I think many samples are available in stacks regrading this issue
okay i just want to ask you that is it in JSON or will have to add json api for that
@RaviVaghela Is it necessary to use JSON for video, I think no need
so whihc way i go and yes i want the video is inserted by the server whenver and its a dynamic so whihc is the suitalbe way just guide me
@RaviVaghela If you want to know About JSON I will tell you the usage, But In this issue I think no need of JSON
okay guide me about json
and yes in my case what should i do
@RaviVaghela previously Did you use JSON anywhere?
no first time
@RaviVaghela If you not uses then First You go through the concept once, otherwise its impossible to understand, then I will tel you , Its my suggestion
okay @satish then i will
do this first
Can i have your personal id for the contact
@RaviVaghela wre r u from?
Email or skype
my skype is ravi.vaghela31
i am from ahmedabad
@RaviVaghela ok cool
@RaviVaghela Visakhapatnam
add me ravi.vaghela31 on skype
@satish i did not get your problem :(
can you be a bit more clear?
@iPhoneDeveloper yes
add me okay
catch u later
@iPhoneDeveloper I want to add a transparentview in a viewcontroller
@satish ok
@iPhoneDeveloper that viewcontroller have navigation bar
@satish ok
@iPhoneDeveloper while i am adding this view to viewcontroller it if not become as frontview at navigationbar
@satish ok then how is it showing?
@iPhoneDeveloper at navigationbar the view shows as front view and view is back part of navigationbar
@iPhoneDeveloper I want to show the total view as frontview at the part of navigationbar also
Any one is familier with Facebook API??
@iPhoneDeveloper I think it is clear now, or can i send screen shot
@satish yes please show a screenshot
@NiteshMeshram newly released facebook API/ FBGraph/FBConnect?
@iPhoneDeveloper ok
Actually I want to get user info
I m able to get it at second time
@iPhoneDeveloper sorry i don't have image loading option here
can you tell me the link for attaching screenshot @iPhoneDeveloper
but when I open FB first time in the App then it din't give user info
@satish on the right side of the typing textfield..there are two buttons: send and upload.. click upload one
@NiteshMeshram ok, What is the scope you used there to get user info?
@iPhoneDeveloper sorry I don't have that much of reputations
and I m using [[delegate facebook] requestWithGraphPath:@"me" andDelegate:self];
to call method
@satish show on imgurl.com
@iPhoneDeveloper please see the image
@iPhoneDeveloper Any hope dude? I am stuck there.
@thoughtbreaker well m still looking for it...:(
@satish ok
@satish ok so what is the problem in it?
@iPhoneDeveloper Do ping me if you have any leads. I am also checking various methods though. Not helping actually.
@iPhoneDeveloper in that navigationbar should be backside of the transparent view
@iPhoneDeveloper but now it is front of the trasparentview
@iPhoneDeveloper I want to cover the navigationbar also with transparentview
@satish have you implemented a navigation controller?
or a simple navigation bar?
@thoughtbreaker sure...don't worry
@iPhoneDeveloper yes navigation controller application i used
@satish well then you can't hide that bar..
but you can disable the navigation items if you don't want the user to go back
@iPhoneDeveloper any alternative also not available?
@satish or what you can do is disable the items and changing the color of navigation bar to little light color..that willl give an appearance of view over it
let me c if i find anything else also
@iPhoneDeveloper ok thank you, I will try it.
@satish ok :)
i want to deactivate my apple id......how can i do it ?
All Hii
1 message moved to dev/null
Hi @sreecharan: I m using FBConnect, and I want to get user info, when user log in the App, I am able to get it but when first time I login or open FB then it doesn't give info.
Can u pls tell me how can I get it at first time as well
r u der?????
@satish Did u find any thing for my que?
hi @ satish
one thing is there in my apps
i have 4 tab application in that
in each tab 4 button is there
when i go to first tab then all the button is working when i tap
but whenver i am going through the tab tap then no button is working
@satish u there
satish u there
hy all
can anyone take a look at this
Q: Update sqlite 3 field value on swipe gesture delete in Xcode

Elias RahmeHy all, I have an application that loads data from an sqlite database into a table view. Fields that shows up in this view are entries having a field set in the sqlite database to a value = YES. So when the application loads, it will automatically checks the database and loads all the fields havi...

@EliasRahme After long time :)
How are you?
@sreecharan helllo :D
@sreecharan i just came back ! and back to work! and eventually back to having problems :O
** :P
@sreecharan: I m using FBConnect, and I want to get user info, when user log in the App, I am able to get it but when first time I login or open FB then it doesn't give info.
@NiteshMeshram Nope, i donno
any idea about implementation of facebook with cocos2d?
any sample code?
@NiteshMeshram : hi Pagingcontrol any idea on it ????
Paging Controller?
@sreecharan hi sree. i have one issue. pls clear me. i want to call webservice everty 2 min in application background mode. can u pls instruct me. pls
@thoughtbreaker: have you tried using performselectorinBackground instead of dipatch_queue?
@iPhoneDeveloper : I have a viewcontroller
in that i have a lot of images
now i need to use paging concept for that viewcontroller
i have the code for paging
but the problem is in that viewcontroller i have lots of images
when i scroll as in the iPhone then another set of images need to come
one thing is there in my apps
i have 4 tab application in that
in each tab 4 button is there
when i go to first tab then all the button is working when i tap
but whenver i am going through the tab tap then no button is working
@NiteshMeshram : yeah
i have this problem cany one tell me
@NiteshMeshram : I have a viewcontroller
in that i have a lot of images
now i need to use paging concept for that viewcontroller
i have the code for paging
but the problem is in that viewcontroller i have lots of images
when i scroll as in the iPhone then another set of images need to come
@Srinivas ok so what is the problem in that?
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