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02:00 - 07:0007:00 - 00:00

@MichaelDautermann i already send one link check tht 1st screen just focus on layout....
@ganeshmanoj thanks for your support
@ganeshmanoj may i know where are you from?
@sam why should I focus on layout? it's not my problem. :-)
@sam how are you doing the layout, anyways? How are you drawing the buttons?
@ga rajahmundry
@MichaelDautermann on scrollview i add buttons on diffetent postion .... with different tag .... and i am handling event using tag....
native rjy a?
@ganeshmanoj ante daggara
@ganeshmanoj native machavaram
that sounds nice. and what do you do for dragging, @sam ?
@ganeshmanoj near by ramachandra puram
@Srinivas ok
@ganeshmanoj medi native vizag aa..
@MichaelDautermann add this event on button ...[btn_addText addTarget:self action:@selector(imageMoved:withEvent:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
[btn_addText addTarget:self action:@selector(imageMoved:withEvent:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDragInside];
and what do you want that to do, @sam ?
@MichaelDautermann - (void) imageMoved:(id) sender withEvent:(UIEvent *) event
CGPoint point = [[[event allTouches] anyObject] locationInView:self.view];
UIControl *control = sender;
control.center = point; }
I don't see "imageMoved:withEvent:" defined anywhere in Apple docs.
@MichaelDautermann wait sec plz
hurry up... I don't have all day.
I want the answer now now now now now now @sam
I'm falling asleep over here!
@MichaelDautermann @MichaelDautermann i am tring to move one buttons from 1st position to 6th buttoun.... so after it i am goint to reorder the alll buttons with new position
@MichaelDautermann its user create method....
where do you pass in the parameters for that fine "imageMoved: withEvent:" selector method?
I bet you don't.
@MichaelDautermann for this buttons event -: [btn_addText addTarget:self action:@selector(imageMoved:withEvent:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDown];
[btn_addText addTarget:self action:@selector(imageMoved:withEvent:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDragInside];
@MichaelDautermann once you drag tht button it will move and place on draggable postion....
@sam check this out:
Q: how to make UIbutton draggable within UIView?

sriI need to drag and drop the button in my dash board i can drag and drop the button using the following code - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [eventButton addTarget:self action:@selector(draggedOut:withEvent:)forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchDragOutside |UIControlEventTouc...

I have a feeling what you are doing is not the correct approach.
@MichaelDautermann ok i am checking ..
@MichaelDautermann its same here.. and dragging is not my problem.... my problem is after dragging one object from 1st postion to 6th button position than that button will change it postion and arrange all buttons order..... (e.g if i remove any application icon from iphone home screen than all buttons arrangement is animated) ...
use this: UIView *view=[[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:cell.frame];
view.backgroundColor=[UIColor blackColor];
cell.backgroundView = view;
@sam you should make your project into something I can open and look at... it sounds like a potentially complicated issue.
@iPhoneDeveloper : Okay
@iPhoneDeveloper : have u checked iPhone 5
@MichaelDautermann hi can you tell me how can i retrieve the path of a folder in my nsbundle mainbundle?
@MichaelDautermann ohh it contains lots of code ... and i am not able to put whole code bcz of some regulation.... but thanks for your help ......
@Srinivas yes its so good...have you checked the iSight? n maps??
@iPhoneDeveloper : yeah..I loved it, its sooooo Sexyy....
@Srinivas seriously
so your problem solved??
@iPhoneDeveloper do you know how to get the path to your NSBundle ?
Nope @iPhoneDeveloper
@MichaelDautermann the actual issue is that i am geting a path but when i execute this: BOOL success=[fileManager fileExistsAtPath:path ]; i get a "NO" :(
@Srinivas now what is wrong?
show me what your path looks like.
@iPhoneDeveloper : hey ..I got buddy, thank u so much
@Srinivas you are welcome :)
@MichaelDautermann /var/root/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/02E7301F-6660-4E78-90CE-31B88BF32E9B/RootNodeApp.app/images
here images is the name of my folder
everything looks okay so far, @iPhoneDeveloper... maybe you should show me the code in a pastebin.
@MichaelDautermann well there are only three lines so far..can i show them here?
NSFileManager *fileManager=[NSFileManager defaultManager];

NSString *path=[[[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"images"];

BOOL success=[fileManager fileExistsAtPath:path ]; @MichaelDautermann
Hi, I have a tableView that loads data from an URL. When it loads it runs on a different thread, so that the main interface won't freeze. But when the app starts before the data has been downloaded the tableview is empty. I want to show the user that it's loading, but how should I do that the best way?
@MedetiNaveenKumar der?
b.t.w., @iPhoneDeveloper... can you actually OPEN that folder within the Macintosh Finder?
i.e. using "Go To Folder"
@MichaelDautermann yes
that folder has got only few images in it
@MichaelDautermann please do help..i have been trying for it like crazies since morning.. :(
hmmm... what a nasty problem you have.
try this:
sheesh... I should nuke my own code.
I saw the (show full text) bit.
next paste I do will be into pastie
@MichaelDautermann haha thankx..just remove it..i have copied it
@MichaelDautermann thanks alot..you really rock...it solved my problem..
soooooooooooo... what was it?
@MichaelDautermann i don't know but as i pasted i code and run the app, it worked like anything
@MichaelDautermann the value of success is still coming out to be NO. That is out of my mind.
heh. lemme try one more thing.
@MichaelDautermann ok
can any one help with my doubt
how to give alert if mail is not config in iphone
which delegate method should be called
can you help me michael
try this @iPhoneDeveloper:
dang it! "(see full text)" again.
and it was more straightforward, too.
@MichaelDautermann haha remove it again i have copied
@MichaelDautermann still BOOL value is NO
check to see if "[MFMailComposeViewController canSendMail]" returns YES, @ceacare
and what's the error it says, @iPhoneDeveloper ?
@MichaelDautermann: I want share story on facebook but where to download shareKit
shareKit? why do you want to do that? use the built in FB support in iOS... uh... 5 or 6?
Twitter is 5, FB is 6
but how share story on FB
For now, either ShareKit or FBGraph
how to use shareKte
@MichaelDautermann this one : error getting contents from file://localhost/var/root/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/5.0/A‌​pplications/02E7301F-6660-4E78-90CE-31B88BF32E9B/RootNodeApp.app/images/ - The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 260.)
@borrrden: plz tell me
@UmerShahzad look for a good tutorial on using ShareKit with iOS
like maybe this one? --> getsharekit.com/tutorial/facebook
Lol I can't tell you....you didn't ask a real question ^^
I have no clue what you might be doing wrong at this point @iPhoneDeveloper
Michael = borrrden > all people here
hi micheal
so i need to stay here
errrrr, I don't think I'm >all people here.
@iHungry hi iHungry
@MichaelDautermann oh..thanks for your help so far...
@iPhoneDeveloper try cleaning your project and uninstall your app from the simulator and trying again.
File error 260 = NSFileReadNoSuchFileError
@MichaelDautermann ok
@MichaelDautermann: I have use it but error
@borrrden yes i read that too but thats surprising since i can read all th contents of that file..as well as see it in my application
Your URL is a directory URL
Did you notice that?
is it a file or is it a directory ?
@borrrden ok so how can i exactly fetch the path?
I think you are missing the final component
@MichaelDautermann let me check it myself finally..and i'll get back to you.. @borrrden
The function I always use to get resources from the bundle is [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:ofType:]
I don't know why anyone would use anything else
@borrrden yes but since it is a file folder so what can i write in ofType field
@borrrden: Plz tell me. How to share
I've never used ShareKit
Perhaps you should tell more about the error you are getting
You can't just "read" a folder like a file
It doesn't make sense
What are you expecting to get back?
You want to check to see if the folder exists?
@borrrden: Can't found interface UIWebView
This is error
@iPhoneDeveloper Show us a screenshot of Finder with your bundle contents. Are you sure that you have an images folder in your bundle?
Sounds like UIKit is not linked....did you follow some instructions on how to set it up?
Also, it has to be a folder REFERENCE @iPhoneDeveloper
A blue folder
If it is a yellow folder, it won't be that way in the bundle....
@borrrden yes.. i am not so sure about a yellow or blue folder thing.as all the folders in my app are yellow
Then you don't have a folder named images in your bundle
@Abizern yes..now i have put it in document directory and trying to retrieve it from there.
@borrrden so how can i cerate one..pleae guide me
Yellow folders are meaningless to iOS....they are only there to make your life easier
When you add the folder to your project, make sure you select "make a reference" instead of "create a group"
@borrrden ok..i did not know that. how can a blue folder be created?
@borrrden oh..now i got it..thanks alot..
This has its own dangers though, so read up about it
@borrrden oh..what sort of dangers?
@iPhoneDeveloper You don't need to put read-only resources into your document directory. You should be able to access them from your application bundle.
@Abizern yes that is what i am not so clear about.
i mean how can i do that..but that yellow folder thing was really new for me
I don't remember exactly....something like changing the contents won't be reflected in the actual app unless you clean it
It won't check for updated files to copy to the app, that is
So remember to clean
@borrrden oh..ok.. my actual purpose was to get the folders inside a folder like a tree stucture.
so i was trying to use file enumerator for it
@iPhoneDeveloper @iHungry @iProgrammer @Abizern hi all I have a doubt in NSOperationQueue, can anybody please guide me
How about just asking a question and then anybody who wants to help will answer you?
You already have an answer that seems correct.
ur answer of question is correct
@Abizern I applied the same, but i unable to stop
@Abizern @iHungry - (void) loadDataWithOperation {
for (i = 0; i <= 1000000; i++)
NSLog(@"elements are :%d",i);

is used
@Abizern @iHungry when I press stop button it should stop its printimg in console but it still printing
yes of course it printing
@iHungry but i want to stop printing in console
@iHungry I used [queue setSuspended:YES];
[queue cancelAllOperations];
these methods in stop action
u canceling operation but not write any code to stop the loop i guess
if(![_opeartionQueue isSuspended])
NSLog(@"elements are :%d",i);
write inside ur loop
@iHungry I think Through NSOperationQueue and NSInvocationOperation we are calling that for loop, if we cancel the queue why it is not stopped
@iHungry I ill try
@iHungry thank you, I found my mistake
@Abizern hii
@iHungry hii
@iPhoneDeveloper hii
@borrrden hii
@Vanitha hii
@Abizern can you help me in threads : is it that, if I am calling a method at a time x explicitly and then calling the same method in a thread with repetition after x+1 minutes...then is it that the thread wont repeat if the first explicit call's reply coincides with the first call of the thread. I am calling a web-service in this method.
@borrrden can you help me in threads : is it that, if I am calling a method at a time x explicitly and then calling the same method in a thread with repetition after x+1 minutes...then is it that the thread wont repeat if the first explicit call's reply coincides with the first call of the thread. I am calling a web-service in this method.
@keepsmiling you forgot to ask a few people... like @DeathMagus or @SunTzu
@MichaelDautermann can you help me in threads : is it that, if I am calling a method at a time x explicitly and then calling the same method in a thread with repetition after x+1 minutes...then is it that the thread wont repeat if the first explicit call's reply coincides with the first call of the thread. I am calling a web-service in this method.
@zing can you help me in threads : is it that, if I am calling a method at a time x explicitly and then calling the same method in a thread with repetition after x+1 minutes...then is it that the thread wont repeat if the first explicit call's reply coincides with the first call of the thread. I am calling a web-service in this method.
@MichaelDautermann I was just copying and doing it dear..!!
@Bhurudada can you help me in threads : is it that, if I am calling a method at a time x explicitly and then calling the same method in a thread with repetition after x+1 minutes...then is it that the thread wont repeat if the first explicit call's reply coincides with the first call of the thread. I am calling a web-service in this method.
well I'm not going to answer it for you because you asked everyone else before you even thought of me. I'm so sad.
@MichaelDautermann ok ok..enough...now it's visible to most..!! ;) if anyone knows please let me know the answer..and @MichaelDautermann it is like I was just doing for you too..!!..see I already did one before you asked..!! :)
@MichaelDautermann please tell if you know...would be a great help..!! :)
@MichaelDautermann and nothing to be sad...just keep smiling :)
@MichaelDautermann you have a smiling pic too :)
@sreecharan can you help me in threads : is it that, if I am calling a method at a time x explicitly and then calling the same method in a thread with repetition after x+1 minutes...then is it that the thread wont repeat if the first explicit call's reply coincides with the first call of the thread. I am calling a web-service in this method.
You I thought I'd fill in a couple more people with this excellent question.
@Abizern but I didnt find sreecharan's icon in the list of people in the room..!!
I know that it is not your question and i am not going to reply him though
@keepsmiling try asking in a different room. The people are very friendly and ready to answer any and all of your questions.
@MichaelDautermann @sreecharan @Abizern which is the best framework for developing game application in iphone?
Game kit
@RKK There are 20 people in here that you've just insulted.
@sreecharan what does it mean that it is not my question...I just got this scenario in my app...how do you know this not my question..!!??
@Abizern no no.
anyways...anybody have the answer please help.
@sreecharan let me check about game kit
@keepsmiling I haven't answered you though, i have answered Abizern. He has asked me the question. Never mind, I am not in a condition to mess with you though.
You Game kit isn't a game framework.
@sreecharan may be i'm enter to develop game for iphone. i dnt know anything about that. u told Game Kit framework is best?
I don't know anything about Gamekit , i have used CCSprite engine with cocoas2d to make a game and in GameKit i have used it to make a wifi hot spot to support Multiplayers. I don't know better than this...
@sreecharan thanks sree. i'm going to refer that.
Hi Room
can anyone give solution for this? stackoverflow.com/questions/12403670/…
Yeah - write more efficient code.
how.... can you give any hint?
Not using sqlite for a start, Use core data and NSFetchedResultsController which is designed to efficiently load tables with data. Be more selective about what data you load - do as much as possible in the background. Be smarter about stopping background tasks when not needed. There are many things you can do but they are all specific to the application and not something I can just give you a recipe to follow.
so shall i move data from sqlite to coredata?
Hi All.
@cnu It's a start.
do you recommend any tutorial to follow?
@cnu Try this one
thanks abi
Can anyone give me for my question?.
how to run the HTML file with JavaScript into the xcode4.2?.
It is possible to install the phonegap2.0 version into the xcode4.2 snow leopard mac.
@Abizern:ShareKit download but take a error. Cannot find interface declaration for UIWebView
This error is ShareKit
@Abizern lol, you have surrendered him to a shub-niggurath called core data
It's a start towards solving his problems. It's not a quick fix, though.
@UmerShahzad Where, when, how, how, what kind of project? Runtime error, build error, build warning, log message?
I'm not psychic - I can't see your code.
@sreecharan we can also create 3d games using GameKit framework?
If you can't be bothered to put any effort into your question - I'm not going to bother putting any effort into answering you.
I donno
No. GameKit helps with certain aspects of gaming, but it isn't a game engine.
and don't insult again and again, better go to
@Abizern thanks abizern
@sreecharan cool .. i'm not insult to u. bcz i dnt know about it. so i asked to u and abizern also. cool guys
let me go that room.
You are not insulting us though, you are insulting the room
oh sorry guys
@Abizern Hi
i have a point i have to upload an application on appstore
and for now i got an message on devloper site link as like this
ANNOUNCEMENT: Updated Program License Agreement
An updated version of the iOS Developer Program License Agreement has been posted. Acceptance of the new Program License Agreement is required by to continue your access to certain development resources. Review Agreement
did i follow this for?
no probs.
i did it.
okay this will not create any issue with adding new version of any one?
no probl\s
Okay Thanks
@sandy hello
@NikhilBansal hi
@sandy can u tell me how to save song from ipod to document directory in m4a format?
@NikhilBansal @iProgrammer help him
nikhil she knows very well
@iProgrammer hello
@sandy u dont know?
@sandy :p
@sreecharan hello mate. You ok. Just quick question. If we got our app rejected then when we resubmit it can we keep same version no.? or do we need to change it?
If your resume is rejected by a company, will you change your name in your resume while submitting the same resume to other company ? Your question has the same meaning.
@sreecharan haha. love your explainations :-) Thank you
@jordan :p
@NikhilBansal i m little bit busy
@mann You need to have an increasing build number. The actual version is only slightly relevant.
@sandy its ok ...dnt b sorry :p
@NikhilBansal The question is why do you want to save a copy of a tune locally when you already have it in the itunes library?
@Abizern touchesMoved not work on uiscroll view how can i use it for scrollview ?
Hai all..
I try to upload a new version
and the privious version have the minimum target as 3.0 and now i try to upload the new version with minimum target of 4.0
and i got this error
@Abizern @RKK plz have a look on this
what compiler?
What version of Xcode?
xcode version 4.2
I think you may need to remove armv6 from the architectures.
compiler 3.0
means i have to set only armv 7 right
@Abizern now i got this error
Oh dear. No idea
Hello all i need a quick help.. can i use toolbar for navigation purpose?
hello all need help.
@all hi .... anyone has worked with GameSalad??
photoshop ki market se DVD le ao
Please somebody help me ... can i use toolbar for navigation purpose?
@TejeshwarGill GameSalad ?
@Abizern any idea about GameSalad?
@Hector yup GameSalad.... s/w for developing games ... its more of a GUI
@TejeshwarGill ok
@Hector: I download shareKit bur give the error..........error is cannot find interface declaration for UIWebView.Can you help me
@Hector I have a problem that the gaming app which i made is not being run on the device... have u worked on this before?
@TejeshwarGill no
@Hector: If you know about sharekit then tell me plz
@Hector thanks for replying but that is about adding a toolbar to naivation controller what i want to know is that if i add a toolbar to bottom and use it for navigation purpose will that be fine or apple will reject my app
@UmerShahzad Dunno
What you mean Dunno?
@naveen ask to @Abizern
@Abizern can i use toolbar for navigation purpose?
@UmerShahzad Dunno means Dunno !!!
@Hector: Why this error..... cannot find interface declaration for UIWebView
2 hours later…
Quick question, if I want to add the path to PlistBuddy as a variable so I can use it over and over again, how do add the variable? CFBuildNumber=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print CFBuildNumber" $buildPlist), what I want is CFBuildNumber=$($buddyPath -c "Print CFBuildNumber" $buildPlist) can I do that?
@fuzzygoat hi
@fuzzygoat Connection lost in when the ipad goes to sleep mode
@fuzzygoat is this the natural behaviour
which one is objective-C compiler????
@lakiniphone hi
@lakiniphone Connection lost in when the ipad goes to sleep mode
@lakiniphone is this the natural behaviour?
u mean WIFI disconnect righ
is this the natural behaviour?
can you please give me any link
regarding this behaviour of ipad
@lakiniphone you there?
how do i get rid of unwanted supported languages in my ios project?
@all: Good evening
anyone is here?
hi ninja
yoo whats up?
can u please help me....i am giving an launching image for my ipad application
but that image s not coming properly
before my view I can see that image 2 times .....it s normally then same image is coming upside down....and then my view s coming.........
*it is coming
not sure...sorry man
i had bunch of icon issues
this might help
Q: Icon dimensions don't meet size requirements no matter what

ninjasenseI am trying to put my app on the market and am granted with this error everytime I try: Ipad: icon.png: dimensions (57 x 57) don't meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 72x72 pixels in .png format. I have seen the endless posts about about modifying the .plist and also Edit Proje...

that is fine
@ninjasense Remove the localisations.
@Abizern all i have to do is delete the .lproj files in xcode right?
@ninjasense Or click on the nib and delete the localisation from the right hand panel
Or storyboard
3 hours later…
hi I wonder
if any one could lead me to the path of programming in Xcode
I have already learnt objective C
but I want to make incredible apps
2 hours later…
posted on September 13, 2012 by Johann

Not too long ago I mentioned an excellent control allowing you to place a progress bar within the status bar . I’ve also mentioned some other opens source controls that have now become outdated or removed. Here’s a new control that allows you to easily change the text in the status bar.  Something else that [...]

Looking for advice on server-app integration/model while purchasing consumable in-app purchase
@andres83 there is an online classroom collection of stanford university for iOS5 Development on iTunesU. I think you should check that out
02:00 - 07:0007:00 - 00:00

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