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@CrazyCreator dude
+ (UIImage *)animatedImageNamed:(NSString *)name duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
[UIImage animatedImageNamed:@"sapatos_" duration:1.0];
return 0;
} is this right?
@GeraldStojakovic aaah I m not DUDE :(((
right for what?
@CrazyCreator ohh :D sorry
@borrrden showing sequence animating
@CrazyCreator =))
i think infinite loop it is @GeraldStojakovic
Why are you returning NULL?
how can i call that method?
Just like you call any other method from UIImage
its calling same method within it
recursive method
[self ...]??
Q: UIBarButton with CustomView and a Border

EchilonI've subclassed UIBarButtonItem and am trying to make a button which dispays a refresh image normally, but an activity spinner when loading. The problem I have is I can't get the bordered style to display a custom view inside. It just doesn't appear. This is my code (from my UIBarButtonItem subc...

@borrrden dude.. do you have an example of project using this code??
@borrrden im sweating blood now ;) ahaha
UIImage *image = [UIImage animatedImageNamed.........
@GeraldStojakovic, see above two links
@iHungry uibutton?
UIImage *image = [UIImage animatedImageNamed:@"refresh-" duration:1.f];
this line useful for u
as @borrrden, say
and my link shows u how it work and use
@CrazyCreator, @borrrden i have successfully resolved that issue !!!! now there is no error !!! but CGContext features are not applying like linedWidth, lineJoinStyle
Probably because you applied them to the UIBezierPath instead of using the CG functions
i am using cgfunctions
cgfunction doing so many things
guyz help me
borrden, ihungry, crazyCreator see this :
@iHungry can i use NSFilehandle for that ?
hi everyone
@iHungry so is there any way we can let user to login using share kit.. just login.. not to login and post..
@borrrden, @iHungry, @CrazyCreator look at this : pastie.org/4694570
@Nina, i m not using sharekit
@Smith, its working code?
@nina wat do u want exactly
@iHungry yes it is 100% working !! the only problem is that it is nit running CGFunctions like CGcontextsetlinewidth,etc
@iHungry then my question would be, using twitter framework, can we support later versions?
@kalyan I just said what I want...
@Nina, later versions??
Hi again im back with some problem in CustomTableCell.. I getting the following Error:<ViewController 0x6a0fa90> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key lblcapital. in the following line NSArray *nib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"CustomCell" owner:self options:nil];
@Smith I only see you setting line width to 100.....nothing else
@iHungry sorry.. I meant lower...
I tried out so many things.. But not getting the reason for the above runtime Error.. Is there anybody can help me?
@borrrden yes but it is not setting the width of line to 100
@Nina, actually i m also stuck same problem 5-6 months b4
@iHungry Hmm
@Nina, i recently think over it.... and i guess u first try.... practically ... add your twitter framework, write ur twitter sharing code and build your code using lower version target
its will work i guess
just try this
@vanitha ContentCell *cell = (ContentCell *)[tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
if (cell == nil) {
cell = [[[ContentCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease];
cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;

try this
@kalyan wats different in this code? wats wrong with my code?
@Nina, did u get what i trying to say u
@iHungry Yes
ok good
@Vanitha i got same problem long time ago , tried many ways.by using this i m able to fix that error
@kalyan Im getting the view but label texts are not assigned.. Wat need to do?
@Vanitha, cell = [[[ContentCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease];
whats this
@iHungry, @borrrden: whe i use shadow function, stroke function of CG it worked !!! but when i used lineJoin, lineWidth functions it didnt worked
its wrong
@Vanitha conntcell is the custom cell
@Smith You are calling the stroke method of the UIBezierPath
it will use its own lineWidth, etc
@iHungry I have stated the problem above.. Kalyan suggested me the solu...
remember how I said you should take the cgPath property? -__-
@Vanitha cell.titleLabel.text=[listItem titleString ];
got it
Why the label values are not assigned:cell.lblstate.text=[stateArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
cell.lblcapital.text=[capitalArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
@Vanitha did u connect them in xib file
@borrrden tell me how can i take cgpath property
when i commented these lines it is not working
// for (UIBezierPath *_path in pathArray)
// [_path strokeWithBlendMode:kCGBlendModeNormal alpha:1.0];
// [myPath setLineWidth:12.0];
s i coonected to the Xib
borrden but i cant use MUtablePath with this
@kalyan yes i connected to the xib
@Vanitha all labels?
@ganeshmanoj hi
@kalyan yes.. Actually im loading tableViewCell Nib to the TableView cellFOrRow
@borrrden but i cant use MUTABLEPATH
@Smith huh?
once check weather u have given link in custem cell r not
@kalyan hai
@Vanitha i guess that should be work, did u drag n drop custom cell nib
@ganeshmanoj you mean to say .. to set the class for TableViewCell
@borrrden please tell me in my code where should i use this : _path.CGPath
are you using default table cell r custom cell?..@Vanitha
Use it with CGContextStrokePath
@Vanitha customcell:UITableVIewCell
custom cell with two labels in each cell
@borrrden strokepath is working perfectly!!! but when i use lineWidth and lineCapStyle of path is does nothing
I'm getting tired....
You have to either go all CG, or all UIBezierPath
you can't mix them
@kalyan @interface CustomCell : UITableViewCell
@Vanitha can u share me that code
@ganeshmanoj @interface CustomCell : UITableViewCell
@borrrden you told me that i can now you are saying i cant
@ganeshmanoj Is this for Custom Tablecell or To insert the values Normally in the table cell
UIBezierPath will hold the info you need
but you need to APPLY it with CG functions
So that means not [path strokePath]
but CGContextStrokePath(...,_path.cgPath)
The first will use the internal line widths, etc
@kalyan s pleasure.. How to share
The second will use the line widths you set
no its default cell in tableview no need to create any cell that cell contains one image view and one table
for custom cell
@borrrden ok i got your point. when when i removed/commented this code from drawRect it is not drawing anything : why ?
@ganeshmanoj (y)
yes this is correct way to load UITableviewcell
 @borrrden for (UIBezierPath *_path in pathArray)
[_path strokeWithBlendMode:kCGBlendModeNormal alpha:1.0];
[myPath setLineWidth:12.0];
@kalyan file:///Users/rajsrivastav/Documents/Vanitha/CustomTableCell2/
Because you removed the drawing code, but didn't replace it with the function I mentioned @Smith -___-
CGContextStrokePath CGContextStrokePath CGContextStrokePath CGContextStrokePath CGContextStrokePath CGContextStrokePath CGContextStrokePath CGContextStrokePath CGContextStrokePath CGContextStrokePath CGContextStrokePath CGContextStrokePath <--------
dont forgot to give link in that cell xib with view controller
@SunilTarge hai
@ganeshmanoj Ganesh i have two labels one by one in each cell.. Stating its state and capital
@cgcontextstroke path is not doing anything
@Vanitha i m unable to access that file
ok then my second code with your cell name
@ganeshmanoj hii
@SunilTarge how are you
u r from india..??
@Vanitha mail me that file [email protected]
@ganeshmanoj fine..
@kalyan k
@ganeshmanoj ys
@borrrden i replaced that code with this one and it is not working:

CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(ctx, [UIColor redColor].CGColor);
i think u forgot to give link in ur xib
@ganeshmanoj I GAVE THE LINK....
@Vanitha do u know telugu
grt.from where @SunilTarge
@SunilTarge, oh!!! tumhi Winjit che manase mahanaychi
@kalyan r u from andhra
@Vanitha yes from Vizag
@iHungry yes..ho u know this?? u r from???
@ganeshmanoj yes
i am asking did u give link with the refernce of cell u create in viewcontroller
Lol @SunilTarge
@kalyan NO tamil
me from vizag @kalyan
@kalyan..me frm vizag
@ganeshmanoj How to do it
@Smith Did you add the path to the context first?
@ganeshmanoj which company
open your cell xib
@SunilTarge, winjit-chi Thanya madhey pan aahe na branch?
select fileowner
@ganeshmanoj did u mean the CustomCell xib?
@Vanitha plz zip that .h,.m , xib files and then mail me
and then see properties in rigth side select classname then give the required viewcontroller
I create d Viewcontroller ... In xib attached TableView
@Vanitha s
@kalyan Dont u get it?
@kalyan..stellent u?
@Vanitha yes
@ganeshmanoj paradigm
where it is
Next i created NSObject class where i declared UIlabel
Next i created empty xib.. Just dragged TableViewCell connected to the FileOwner
And in TableView made the changes in cellforrowatindex:
@kalyan sent the zip form of my Project.. canm check the mail
@ganeshmanoj is there anything wrong ?
1 message moved to dev/null
1 message moved to dev/null
Use pastebin guys
@Vanitha its better to send custom cell nd viewcontroller .h .m .xib
in fileowner u have conenct cell with refernce given to that cell in viewcontroller
@Vanitha.u did not give the link
@ganeshmanoj give your mail id

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet urcellname *tblCell;
in .h
@ganeshmanoj s i gave this
@kalyan where is your office?
u r frn girish ofc
did kalyan just say "you are f*cking girlish of course" ?
@kalyan did u get the mail?
can u send me your code please?
@Vanitha yeah m checking
@borrrden Its not girlish, its girish
@borrrden, what happen my friend u gonna angry
@iHungry he is hungry
Hmmm, it is true...I am hungry
not angry :)
y every one become silent
@kalyan The thing is I cant use my tableViewCell (CustomCell) in tableView.. How to over come it?
The thing is I cant use my tableViewCell (CustomCell) in tableView.. How to over come it?
can i have ur code please?
@ganeshmanoj How u want me to share? through mail? give ur mail ID
@Vanitha problem is not not displaying custom cell over there
@sreecharan @borrrden : any idea on Wepay ????
@kalyan s.. u got any solution ?
@Vanitha i checked ur code n m trying to figure it
@ganeshmanoj i sent u .. Can check it
@kalyan The same thing Im Struggling from morning?
Never heard of it, sorry :D
@Vanitha can u change that code for view controller class
hey its sloved
u have given wrong links
@ganeshmanoj hey where?
@kalyan can't get u? Tell me clearly
@ganeshmanoj S tell me!!
@ganeshmanoj u done?
@ganeshmanoj If u have done Tell me the solution!!!!
@Vanitha u did not create iboutlet for tableview yaar
@Vanitha hi
@Swathi hi
@ganeshmanoj Is that necessary
@Vanitha i am sending you the file cheack the changes
@ganeshmanoj k
@sreecharan can u help for this?
@Vanitha hello
@ganeshmanoj can u mail me that code [email protected]
your from pondicherry
@iHungry nope...Winjit is not in Thane
faqt nashik
@sivakumar s
@ios, u r code is not properly formatted
@iHungry how do that?
@ganeshmanoj have u mailed? i dont get it!!
just knw
@iHungry ye...where u working dude????
@ios, r u used ARC?
@SunilTarge, mumbai
@iHungry no
@ganeshmanoj how to do index in UITableView
@iHungry i used
@ios, ur code is so horrible u allocating string and not release it anywhere in function
@Vanitha did u see it?
how to do UITable view index
@iHungry hiii
can i please look into this "can i reorder UITableViewCell by clicking left side of the cell in UITabelView????"
@SunilTarge, bol
sorry can u please look @ this "can i reorder UITableViewCell by clicking left side of the cell in UITabelView????"
@Swathi i did not get you
@Swathi how???
@iHungry using ARC is better to to avoid memory warnings
@SunilTarge we can do that by using

-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
@ganeshmanoj s ganesh im doing with that.. Let me try and catch u
Hey any body can help me why my friends account is blocked he is not able to answer. when he is going to post answer this link came: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/86997/…
@ios, 1st optimize your code
becoz it may be happen due to buffer overflow
like this
@iHungry can u guide more please. I really need haelp
@iHungry plzzzzz
@ganeshmanoj like this
@Vanitha ok al d best
@Swathi u can
@ios, [[NSString alloc] init] remove ur allocation in loop
@SunilTarge see that pic
@ganeshmanoj ganesh can u tell me how u connected IBoutlet of Customcell with tableCell.. Im not getting
@ganeshmanoj i tried more time ,,,, but have not yet get the result
i will did u get the output?...@Vanitha
@ios, if u want create allocation then ur all string release at the end of the loop
@ios, i m sure this error occur due to unman-aged memory
@Swathi u want show in a-z ?
@Swathi by tapping on index , u need to perfrom any action
ok can send a piece of code please ? @iHungry
@ganeshmanoj Im getting the same error :<ViewController 0x6b5da80> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key lblcapital. in the line [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"CustomCell" owner:self options:nil];
@kalyan yes want to short data in table view
@ios, i have some stub but it written in ARC so its unused for u sorry
@ganeshmanoj yes
@iHungry ok i am doing so please check that
@iHungry r u angry ?
i got it..@Vanitha
@ganeshmanoj Y im getting same issue again?
@Vanitha where in podicherry?
@iHungry [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; is not working in my project
i'm from chennai
@sivakumar @Swathi @SunilTarge [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; not working in my code
wait i wil cheack again
@iosDev @ios [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; not working
@ganeshmanoj I runned your code.. It showing an error NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '-[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the "ViewController" nib but the view outlet was not set.'
@ganeshmanoj I runned a code that u mailed me.. Getting the above error?
@Vanitha [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; not working
can send me code again
@ganeshmanoj help me
@ios, ur code so horrible and wired ..
@ios, do one thing optimize ur code using instrument
@iHungry i know please help me. I need your help.
trace out memory leaks
@iHungry hii
@Swathi how can i help u ?
@ios, no i can't code is so big
@ganeshmanoj one thing i need to know.. How you set the Customcell with the tablecell in IBOUTlet .. Let me know that pls?
@Tauseef, hello dost hw r u?
@iHungry jus send a sample only for one filed not for all
@iHungry fine bro..
aja idher
@Vanitha you have make a custom cell ?
@ios, i saved one contact in contact list
using ARC
@Vanitha sure i will tell u and also send code again
@Vanitha select the class in xib file and set class of the custom cell
@Swathi one min plz
@iHungry ok tell how do that? but i am reading contact from address book. so please help me. I really need your help :(
@Vanitha check your mail now
@kalyan hi
i extracting contact list from address book using ARC
@iHungry ok i got that
@girish hi
@ios, and i just searching any name exist in address book
wait i am sending code for without ARC so please check and let me know @iHungry
@girish wru?
@ganeshmanoj getting : Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
@ios, sorry again i can't .... optimization urself
u have instruments use it
@Vanitha hey i got the output yaar u have given wrong links
remove ur memory leaks
@ganeshmanoj s
its just little bit code i will tel u
@Nikki hi
@ganeshmanoj i have did full code for table view but not getting output,,, can you check it?
@ganeshmanoj In which? I did not given connection to the Customcell with the tablecell
@ganeshmanoj I asked u how to give that link? i dont find the way?
@Swathi sure
in both xib u did not give the links @Vanitha
@ganeshmanoj mail id
@iHungry how use that can ypu tell me? andy link
@ganeshmanoj i dont get u? tell me clearly?

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