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meta.stackoverflow.com @Rick
1 hour later…
Goodmorning guys.. :D
@borrrden hey man what up?
@borrrden have you used an animation frame by frame using NSTimer?
No, I prefer CADisplayLink
never heard of that dude.. can it play a large images with 200+ frames?
@borrrden cause when i use arrays it crashes in the device
anyone have a xbox
@wew Why not just use UIImage? It has functions for making an animated image
I bet it crashes because you run out of memory
You can't have 200 images in memory at once....
unless they are tiny
@borrrden actually i have done that.. i loop the images like in array.. i'll show you my code..
And what is the exact problem you are having?
P.S. if you say "it doesn't work" or "it crashes" I will slap you
@borrrden LOL. my problem is that i cannot combine the animation code to the invalidate code in the same method.. cause every time i clicked a button that will trigger the animation it only increase the animation process..
Disable the button when it starts then...
@borrrden i can't do that I should clear the previous animation first and start a new one..
good morning
hi @borrrden
@borrrden everytime i click the button the sequence counter should start again to 0..
Then you need to have some kind of flag that indicates it is currently in progress
One of the views I have is a multi step animation view, where the user advances to the next section with a button press (or goes to the previous one, or restarts)
@borrrden i need ur suggestion for this Q ,,stackoverflow.com/questions/12328786/…
The actual logic to control that view is only 9 lines long
Jailbreaking your device changes everything
In theory the maximum number of devices connected to 1 host is 16
In practice, I found this to be very unstable
At least for bluetooth....
me too .. some times simulator connects to my host device ..and when i restart it doesnt .
i am connecting thro wifi
I don't know how much we tried with wifi....eventually we gave up and wrote our own networking using sockets
how many devices were u able to connect ?
With GameKit??
Or with sockets?
16 with game kit right .... with sockets ?
GameKit was mainly bluetooth testing, and it became unstable after 7 devices
sockets are only limited by the power of your wireless router
We are easily able to connect 40 devices together
thats pretty good
was it wifi ?
Yes, of course
Bluetooth is not very reliable
I mean for this kind of stuff
@borrrden multiple animation view? what do you mean by flag?
flag....a bool....or some variable that you can check
hmm .. with wifi can we connect 40 devices ?
With sockets, yes
this took about a month of hard work though
It's no walk in the park....
we have to finish this proj within a month
lol then you are a bit late thinking about networking :p
something which is crazy as i mentioned the simulator detects my host device ..it detects thro bluetooth.. but simulator doesnt support bluetooth ..which is really strange ... and yeah :P
The simulator should support bluetooth if the Mac it is running on it does
where can we learn about sockets
Stanford tutorial....
it is a bit dated but still relevant
i dont think there will be readily available sockets programming .. haha
It also talks about GameKit
I spent a long time researching networking, and this is still the best resource that I have found
did u use gamekit after u started using sockets
no, the other way around
we gave up on gamekit cuz it was a pain
ok ..
@borrrden do i need to use a new task other than invalidate?
i think the chapter from stanford tutorial is 37
I don't understand your question @wew
I control the filename parameters from outside the timer loop....
if the user presses a button, I simply change the parameters, and the loop will handle it correctly
@borrrden like - isValid,fire,fireDate
like change section 'A' to 'B'
I don't understand what you are going on about....are you trying to subclass NSTimer? o,0
@borrrden ok bro.. i'll try it.. I guess i'd give you a lot of trouble explaining it to me.
@borrrden i'll update you what happen to me later.. :)
any1 know how to make a unibar?
unibar? What is that? Sounds like a place for unicorns to get drunk
like safari
google if not a site, if a site it opens that
In theory, query the DNS
if the DNS can't find it, it is not a site
iOS might be something like "try to open site, and if it fails then google it"
how do i do that? right now checks for :// in text, if not there it searches. and then also i want it to be the main web browser for people, so i want the bar to open apps with url schemes, so ofcourse in my app now, it fails to load Facebook://, but safari opens facebook app with that
If you try to load a page that can't be found, webView will inform you
I never bother typing :// so you will have a problem there
it is a huge hassle on a phone
for example, I just type in "stackoverflow.com"
So just try to load that page...
if it fails to load....google it
i dont get how safari can know to do that, and also on ios you have to have http or something at the beginning, it wont load www.google.com in nsurl, so its confusing
ill try
let the webview do the work of figuring out if it is valid or not
on the error delegate for web view how can i check the code? just use numbers like 0, 1, 2 or is there keys i can use
@all anyone know how to make the curves of UIBezierpath smooth ?
@smith get a trial of paint code and see how it does it in the coding
Q: UIBezierPath not drawing a smooth curve

RanjitI am using UIBezierPath for drawing, and I have written the code on touch events and its working fine, but my curves are not smooth, when I am move my finger around and draw some curve, they are not smooth or accurate, So What should I do for this and how should I proceed, please help me out. bel...

@borrrden wow-_- i fail so much, thank u! apple has good errors so now i can easily make it a unibar:D works 100%
i think u deserve a promo code for that one
Has anyone worked on CoreMIDI?
sorry, CoreAudio?
@MaxHasADHD, @borrrden i have used this code !!! but the problem is that this code is not drawing anything
@borrrden except the open app part:P i guess thats built into uiwebview. texted with a bunch of apps
now have to find out somehow if it needs http, https,www
@borrrden hii
@borrrden how are you..??
@MaxHasADHD hii
@Smith hii
@borrrden @MaxHasADHD I have a tabbarcontroller with 2 tabs,on the hit of the second tab, I load a viewcontroller with a view A, and after the view controller(with view A) is visible, then if the user changes the orientation of the device, a different view-B is loaded while view-A is made hidden. This is working fine. But the transition becomes very slow and choppy after changing orientation for 6 to 7 times continuously...any idea why..??..or how to prevent this..?? :(
@MaxHasADHD hey are you there..??
@borrrden, hi good morning hw was ur week-end?
@iHungry hey..hii..how are you..??
@iHungry do you have any idea about the problem i am facing..??
@borrrden hey any help..??
ya hi, and what are you loading in it
@keepsmiling I bet because you are simply adding views and not removing them....so they just pile up
@Smith Your problem is elsewhere, that code will work fine
There are several smooth line drawing views on github, check them out
@borrrden when u developed sockets to connect/ communicate b/w host and client devices ..were the phones jailbroken ?? can we connect/communicate via wifi using sockets ?
@leena : Hi Good Morning
@Leena GM...
@iYahoo @WhitePearl gud mrng
@Leena thank x welcome...
@Leena hi
@iYahoo hi
@orgami No, no sane company develops for jailbroken phones....
hello @ios
Yes, you can communicate via wifi using sockets.....do you understand what sockets are? o,0
@Leena how are you?
i am fine
@ios : hi
Morning folks
Morning folks
morning @sreecharan
@sreecharan hi good morning
@EngravingMoorthy Hello
@SKM Hello
Hi @Leena @sreecharan @borrrden @iHungry @SKM @EngravingMoorthy Good morning :)
@sreecharan NSUrlconnection method connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:requestInformation delegate:self];
[connection start];
NSLog(@"Connection succesfull");
NSLog(@"There is a error in connection");
} when did call this else method
When your server wont respond to your request
@sreecharan i give url as wrong only call didfailwitherror is only called not called the connection not success method
@SKM didfailwitherror is called when you don't have internet or the server IP itself is wrong
@sreecharan hiii
@sreecharan Hi,
@sreecharan how to check the else method
trace the error using statement [error localizeddescription];
@sreecharan Are you familiar with facebook ios sdk?
u will get error code and reason as well
NSLog(@"%s, %@", FUNCTION, [error localizedDescription]);
@borrrden But dear, I am removing the views when it changes to portrait, and adding again when to landscape...and i check this by doing a NSLog("the views are %@",self.view.subviews); and no matter how many orientation change I make, the number of views don't show as piled up in this NSLog...!!
@McMillan Nope, no FB Questions please
@keepsmiling That is my only idea given the amount of information you presented
@sreecharan ok.
gud mrng @Coder :)
@borrrden Looks like he is allocating the view when ever the transition changes and the memory is heaping
That was my guess, but the memory will be reclaimed if he removes and destroys the view
@sreecharan @borrrden ya both are right, I am removing from superview too everytime the orientation change back to portrait and then add it again when to landscape.
@sreecharan hello
@sreecharan i m doing audio recording in my App. my requirement is to store audio recorded file of 1 hour in sqlite. Its .caf file. Is it possible to store audio file in database because its having really large memory. Would it effect database?
lol 1 hour audio file
yeah for 1 hour
vGM @Coder
@iHungry ??
@sreecharan one old question for you
i have 40 mb video. i download that file as a multiple Split(2mb). how can i make that file as single 40mb video
@NikhilBansal, tu 1 hours recorded file save karana chahata hai yeah 1 hour ke liye save karana chahata hai?
Hi To All....
@EngravingMoorthy Have you watched the 2011 WWDC Videos ?
hi friends......
@iHungry i want to save audio recorded file which would have 1 hour duration
@Leena hii, GM
nope @sreecharan
@EngravingMoorthy Watch about Working with Media in AV Foundation at developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2011
@NikhilBansal, i would like to suggest one way.....do not store media file in database
instead of keep media file in ur directory
@iHungry ok then what should i do?
and save its path in database
@NikhilBansal Initially i don't think a user can record a sound for 1 hour with out losing atleast 20 to 40% of his/her battery
@all Hi
@iHungry ok nice idea
so u can store so many files path in database and using those paths u can extract the appropriate media file
@sreecharan ok
@iHungry Usually coredata works efficiently in these cases
@sreecharan, yeah its better than sqlite
u r right
hii @NikhilBansal @sreecharan
@iHungry @sreecharan so do i need to use coredata in this case?
but @NikhilBansal, want write his functionality using sqlite then ....
its ok
Is it right way for passing NSMutableArray in another class ?

NSMutableArray *folderDetailArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
MainImageView *IFNames = [[MainImageView alloc]initWithName:imgFolderNames];

[folderDetailArray addObject:IFNames];
@NikhilBansal Thats up to you, if i were you, i will be using coredata
@sreecharan saving audio file with such large memory would be fine with coredata?
@sreecharan then i ll use coredata
if he is familiar with coredata then very good thing otherwise if he is one standing of project deadline and familier with sqlite then i suggest go for sqlite for achieve ur deadline first
now that I understand core data, I cringe at the thought of using SQLite directly
@NikhilBansal, ,core data also u can save ur media file path
@iProgrammer Hi.
@NikhilBansal as Hungry told you, For Efficiency - Coredata and if you want to skip the efficient way for the sake of a dead line, Use sqlite
@iHungry If i would have to store path of audio file then i think sqlite would be good
@iProgrammer How are you ? And How's weekend ?
@SJS fine . weekend was gud
@sreecharan ok
yes coredata if efficient in this scenario
@Leena can we open presentModelView in Mainwindow ??
@sandy hii :)
oh mai msg bhej rha tha
@sandy how ru ?
@iProgrammer suno ye dekho link isse ho jayega
@sandy ok
@Coder That is a dumb question though, check the parent of your MainWindow. It will be NSObject and NSObject wont have presentModelView property
@iProgrammer mai acha hu tum kaissi ho
@sandy Edit bhi kar sakte hai kya?
@sandy main bhi badhiya
ek bar uske delegate me dekh lo edit ka maine check nhi kiya tha
@sandy kaha hai link
Q: iPhone - Opening word,excel, and PDF files without using UIWebview

sandyIs it possible to open word and excel file in iphone/iPad with out using UIwebview?

@borrrden Cringing for sqlite has became a tradition
@sandy ok
@sreecharan its open in viewcontroller but when it dismiss viewcontroller design mesh .. so .
@sreecharan do have any idea
@sreecharan actually i'm asking abut how to append the video file one by one
@sandy iske liye framework add karna padgea?
@EngravingMoorthy I know that you are asking about merging the videos, please watch that wwdc video
@Coder I don't have an idea of your question itself
posted on September 10, 2012 by Johann

Near the beginning of this year I mentioned a great open source project known as Docsets from Ole Zorn.  An app with a terrific interface interface for downloading and viewing Apple documentation on the iPad or iPhone. Ole has created another outstanding tool – this time an Xcode plugin known as ColorSense for working with [...]

@sandy thanks
@EngravingMoorthy, use AVFoundation framework....
AVMutableComposition class
@sreecharan ok
its provides all functions of appending videos
based on CMTime
@Tauseef gud afternun
@sandy edit ka to nahi hai kuch
@EngravingMoorthy I can give you a block of code for merging videos, but you can't understand it with out knowing about AVMutableComposition, In that video they have described clearly about it
AVMutableComposition* mixComposition = [AVMutableComposition composition];

AVMutableCompositionTrack *compositionCommentaryTrack1 = [mixComposition addMutableTrackWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo preferredTrackID:kCMPersistentTrackID_Invalid];
[_assetExport exportAsynchronouslyWithCompletionHandler :
^(void ) {
last block will compose ur appending video
@sreecharan ohh thank you i saw this adcdownload.apple.com//wwdc_2011/… but is there no topic abut AVMutableComposition
AVAssetWriter ?
@iHungry thanks mate
@All : has anyone worked on Facepile ?/
hello guys goodmorning everybody

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