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05:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

@sreecharan hello
Hello @Abhishek
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@sreecharan how to open any other view with local notification
@Abhishek Local Notification opens your app and it opens your root view controller
@sreecharan ohk
@Abhishek It is just like Remote push notification, but it will be fired locally from your application
@sreecharan ohk
@sreecharan how can i make localnotification like alarm
@Abhishek watch my answer to this
A: UILocalNotification - Fire and Repeat at particular time each day

sree charanIf you have the time which you have to fire notification every day, you should do this NSCalendar *calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar]; NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init]; for (NSMutableArray * arrDay in self.namaztim...

@sreecharan ohk
@Abhishek @sreecharan : i what my second view is open after 5 second now what i do that?
@sreecharan what is self.namaztimes ?
@AliRaza Sorry, your question is not clear
@Abhishek watch the comments for my answer, i've mentioned it there
@sreecharan: look i want that my second view is look after 5 second
@sreecharan ok
@AliRaza Well, then add some delay for the main thread before presenting the second view
I mean the delay of 5 seconds
@sreecharan i want to getlocal notification ony once time in a day do how can do it
@sreecharan: yes
now what i do
@sreecharan ok go it
@Abhishek thats what the answer says
@sreecharan i am implemeting it
@AliRaza ?? I told you to add delay, whats difficult init?
@Abhishek Okay
@sreecharan how i add some delay in main thread
@AliRaza can you show me the code where you are pushing or presenting the second view?
@sreecharan: i use NSTImer but not work
@AliRaza Thats not the answer i've expected, I've asked you to show me the code where you are pushing or presenting the second view?
who can explain me what the uitavleview contentinset is?
@AliRaza And please use pastebin.com
Hi @sreecharan
Hello @SergioCalvoGonzález
@sreecharan I want to make a uitableview with a image on its top. So when loading the view there will be a picture on top and a tableview. When scrolling the tableview will scroll and also gain space to the image until the image dissappears. How should I do this? Adding the image to the uitableview?
@SergioCalvoGonzález add image in table Header
and give more height to the header
but the header will be always displayed right?
use - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section;
I know that
but I dont want the image to always be shown
if the table is scrolled the image will be disappearing
until I only see the table and not the image
any idea?
@sreecharan i have a question regarding your answer
@AliRaza use this method , [self performSelector:@selector(yourpresentingMethod) withObject:nil afterDelay:5];
@sreecharan if application is not runing in background then localnotification will apeare everyday or not ??
@SergioCalvoGonzález then add it to table.backgroundView
@Abhishek yes, it will appear
@sreecharan I have already tried that without success. Everything works fine if I add it as a subview of table, but the first cells are not being displayed (they are in the back of the view added). Is there any way to display the first cell at a specific height
@SergioCalvoGonzález Are you talking about header?
the first row
@SergioCalvoGonzález Ok, but where are you adding your image, to header or backgorund view?
now, to the view
to the tableview
[_table addSubview:_slideShowView];
@sreecharan my date time likethis 25-10-2012 12:10 AM and after using your code Printing description of myNewDate:
0027-01-25 19:16:32 +0000 come like these but it is not work
@SergioCalvoGonzález why? when you have table.backgroundView backgroundview property, what is the need of adding sub view to it
@Abhishek Take a look at Date Format Patterns
@sreecharan what cate formte can i used
@Abhishek Choose your format from there
@Abhishek and dont blindly copy and paste the code, analyze it, what is happening there.
Because Coding != Copy pasting from tutorials and Stack Over flow
@Abhishek and just now, i came to know that Local Notifications wont work if you have killed your app from the background Multi task bar
Hello @T-X
@sreecharan Hi
@sreecharan ohk so what can i used for local notification on every day if app is killed from background ?
@Abhishek Because the name itself suggests that it will be locally fired Notification and if you want to show a notification for the user even if your app is not running in background, Go for Remote Push Notifications
@sreecharan now I am adding is in table.backgroundview, but it is not being displayed... why?
How are you adding @Sergio
[_table.backgroundView addSubview:_slideShowView];
background view is automatically resized to match the size of the table view. This view is placed as a subview of the table view behind all cells , header views, and footer views.
It should display @SergioCalvoGonzález
I am going to eat Egg Curry with Rice in Lunch. See you all later. Bye.
@sreecharan it is not
@sreecharan, I have a tab barcontroller which does not change orientation in landscape mode
well @SergioCalvoGonzález pastebin your table delagate methods and the code of your _slideShowView
ist all being mad in ib
@SergioCalvoGonzález Try to make your table view background color as clear color and then check it
tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
@andyPaul add this implementation in your class
I think it will help you out
thnks , let me try
@andyPaul that is category implementation which handles my case where I have anonymous UINavigationControllers associated with my tabs and custom UIViewController subclasses as the root view controllers of the UINavigationController
in Some of the answers I found, 1. returing YES in shouldAutoRotateToInterfaceOreintation 2. change frame in willRotateToInterfaceOrientation
@andyPaul you can do that also, but you may face Auto resizing issues in future
@sreecharan autoresizing issue? could you explain
@andyPaul If you create UI objects in IB then you’ll also need to connect them to properties defined in your view controller’s header file.
Then, The setAutoresizesSubviews property controls whether each object will resize automatically when their bounds change.
@sreecharan but i am not using nib file
The setAutoresizingMask property controls how each object resizes automatically. A UILabel only has to worry about resizing its width, but since a UITextView, UITableView and some other components is scrollable it needs to resize both its width and height when its bounds change.
@andyPaul I am just explaining you
@sreecharan okie
@sreecharan i am not clear on idea of explicitly calling shouldRoatateToInterfaceOrientation for viewControllers within UITabBarController-->UINavigationController-->MyUIViewController
@andyPaul Are you using Navigation Controller?
Q: Selective Autorotation within a UINavigationController and UITabBarController

Joe D'AndreaGreetings! Here's the scenario. Starting with a navigation controller (and no tab bar is present - it is hidden from a previous view controller push), I init a new view controller and push it onto the nav controller stack. This new VC contains a lonesome UIView into which I programmatically add ...

Q: UINavigationController and autorotation

Steven CanfieldI have a UIViewController that returns YES in shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: for UIDeviceOrientationPortrait and NO for everything else. With that view on the top of the stack, I use pushViewController:animated: to push a new UIViewController. The new controller returns YES for anything ...

@andyPaul check all the answers in these 2 posts
@sreecharan yes
@sreecharan Hey, I needed help with reusable cells
could you please help
yep @Ayush
we are here to help you
So I am using reusable cells
and I want to change the background image of the cell programmatically
Previously I was just changing it alternately using the condition (indexPath.row % 2)
and it was working fine
but now the condition has changed so that I have a global variable int bgcolor;
and if a particular value, say x of the current row (NSDictionary), is not equal to the x of the previous row, only then I need to change the color,
So, the relevant part of my code looks like that
1 message moved to dev/null
@AyushChaudhary please show code in pastebin
Dont paste it here
Now this works great when the tableView is loaded, but when I scroll down and move up again, things start to get strange
colors are being randomly chosen
well @AyushChaudhary before setting the color to the cell, make its color as nil
because of that you are facing the re-usability issues
wow, that solves it
could you explain in more detail if you don't mind?
See, the method cellForRowAtIndexpath will be called million of times when you are scrolling the table view
So, when you are assigning any image or color, you need to make it nil before assigning them to cell
so when ever this method is called it will not repeat or what you say it will not Re-Use the color or allocate it again
oops, it doesn't work :(
it should work
yeah the first time I built it, it worked or probably i didn't scroll many times
I tried it again, and the issue is still there
the first load is perfect, but after scrolling its mayhem
paste bin your full cellForRowAtIndexpath method
and are you using custom cell
@Ayush i guess if (indexPath.row%2==0) will work for you rather than if(bgcolor % 2 == 0)
by the way, what is bgcolor here?
bgcolor is a global int
actually I don't want to alternate according to odd or even
I want the color to change only when the previous row's "handle" is not equal to current row's "handle"
then this condition is not correct , right?
I didn't get you
in this condition if(bgcolor % 2 == 0)
you are not comparing anything about the handling of rows which you have told me
yes, so if handles are not equal, I increase bgcolor by 2
by 1*
so, if its odd it becomes even else it becomes odd
according %2 also changes
are you building custom cell in xib?
ok, add a method
- (NSString *) reuseIdentifier {
return @"myIdentifier";
in your custom cell class
other wise in xib, like this
I guess the problem is with your CellIdentifier @AyushChaudhary
@AyushChaudhary For what it's worth, I've asked an Apple engineer about this at one of the iPhone Tech Talks. His answer was, "Yes, it's easy to use IB to create cells. But don't. Please, don't."
IMPORTANT # Anyone please help me regarding # stackoverflow.com/q/12119825/1599736
@all anyone used floodfill algorithm for iOS
Hello @Abizern
Do you know why multiple inheritance is not supported in Objective-c ??
Hello :P
I've checked this
A: Objective-C multiple inheritance

d11wtqObjective-C doesn't support multiple inheritance, and you don't need it. Use composition: @interface ClassA : NSObject { } -(void)methodA; @end @interface ClassB : NSObject { } -(void)methodB; @end @interface MyClass : NSObject { ClassA *a; ClassB *b; } -(id)initWithA:(ClassA *)anA b...

@sreecharan objective c doesn't i think but tell us the exact scenerio ?
@sreecharan What would the reason be for not creating cells using IB?
@sreecharan Because you have multiple interfaces in Objective-C, and it avoids the diamond problem.
@AyushChaudhary i donno, but he has asked me to avoid it, but i guess After your XIB is generated by XCode, it contains an empty UIView, but we need a UITableViewCell; so you have to manually remove the UIView and insert a Table View Cell. Of course, IB will not show any UITableViewCell parameters for a UIView.
@Abizern yup right but in java we also use interfaces to avoid diamond problem
@Abizern well, so protocols is the way to implement the multiple inheritance in Obj-C
@sreecharan the xib I created is a subclass of UITableViewCell,
@dark Does Jave have Multiple Inheritance?
@Abizern nope
UIView : UIResponder : NSObject
@sreecharan Not exactly, because it's not multiple inheritance. But it's a way of defining a common interface.
cool, gotcha
@sreecharan so you suggest, I redo my customcell?
@Abizern if I have ClassA and Class B Inherit ClassA and let sy their is another class C which Inherits B so C class is able to call public funcitons of class b and a directly
@AyushChaudhary have you checked the cell identifiers which i have told you to do a while ago ??
@dark You have the same thing in Objective-C
@Abizern can we achieve our goal with such approach as well ?
I couldn't understand that, my internet went off and I just saw the message
@dark You've lost me - I don't know what problem you are having.
@Abizern hehe i don't have any problem i a just talking generally on multiple inheritance
@sreecharan the screenshot you send was for which nib?
@dark Okay. But you just described a single inheritance chain.
@AyushChaudhary UITableViewCell
@Abizern yes if you have a classes A , B and C and you want A to inhertic B and C , in c++ you just write like that Class A :Class B :Class C . What is the difference if I have make base class B then inherit C from B and then A inherit C
@T-X hello dirty fellow fat buffalo :P
@sreecharan I can't find the identifier field in the nib
XCode 4.4.1
@dark Hi Buffalo :D
@T-X my music app is get rejected :D
@dark Why?
@dark ¡Felicidades
@T-X in my audioplayer I have used default arworkImage of a girl with iPod in her hand. Apple didn't allow this thing to use any apple product or logo in app :P
@AyushChaudhary really?
@dark Yes, they don't allow their logos or images in third party apps.
@T-X in my webbrowser I have set the web mp3skull.com instead of google.com
@T-X third I have put itunes file sharing and they said that is illegal I have send them link of app that uses the same
@Abizern yup that i understand but what is the difference in them ?
@dark Why file sharing is illegal? They have the key in info.plist. Did they deprecate it recently?
@Abizern c can access methods of a and b that are public in both cases
@T-X no they don't I have implement multiple audio,video and pdf files downloading from webview may be thats why they called it illegal , but that is not illegal
@T-X and they aslo said make this app to 17+ rated :..who asked them to download bad videos ..:D
@dark What if A and B inherit from some superclass Z. And Z implements a print function. And A and B both override the print function. Suppose that C now tries to use the print function - which version does it use?
@dark If A and B both have a method called void display() then C will have 2 copies of that method. So in C, if you call display() which will be executed? This is diamond problem.
:D beat you to it.
One solution is to specify the Class name while calling the method. In C++, something like A::display();
@Abizern hmmm got it thanks :)
In single inheritance if A has a print function and B overrides it, and C calls print - it's going to use the print function defined in B.
It's a different way of thinking about objects. With Multiple inheritance you can have an object that is a man and also a dog. But with single inheritance and multiple interfaces, you can have an object that is a man (i.e inherits from the Man class) and behaves like a dog (i.e it implements the DogBehaviour protocol)
@all good morning @Abizern @T-X
hi all
@Bobj-C Hi
@Abizern nice explanaing thanks :)
@Bobj-C hello
Or you can have an object that is a dog (inherits from Dog) and behaves like a man (implements the ManBehaviour protocol). These are muck richer ways of describing relationships.
I like the DogBehaviour :P
@Bobj-C Hello.
I am human and behave like Terminator.
@sreecharan :D what things you like most in DogBehaviour:P
@dark hello bro
@T-X are you sure you are human :P i think you are buffalo :)
@T-X But the point of the terminators is to be Terminators but behave as humans.
Yes :(
@T-X You're an "ulta" terminator.
You're trying to infiltrate the robots
@sreecharan helo
@T-X hello
@Abhishek Hi
@T-X meri app me backgroundmode me method call ki he or useme ek view ko present kiya he but buttons nahi show ho rahe he
@T-X empty view sow ho raha he
@Abhishek Background mode means?
@T-X background me chal rahi he
@Abhishek On separate thread?
@T-X Do you know how to make a fade in- fade out animation in between the images in scrollview
Actually i am playing a slide show with images in scrollview
No user interaction
But when i am playing the slideshow, i need fade in-fade out animation
between the images
@sreecharan You mean first image shows up, then fades out and at same time next shows up with fade in and so on?
@sreecharan One possible way is to fade out current image to some low alpha level (0.3) and in it's completion block bring the next image above (which will be at 0.0 alpha) it and start fading it in. This will be recursive process until last image fades in.
Yep, i am doing the same @T-X I am doing like this
I am calling the play method from viewDidLoad
but the problem here is after the end of last image fading it is not resuming its contentOffset to the first image
It should be a cyclic process
@sreecharan Probably 'cos it never gets to get into if(count >= [promotions count]-1) condition. Also your timer and UIView animation durations and thieir synchronization getting messed up could be a possibility. I will take look into it later. I gotta go out for shopping on my scooty.
See you all later. Bye.
Hi everyone
One question. I want to make an iphone app that has a initial login screen and after login succeed it will show a tabBar. How should I manage this? I mean. Should I first add the tabBar and present the login or what?
@SergioCalvoGonzález Is your table view background image problem solved?
yes, I solved it adding as a separate view
and when the table scrolls the animation I wanted is made
@sreecharan The code which u had given me did worked for one of my application. But, the current application on which I am working did seem to respond to that code.
@andyPaul Which Code?
@sreecharan in my current application shouldRoatateToInterfaceOreintation is not getting called (code in pastebin.com/ZNi1PA72)
@sreecharan hurray I almost found it
@SergioCalvoGonzález tabbars are supposed to be the root view.
The way most people do this is to start with a tab bar and present a modal view from the tabbar to handle the log in.
@sreecharan I am using a code written by my colleague, really killing code.
@sreecharan here is how it was? 1. set the view controller 2. show the splash screens 3. after the splash screens are displayed , the call a method on Application delegate to create UITabBarController and add to the window......I am wondering why he is calling application delegate to create UITabBarController?
@andyPaul lolz
1 hour later…
@all i need to implement ssl handshaking at ios client. i already has client certificate in my bundle. whenever i get authentication challenge then i need to perform SSL handshake with server certificate. anyone any idea ????
@vikas Take a look at this
Thanks @sreecharan .. let ma have a look... i am been roaming around in google and searching lots of blogs but cudnt fine concrete solution...let me look this one..
This is my blog
@sreecharan that was the nice work but this actually shows the mac server communication with apple server for APNS services where you write code in php.....my problem is that i need to initiate a ssl connection at ios client side. i will be having a certificate in my app bundle and when i will hit the server then i will get authentication challenge and then i need to start ssl handshaking at ios client after verifying server certificate with one i already have in my app bundle. any idea on this.
@sreecharan @andyPaul any idea... Paul i just wrote my problem above ?? any idea
@vikas have u implemented didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge
yes ...but how to to ssl handshaking there in that control..this is where i am stuck
i can give you some sample code, i have implemented so far.. if you can help me out
@vikas canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace even this is implemented?
@andyPaul i haven't implemented canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace. i implement only didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge
@vikas please do that,
@vikas - (BOOL)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace:(NSURLProtectionSpace *)protectionSpace {
return [protectionSpace.authenticationMethod isEqualToString:NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust];
oops sorry ..my bad.. i implemented it...i returned simple YES
@vikas have you bundled your certificate with the app. how are you intializing it?
@andyPaul initially i was passing YES ...now i changed as you recommended ...should i paste the code i wrote in didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge...i initializing it in this function...
@vikas yes, use paste bin
@andyPaul i just pasted
1 message moved to dev/null
@vikas Don't paste big chunks of code here
@sreecharan sorry i never used it..let me paste it there
Thats simple, paste it, submit it and paste the link here
thnaks Andy
1 hour later…
Is any one there ?
hi dark
hows it going
nothing just chilling today :) after 5 hours programming :P you tell what's going on ?
woah ... nothing much just hanging out :)
thats good apple reject my one app but it will also give me chance to learn more things from them . I have jut correct all things that apple has specify :)
that sucks
i have a question
I have a AVQueuePlayer , i have added uislider to implement scrubbing so when i drag the uislider the song starts from that point ,i have written the code which increases the duration of the song when the uislider is moving .At the same time i have another label which should decrease the duration of the song once it starts playing
Float64 currentSeconds = CMTimeGetSeconds(myPlayer.currentTime);
int mins = currentSeconds/60.0;
int secs = fmodf(currentSeconds, 60.0);
NSString *minsString = mins < 10 ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"0%d", mins] : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", mins];
NSString *secsString = secs < 10 ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"0%d", secs] : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", secs];
currentTimeLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", minsString, secsString];
@all Hello
hello MT.T
view does not resize on orientation change in tabbar
@andyPaul have you set its autoresizing mask properties ?
in potrai mode its okie, but when I change it to portrait mode some part of the view hides underneath the nav bar
@dark which all mask must be set
set its width
width is resized even if I dont set it
let me send you the name here
Hmmm :P
@dark I am using these 2 masks UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin
@andyPaul just use UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth
@dark no success. UIviewController , added to UINavigationCOntroller and then to UItabBarController...I am sing UIViewController.view.autoreszingMask= UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth
hi sree
Q: How to decrease the duration of the song when uislider is moving in a AVQueueplayer

orgamiI have a AVQueuePlayer , i have added uislider to implement scrubbing so when i drag the uislider the song starts from that point ,i have written the code which increases the duration of the song when the uislider is moving .At the same time i have another label which should decrease the duration...

@andyPaul why not to make it for you tabbar ?
@orgami did'nt get your question
@drak I found it, I used UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight
@sreecharan hey hello :D
hi everybody
where is everyone from (country or state)
I'm in california
@user353877 what you want to do with country or state :)
Teneriffa but normally I'm from Germany
@dark - (void) knowCountryOrState:(NSString *)countryOrState {
@Leena what? :D
nothing @Mr.T
wow cool i never heard of Teneriffa before
i looked it up and its an island
Hello @Mr.T
and @orgami you will get an answer from me in a while
@user353877 UIAlertView *alert=[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Pakistan" message:@"I am from Paksitan" delegate nil cancel:@"Ok" otherbutton:nil]; [alert show]; [alert release]; ...... :P
nice @dark
@Leena :P
i know very little about Pakistan, are there a lot of ios people there ?
@user353877 year it's nice here :)
How could I load all data from one entity (core data) to one nsmutablearray? I not found a good way till now...
why did you move (from germany i'm assuming)
haha i'm on holiday
@user353877 No trolling, this is iPhone/iPad room and you need to talk about iOS, if you want to talk about geography, please ask Mr.T to add you in a private chat room and you guys are free to talk there, Please read this Room Rules
on the canary islands the temperature is really nice not too hot and not too cold and nice wind ;))
@sreecharan you're right!
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