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I didn't ask you about the frameworks - I asked about the imports. What other error messages do you get, do you get any build warnings? What is using these classes?
@sumanthkodi : Hello
@iPhoneDeveloper : Haha,nightmare for me,if someone even say to upload my app to appstore !!!
@iPhoneDeveloper @BornSurvivor hey i am getting all the friends list by using the facebook sdk, my question is how can i get the friend list who is online from his facebook account?
@Abizern i get only these error Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_CustomURLConnection", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in ViewController.o
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_Story", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in ViewController.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I'd need to see your ViewController class to have a better idea.
@T-X ji busy ?
@sumanthkodi : May be you need to use FQL
Q: Undefined symbols for architecture i386: _OBJC_CLASS_$_SKPSMTPMessage", referenced from: error

mannI have imported framework for sending email from application in background. i have imported framework i.e. SKPSMTPMessage. Can somebody suggest me why i am getting this error Undefined symbols for architecture i386: "_OBJC_CLASS_$_SKPSMTPMessage", referenced from: objc-class-ref in ConfirmCon...

@AliRaza See if the above post is helpful to you.
@T-X my problem is solved thanks
@AliRaza How?
Missing .m files in compile sources
This started happening to me a lot in XCode 4.3
but 4.4 seems to be OK. Just remember when you add your files into your project, make sure to double check that the "Add to target" checkbox is selected
Yes me too. That post helped me too in some Xcode version. I had up voted it. @AliRaza You can also consider up voting it if it fixed for you.
This happened A LOT with non-code files (audio, html, etc) and drove me so crazy for a while....(WHAT? Why won't it play?? Why won't it show??)
lol yep.
k outta here
@BornSurvivor haha..it happens..not a big deal..
May 20 at 10:43, by Laddu
Xcode is strange. I added some files from other project and it gives me linker error because those files don't get implicitly listed in the compiled sources. The best up voted answer here is quite useful.
i never had this type of problem yet
@iPhoneDeveloper : Yeah,waiting for the day,when app will be there on store!!!
@iHungry explain me retain and id in objective c ?
@EngravingMoorthy, see about retain google.co.in/…
@EngravingMoorthy the id data type cab be used ti store any object
for several reason u dont want to use (id) because of overusing this generic class type
@EngravingMoorthy when u define a variable from particurale class, you are using "static" typing
@EngravingMoorthy So the class of the object stored in that type is predeterminate
@BornSurvivor :) when is your app going to get complete?
@EngravingMoorthy and when you use static tyoing the compiler ensures, to the best of its ability
@iPhoneDeveloper, what up.... sound editing stub completed?
@iPhoneDeveloper : No idea !!!
@iHungry no i have left that project..
@Bobj-C You use it whenever you declare an ivar for a delegate - because it's class isn't important - only whether it conforms to the delegate's protocol.
@BornSurvivor oh lol
@EngravingMoorthy In Objective-C, object identifiers are of a distinct data type: id . This type is the general type for any kind of object regardless of class and can be used for instances of a class and for class objects themselves.
@Abizern Right
@Bobj-C Not really - it means it will accept an object of that class or any subclass. As id is at the top level - you're just typing at a higher level.
@Abizern aha nice
@iPhoneDeveloper, y left its very much interesting things....
i like so much to do in it
@iHungry no my sups told me to leave it...they gave me new project..
where have you reached??
@Bobj-C @sreecharan thanks :)
@iHungry thanks mate :)
@iPhoneDeveloper, no i not working in deep level in it... becoz i want also it implement in android.... and android dev is headache for me..... i searching its alternative solution
@iHungry ok so you develop apps in android also?
@iPhoneDeveloper, i m iOS developer but this game i want to make cross platform also using cocos2dx
this is the main reason i rejected that idea
@iHungry ok so it is a sort of game..not exactly like that heart rate measurement app?
@JDev Hello
you rejected the idea??y??@iHungry
need to open any installed application from my application.
is it possible..?
@iPhoneDeveloper :Yeah seriously , no idea ,whats going on whether they will be uploaded or not !!!
@JDev Yes - if you know what the custom URL scheme is for that application and how to send it data, then you can open another application from your application.
@BornSurvivor i dunno y but same thing is happening in my company also these days...
@iPhoneDeveloper, game is design likewise.... so i have to reject it....
@Abizern what if that other application is also designed by us?
@iHungry matlab?
you left it cuz of designing part?
@abizern - yes i know that i already used that but what about other application..?
@JDev I don't understand your question - that is opening another application.
@iPhoneDeveloper, i will to do core functionality for finding heart beat becoz game design... designed something different by designer.......
@iPhoneDeveloper : Yeah !!! Store full ho gaya ?
@iHungry ok i got it now..so did you find that sound thing from anywhere>?
@iPhoneDeveloper, but yes if you working on hospital app then u have to do core functionality
@BornSurvivor i think so..:P
@iHungry yes i was talking bout hospital app only.. n i wanted core functionality..
@iPhoneDeveloper, yes.... game is always virtual think..
@iPhoneDeveloper, so my case of development is diff .... i have no mandatory to write it
@iHungry ok that is so easy then..
@iPhoneDeveloper, yes quite.....
@Abizern : suppose i have installed any game in my device and i need to open that game from my application by clicking on any button.
@JDev I see. You can't open any application - just those that have registered their URL scheme that lets you open it. Not all apps do that.
@iHungry hmm
@Abizern like facebook,instagram,... @JDev
@iPhoneDeveloper : One strange problem,I capture video in portrait mode,save to directory and what I saw,it was rotated to 90 degrees !!! Any idea ?
@BornSurvivor, yes it will
how to fetch data from webservices?
@sivakumar, can u google b4 asking here?
@iHungry i got it. but not getting clear
any sample code?
@iHungry : But when I play same video in MoviePlayer,it Plays well ....What can be the issue?
@sivakumar. pastebin.com/hxgf6GjE see this
asynchronous dispatch_Queue downloading data from web server
@BornSurvivor, show ur code
for specific answer
@sivakumar, what happen ?
@iHungry : What can be the code,I simply take the video in Portrait mode,save it in directory and play in Movieplayer...Saved one gets rotated !!!
@BornSurvivor what method are you using to save the video?
when you play it in movie player..does it works fine or is it still rotated?
@iHungry i'm getting some empty tag. but not displaying inti tableview
@sivakumar, u need to read more in brief......
@sivakumar, what are u doing i don't know
@iPhoneDeveloper : Video plays properly...let me check for saved one
@BornSurvivor, in one method during capturing video... the video frame lost images meta data... so in that meta data orientation of video also be lost....so u need to manually rotate those frames.....that y i asking u show me ur what-ever code written for capturing video ... may be u will get best solution from me...... but ..... sorry
how to navigate phone settings through our application?
@BornSurvivor ok
@iHungry : Ohh actually there's no such code to display,just simple code that captures video and stores and play...I din't knew about metadata.
@iPhoneDeveloper @iHungry : AVAssetExportSession to store
is there any framework for phone settings ?
@BornSurvivor, yeah .. my guessing was correct ....\
BTW i leaving from office
@iHungry : It's fine,don't be sorry,will consult you tomorrow .:)
@BornSurvivor @iHungry how to navigate phone settings through our application?
is there any framework for phone settings ?
@BornSurvivor sorry yar bit busy with my own work so could'nt see your issue.. :(
@MedetiNaveenKumar : Check this link ,stackoverflow.com/questions/5655674/…
@iPhoneDeveloper : It's okay,don't be sorry !!!
@BornSurvivor ok:)
@BornSurvivor thanks born, that link was helpfull
@sumanthkodi : Settings link ?
@BornSurvivor no, for that fql link
@sumanthkodi : Okay..Ya right,went out of my mind...So did it work for you?
@BornSurvivor : No still i am working on that
@sumanthkodi : Okay..Hope it works for you at the end ... :)
@iPhoneDeveloper Hi there.
@iPhoneDeveloper Some urgent help.
@iPhoneDeveloper Have you worked with the Code blocks in iOS?
@thoughtbreaker yes a lot of times.. but not that much thoroughly
@T-X: Aaeen
@anonymous Hi
What happened here? @Abizern resigned again? :(
hello @Chris @Blade @anonymous @T-X
@sreecharan Hello Monitor
Monitor ?
hello @sreecharan @T-X
Nope, Sweeper would be better @anonymous
@Blade Hi
@anonymous Something happened between him and other iOS room people.
@T-X oh so naya iOS room khula aisa?
@anonymous May be this one will clarify all your doubts
This room is this room..Its best
Will look later gtg..Bye all
@anonymous Yes. See ya
@Blade Are you OK today?
@sreecharan Yes, thank you. Finally got a good night sleep :)
I can't guarantee though that it will keep me from asking dumb questions :D
@Blade Hi @anonymou @sreecharan i make a custom view and use iPhone simulator now i want to run iPad simulator where custom view look small now what i do that
@T-X i create a custom view for run iPhone simulator now i create a universal project. in which project i design a iPad screen but custom view is look small now you tell me what i do that?
@AliRaza I guess your question is: Why is it small? If thats so: Pretty simple, because you are programming an iPhone App. Therefore the iPad displays it in size of iPhone screen. You can press 2x for example. But that does look pixelated. You have to tell the app that, when there is an iPad, to use other material.
@T-X hi
@iProgrammer Hi
Can any one say how to do NSString as NSarray name...
@Blade you mean i write some code in which i tell app when use iPad you do this something right
but how
give me some idea
@T-X kya kar rahi ho?
@iProgrammer Going out
See ya
wtf... when did apple change the app icon size from 512 to 1024 in itunes connect?
@T-X seeu
bye and hav a nice night
Hi room kindly clarify this doubt..I need to assign a array name from a string value..here is my code..
NSString *newstr=[tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath].textLabel.text;


NSArray *arr=[[NSArray alloc]initWithContentsOfFile:newstr];


[self.navigationController pushViewController:sec animated:YES];
Can anyone help me with this?
[[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:newstr, nil]
@VishnuPrasath : hi , i am getting this error when i am assining a array to mutable array assigning to 'readonly' return result of an objective-c message not allowed
@owengerig:thanks dude...It works..
@owengerig: can u help with this question too...
Q: ios-Zoom level for multiple annotation pin in Mapkit frame work

Daniel iosI'm using mapkit framework to load some locations in my map.But the problem i'm facing is i have to load to locations and it locates perfectly with my latitude and longitude which i declared.But the first location is only visible whereas if i need to locate the second location i need to zoom out ...

@VishnuPrasath hello
@VishnuPrasath do u know about making custoom annotation in map view ??
@VishnuPrasath your question is a little hard to follow, you might want to consider revising it. but after reading it a few times i think i get the jist. you need the map to be auto zoomed out so you see both points not just the one?
@Nikki:sorry bro i dont know
@owengerig:yeah...sorry for my bad english...
@VishnuPrasath i dont know off hand but take a look here stackoverflow.com/questions/1166444/mkmapview-zoom-and-region
it talks about regions and setting bounds, then zooming to that region
sounds like what you need
@owengerig:U r genius dude..Thanks i got my needs ...
@Bobj-C hello brother
I'm here. It's a bit early for the Terminator, though.
h r u ?@Bobj-C
@dark hi bro
@Abizern can u help me with this gist.github.com/3437949
@Bobj-C what's going on ? @Abizern hello how can we calculate the remaining downloading time of a file ?
@dark fine
@dark wht abt u ?
@Bobj-C am fine , i think you have miss some file in your xcode
or some frame work is missing
@dark hmmm
@Bobj-C _NAMediaGalleryDataSourceDidRequestVideoPlaybackNotification where you have used this notification ?
are you trying to play video in a background ?
@dark in 3 classes
@Bobj-C do one thing reset your simulator contents and then run
@dark great lemme see
@Bobj-C Sounds like either you're redeclaring the symbols in the two files, or you are compiling the same files twice, or there is something hinky going on with your framework imports
@dark As I said earlier - are you using NSURLConnection?
@Bobj-C ok
@Abizern yes I have used NSURLConnection
@dark Then you can use the delegate methods to find out the expected size of the download, and then everytime you get some data you can get it's size and the time it took to download and estimate the speed, and with that speed you can estimate how long it will take to download the rest of the file.
@Abizern right got it thanks
But since there will be some variation in the download speed for each chunk you should do some smoothing of the data so that you don't get widely varying estimates.
@Abizern yup right and now apple take too much time to upload apps is their any way to contact them directly
@Abizern I have submited my new app its 9 days now and its status is still waiting for review
@dark No idea.
This time apple blast my plan I have plan to upload my application on Eid thats why I have submitted one week before Eid because my previous apps will take max 7 days to upload but apple make me wrong this time :)
@Abizern Have you worked with queue dispatch for asynchronous loading?
@Blade Yep.
@Blade @Abizern is mogamboo of dispatch queues :)
@dark haha okay.
@Abizern this is the whole msg : gist.github.com/3437949
@Abizern First of all, queue dispatch is awesome. However I have with one table the problem that the images only load, when you scroll through the table. Do you maybe have a hinch why that could be? As far as I can tell my code is the same for both tableViews.
@Bobj-C You seem to be using something called NAStoreKit.
@Abizern yes
@Blade Are you loading the views on the main queue?
it is a library made by my collegue @Abizern
@Bobj-C Never heard of it, Are you sure you have added it to your project correctly?
@Abizern yes
@Abizern i will double check
@Bobj-C I would take it up with your colleague, because I'm not going to be of much help.
@Abizern he is off for 2 weeks
@Blade It's probably to do with the way your cells are loading. If some bits are only working on scrolling, that means that the updates are dependent of loadView. That makes me suspect that your async code is correctly updating the datasource, but you haven't hooked the updating of the UI to the asynchronous return and instead are depending on the tableview being reloaded.
@Abizern got it, there are a lot of open source inside it and also they appear in the project also as .h/.m
@Abizern thanks, I will check my code.
Can any one guide me for my issue :

I saved passcode for my iOS App in keychain access using this code :

[keychain setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[textfieldPassword1.text intValue]] forKey:(__bridge id)kSecValueData];

And am fetching passcode from Keychian access using below code :

NSNumber *kCsavedPasscode = [keychain objectForKey:(__bridge id)kSecValueData];

but passcode returning "0" always !
where keychian is :

KeychainItemWrapper *keychain;
@Abizern Just to make sure, could you please take a quick look at my code? NSString *TableText3 = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%@", [[tabelle objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] Avatar]]; dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0ul);
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
UIImage *avatare = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:
[NSURL URLWithString:TableText3]]];
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
cell.imageView.image = avatare;
You shouldn't be doing this in the background UIImage *avatare = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:
Then I might have misunderstood how to use the queues
I thought that this was the key factor, to load the contents in background?
@Blade You perform work in the background - but setting an image is updating the UI, and you shouldn't be doing that on anything other than the main thread.
@mmh there I set the image here dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
cell.imageView.image = avatare;
The way to do it is to download the image in the background, but don't use the blocking dataWithContentsOfURL: method. And when the download completes, you can send another block on the main queue to actually do the update.
But download them in background with async. At least I thought that.
Oh okay. Which method should I use instead?
@Blade If you use the asynchronous url downloading code, you don't even need to offload it to a queue. Have a look at the NSURLConnection class method and see if there is anything there that looks interesting.
@Abizern Thanks, will do that.
@Abizern Thanks for the link, I wil check it out now.
Have fun, it only got updated yesterday - so it's still fresh.
I am back.
welcome back @T-X
@Blade Can you try with dispatch_async with your main thread queue instead of dispatch_sync?
@T-X Sure
Still have to scroll.
oww :/
Not to worry. I will figure it out. I am working right now on the link Abizern gave me. Looks pretty good :) @T-X
Also I am really glad when I am done with that. App is almost finished then ^^
@Blade And what about the image view overlapping button issue?
@T-X I tried by resizing the images exactly above the buttons. It somehow works, but the images have the wrong sizes then and look weird. I am not that good with editing images. Have not really worked with it.
@Blade I think I sent you a link to my class for redrawing an image slightly smaller while still maintaining the correct aspect ratio. That might be useful in this case as well.
@Abizern Yes you did, thanks. I am actually using it. But in this case I don't know how to set the images correctly in the tableView cell wihout obscuring other images.
But yes, ratio and size is correct. :)
If that cell is prepared in xib and image view is kept at button level, i don't see image view overlapping button anyhow. Then all you want is to set the content mode of image view to aspect fit or something else you want.
And if the image is made dynamically, then you should be able to work out the space you have available for displaying your image.
Hi, Kindly let me know the tutorial url for implement chat & facebook in the same app
@Abizern i solved my problem
@Bobj-C Good. I knew you would.
@Abizern they were 63 conflicts
@Abizen @T-X maybe I wrote it wrong: Yes, Abizern gave me a really good redrawing class. But in order to have the image above the buttons, I have to move/resize them again in the tableView. I don' want to make them smaller as they already are. And like I said, I am pretty new at image editing with xcode.
@T-X I hope it got clear what I mean.
@Blade You mean you would want your image view as huge as the downloaded image?
@T-X I need the image huge, because when you click on the cell you get to a new view where the image is huge, so you can see it in fullsize.
@Blade Then download the image as it is, but keep the image view size+position such that it doesn't overlaps the button. Then how would it be possible for the image view to obscure the button?
@T-X Yes, I agree, I just don't how to do it yet. This is what I mean
@Blade I think preparing the cell programmatically makes it very confusing. I make it always in xib because it tells me how the cell is going to look like without running the program. Thus no run time errors and debugging for cell and it's subview's positioning, etc.
Also no need to write code. All is in xib.
@So instead of using a tableView, I use a customtableViewcell?
@Blade No, What i mean is - Instead of creating and configuring the cell programmatically in cellForRowAtIndexPath: method, the cell can be prepared in a xib and we just load the xib and provide the cell contained in it.
The code that you would write to add labels, buttons, etc in cell's contentView will go away as you would have put labels, buttons, etc in the cell in the xib.
@T-X Yes, I meant that.
If everything fails, I think I will do it like that. Thanks.
I agree with the Terminator. No need to be scared of xibs or storyboards
Storyboards is a sign from Apple encouraging us to write less code and make use of their UI tool.
But I have a concern that if you are having trouble with your cells, it's because you're doing something in an overcomplicated way.
@Abizern I guess you might be right. I tend to overcomplicate things.
@Blade You want to sort that out quickly. If your cells are too busy your app's going to look like crap.
@Abizern Well, I guess you have a point. So in order to do what T-X advised, I just have to make a new xib and put a custom cell into it and do what I want with it and then load it into my tableView?
@Blade custom tableviewcell xibs aren't as hard as you think. If you're using Storyboards they are even easier.
@Abizern I am not using storyboards. But okay, I will go for it :) But first I have to finish the lazy tables.
@Blade Storyboards are nice. It will work with iOS 5.0 and later. If you are targeting iOS 5.0, then go for it.
@T-X Oh well, worked with them once, I didn't really like it. I feel comfortabler with coding and not arranging and doing stuff visually ^^
@Blade Strange.
@T-X mh why?
Strange indeed.
@Blade Its strange. Its same as saying I don't want to use storyboards and not even xib and prepare my view controller's view in loadView method.
Well ye, thats how I like it ^^
You lose all the benefits. It might be fun in some way, but it takes your time to write the code for something that can be done in a click. Then you will have to run the app and see how it looks like. If not, debug it.
I see some people do it because they think it's more l337. It isn't. There's a time and a place for it, but in most cases laying it out in a xib is the first step, not the last.
WEll, I don't think its leet. I just feel safer this way, hardcoding it. And also I am doing it, because I am still learning how to code.
Cya iam going home
@Blade I'm not singling you out - just saying that some people do. I think it's a left over from windows UI generators, and people's distrust of those.
@Abizern No worries, I did not think so. I just wanted to clarify that I don't do it because of a trend, but because I am learning how to code and this way I can learn better, instead of arranging most things in xib.
@T-X Is there another way to save strings instead of NSUserDefaults? I have the following problem: I want to load the name of the clicked cell loaded in a button. But I always have to click two times for it to display the saved string in NSUserDefaults.
@Blade Sorry, didn't understand.
I upload a pic ^^
Wait let me try again. I have a tableView. Every cell represents a category, e.g. "Sport", "TV", "Pets" etc. - When I click on one row I get to a new view controller and I want the name of the clicked cell displayed on a button.
@Blade Isn't it in the object present in the data source array?
@T-X mh?
can we fetch sms and call history in our application?
@Blade You want name of the clicked cell? And it's the button title?
@T-X Yes
Therefore I save it in NSUserDefaults
@Blade Where do you set the cell's name or the button's title? In cellForRowAtIndexPath: method?
@T-X, di u have any ideaa?
@iHungry Nope. I don't think Apple allows that. May be you can try searching on google.
see this apps
@Blade In didSelectRowAtIndexPath:, from the index path, get the cell using cellForRowAtIndexPath: method. Then from the cell, get the button using tag or some other way. Then get button's title.
@T-X mmh I tried it like that, but it didn't work. Maybe I did it wrong. Ill try again.
in those app we fetch contacts in iPhone
but i not found yet about sms things
@Blade Ideally, with whatever you load your cell, it should be present in the corresponding datasource object. So using datasource object, we could get it.
@T-X Okay, thanks.
@iHungry Contacts? You mean the address book of the device?
nope i want to call history...... if i call to someone from iphone then this log should have see in the app
Thats recent calls. What is contacts?
this log i want in application
also all sms in application
@iHungry I am not sure. Just a quick search says Core Telephony framework looks something relevant.
And interestingly that framework is available from iOS 4.0. The app that you shared also says it's for iOS 4.0 onwards.
hi all
@Leena hi
@Leena, ab so jaa ... kitana kam karogi
u r also awakening @iHungry y u doing work?
@Leena, i m doing TP
ya i can see your TP
how can make editable a table view with out using any delegate?
What do you mean by editable table?
I'll go to bed. Night all. See ya.
@T-X See ya, good night
sleep well!
submitting app to appstore with inapp?
anyone knows the steps
@Puneeth No sorry, Haven't done that yet.
can someone help me?
i have a little doubt, i am using NSXMLParser delegate in my ViewController which is A, in the method connectionDidFinishLoading, I am presenting a popover ViewController which is B . When i want to close B controller immediatly appear A. Does exist any way to close A when I close B? Before A exist another ViewController
soyee nahi kya abhi tak?
@Puneeth ya workin
@DimplePanchal..u came here at the right time..that javascript hurdle finally solved...
now ready to submit the app...
@Puneeth congrates
but have some worries..i haven't used inAPP till now...do we need to submit the inapp first for review?
then build? @DimplePanchal
@Puneeth donno
@Puneeth, you can submit IAP with the build - they will be reviewed together
sup guys
any detailed steps i can find?
i mean we need to submit inapp first for review or what?
@Bobj-C....hi gm
This In-App Purchase is not currently available for testing in the sandbox environment because you have chosen to host your content with Apple, but have not delivered your content. Upload your content to test this In-App Purchase in sandbox.
01:00 - 10:0010:00 - 22:00

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