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@Terminator I am not an owner of Recycle bin as well, but i am able to move bin items there
@sreecharan That's because it's a public room - not locked.
oh... heh. @Vassan, take out the "[self.view addSubview:moviePlayerController.view];" line from your code, and replace it with "[self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated:moviePlayerViewController];"
Well, Ok @Abizern I have requested access in dev/null, permit me there. I will move the bin items there from now
@orgami I have already told you that this nextSongPlaying is not being called by your notification, the solution for this is you have get all the songs in an array
@codeTemplar: [data objectForKey:@"data"] returns array of dictionary objects. Am i right?
@MichaelDautermann I'm getting Incompatible pointer types sending 'MPMoviePlayerController *' to parameter of type 'MPMoviePlayerViewController *'
@Vassan You are declaring MPMoviePlayerController in the place where you should declare MPMoviePlayerViewController
Hi gud evening all....
I declare that I am declaring in the right place to declare.
@MichaelDautermann @sreecharan I declared MPMoviePlayerController *moviePlayerController;
use "MPMoviePlayerViewController" instead of "MPMoviePlayerController", @Vassan.
@sreecharan @MichaelDautermann @Vassan is there any guide for managing code standard format iphone programming
@Vassan @Michael You declared the declaration in a wrong place and the right place is the place where you have to declare the correct declaration
@iCrazyDev Check this
@MichaelDautermann i saw this MyappTests.octest file in xcode products folder. what is that ?
unit testing stuff.
@MichaelDautermann michael?
@Japa japa?
know i understand why you were talking about when the user re-inserts new values in the texfield...
I now what you mean.
how can i manage this? i´m screwed!
why do you say that, @Japa napa?
i declared an array in the viewdidload that is keeping all the textfields with the strings inside him
when the user "re-inserts" new values into the text field, you have to figure out which text field they modified and once you do that, you know which index to modify in the mutable array.
@MichaelDautermann @sreecharan @iCrazyDev I Got it . Thanx for your Reply .The mistake is declared MPMoviePlayerviewcontroller instead of MPMoviePlayerController.I need one more help. What is different between MPMoviePlayerViewController and MPMoviePlayerController
and i have that because of the texfield superview?
@Japa well hopefully you can determine from the superview (maybe via a tag?) what row (and therefore INDEX) of the mutable array you need to modify.
but how can you say to the array something like this: if texfield is pressed again, replace text?
awwwwww nuts. I think I am not explaining myself very well today at all.
When your user clicks on a text field in the table, Japa, you need to figure out a way to determine what row has been clicked on.
In my own code, I usually assign row numbers to the "tag" value of the table view cell being displayed.
So then when you get the "superview" of your text field, that's the UITableViewCell and that tag will correspond to the row number.
Then you will know, from the row number stored in the tag, which index in your mutable array you need to adjust.
Does this make sense, finally?
And the same goes for you too, Sir.
ok ..it´s making sense because i´m also tagging all my rows...
Looks like MountainLionMoorthy became EngravingMoorthy
but what i want to understand is...why should i do this? if a new text is entered, why should i bother with the one entered before?
Hello Everyone good evening
i don´t know if i should bother with that...you know?
because the user can scroll the table cell out of the way, and then when the user scrolls it back into view, you want that mutable array to reflect whatever the user typed into it... right @Japa ?
I m hiding tabbar using this line tabBarController.tabBar.hidden=YES; but it left black space at the place of UITabbar in tabbar application . I want to know why it is lefting black space after hiding it.Anyone help
when the user scrolls, that means going up and down and jumping between texfields right?
Snacks break.
and scrolling table view cells out of view and then back into view, @Japa
before hiding
after hiding
I m hiding navigationbar and tab bar both on tabbar item clicked
@MichaelDautermann i was testing my app, and i entered a number in a texfield in the first cell, then i went to another cell and did the same...then i entered more cells (comiit editing style), and then i scroll up and then in that table view, and the values didn´t disappeared...i´m confused
@sreecharan I'd already done it.
@MichaelDautermann iºm sorry, i´m just trying to understand ...
I'm running out of energy in trying to help you out tonight, @Japa
let's continue this again tomorrow.
@MichaelDautermann ok ok...sorry...
@Abizern can you give me the solution for the above quest. I asked I m not understanding why it is displaying
black view
i´m not going to bother you more...
@MichaelDautermann Take Glucose Biscuits :)
@Khoool You need to resize your view to account for the space left by the tabbar. It isn't done for you by magic.
sorry for that..
@Abizern thanks
you mean to say I have increase the height of the view
@Japa don't feel bad. I want to help but it takes a bit of time to learn and make sense of the nuances of table views. You'll get it eventually.
@Khoool You need to change the frame of the view.
I am back
@Japa what would be very useful, if we do talk again, if you put your code into pastie or pastebin and then let me look at that. So I won't feel like I am trying to explain something in a black box (i.e. where I can't point to code and say "this isn't exactly correct" or "this should implemented another way").
yeah I have changed it 's height to 460 but still getting same output @Abizern
@Khoool That's a shame.
u can try this
@Abizern Hi
@sandy Hello
@Abizern Ok, thanks
@Abizern Plz have a look on this
and give me some idea to do this
Q: Recognize Black patterns appearing on the four corners of the image ios using opencv or some other technique

GypsaI am stuck with a problem that is how to recognize some patterns in image. the image is the image of paper which is pure white and the patterns are in four corners are in black. I want to recognize the black patterns on the image? I surf a lot on the net and found that the opencv as a answer....

@Abizern It is just a small example that i m implementing .
@sandy Does the existing answer not help you?
@Abizern i tried but not getting proper response as i want
@sandy That's a shame.
@Abizern you can see this app youtube.com/watch?v=8F_1iu4pDkQ
@Abizern why?
@sandy No. But thanks.
@sreecharan my method is being called in nsnotification and all the songs are in an array
its looping the first song
@orgami Are you still not trying AVPlayerQueue? I told you about it weeks ago (and you said it was urgent then)
i tried doing that .its not working
@Abizern Thanks
@sreecharan ?
posted on August 16, 2012 by Sushant

The UIPickerView control is a simple way to display a number of choices to the user and respond depending on the choice made. A picker control works in a similar manner to the table view control. So let’s see how it works! Start Xcode, select “Create a new Xcode project,” choose the Single View Application [...]

@BabyPanda : sir where have youuu beeeen .ooo my sir.
ineed your help
posted on August 16, 2012 by marie

So you have this great App, product or are trying to put together the most awesome event in history, but no idea how to promote it? That’s where Smore enters the stage, Smore makes it easy for *anyone* to create beautiful, effective online flyers — highly designed single-page websites with a clear purpose, like marketing an [...]

I get mirror image ,when captured from front cam,how to solve it ? Any idea?
@iApple Flip the image.
hi @all
@Abizern : using this CGContextTranslateCTM?
required related to app orientation and mpmovie player @Abizern, @iApple, @PraviJay
@jaydevsingh : mp movie player yeas
@PraviJay my application works for Portrait mode. i am using MPMoviePlayer to play movie. Problem is when user play the movie in full screen mode and then change the orientation to Landscape from Portrait then after taping on Done button application stay in Landscape mode. i need when user tap on Done button movie player app orientation should change to Portrait.
@Abizern, @iApple
@PraviJay not the server...
@BabyPanda my application works for Portrait mode. i am using MPMoviePlayer to play movie. Problem is when user play the movie in full screen mode and then change the orientation to Landscape from Portrait then after taping on Done button application stay in Landscape mode. i need when user tap on Done button movie player app orientation should change to Portrait.
@Abizern hello. how can be set frame size we need for button on navigationcontroller
@mann set it's frame property…
@BabyPanda : thank god u r here
A: Http Live Streaming for iPhone and why we use .m3u8 file

GilThe video tag source type video/m3u8 is not valid on the iOS platform. I suggest you simply omit declaring the source attribute, which is not required. If you really want to specify the source type, i.e. to allow non-compatible clients to select another source, I have found that audio/x-mpegurl ...

@Abizern but it does not show any frame size property. so if we set button on navigation bar button item . then even it won't allow us to access frame size for button
@mann What do you mean "it does not show any frame size property"?
@Abizern so if we want to add button on navigation controller then we can do it by navigation barbuttonitem  *barButton;
barButton.frame // it does not allow
@mann That's because barButtonItem doesn't have a frame property you asked for the frame for a button
@Abizern yah so how can i set button's frame on barButtonItem
Usually through interface builder.
@Abizern how can we do it programmatically
@mann If you want to dick about with it that way - just create your own button and put it where you want.
@mann from where u r
@Abizern my application works for Portrait mode. i am using MPMoviePlayer to play movie. Problem is when user play the movie in full screen mode and then change the orientation to Landscape from Portrait then after taping on Done button application stay in Landscape mode. i need when user tap on Done button movie player app orientation should change to Portrait.
@Abizern but i can put button as a subview either
@Mayur UK
UIBarButtonItem has a method initWithCustomView:
@Terminator Great. Thank You!!
@Terminator Good catch.
@Terminator my application works for Portrait mode. i am using MPMoviePlayer to play movie. Problem is when user play the movie in full screen mode and then change the orientation to Landscape from Portrait then after taping on Done button application stay in Landscape mode. i need when user tap on Done button movie player app orientation should change to Portrait.
bye bye aLL
hi @Abizern
hi @Terminator
@jaydevsingh Hello
@Abizern Please help me. my application works for Portrait mode. i am using MPMoviePlayer to play movie. Problem is when user play the movie in full screen mode and then change the orientation to Landscape from Portrait then after taping on Done button application stay in Landscape mode. i need when user tap on Done button movie player app orientation should change to Portrait.
can anyone help me out with a question regarding EKCalendar objects
Whats your question Luke?
@jaydevsingh - If you catch the tap event of Done Button, force the orientation of the app to Portrait
@VaibhavTekam how can i force the orientation of the app to Portrait
something like [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStausBarOrientation:]
It will only set the status bar orientation.
I hope, he is already having view set for Portrait in his app
Q: MPMoviePlayerController re-orientation portrait to landscape and back to portrait (iOS 4.1)

viggio24Since iOS 3.2 the MPMoviePlayerController class allows to embed a movie in the view hierarchy. Now I'm facing this issue: I create my portrait view by placing an instance of MPMoviePlayerController. When the user touch the "fullscreen" button this view enters in fullscreen mode but the view rema...

@VaibhavTekamI am trying to sort a users calendars into two arrays, one sorted by the calendar identifier and one sorted by the calendar title. So I set up two mutable arrays to do so... My question is how can I set up another array to say the first object of the index of the calendar identifier array equals the first object of the title array, in other words saying they are from the same calendar.
Q: MPMoviewPlayerController fullscreen playback rotation with underlying UIViewController with portrait mode only (rotation disallowed)

Robert VojtaHallo, I have a simple application, which does contain UITabBarController with two UIViewControllers. Both UIViewControllers are portrait only (no rotation allowed). One UIViewController's UIView does contain MPMoviePlayerController's view to allow video playback inside this view with possibilit...

not working good
where i wrong
@jaydevsingh Take a look at the above post to see if they can help.
@Terminator, @Abizern, pastebin.com/S7wKEwbU
where i wrong
Q: How To Rotate An MPMoviePlayerController

Dwaine BaileyI am building an iPhone app that plays videos on demand from a web service. The videos play in an MPMoviePlayerController, and everything works fine on the iPhone device. However, when one loads up the iPhone application on an iPad, the videos play Portrait mode (with letterboxing on the top an...

i want to give limit when zoom in and zoom out using UIPinchGesture
@Luke - Correct me if I am wrong, you are trying to create two arrays, one sorted by Calendar Identifier and not Event Identifier? and another by Calendar Title not Event Title? .. Now you want to create a third Array? If yes, I din get, what exactly you want in your third Array?
hi al
can any one help me giving an animation through open gl?
@rahul raj - u mean OpenGL ES?
I need to give animation to the image
for that i have got the screen shot and then created the texture
but i dont know how to give animation to the texture
@VaibhavTekam can u help me to sort this out?
@Terminator pastebin.com/cNPPSxdh it does not change size
@rahulraj - Do you know the basics of OpenGL ES?
no i am new to this field
@rahulraj - is it a 2D animation or 3D animation, what you are trying.
i just want to give animation similar to water sand moving down
not water sand
just sand
@rahulraj - Then I would suggest not to go for OpenGL ES, its effective if its a 3D animation, plus its tricky to get used to it. If your animation is as simple as changing the images at some FPS, you can use native classes
is it ?
right now i am working on some thing like this
this requires multiple images right?
cant we do this with simple image
single image?
if you are talking about just changing the frame or position of an already added image on the view, yeah, its more simple
like fading from top to bottom
fading? or falling from top to bottom
it will give the effect of sand moving down right?
falling ?
do one thing, add ur image first
then call a method to animate the image
i have already added that
in that method paste down the code
which code?
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:self.view];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:someNumber];
yourimage.frame = set the frame you want here
[UIView commitAnimations];
i wil try this
and thanks
@VaibhavTekam That way of doing it is very old
@rahulraj @VaibhavTekam @jordan @Antonio : http live streaming ?
hi guys
i have a little predicament
Is it about Facebook?
i need a script that changes this setting PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.PowerManagement.plist to 1
@borrrden no. it's about (don't laugh) i'm trying to vnc into my mac and it was working fine but now my mac went to sleep. whenever i vnc i get about 3 seconds to do something before it locks up again. if someone can write and test this script for me i can probably change that setting and have it wake on LAN so that i can remote back in
Do you have access to another Mac?
If so, you might try editing the plist there and simply having your script copy and overwrite
@borrrden that's the problem. i don't have access to any other mac here at work. that's why i was hoping one of you fine gentleman would be nice enough to do it for me.
Wait, you have physical access to the machine now? or no?
Hi guys can someone take a peak at my question and help me out?
Q: EkCalendar Objects

LukeI am trying to sort a users calendars into two arrays, one sorted by the calendar identifier and one sorted by the calendar title. So I set up two mutable arrays to do so... My question is how can I set up the second array to be able to match the identifier with the correct title from the same ek...

@Luke Why do you need two arrays?
Why not just sort on demand?
@borrrden no it's at home. i'm at work.
@hanleyhansen You have the opposite situation of me then....
I'm at home but my Mac is at work :p
@borrrden but i can do a file transfer and i get about 3 seconds to run the script
I'd say just wait till you get home lol
You say you can do a file transfer....
can you transfer from your mac to your work machine?
@borrrden from my work machine to my mac. the vnc file transfer is still working. but as soon as i login in to my mac it locks up again after about 3-5 seconds.
@borrrden i need to finish this test!
Your best bet is to run a bash script find and replace
I guess....
I'm not really sure
you might not have write privileges there
@hanleyhansen Take a look at this page as well,
@borrrden cool thanks.
@borrrden I just need a way to match the indexes
Yeah, I'm saying wouldn't it be easier to just put them all in one array?
Too late, I'm gone :p
anyone bored? i got some hw that needs to get done lol anyone interested?
please help. i have tableview with custom cells. each cell have an image and label. i set label size to "sizeToFit" and its working well. but when i scroll up and down the with of the label is making smaller and smaller until remains one word per line. any idea about that?
I'm encountering weird CoreData problems :( totally clueless. my database doesn't search properly.
@acecapades try doing a clean and rebuild, and also do a simulator reset or delete the app off the device
Has anyone here actually gotten the Xcode UI Automation Instruments to work well enough to actually use it as part of their development process? If so, what resources did you use to learn about it? There doesn't seem to be much out there other than "Hey, look at how cool our automation instrument is!"
I don't use automation as I send my bundle to QA and having the automation would require them to have xcode and the source
I typed in google "xcode automation" and found a bunch of stuff about it
@bolt thanks. I get really weird errors. Ok will clean and rebuild. Thanks
@acecapades don't forget to also reset the simulator or delete the app off the phone before you test again
ok will do that again. thanks bolt for paying attention to this 'dum' question. I think I just needed somebody to vent out my frustration. Thanks! good night (at least here in the philippines)
can someone try this on their mac?
`sudo pmset -a ttyskeepawake 1 networkoversleep 1`
@DeathMagus do me a favor please ^^^
@Byte you busy?
hi guys
hi to all
Anyone know why UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification is triggered on the slightest accelerometer movement?
guys i am stuck in one problem which i am finding difficult to solve it
i want my music to continue playing after 1st song is finished .. the songs are in an array and i am callng avplayeritemdidfinish notification
can anyone help me out
hi terminator
hows it going
i am stuck in that problem can u help me
I can try.
thanks .. i can mail my proj to u .. so that it will give clear understanding
whats ur email id
Tell me your email id, I will send a test mail.
got it
never thought u were a girl :P
Cyborg :-)
@Terminator why does UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification on the slightest accelerometer movement?
Terminator i sent it let me know if u were able to run it
@Byte The documentation says - Posted when the orientation of the device changes. Can't say why.
@orgami Okay. I'll take a look.
@Terminator hello?
@Terminator the mail which i sent earlier was a decoy
hi byte
@hanleyhansen sorry just got to eat lunch
i was in the meeting all day
@Byte Hi
@Terminator what are you talking about?
@Terminator Aaeen
@Byte lol sorry, It was for @Bot
@anonymous aaeen
lol ok
@orgami hello
@Terminator wasssa?
@anonymous Debugging something and you?
@Terminator Came for some refreshment
@orgami Will this work on Simulator? I don't have device. I am at home right now.
@Terminator Came for some refreshment
@all HI
is it possible to find when a space is entered in textfield...
immediately when a space is triggered i want call another method
Hi everyone, what should happen if we agree "Contracts, Tax, and Banking " in iTunes connect?
@t HI
@iProgrammer Hi
@Terminator kya kar rahii ho moti
@iProgrammer Studying and you
@Terminator nothing
is it possible to find white space while typing in textdidchange
@Terminator & @iProgrammer pls help me
@Arvind Take a look at - (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string delegate method of UITextField.
Morning all... I'm trying to localize my app... got it working once, changed the value of one of the tags, and now it displays the tag rather than the value... what's going on? and how do I fix it?
this appears to be the culprit: rstTitle.text = NSLocalizedString(@"rstTitle",nil);
"rstTitle" is what is appearing in the label rstTitle
Clean, rebuild and reset your environment
@Bot did a clean, did the run (which includes build), but did not reset the environment... brb
@Bot don't see where to reset the environment... help please?
yes, no, maybe so?
click simulator at the top bar and click reset content and settings
reset simulator... that did it... do I have to do this each time I change one of the languages?
not sure
ok... well, I can live with this... no problem... thank you again for your help...
look on google to see if there is a locale migration or something
i know there is one for core data
one more Q: do I need a Localizable.strings for english or should I play it safe and have one for each language?
@Bot I see there is "genstrings" for building key/value pairs based on what's in the source code... I'm going to do it manually, since the app isn't that big...
Q: is there a way to replicate the moveTo method in cocos2d for UIKit?

SasquatchI would rather not change my entire project to cocos2d from UIKit, because all I need from cocos is the moveTo thing, so how can I do this method in UIKit anyone have any ideas?

@Sasquatch I think you don't understand the concept of SO. You don't just upvote every answer and comment, you only upvote ones that are beneficial
helo all
-[UIPopoverController presentPopoverFromRect:inView:permittedArrowDirections:animated:]: Popovers cannot be presented from a view which does not have a window. Why do i get that error only when tapping on a popover after I rotate the device?
@Bot yes but i believe that anyone that takes the effort to answer a question at least deserves an upvote
Like I said, that isn't the purpose of SO, if you want to upvote anyone that answers you might as well go to iphonedevsdk.com
if the answer leads you in the right direction or is correct, you upvote it. You don't upvote it if someone just posted correctly incorrect info, just to get points.
You also need to watch out because SO has code that notices if you upvote someone's posts to much or they do yours or you upvote all answers for your questions, etc.
I don't know what the limits are but I have heard from others they exist
well i just upvote everyone no one specific
Q: UIPopover crashing when rotated

BotI have a universal app that displays buttons inside an actionsheet. UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:nil delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"Cancel" destructiveButtonTitle:nil otherButtonTitles:[dataObj.preferences objectForKey:@"appts_name"], @"Reserve", nil]; [ac...

There's a lot of stuff there that you haven't explained - what is viewPopover? what is rectPopover?
I added the log @Abizern
rectPopover is the CGRect where the tap occurred, and the viewPopover is where the view is
@Abizern what is not legit about it?
@Bot If it was legit it would go into the if block. Are you actually stepping through the code or just depending on logging to tell you what is going in?
@Abizern i'm confused, it is going into the if statement
Q re: localization: I have an app using UITabBar controller. The main action of the app takes place in window 1, with the 2nd window used for instructions and language choice. There are 6 buttons in the 2nd xib, each representing one language. When a particular language button is tapped, do I just set the object's text for each language, using the translated strings for that particular language? or is there something else I have to do?
@Bot Sorry. I'm confused - I'm looking at the wrong block
@Abizern stepping through the code it looks like self.view.window is linked to [appdelegate window]
@Bot Yes - because there is usually only one window for iOS apps, unlike OS X applications.
@Abizern i think it is auto magically redisplaying as it is removed from the screen then reappears
could it be because the view contentOffset is -0?
don't know why
@Bot I left you an answer about redisplaying it on rotation.
I believe that if you anchor it to a UIBarItem - this is taken care of for you under rotation.
@Bot @Abizern hi guys... either of you done localization? If so, can you look at my question above? I was wondering do I allow the user to pick the language, or let the iPhone determine it by the user settings?
@spokane-dude I have not
I would let the iphone determine it
Don't make the user choose it for each app, just follow what they chose in the iPhone settings
@Bot that surely is the simpler way of doing it... hate the buttons anyway... thanks for the suggestion... :D
@Abizern u want to "weigh in" on this?
@spokane-dude It is doable - I've seen people talk about it on here with shifting from English to Arabic. Not something I have done though.
I don't think I have seen an app that prompts for the language. I believe they just follow the iPhone settings
ok... I followed Ray's tutorial to get started... works just great... @Bot going to go that route... thanks guys...
We should have a @Abizern vs Ray blog where they compare ways of doing things.
@Bot I think you can do it. I know how to force it for testing - so you don't have to mess about with the simulator or device settings - but I've not done it in a live app.
@Abizern since I am going to anchor it to the navbar add button, I assume I cannot have the iOS auto magically make the uiactionsheet a uipopover huh?
@Bot I don't think so - you've got to do it yourself. I could be wrong.
@Abizern is never wrong
@Bot Enough of the shine-job.
lol, i like the edit
anyone noticing on xcode 4 their app crashes from sim when letting it sit for about 30 secs?
on device it doesn't do it though
@Bot not me.
all i get is (lldb) in console even though I have zombies enabled
@Bot turn on breakpoints for Objective-C exceptions.
already have them enabled
posted on August 16, 2012 by Johann

A few days I received an inquiry from a developer who was having difficulty using an older iOS tutorial demonstrating how to implement an Android style pattern-to-unlock control.   So here’s an open source iOS control that allows you to easily implement Unfortunately there is no way to really lock an iOS device through an [...]

It goes there, but just doesn't give me a crash reason in console
can't get [actionSheet showFromBarButtonItem:addAppointmentButton animated:YES]; to work
@Bot I don't think you show action sheets from bar button items
i saw where people were doing it
well for ipad where it converts it to a popover
@Bot Yeah - just reading it - but it's one of those things where it gets turned into a popover view on iPad.
right, i have checking to see if it is ipad and if so then do the show from uibarbutton

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