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@VidyaMurthy, i gussed its facial expression for surprising
@Terminator @VidyaMurthy hi
@Hrushikesh have u Idea About PhotoSketching ??
@Terminator, do u have any idea stackoverflow.com/questions/11927955/…?
hi guys
@Hrushikesh I m Working on PhotoSketching Apps.. Bt that not Proper Work..
i am not able to change uibutton image when i tap on it . .i am doing the change in nib file .. in state config and choosing selected state
@SJS Yeah - it's only temporary data.
@WhitePearl sorry but i have not perfect idea about it but i think you can create by grayscalling image and after put masking code you can work.
@Hrushikesh no yr... i have no any Idea... can u help me ???
@iProgrammer Hi
@orgami... How this change to be happenned. I mean do u wanna change it for every click.
@Abizern but I am storing my sqlite file in documents folder and apple has rejected my app :( and said me to store file in cache folder
it will be in default image when i tap it has to change to new image
i have added buttons on top of scrollView
Is there a way to get iphone screen instead of app screen programmatically?
@SJS Depends an what type of data is in your sqlite file. Is it temporary data - or application data that the user needs to store - or is it read-only data?
when i add image in highlighted state ..it changes but when i add the same image in selected state its not changing
like [[UIScreen mainScreen] mirroredScreen] this is not working but something which works?
@Abizern application data means i am storing information which came from server and displaying that to the user
Lunch time.
@SJS Did you look at the screenshot that @Terminator provided?
@Terminator ok
@Abizern I read that
@Abizern Good afternoon!
@orgami... button is having property called "isSelected" check whether it returns yes or not. If it returns yes then setImage for button.
@ram UIButton already has a propery called selected xD
@ram Oh, you are answering like that aren't you?
cant we change it in xib file
yes... Once i used selected property to change the images of image view by clicking on it. so suggested him my exp.
@orgami Yes, you can
@borrrden Morning.
@borrrden ... yes... Once i used selected property to change the images of image view by clicking on button. so suggested him my exp.
i tried doing it .. the image is not getting changed when i add a new image in selected state and uibutton is custom
Hi @all Good morning
@orgami I literally do it so much that I take the behavior for granted
You chose "selected" from the XIB menu and modified the image @orgami ?
yes i did
You can test it by clicking on the selected checkbox in the XIB, if the image changes then you set it up correctly @orgami
no one know answer here of my question :(
@iHungry I don't think anyone here has used GData before
If there is not a view like that included, you will have to make it yourself, that's the only way
i have added a image in selected checkbox .. should i put default image as background ?
@all i need to respond only click on the non tranparent part of imageview or button how can i get this!
@borrrden, i don't think so it is manual work.....
@borrrden, can u guess hw much it critical to do so
@iHungry plz answer me!
i think it is web-view
@iHungry as u solved many of mine issues in past
@orgami if you want to change only once then declare count variable and assign it to zero in "viewDidLoad" then write the below code in action method
@orgamiif (count== 0)
    [sender setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"imageName"]];
    count ++;
@aloksinha. lol me..... sorry i m not.... Mr. @Abizern, master here ... hw knows every thing
ask him
@Abizern hi..
k! thanks
@orgami Does the image change when you click selected in the XIB file?
@Abizern i need to respond only click on the non tranparent part of imageview or button how can i get this!
nope its not
@orgami... if u want to set back ur old image on another click write the below code in else case else {
[sender setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"imageName"]];
count = 0;
I mean the checkbox that says selected, not the menu @orgami
@borrrden can v do as i suggested...
to orgami
@borrrden How can i send a video through my app to my friends. This video has to be displayed with a play button.
@ram You can do it that way to, but to me it seems like needless work
@ram upload it to dropbox
@aloksinha Test if the touch location is on an opaque part of the image.
borrrden its not changing
@borrrden.... how can i send a video through my app to my friends. This video has to be displayed with a play button.
when i put a image under default state config the pic changes . when i change the state config to selected and add a new image that image is not displaying in xib file
@Abizern My App is rejected because of this reason now what to do ?? :: 2.23 Apps must follow the iOS Data Storage Guidelines or they will be rejected
hiii all
@ram You just asked me that, and I answered....use dropbox to store it and download it
@mani there
@orgami That's why I said use the checkbox
@orgami NOT the dropdown menu
The drop down menu just configures it, but if you want to preview what selected will look like, you have to set it to be selected using the checkbox @orgami
where is the checkbox .. i m this will be a dumb Q .. i am not finding checkbox
@SJS What to do? Follow the data storage guidelines. What more do you want me to say?
@orgami what do you want can you please explain ques
@orgami In the control section
in attributes inspector
Yes in the same window as the drop down menu @orgami
just further down
got it ..
@Abizern can ios clear the application's cache while that application is running i mean while it is in foreground ??
If you check that, does the picture change @orgami ?
borrrden . when i choose selected .. only the selected image will show the default image isnt coming up
@iHungry hi
@orgami Are you paying attention....the reason that you should do that is just to confirm that it is set up correctly....
@iHungry helllooooo
u there?
That way you can eliminate your XIB as the problem and start checking your code
sorry i didnt read ur message .. yeah its coming up when i select selected option
Then you aren't calling selected correctly
@iCrazyDev, yes
in your code
Morning Folks
@Abizern can we do this by detecting alpha of that touched point!
thats my UIButton method
@iHungry i saw ur qus... i did calender like that its there third party api
and you set selected to YES where? @orgami I don't see it
oops hang on
@sreecharan Hello
Too much to paste here @orgami You are gonna get deleted
@iCrazyDev, using GData?
1 message moved to /dev/null
1 message moved to /dev/null
@sreecharan I had set a bounty for that question. Remember that bass one
I set up my toggles like this -> button.selected = !button.selected @orgami
Yep @NikhilBansal
@orgami 2.3 FAQs
ok anonymous
hi sree
borrrden i'll look into it
Hello @orgami
@sreecharan had u tried that at your home? as u're saying
@aloksinha Yes.
sree were u able to do it
@anonymous @sreecharan @orgami @borrrden @iHungry have a look stackoverflow.com/questions/11881987/…
Nope @orgami I am still in the shock of the earth quake which i have experienced and still i can see the crack on my wall :(
wow that sucks
@NikhilBansal, i think u r so much closer to ur answer
@NikhilBansal, i think u need to create one structure for your sound file and u have to set static kAudioUnitSubType_LowShelfFilter value in that structur
hi Micheal
hello hungry
hw was ur week-end?
so far so good...
just got back from seeing Batman.
I'm waiting for the next Terminator movie, starring our own Laddu.
hello jack
hello dirk
what's going on :P
jack have you done any game programming ?
jacks Sparrow
I've never done any Cocos2d stuff, if that is what you are thinking
whatever it's called this week
i eat a lot of food in this week-end ....
so you should change your name to iFull
i went to home
no i kept iHungry name for so many reason
only food can't not fulfill my needs
uh oh... somebody is looking for a girlfriend!
@iHungry will u explain ur answer little bit more
iHungry about knowledge
@iHungry hi
borrrden are u here
@NikhilBansal, i will definitely help you when-ever i complemented my own work.... becoz my project on just on the deadline
@Abizern : So you are back as Admin here. Nice to see that.
that means he can't ignore anyone anymore. ha!
@iHungry no... i have one sample i u want give me mail id i ll send the app
@iCrazyDev, ok
thanks for sharing
@iHungry ok fine...
@iHungry ok waiting
@MichaelDautermann Yeah
@anonymous Only because it's easier to do the small things myself rather than ask someone else to do it.
@Abizern Agree.
@MichaelDautermann I've still have a large ignore list, but at least I don't have Manjot to deal with anymore. (Or have I?)
looking at iCrazyDev suspiciously, eh?
@MichaelDautermann He doesn't sound mad enough.
@Abizern He has got longest suspension period I have ever seen here.. :D
I am back.
@anonymous I've seen much longer.
how do you know how long his suspension is?
I am making an app which changes it background screen color according to the enviroment, if it is morning and after noon, app will be in yellow color and if it is night, app will be in sky blue color
Well, i have a freaky question here, can we make 2 splash pages for it, if it is night, i have to launch blue splash and if it is morning, i have to launch yellow splash
@anonymous see how long a suspension stackoverflow.com/users/1316896/preeti got.
@Terminator @Abizern @sreecharan hi
@sreecharan how you get this list?
that's awesome!
@sreecharan Since Splash is loaded before the app finishes loading - I don't see where you can do this
@Terminator @sreecharan @Abizern i want to decode MD5 format string or NSData... any idea how can i decode it..........
@sreecharan See above. Beat you to it.
@sreecharan lolz
Yeah @anonymous I cant beat @Abizern But one day i will do that for sure
@Abizern So, do you mean that, it is impossible
@sreecharan your app is only for USA , or that is universal :)
@sreecharan By using a launch image, yes.
@sam I don't understand the question.
@sreecharan I have a tweak for that if oyu have put nothing in your default.png and in application did launch finishing you can add your image to main window and after put timer
@Terminator Aaeen
after two seconds remove this @sreecharan
@dark It is not yet uploaded and i dont want to use timers and all, let me do it in my Root View by using gcd
@Abizern i have MD5 format data from server (encrypted ) now i want to decode it into simple string from that string... any idea how to decode it
@dark Why bother - if your app launches - what is the point of making the user hang about for 2 seconds rather than just using the app straight away?
hello every one
Q: Twitter sdk in ios 5 regarding email address

pearlI have used Twitter sdk in ios 5. I want to get the user email address, after authentication. How to do this,

please answer to this Q
@Abizern he wanna show more then one splash screen and this thing comes in my mind to make it custom thats why i give him suggestion that comes in my mind
why should I, @pearl ?
@dark I don't wanna show more than one splash screen at a time, check my question again
10 mins ago, by sree charan
Well, i have a freaky question here, can we make 2 splash pages for it, if it is night, i have to launch blue splash and if it is morning, i have to launch yellow splash
@dark I don't think he wants to show more than one splash screen - he wants to be able to customise his splash screen so that it is relevant while his application starts.
But during the splash screen time, your app is under the control of Springboard
@borrrden Exactly - which is why I said he couldn't do it by using launch images.
@Abizern i will check it
I don't think @sam understands what MD5 is used for
@borrrden yes i dont... first time i am working on md5... thts why...
You don't "decode" MD5 hashes @sam
@MichaelDautermann I am telling to good people
except you!!!!!
well... I'm insulted!
@MichaelDautermann is going to cry T_T
Any Buddy have Idea about PhotoSketching ??
And use his 18,000 points to wipe his tears :p
yes you @MichaelDautermann
dont help to @MichaelDautermann
Does he need help?
then why he is here? useles
I am here, but I don't need help
@all any one uses Instagrame
but you are
helping to others
i hope
So is @MichaelDautermann :p You just got unlucky
@borrrden He does need help. But of the professional kind
lol @Abizern
@pearl What's you're problem? He chose not to answer your question; he isn't obliged to. Get over it.
@Abizern have you any idea in which language instagrame is made ?. In html5 or some other ?
You aren't going to impress anybody by thumping your chest at him either @pearl
So just be calm :)
@dark Considering that the Android app didn't come out at the same time as the iOS app - I'm guessing native.
@Abizern so how he made its comment section in it any idea ?
@dark No Idea - I've never used it.
@Abizern ok
@All hi
@all hi
@MichaelDautermann Hi
hello @Mayur, how can I help you?
@MichaelDautermann if we make an use Custom api of Paypal then apple will approve it ?
what kinds of things are you re-selling? If it's some built-in functionality, Apple will reject it for certain. Apple wants their 30% cut of everything, meaning you must use Apple's in-app-purchase framework.
any one have idea to record the video using AVCapture
ok thanks @MichaelDautermann
@MichaelDautermann is there any other alternate for paypal & InApp purchase
@MichaelDautermann hi
@MichaelDautermann i came to know that Nigerian Country not allow Paypal
Good morning all
@Rocks look at this
A: How to record video in iphone

SaifThere is a great tutorial on iphone/ipad video capture and play back in apple developer site. Check the link :: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/AudioVideo/Conceptual/AVFoundationPG/Articles/04_MediaCapture.html You can check this also :: How to record video in iphone using ...

PayPal isn't allowed in Nigeria? Imagine that....
@MichaelDautermann they have their own Custom Gateways Paga and interswitch so can it be approved by Apple ?
@Mayur what kind of thing are you trying to sell? is it functionality within your app? or something physical?
@MichaelDautermann actually its Functionality
@sreecharan: hi
@Mayur You can only use IAP for that
it will not get approved then.
@MichaelDautermann its about Online Courses payment
@sreecharan: i have an issue with NSDate
@Abizern: hi
@Ramshad Hello
@Abizern: i came back after weekend
@MichaelDautermann hi
how can I help you, @user923370 ?
Hello @Ramshad
@Ramshad Okay.
@MichaelDautermann im using TCP/IP connection.So im giving a alert view when the connection is disconnected or lost
@Abizern: i have an problem with NSDate.. NSDate *date = [NSDate date]; returns wrong time
@MichaelDautermann the problem there is a lot of lag of the alert view to appear
@Abizern: it shows 2012-08-13 08:55:20 +0000
@Ramshad Which is the correct time.
@MichaelDautermann - (void)socketDidDisconnect:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock withError:(NSError *)err {

DDLogError(@"ERROR: %@", err);

connectionStatus = DISCONNECTED;
[delegate socketConnectionFailedWithError:err];

alertForDisconnect = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Connection Lost" message:nil delegate:self cancelButtonTitle :nil otherButtonTitles:@"ok", nil];

[alertForDisconnect show];

lol yes, correct for @Abizern perhaps xD
how long of a lag is that?
but 9 hours behind for me :p
@Abizern: date is correct. However the time is wrong. my simulator time is 02:25 PM
@Ramshad That returns your device time

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