/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
@Abizern I have a login from server, which after successful login goes to another screen.Now if I suddenly stop the application and run it again quickly...then the loginscreen does not appear and a straight login happens.....where as if I wait some time..or even put break points and run the app then the login screen still appears...any reason for the same..??
@PraviJay now what happens in these three methods is IN case of RTMP when u ll record the video of any object the frames of that video posted by itself using message. this is the simple method encoding and decoding is done in case of this type using H:263 and H:264
Hm guys I would like to build a simple application which requires me to take a photo and upload it to a certain server. I would like to develop this on Android + iOS. I was thinking about doing it on the webb instead of native. What do you guys think?
You can manually rebuild the LaunchServices database by entering the following in the Terminal:
In Snow Leopard (thanks to Lawrence Velázquez for pointing this out):
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain loca...
@Ramshad I'm curious as to why when you double clicked on one of the files I sent you opened straight into Automator without giving you an option screen. Can you try it again.
@Ramshad Don't bother. Just restart your computer - see if it appears and if it doesn't I'll talk you through creating the workflow yourself. It will be faster.
@all hello. Can we highlight cell in tableview after scrolling to particular row with method [table scrollToRowAtIndexPath:ip atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle
@Abizern I have Write multiDownloader class and show thier progress in a tableview , When i scroll the tableview its progress stops and when I have stop scrolling it will show progress in a normal way any suggestions ?
@Abizern :-) As i said my situation is i have used background image for cells. And secondly selectRowAtIndexPath:animated:scrollPosition: does scroll to that particular cell but does not highlight it
@mann Seriously? Is it that hard to set the cell's background image? You know whet you want it to be selected, all you need to do is set the image for that state and reset the image of the currently selected row. It's the sort of thing that is easily kept track of in teh controller.
@Abizern i am not able to access any of table 's propertly like cell or row from different method (where i called selectRowAtIndexPath:animated:scrollPosition:) then how do i change it if i cant aceess it
@mann When you prepare the cells in cellForRowAtIndexPath: method, configure the cell's backgroundView and selectedBackground view's. Then you can ask the table to select and deselect cells and the cells will enter in the asked states.
hello I'm making an app using the uipageview controller. and I got it set up so i can "page" though the different views, and I can have the root view call functions on the child views but now I need the child views to call a function on the root view and can't find any information on how to do this. can someone help?
well I tried [self.parentViewController jumptopage:1]; and on the root view controler i got a : -(void)jumpto:(int)page but it still says there's no interface that declares the selector
lol Yes, Happened with me too. We actually tend to treat it as view controllers. Pushed or presented and we can forget about them. But thats not the case with pop overs.
Aww @Terminator it seems that since my views are in a scrollview that it bases the arrow off the location of the items when they were inited and not accounting for scrolling
changing it to tile.frame helped in better but it only bases it off the frame before I scroll
Yes, but the view we specify to show the popover in, then the rect should be in that view itself. If you use a view's rect that isn't a subview of the view you are showing the popover in, then the coordinate system gets messed up.
Yes, so the rect should be the tile's frame and the view should be tile's superview. As tile's frame is associated with it's super view's coordinate system.
ok so here is my next question. I am not specifying a content size so that it will make it its own size
If the view spans the entire width of the dayscrollview then it will show the popover below or above the tile, if the tile doesn't take up the whole width, the popover will take up the entire height and show next to the tile
is there a way to make it always span the entire height and overlay ontop of the tile that was tapped even if it spans the entire width?
@user1587368 the only examples I can find on how to use it to call a method in the same class. I though I'd just where it says self to the class name but I'm still getting an error.
I know it exits I wrote it myself, also the function I want to use is already being called when the device rotates. but the rotate observer is in the parent veiw already. but now I need to call that function on a button press that's inside of a child view.
hi. i want to display an ballon notification (like de one that is show in an app icon) inside the app, is there any class to do this, or i should do it?
no, but that's not the problem it rotates properly but I'm trying to make a button that will snap to a page I want that's what i'm not having luck on. I know what to do once the root view controller gets word to do so. that's how I fixed the problem in the article. my problem is with out rotating the device I don't know how to send a message back there.
so i have a movie exporter thing to add a image onto a video i recorded and it rotated the video when exported. i got it almost there its rotated but on the original theres like a 20-30 space on top and bottom and video in middle, after export i get fullscreen lol
i need a way to know when the view is popped, but its not a subclass and all answers is viewdiddisapear but a instance of uinavigationcontroller doesnt have viewdiddisappear?
@bot i need to know when its popped because i have a path, for basically a finder on ios of the documents. when popped i need to delete the last path extension to make it go back, like if theres 5 folders, need to go back on pop
ok i made a uitableview, it shows the contents of the documents folder. so if theres a folder, the data is now documents/folder, then push back and then click on something, well its not the right info now because the path is still in the folder. so i need to know when the navigationcontroller is popped or pushed
so i need to ether use some way, or uinavigationcontrollerdelegate to know if its being poped
so in your class that you are calling the uinavigationcontroller, set the uinavigationcontroller.delegate to self and add the method (BOOL)navigationBar:(UINavigationBar *)navigationBar shouldPopItem:(UINavigationItem *)item { }