@iHungry And they are in a ridiculously hard to find place....I had to go to iTunes connect, contract terms and banking, and click on the "request" button in the upper areas
Hi any of u know...idea abt this i have a text view some content while click the read button i want to read the that content like a audio @Ramshad @Radhika @R.Dewi @iHungry @itechnician @borrrden
@Abizern could you please help me out with this question for tableviewcell not responding to uibutton in editing mode http://stackoverflow.com/q/11754100/1312489
@DimplePanchal well i m using a tabcontroller containing 4 tabs having initialized with rootviewcontroller each and then now while navigating from one controller to another i was unable to catch viewwillappear event or default back button event
I have a problem where I can successfully push a new view controller from my root view controller (using the Navigation-based application using Core Data template), but the detail view, which is a separate xib file from the root view controller, doesn't display the back navigation button. I'm cer...
Does anyone know how to detect a touch and then save that position to display an image over the top there? Like a pointer so when someone taps a UIButon it overlays a touch marker?
@Marine, i don't have idea about apk.... but u need to first compile ur project in esclip and something have to run command on command line .. after that u can create android apk file