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if you want to show both view the use [upperView setAlpha: 0.7]
@VakulSaini it is also lightly visible...the upper view is a bar of certain width..the color of the bar is red...under that there is another view over which the bar is placed...the view below the bar has lines...so the bar should bear the minimum transparency, so that the lines of the underview are visible.
@Abizern hi
@keepsmiling - you can use alpha property of view
@VakulSaini hi
@ceacare - hi
@keepsmiling hi yes
could u know
@VakulSaini hi
@R.Dewi hi r u there
@VakulSaini thnks, vakul but this will allow us to add one link ryt ? if we want to add two links. can we do that ?
@ruyamonis346 hi
@iCrazyDev yes
@R.Dewi could u know multi user application
@Radhika i dont know, sorry :)
@R.Dewi k
@VakulSaini did you need any assistance
@R.Dewi hi
@ceacare hi
@Radhika s
@R.Dewi did u fixed that issue
@Radhika : Multiuser means kind of Chat app?
@iCrazyDev not yet
@Radhika were you from radhi
@iApple not like that
@R.Dewi ok let try this - (void)textViewDidChangeSelection:(UITextView *)aTextView {

NSRange rangeOfSelection = textView.selectedRange;
NSString *selectedText = [textView.text substringWithRange:rangeOfSelection];
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Selection Changed" message:selectedText delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
[alert show];
[alert release];
@ceacare hyd
@Radhika many are from hyd great
@ceacare hi
@Radhika how many app you have done
@R.Dewi to call delegate method
@Radhika hi..
@R.Dewi were you from Dewi
@ceacare two apps
@Radhika experiace
@Radhika great, which company you are working
@iCrazyDev what did you mean with that code? textviewdidChangeSelection is called when we move UITextview caret, or in the first time we touch the textview
@ceacare purple talk
@ceacare could u now simple multi user applicATION
@Abizern: hi
@Radhika you mean
but simple
@Abizern:i have one wifi network related issue in Ipad2. its working fine in IPad1.
@Radhika what kind of application would you like ? a calculator ?
@Radhika 2ways to use
I have not tried it yet ....but i think you can write the same line twice (line for link write twice) -
@Radhika - hi
@Abizern: the error shows "the operation could not be completed Socket is not connected code = 57"
@Radhika backend verify process or use apple center
@ceacare k
i come after 1 hour :-) lunch time
after 5 minutes while device is locked
@Radhika yes ?
@Radhika did you know any idea to work with blocking of calls
@Abizern: any idea? i have googled and found the curresponding post
@VakulSaini you are in an IT company..is it..??
hi any body know the get the images from server very fast by usingasynchronous download [email protected] @Ramshad @Radhika @iApple
@ceacare tell me any resources
@Radhika ok so, u r talking abt fb link ..
i tell u come to my chat room
@Radhika resources
hie again :)
@Radhika for each key we can set only one value
@Radhika i cont access the seperate room chat you have to ping me
@Radhika can i have gtalk
@DimplePanchal hi again
@Radhika check whether this will help in starting...??
@Abizern: are u there @Abizern:
@ceacare i have gmail k
@DimplePanchal hii
@ceacare Whats up?? @keepsmiling hi
@DimplePanchal can you resolve my issue to raise question in so
@Radhika id pls
@ceacare u give me send u mail
@Dimple whats up ?
@ceacare contact moderators
@Radhika arunramay
@keepsmiling nothing, just going on
@DimplePanchal how to contact
@DimplePanchal you are belongs to SO write can you tell and resolve this issue
@Radhika s
@DimplePanchal so hows your app going on..??..when is it to complete..??
@ceacare sorry I m not moderator, ask @Abizern or @iProgrammer
@keepsmiling I m free today :)
@DimplePanchal were shall i contact them in chat or someother way
@DimplePanchal great..that is why you here..??..nice nice..should have taken leave and gone somewhere to roam.
@ceacare here itself, check meta stack overflow
@DimplePanchal hows the weather at your place..??
@keepsmiling m in office
@keepsmiling Fine,
@DimplePanchal I know that...so I said...if no work then could have left for visiting some place..and fine means cool or hot..??..rainy or sunny ?
@DimplePanchal thanks dimple thanks for your guideline
@ceacare :) I didnt helped u.. That is out of my scope :)
@keepsmiling cool
@keepsmiling CLOUDY
@DimplePanchal ok r u ios developer
@ceacare yes
@DimplePanchal nice..which city ? mind telling..??..and cloudy is nice..hope it rains..you like rains,isn't it ?
@DimplePanchal great how many app you have done
@ceacare many,
@ceacare hi i sent u
@DimplePanchal: @Leena: @VakulSaini: @iApple: hi
@ceacare see once
hi @Ramshad
@Ramshad hi
@DimplePanchal: @Leena: @VakulSaini: @iApple: do u know how to implement beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler ?
Hello all
@Ramshad no idea
Good mornings
@Ramshad what is the matter with beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler ?
@Ramshad : Hello,sorry don't know about it.
@Ramshad no idea
@iApple hi
@iApple could u know multi user application
@DimplePanchal: @Leena: @VakulSaini: @iApple: @ilis: i have the following issue stackoverflow.com/questions/7866651/…
@Ramshad what problem are you facing..??..can you explain here?
I am back.
@iApple: @DimplePanchal: no probs :)
@Terminator hi
@Terminator welcome back after lunch.
@keepsmiling: @Terminator: i have the following issue stackoverflow.com/questions/7866651/…
@ilis: @keepsmiling: @Terminator: so i found the solution " Try implementing the beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler of UIApplication. This should give your app time to run in the background when the sleep/wake button sleeps the device"
i dont have any idea to implement beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler !!
@Ramshad so you wrote the code for beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler
@Ramshad ??
@keepsmiling: nope..
@Ramshad and can you implement it? If no there must be some sample codes with me, please say i shall share
@ilis hi
then wait a minute
@Radhika : What exactly you want to know ,any sample multiuser app?
@Radhika hi, how re you?
@ilis fine
@iApple yes
@Ramshad read the UIApplicationDelegate class reference. The delegate method that gets called when app goes to background.
@Ramshad if you want to start an iOS4 background task in an application that you want to run on earlier versions of iOS, then you'll need to use code like this:
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication]
UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier bgTask = [[UIApplication sharedApplication]

// Perform work that should be allowed to continue in background
@Ramshad try implementing this in your code.
@iApple are u there
@Radhika : To do list
@iApple u have any gtalk
@Radhika a bluetooth multiuser app will do ?
@keepsmiling: is in Appdelegate right?;
appDelegate class ?
@Ramshad here there is a good/easy tutorial for handling bacground process. You would do beter if you take a look at NSOperation or GCD async processes
@Radhika multiuser in what sense ? the multiusers should do what ?
@keepsmiling yes exectly
@Radhika : It's in my profile
@keepsmiling in aview we have 4 buttons 4 users are enter in to that app that is visible to every one once any button clicks
@Ramshad yes..use that and also put in one try catch block together with the same code which I gave.
@keepsmiling: sure
@keepsmiling: can i clarify some details ?
@Ramshad go on...but I don't have any idea of your app...and what it does.
@Radhika so you want it through bluetooth or wifi ?
@keepsmiling: it sending a string through wifi to another device
@keepsmiling wifi
@keepsmiling: through wifi
@keepsmiling: same as Apple developer WiTap app
@Ramshad ok.
@keepsmiling: so what should wrote "// Perform work that should be allowed to continue in background "
@keepsmiling: or i just put as it is ?
@Ramshad then..??...well why didn't you do all the development in latest versions..??
@Ramshad haha..man that is a comment.
@keepsmiling hi
@keepsmiling: taht i know :P is there any code i need to wrote ?
@Radhika haha...hii after a long chat...well thanks :)
@keepsmiling: to keep the Wifi connection while locking the app
@keepsmiling hmmm do u know multi user app
@keepsmiling tell me
@Radhika : Did you tried searching on Github?
@Ramshad include the code that i gave in your code to have something running in the background in the older version...and where the commenting has been done...there write the code which you want to put in background.
@iApple github means
@Ramshad make instances and use that code which you were trying to run in background.
@Vishal hi u have gmail
@Radhika ya..you want to make a game...which multiple people can play on wifi..??
@keepsmiling yes
@Radhika have you setup the wifi connectivity code in your app..??
@Radhika : It's a Repository for projects where you can search and find sample codes
@radhika..........u dont know github ?
@Vishal give me
@Radhika : github.com
@iApple k thanku
@Radhika why u asking me for gmail ??
@Vishal here multiple developers are discuss
i have some confusion
@Radhika The above screenshot is from Game Kit Framework. Is that useful to you?
@Vishal k k
@Radhika....give me your
@Vishal i sent u
@Terminator thanku
@iApple: ok :)
@iPhoneDeveloper : Worked with storyboard?
@iApple yes
Anybody familiar with Automator here
How to batch convert a pdf to png's ?
@sreecharan Nope
anybudy have explain me how zoom image with scrolling multiple images
@Radhika how many help you need radhika
@Vishal you mean double touch zooming..??
@Vishal two finger touch and drag zooming...is it..??
@Vishal then ?
@keepsmiling.....by pintch
@keepsmiling - YES
@MaxHasADHD It is 2:00 AM kid, are you still working ?
@Vishal that's what I am telling...you pinch using two fingers and then zoom by dragging both fingers apart.
its too hot
i cant sleep, and so i finally opened my window but i hate spiders so i cant sleep til its cool enough to close the window
@VakulSaini which comapny ?
iAppTechnologies @keepsmiling
so im jailbrekaing my phone, downgraded to 5.1.1... nothing better to do:/
@vishal so you want to implement that pinch zoom ?
stupid heat
Heat ? where are you in CA ?
@keepsmiling ya......but i want to scroll images also with zoom
@keepsmiling...ya but by this i can only zoom image
i want to scroll images also
@Vishal this code : UIImage *img = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle]
pathForResource:someImage ofType:@"jpg"]];
CGFloat scale;
if (scrollView.frame.size.width < scrollView.frame.size.height) // portrait
scale = scrollView.frame.size.width / img.size.width;
if (scrollView.frame.size.width > scrollView.frame.size.height) // landscape
scale = scrollView.frame.size.height / img.size.height;

imgView.frame = CGRectMake(scrollView.frame.origin.x, scrollView.frame.origin.y,
@Vishal otherwise this will definitely help : idevzilla.com/2010/10/04/uiscrollview-and-zoom
@keepsmiling...ya ok i get it........thank you for help
@Vishal you can also centre the image in there..check for it.
@keepsmiling Hello
@Vishal mention not.
@sanchitsingh hello
@keepsmiling need your help if you have few mins free with you
@sanchitsingh go on dear.
@MaxHasADHD kid, i know you are in CA, I am asking where in CA? Texas, LA,SFO where?
Q: How to use eraser before and after scaling of a image in objective-c iPhone?

sanchitsinghI am working on some image processing project where I need to implement eraser on a image. I have to also implement pinch effect to scale the image smaller or larger. Pinch is working nice. Eraser also works perfect If I dont scale the image by pinch. But when I use pinch and then use eraser. The...

oh sac
@keepsmiling are you there?
@sanchitsingh do you want to use eraser after the image is zoomed ?
@keepsmiling I want have implemented pinch to zoom and eraser
@keepsmiling both alone works perfect
@keepsmiling But if I use pinch first than eraser doesn not work good
@sanchitsingh: The problem youa re facing si due to the fact that you appear to be drawing in a pixel based format, i.e. each point on the screen is one point on the image. If you wish to have sharp edges whenever you zoom in and erase something or vice versa, you will need to look at a vector based method...
@keepsmiling but if use eraser first than pinch work good. What should I do?
@sreecharan hi
Either that or keep a copy of the image off screen, that stays at 100%, then apply all draw/erases to that at 1:1 scale, then re-create the image on screen from it
@sanchitsingh Pete C is right...going for eraser after having scaled the pixels will obviously blur your image.
@keepsmiling @PeteC please post this answer to the question which I post. So that I can show this to my senior
@PeteC good one...@sanchitsingh go with this..it would work fine..keeping a copy will work good...because then you will still be using the eraser but then recreating the image out of the erased one.
@sanchitsingh ask Pete C to reply on your question.
@iHungry hi
I will, just complaining to a solicitor right now. :(
@sam, hi ur name is samir?
@iHungry no....
@PeteC @keepsmiling when should I keep the copy?
@iHungry what happen
Hello @sam
@sanchitsingh: I am writing a reply now
@PeteC Ok
@PeteC It would be really greatfull if you can provide me some sample code also
@sreecharan is it possible to load some elements (textfield, button etc) on UIpopupViewcontroller....
@Hello All, Could you anyone please help me for this question:

@sanchitsingh as soon as a pinch gesture is observed.
@sanchitsingh i want to place with its bar ....
@sam, u can do anything in UIPopupviewcontroller
@sam @keepsmiling what you mean
@sanchitsingh Unfortunately I can't off the top of my head as I've never done this kind of work, but I can give you a pointer as tot he methodology
@PeteC Ok
@iHungry i try to load 1. view and textfield into that view.. but some how its not visible....
@sam Is it UIpopupViewcontroller or UIPopoverController? I haven't heard about UIpopupViewcontroller
@sanchitsingh as soon as you observe a pinch gesture...make a copy of the image and keep it.
@keepsmiling what is the benefit of that?
@sanchitsingh its UIPopoverController .... i made mistake there....
@sam what?
@sanchitsingh i try to create popoverviewcontroller for ipad... i load it on view.. its simple small window....
@sam, u need to load it forcefully
@all will come in 10 minutes.
@sam what should I do with that?
@iHungry i load all into the ViewDidLoad method
@Leena @iHungry @iPhoneDeveloper @VidyaMurthy how to download .ipa File(app) to ipad?
do you want to install @MUSTHAFA
@Leena hi leena
@Leena were you from
hi @ceacare
@Leena yes, i want to test app in device
@ceacare check SO profile for that
@Leena okay
@Leena any issue to troubleshoot
@MUSTHAFA You can put the IPA in the iTunes library and then sync with your iPad.
@MUSTHAFA double click on that ipa file then you can see you app on itunes on your MAc then sync your ipad with your itunes
@ceacare what
@sanchitsingh: I've replied, there's no code, but it should point you in the right direction :)
@iHungry @sreecharan any idea abt it
@Leena how many app you have done
@Leena just to know your experience
@ceacare on Aug 18 2 yrs will be completed
@Leena hands off great
@Leena how many app you have done
@Leena @Terminator what happend other application because i got alert " All existing apps and their data on the iPad “Deive” will be replaced with apps from this iTunes library."

pllease help me
@Arti: At first glance it looks like you're trying to access a secure server over an insecure connection, are you using http requests?
@DimplePanchal @ceacare Sorry. I'm not an SO moderator either.
@MUSTHAFA you can use TEstflight
@pe yes i want to access
@PeteC i want to access the google docs
@Leena what is TestFlight
@Arti: in your app, how are you connecting to the server?
wait a sec i give link
@MUSTHAFA You can turn off syncing in iTunes
@Arti i have commented your answer..please answer the question
@PeteC i have used the client library
@Ramshad how is it going-did you solve your issue?
@Arti: please answer iPhone Developer's question on SO
@PeteC as given in Gdata-objectivec-client
@jordan saavn.com
@PeteC thanks for the courtesy.. :)
@jordan heyyyyyyy
@sam, i don't know what are u doing ... but i know u can doing this forcefully calling if UIPopviewController not updated while loading ur data
Hey @iPhoneDeveloper
@sanchitsingh hey
i want to access google docs in my app , can any one help me to do that.Pleasesss
Hello @Abizern
@Leena hehehe thnx yr ..iska app download kra tha m ne awesome app
@Hector hi dude
@iPhoneDeveloper no worries ;)
A better, less round about way of asking what I wanted to ask lol
plz comment
@Leena :(( ye v block hai :(
@iPhoneDeveloper I need your help
@PeteC lol ok
@jordan kai se ho?
@sanchitsingh yes what issue do you have??
@Arti: Can you please reply to what we've said? I'll be less inclined to reply if you don't.
@Hector thek nai h bhai .... fever hai :((
@jordan ohhh
@PeteC i think it would be better to leave her question as she/he should be worried for the ansewr...not us...
Q: How to use eraser before and after scaling of a image in objective-c iPhone?

sanchitsinghI am working on some image processing project where I need to implement eraser on a image. I have to also implement pinch effect to scale the image smaller or larger. Pinch is working nice. Eraser also works perfect If I dont scale the image by pinch. But when I use pinch and then use eraser. The...

@sanchitsingh ok i am looking into it..
@iPhoneDeveloper: true enough, why didn't I write that comment on SO :p
@iHungry u r right... i am trying to change textfield value from that popup window... its my basic operation... i select one textfield on main view and popupview is open i load all into viewWillappear method ... but some how all components are not visible...
@PeteC :P
@sanchitsingh i think @PeteC has given the right answer..if you will try to erase after zooming,that will distort the pixels...so it is better to do it this way only...
@sanchitsingh if you need any help in coding then i can help you in that a bit..
@Abizern @Leena @Terminator ,If i sync ipad in itune already downloaded application will delete or not?
@leena @iPhoneDeveloper @Abizern @petec @MUSTHAFA : Can we turn iPhone's photo Gallery in landscape
@iPhoneDeveloper But I don't find any benefit of taking a copy of the image
@sreecharan Can we turn iPhone's photo Gallery in landscape
@iPhoneDeveloper What my client want is, to first scale the image as small and then erase the portion by soft touch
@MUSTHAFA @Abizern gave you a link try that

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