@VakulSaini I certainly do. He's annoyed a few people in here. He's also hiding under a different identity, because his real account got suspended for a year.
@VakulSaini I'd never annoyed anyone. They all think they are super genius and all others are fool. In real they are selfish, self-centered, arrogant etc etc.
@VakulSaini They have problem how do he code by himself, didn't ask questions to us. Those who ask questions they guide people with either Room FAQ or What have you tried?
@VakulSaini @NinjaTurtle @Ravikant @sreecharan @iHungry : I am trying with faceDetection app, I have used this piece of code to detect for the portrait mode NSDictionary* imageOptions = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:6] forKey:CIDetectorImageOrientation];
NSArray* features = [detector featuresInImage:image options:imageOptions]; with reference to this link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10023027/image-is-not-detected-if-taken-from-camera-using-uiimagepickercontrollersourcety/11560513#11560513, i have problem how can i do it for landscape mode
Is it possible to have the avatar show up when the system has a notification that says " battery low below 20%" like the normal system notification @sreecharan
i have some problem with that ..i can uplaod files from my application to drop box but now i want to upload folder from my application to dropbox . is this possible ?
I am trying with faceDetection app, I have used this piece of code to detect for the portrait mode NSDictionary* imageOptions = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:6] forKey:CIDetectorImageOrientation];
NSArray* features = [detector featuresInImage:image options:imageOptions]; with reference to this link stackoverflow.com/questions/…, i have problem how can i do it for landscape mode @Abizern @Apple @Ramshad @vikas
Also you are getting paid for solving problem: might I suggest you to drop your resignation letter and go do some other work that you are actually capable of?
Is it possible to have the avatar show up when the system has a notification that says " battery low below 20%" like the normal system notification @Abizern
@iYahoo I've seen your implementation but I can't find any documentation for the methods you are using such as featuresInImage:options I can only find featuresInImage:
i have some problem with dropbox API ..i can uplaod files from my application to drop box but now i want to upload folder from my application to dropbox . is this possible ?
@Leena This SDK is just scanning cards and papers, but this is not recognizing the letters in it, Any way i will try this to improvise it with the one which i have already with me, Never mind
@Leena I've searched, but most of them are only working with iPhone 4 and 4s, the Retina displays and focusing camera's, but not with any old crappy iPhone 3GS
Can anybody figure out how to fix this problem?? Assertion failure in -[UITableView _endCellAnimationsWithContext:], /SourceCache/UIKit/UIKit-1914.85/UITableView.m:878 CoreData: error: Serious application error. An exception was caught from the delegate of NSFetchedResultsController during a call to -controllerDidChangeContent:. attempt to insert row 0 into section 0, but there are only 0 rows in section 0 after the update with userInfo (null)
@Abizern:hi do you remember me..The question which we discussed on other day i found out the issue on my own..now can u find out answer for this..stackoverflow.com/questions/11612513/…?
I have successfully made a connection from an iPhone to a Server (which is a Windows machine) using TCP sockets. Currently, I'm using a button to execute the following code:
Socket *socket;
int port = 11005;
NSString *host = @"";
socket = [Socket socket];
@Abizern It's fine, I'll just use my singleton manager to pass variables from one view to another.. Not the 'best' practice but it'll get the job done :)
@VakulSaini:ok i can try that if i'm having a array of elements and it need to be displayed in each cell that is first arrayelement in first cell and second arrayelement in second cell...How can i do that..
Here i'm passing the ViewController's label text to SecondViewController's Label Text
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface ViewController : UIViewController
// please make your control on XIB set these IBOutlet's
//I'm not showing how to connect these with XIB
passing your string like this ... then will get it
First of all, thanks a lot for your help in this. Really appreciated.
Now, while there's obiously no clear-cut answer to this, here are a few tell-tale signs I can see. You already identified much of this yourself, and I agree with your reasoning so far. All of these are merely hints that should...
There isn't, as others have already said, such a thing as a private method in Objective-C. However, starting in Objective-C 2.0 (meaning Mac OS X Leopard, iPhone OS 2.0, and later) you can create a category with an empty name (i.e. @interface MyClass ()) called Class Extension. What's unique abou...
@Anjaly just use this method , and fix the range in it - (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string;
@ProgrammerForNow I believe you have the option to get an expedited review - but this is a one time only thing. It isn't documented, but I've heard of people who have used it in dire situations to get a fix through.
@ProgrammerForNow Yes. Have a look at your build phases | copy bundle resources. I think you'll see that your resources are all added in a subfolder
You may have been dragging folders around in Xcode and you managed to import a folder rather than a group. And a folder gets added into the bundle rather than at the top level of the resources.
@JackLawrence One adds a redraw request to the run loop. the other adds a repositioning request to the runloop. Repositioning is sometimes faster because the content is likely cached so doesn't need to be redrawn.
If layout isnt' changing, but content is changing, then calling setNeedsLayout is likely to be slower, but slower is relative.
@Abizern Interesting, thanks. I'm trying to lazy load thumbnails from disk into a tableview - I assumed that it was loading the images that was making it slow, but according to the time profiler I'm spending most of my time in some private UITableViewCell reload method :(