@borrrden , I am stuck with eraser issue from last few days. I have gone through many docs, but as you know, all the docs are not so detail, w.r.t drawing is concerned.
@iHungry @iPhoneDeveloper i want a countdown timer on each and every cell so when i turn on timer on one cell it has to show 100-99-98 and so on...in middle of this timer if i switch on any other timer so it should also run simultaneously....how to do it...?
@GauravGovilkar, try to make ur application working on only one thread..... now how u handle such scenarios those are ur logical part ... how u ca manege it
I am working with drawing project, as we know to draw something we need to get call this function, UIGraphicsGetCurrentcontext, So I am also calling it wherever, I need it, either its clear, or erase . What I am doin is in every function, I am calling it this way
CGContextRef context = UIGraphic...
@VakulSaini: nope. it may my communication issue . i am very poor in english :). i just mention that "i can use UIImagePicker instead of ALAsset to access all images from iPhonePhoto Library and show them on UIScrollView like iPhoneSimulator without writing the whole ALAsset code
@Borrrden - Yes, but I had to change few functions such as UIGraphicsBeginImageContext with UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.bounds.size, NO, 0.0f);
@VakulSaini: let consider, i didnt have the ALAsset object. i have only the url as a string("assets-library://asset/asset.JPG?id=CB22C6ED-533E-4826-92CE-8E0415BE48CA&ext=JPG"). i cant create a ALAsset object from this url
@VakulSaini: i didn't have the entire object. i mean the following "ALAsset - Type:Photo, URLs:{\n \"public.jpeg\" = \"assets-library://asset/asset.JPG?id=CB22C6ED-533E-4826-92CE-8E0415BE48CA&ext=JPG\";\n}",
@VakulSaini: you code will work fine. because you are directly getting/storing the ALAsset object at first time. then u can get the image using the ALAsset object.